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Yet another new ABer thread

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#1 Dangocat

  • 119 posts

Posted 15 February 2012 - 11:36 AM

So I know there are a ton of threads on Abrosia. I did try to search through them and read what seemed helpful, but I just have a few things I'd like some opinions on.

In my last post I said I didn't really want to cheat, but after reading the thread on why everyone cheats, it just seemed to make a lot of sense xP. I mostly just want to save time. I'm in my last year of university and I hate myself for starting neopets again. I was starting to get really focused after I quit WoW (I got banned after years of botting, finally) and now I'm just spending that time on neopets D=!

Anyways, I'm not THAT attached to my account, but it's always nice to be able to get away with cheating instead of getting caught. I do want to try to protect my main as best as I can...

That being said, I have been trying out Abrosia for 2 days so far.. just testing it out. I'm using a side that is 7+ years old so that I can AB at the AAAttic. However, I'm worried that my side was once linked to my main and that they could probably see that. I did change the email/name/removed the link to my side NOW. They used to share the same email/pw/name, and I had a link my lookup to my side (my main is only 2 months old though). I'm just wondering if that side is "tainted" now and considered unsafe because of previous ties to my main.

Also, I used to access both accs from the same computers/IPs. I now only access my main at home on my PC, and I access my AB account on my macbook through my school's VPN. So they're using different platforms/IPs/resolutions, etc. NOW.

1. Based on this info, should I create a new totally isolated acc, but give up access to the AAAttic, as well as having to wait for it to age a little bit? Or would you say it's safe considering my VPN/computer setup?

I also wanted to separate this side completely so I could play food club, since it's pointless to bet on my 2 month old main.

As for transferring items/np, I have yet to tackle that problem yet, and will have to figure that out down the line too. I did send my side 400k initially to start out, so that might be a bit obvious =/.

2. Also, does anyone know why my Codex Program manager randomly closes sometimes? Just annoying when it happens right after I go to sleep.

I read through Scot's guide to ABing, and he suggested sticking to one shop for 2 weeks, but since I don't have advanced, it is constantly switching shops.

3. Would it be better to create my own lists and stick to one shop at a time, or just let AB do its thing?

Anyways, I'm just new to this whole ABing thing. Any thoughts and ideas would be great :o! Sorry for so many questions. Hope you guys like reading :p

Here's what I've made ABing so far, which was in 2 days (~12 hours total, but probably less because it randomly quit twice when I was asleep).

Total items bought: 50
Total Est. Profit: 938k. The estimated prices tend to be overpriced, so probably more around 850k.

I also got an UB worth 250k, but it's not on my buy log. I really have no clue how I got it, or if I even AB'd it, but I'm assuming I did, so in total I've made around 1 mil in 2 days. That's probably getting lucky, since I got an UB worth 500k and sold it pretty quickly just putting it up for trade.

#2 Applepi

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Posted 15 February 2012 - 11:51 AM

1. you can buy a AAA shell here from someone (that way you have a completely separate shell that still has access to the AAA
2. not sure why its randomly closing, mine never does that.
3. depends on whatchu want. I've used lists as well as let Abrosia do its thing. lists are probably safer in that it looks more realistic but they require more work. Lately I've been letting my ABer run without a list but just a lower profits and it seems to be fine. You can use lists to divert abrosia to a shop and try and grab higher profit items but if you aren't looking for huge profits right away i dont find that it matters much. This is something you might want to ask other members about though.

just a thought... try to space out the amount of time you spend autobuying..i aim for 2 hrs on and 2 hrs off repeat two or three times. The scheduler function is pretty awesome in helping with this :)

#3 Junsu

  • 1566 posts

Posted 15 February 2012 - 11:53 AM

I would say that if there'd be a 75% chance of your main also being frozen if your side was caught.

1. Based on this info, should I create a new totally isolated acc, but give up access to the AAAttic, as well as having to wait for it to age a little bit? Or would you say it's safe considering my VPN/computer setup?

Yes. But you can always buy a 3year+ shell. I'd rather not risk it.

3. Would it be better to create my own lists and stick to one shop at a time, or just let AB do its thing?
Create your own list if you are not advanced

#4 Rainie

  • 854 posts

Posted 15 February 2012 - 11:56 AM

1. Based on this info, should I create a new totally isolated acc, but give up access to the AAAttic, as well as having to wait for it to age a little bit? Or would you say it's safe considering my VPN/computer setup?

I'd personally create/buy a different account if your current one has had interactions with your main, but it's up to you.

3. Would it be better to create my own lists and stick to one shop at a time, or just let AB do its thing?

I find that using restock lists is better since you can choose which shop you want to AB at and when I used lists (prior to my Advanced subscriptions) it generally got me more buys & quicker buy times
(Just remember that the order of the items in the list(s) matter though-- Abrosia will try to buy items at the top of the list when they restock before the ones lower down)

Edit: Aha whoops~ beat to answering as usual due to being distracted cx

Edited by Rainie, 15 February 2012 - 11:58 AM.

#5 Boggart

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Posted 15 February 2012 - 11:57 AM

My general advice is to always start off with a shell. Don't even transfer stuff till many many weeks/months until you get the feel of AB'ing. It sucks losing a good main 'cause you didn't know the difference between 1700MS and 170MS.

#6 Dangocat

  • 119 posts

Posted 15 February 2012 - 12:12 PM

1. you can buy a AAA shell here from someone (that way you have a completely separate shell that still has access to the AAA

3. depends on whatchu want. I've used lists as well as let Abrosia do its thing. lists are probably safer in that it looks more realistic but they require more work. Lately I've been letting my ABer run without a list but just a lower profits and it seems to be fine. You can use lists to divert abrosia to a shop and try and grab higher profit items but if you aren't looking for huge profits right away i dont find that it matters much. This is something you might want to ask other members about though.

just a thought... try to space out the amount of time you spend autobuying..i aim for 2 hrs on and 2 hrs off repeat two or three times. The scheduler function is pretty awesome in helping with this :)

Thanks for the reply. I'm not interested in spending real money on neopets. That's where I draw the line :(.

I have my profit set to 2500. It mostly buys multiples of low-profit items, with some decent items in between. Most of my profit came from the AAA. I might ask a RL friend if I can use her account, since she doesn't play.

I do try to space out my time ABing. I've been trying to keep it to 4hrs a day, but I've been letting it run a bit longer since I'm interested in testing it out. I haven't gotten RS banned yet, probably because my refresh time is at 8s minimum and I can't change that. I usually run it for 2.5-3 hrs at a time, 2 to 3 times a day with varying break in between (2-10 hrs in between).

I would say that if there'd be a 75% chance of your main also being frozen if your side was caught.

That's kind of disheartening but I'm glad to know that at least. I will try to find another account.

My general advice is to always start off with a shell. Don't even transfer stuff till many many weeks/months until you get the feel of AB'ing. It sucks losing a good main 'cause you didn't know the difference between 1700MS and 170MS.

But what if the shell has no nps? How do you get it to start off? My main is only 2 months, so it's not a huge deal. I"d be a bit upset at losing my trophies and pets, but I might be equally upset at losing AAA access on my side.

I can't buy at 170ms anyways since I can't change the minimum buy time :p. My fastest buy time is 1800ms, average is around 2500ms.


Also, my old main was frozen, but none of my sides were. Is this normal? They were all clearly linked together, and the reason I was frozen (I believe) was for entering the art gallery from multiple accounts (I got in 3 times for one day once, from 3 different accounts). Those other accounts are still around, and have the AG trophies on them. I gave them away so I don't have access anymore.

Edited by Dangobear, 15 February 2012 - 12:15 PM.

#7 Boggart

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Posted 15 February 2012 - 12:16 PM

But what if the shell has no nps? How do you get it to start off? My main is only 2 months, so it's not a huge deal. I"d be a bit upset at losing my trophies and pets, but I might be equally upset at losing AAA access on my side.

I can't buy at 170ms anyways since I can't change the minimum buy time :p. My fastest buy time is 1800ms, average is around 2500ms.

Well back in my day we had a working neopoint generator :p otherwise just start off slow. Especially if you're new to AB'ing, nothing wrong starting off in pharmacy which is super cheap. Even play a few games (or SS) so you look more legit. Then work your way up to AAA/magic or w/e. And honestly, if your shell gets frozen, just buy another. That's what shells are for :p At least until you understand the AB'ing process

Oh and I wasn't implying you didn't understand the difference. But when I first started I didn't understand the necessity of buy delay... lost a lot haha.

#8 jookeman

  • 7 posts

Posted 15 February 2012 - 06:33 PM

1. you can buy a AAA shell here from someone (that way you have a completely separate shell that still has access to the AAA
2. not sure why its randomly closing, mine never does that.
3. depends on whatchu want. I've used lists as well as let Abrosia do its thing. lists are probably safer in that it looks more realistic but they require more work. Lately I've been letting my ABer run without a list but just a lower profits and it seems to be fine. You can use lists to divert abrosia to a shop and try and grab higher profit items but if you aren't looking for huge profits right away i dont find that it matters much. This is something you might want to ask other members about though.

just a thought... try to space out the amount of time you spend autobuying..i aim for 2 hrs on and 2 hrs off repeat two or three times. The scheduler function is pretty awesome in helping with this :)

why would you space out the time? just asking :p

#9 Kass

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Posted 15 February 2012 - 06:41 PM

why would you space out the time? just asking :p

Its looks kind of suspicious RSing for 6 hours straight. Everyone needs breaks, we're human. Its good to space out the time so it looks less suspicious and also looks like you have a life XD

#10 Dangocat

  • 119 posts

Posted 16 February 2012 - 12:48 AM

I just RS'd a r99 :o

Should I just let it sit in my SDB for a few weeks? Does that make it less suspicious or something? =/
I haven't had time to find a shell yet.

#11 Rainie

  • 854 posts

Posted 16 February 2012 - 04:16 AM

I just RS'd a r99 :o

Should I just let it sit in my SDB for a few weeks? Does that make it less suspicious or something? =/
I haven't had time to find a shell yet.

Well you should probably (try to) sell it unless you're planning to transfer it to another account

#12 Dangocat

  • 119 posts

Posted 17 February 2012 - 07:14 AM

Well you should probably (try to) sell it unless you're planning to transfer it to another account

Yeah, I"m doing that now. I got a pretty amazing offer too of over 7mil :o

#13 Boggart

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 07:35 AM

Yeah, I"m doing that now. I got a pretty amazing offer too of over 7mil :o

Depending on what it is, I might take it. Some R99's are super hard to sell

#14 Dangocat

  • 119 posts

Posted 17 February 2012 - 10:54 PM

Depending on what it is, I might take it. Some R99's are super hard to sell

I've had more people interested in it than I expected. I didn't think I'd get any mails about it right away. That said, I don't really want to risk it being too hard to sell, since I'd probably only be selling to collectors and I imagine any serious collectors that would be willing to pay up would message me anyways.

Edit: I've made a few manual lists, but for some reason, whenever I try to use a manual list, Abrosia doesn't buy anything at all. It doesn't even go for items. It still goes to the Igloo/Attic so those are the only places I end up getting anything from. I have the right shop ID entered, and I don't think it's the format of my text file since I tried some lists that were uploaded here by other members and they don't work either.

Does anyone know why this is happening?

Edited by Dangobear, 18 February 2012 - 09:44 AM.

#15 maleaco

  • 11 posts

Posted 19 February 2012 - 01:55 AM

Thanks for the reply. I'm not interested in spending real money on neopets. That's where I draw the linePosted Image

I have my profit set to 2500. It mostly buys multiples of low-profit items, with some decent items in between. Most of my profit came from the AAA. I might ask a RL friend if I can use her account, since she doesn't play.

I do try to space out my time ABing. I've been trying to keep it to 4hrs a day, but I've been letting it run a bit longer since I'm interested in testing it out. I haven't gotten RS banned yet, probably because my refresh time is at 8s minimum and I can't change that. I usually run it for 2.5-3 hrs at a time, 2 to 3 times a day with varying break in between (2-10 hrs in between).

That's kind of disheartening but I'm glad to know that at least. I will try to find another account.

But what if the shell has no nps? How do you get it to start off? My main is only 2 months, so it's not a huge deal. I"d be a bit upset at losing my trophies and pets, but I might be equally upset at losing AAA access on my side.

I can't buy at 170ms anyways since I can't change the minimum buy time :p. My fastest buy time is 1800ms, average is around 2500ms.


Also, my old main was frozen, but none of my sides were. Is this normal? They were all clearly linked together, and the reason I was frozen (I believe) was for entering the art gallery from multiple accounts (I got in 3 times for one day once, from 3 different accounts). Those other accounts are still around, and have the AG trophies on them. I gave them away so I don't have access anymore.

Whats your connection speed?

#16 Kcorj2244

  • 10 posts

Posted 19 February 2012 - 04:57 AM

Just be careful about refresh times.

#17 Dangocat

  • 119 posts

Posted 19 February 2012 - 05:30 PM

Whats your connection speed?

Posted Image

I think that's pretty good? Yay for cheap but awesome student internet plans xD

Just be careful about refresh times.

My refresh time is 8-10s, how's that? I haven't been RS banned yet. My buy times are 1660-13000 ms, with average of 3600ms

But PLEASE, does anyone know why it won't buy using manual lists? I'd really love to figure this out ASAP since I'm not comfortable letting AB jump from shop to shop. And there are certain shops I like better of course.

Edited by Dangobear, 19 February 2012 - 05:32 PM.

#18 HanVan

  • 10 posts

Posted 19 February 2012 - 05:49 PM

I am still fairly new here but, manual lists seem to work just fine for me.

How are you putting them together?

There is a post somewhere around that explains a way using notepad++ I use that mostly with a few tweaks to make lists.

#19 Dangocat

  • 119 posts

Posted 19 February 2012 - 06:00 PM

I am still fairly new here but, manual lists seem to work just fine for me.

How are you putting them together?

There is a post somewhere around that explains a way using notepad++ I use that mostly with a few tweaks to make lists.

I use the item DB to sort by profit, and they look something like this (excerpt):

Lenny Cookbook
Defenders Of Neopia Battle Log
Bruces Guide to Combat Eating
Chia Quotes
Baking Chocolate Korbats
Joy of Jelly Kaus
Shenkuu Hiking
Kau Pastures
Pteri Pop-Up Book

I've also tried using manual lists that have been uploaded by other people, and they dont work either, so I don't think it's a problem with the list format. Something else must be stopping it? I have no clue.

Edit: and yes, I saw that guie on using notepad++ to make lists, but I have no interest in using lists that aren't sorted by profit (or outdated), so I make my own.

Edited by Dangobear, 19 February 2012 - 06:01 PM.

#20 HanVan

  • 10 posts

Posted 19 February 2012 - 06:09 PM

I do sort them by profit using the same technique (sort of) I just don't do the 2nd? bit where it lines it up alphabetically.

I use the find and replace function to replace eg profit: with nothing same with NP, then the numbers (tricky on some lists)

It is not a perfect solution but it works. :)

#21 Dangocat

  • 119 posts

Posted 19 February 2012 - 06:11 PM

I do sort them by profit using the same technique (sort of) I just don't do the 2nd? bit where it lines it up alphabetically.

I use the find and replace function to replace eg profit: with nothing same with NP, then the numbers (tricky on some lists)

It is not a perfect solution but it works. :)

Hmm, I'll have to play around with that next time I make a list. But I won't be making any more until I figure out how to get them to even work :(

Are you able to use find/replace to get rid of all the profit/np lines quickly?

#22 HanVan

  • 10 posts

Posted 19 February 2012 - 06:26 PM

sure 5 mins or so? find replace profit: with nothing then the commas then NP etc. it all goes away.

If i could just figure a way to get rid of the 3 usually blank lines between each item. it would be perfect.

I am not sure how much the blank lines in the list actually impact it's speed if at all tho?

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