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Altador Plot Autocompleter

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304 replies to this topic

#276 scarbunnies

  • 78 posts

Posted 04 September 2015 - 02:37 PM

I used this program all the time before. The problem occurred today that I can't use it anymore. When I opened the file, it quickly closed the program within one second. How to fix it? 


#277 Ghartun

  • 233 posts

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Posted 04 September 2015 - 08:50 PM

I used this program all the time before. The problem occurred today that I can't use it anymore. When I opened the file, it quickly closed the program within one second. How to fix it? 


I have a problem too, mine is closing after "setting your NP to 431".

#278 Neox76

  • 14 posts

Posted 09 September 2015 - 03:08 AM

There are no outputs, the console keeps being black... maybe because I'm using windows 10 ?

#279 ninjaweeb

  • 91 posts

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 12:29 PM

Worked for me! :) Manually had to do the NP part, but that wasn't a big deal at all. Also had to restart at flipping the switches, but after that it was very quick until it was finished. THANK YOU 

#280 MysteryMunch

  • 53 posts

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Posted 06 June 2016 - 11:41 AM

This isn't working for me either. I have Windows 7. The program opens, displays some kind of error message, then closes. I can't read the error message because it closes too quickly.

#281 GetJinxed

  • Reckless Cheater

  • 1423 posts

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Posted 06 June 2016 - 11:52 AM

This isn't working for me either. I have Windows 7. The program opens, displays some kind of error message, then closes. I can't read the error message because it closes too quickly.


On the folder you have the program at do the following : Hold your Shift key and right click and choose "open command window here" then drag the program to the command line window and run it. That way you can see the error it throws


Also make sure you're running this script here : http://www.neocodex....r/#entry1729690


It still works but you may need to run it a few times as it will get some errors when completing the whole plot

Edited by GetJinxed, 06 June 2016 - 11:54 AM.

#282 MysteryMunch

  • 53 posts

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Posted 09 June 2016 - 08:12 AM

C:\Users\Username\Documents\Neo Folder>"C:\Users\Username\Documents\Neo Folder\altador.e
C:/Users/Username/AppData/Local/Temp/ocr1A0B.tmp/src/altador.rb:4:in `eval': (eval):
1: syntax error, unexpected '<' (SyntaxError)
<!DOCTYPE html>
(eval):2: syntax error, unexpected '<'
<html lang=en>
(eval):3: syntax error, unexpected '<'
  <meta charset=utf-8>
(eval):4: syntax error, unexpected '<'
  <meta name=viewport content="i...
(eval):4: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting keyword_do or '{' or '
  <meta name=viewport content="initial-scale=1, minimum-sc...
(eval):5: syntax error, unexpected '<'
  <title>Error 404 (Not Found)!!1</title>
(eval):5: syntax error, unexpected tINTEGER, expecting keyword_do or '{' or '('
  <title>Error 404 (Not Found)!!1</title>
        from C:/Users/Username/AppData/Local/Temp/ocr1A0B.tmp/src/altador.rb:4:in `<

C:\Users\Username\Documents\Neo Folder>

Well, that doesn't tell me much... but at least I can read it now.

Edited by MysteryMunch, 09 June 2016 - 08:12 AM.

#283 GetJinxed

  • Reckless Cheater

  • 1423 posts

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Posted 09 June 2016 - 08:58 AM

C:\Users\Username\Documents\Neo Folder>"C:\Users\Username\Documents\Neo Folder\altador.e
C:/Users/Username/AppData/Local/Temp/ocr1A0B.tmp/src/altador.rb:4:in `eval': (eval):
1: syntax error, unexpected '<' (SyntaxError)
<!DOCTYPE html>
(eval):2: syntax error, unexpected '<'
<html lang=en>
(eval):3: syntax error, unexpected '<'
  <meta charset=utf-8>
(eval):4: syntax error, unexpected '<'
  <meta name=viewport content="i...
(eval):4: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting keyword_do or '{' or '
  <meta name=viewport content="initial-scale=1, minimum-sc...
(eval):5: syntax error, unexpected '<'
  <title>Error 404 (Not Found)!!1</title>
(eval):5: syntax error, unexpected tINTEGER, expecting keyword_do or '{' or '('
  <title>Error 404 (Not Found)!!1</title>
        from C:/Users/Username/AppData/Local/Temp/ocr1A0B.tmp/src/altador.rb:4:in `<

C:\Users\Username\Documents\Neo Folder>

Well, that doesn't tell me much... but at least I can read it now.



Copy this code and save it as altador.rb

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'cgi'
require 'net/http'

class Array #nitrowuzhear #cellos #hashtag
  def +(other) 
    (0...self.size).map { |i| self[i] + other[i] }

def get(url)
  sleep Delay
  Conn.get(url, Headers).body

def post(url, data = {})
  sleep Delay
  data = data.is_a?(String) ? data : data.zip.flatten(1).map { |e| e * '=' } * '&'
  Conn.post(url, data, Headers)

def plot(which, spellbook = false)
  data = get STAR_DATA
  coords = data.split(':')[0].split('|').map { |d| d.split(',')[0..1].map &:to_i }
  map = {
    'sleeper'   => [[0, 0], [40, -30], [80, -60], [120, -60], [160, -30], [200, 0]],
    'dreamer'   => [[0, 0], [60, -20], [120, 0], [130, 40], [190, 60], [110, -90]],
    'rise'      => [[0, 0], [20, 60], [80, 80], [160, 0], [140, -60], [80, -80]],
    'farmer'    => [[0, 0], [140, -30], [10, -80], [120, -60], [160, -70], [80, 60]],
    'dancer'    => [[0, 0], [60, -30], [120, 0], [0, 140], [60, 170], [120, 140]],
    'wave'      => [[0, 0], [50, 70], [170, 40], [200, 0], [190, -90], [140, -10]],
    'gladiator' => [[0, 0], [70, 30], [140, 0], [40, -120], [70, -140], [100, -120]],
    'collector' => [[0, 0], [10, -50], [100, -130], [100, 10], [190, -50], [200, 0]],
    'thief'     => [[0, 0], [40, 40], [20, -40], [40, -80], [-50, -10], [-60, 120]],
    'gatherer'  => [[0, 0], [40, -70], [-30, -140], [10, -200], [110, -170], [120, -90]],
    'protector' => [[0, 0], [-70, 0], [70, 0], [0, -70], [0, 70], [-130, 90]],
    'hunter'    => [[0, 0], [10, -140], [120, -60], [160, -190], [170, -20], [200, 0]]
  connect = {
    'sleeper'   => [[0, 1], [1, 2], [3, 4], [4, 5]],
    'dreamer'   => [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [5]],
    'rise'      => [[0, 1], [1, 2], [3, 4], [4, 5]],
    'farmer'    => [[0, 1], [1, 5], [1, 4], [2, 3], [3, 4]],
    'dancer'    => [[0, 1], [1, 2], [3, 4], [4, 5]],
    'wave'      => [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5]],
    'gladiator' => [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 5], [3, 4], [4, 5], [0, 3]],
    'collector' => [[0, 1], [0, 3], [2, 3], [3, 5], [4, 5]],
    'thief'     => [[0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 4], [1, 5], [2, 3], [4, 5]],
    'gatherer'  => [[0, 1], [2, 3], [2, 5], [3, 4], [4, 5]],
    'protector' => [[0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [0, 4], [1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 3], [2, 4], [5]],
    'hunter'    => [[0, 1], [0, 4], [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 4], [3, 4], [4, 5]]
  found = coords.map do |c|
    (seek = map[which].map { |m| m + c }).all? { |k| coords.include? k } ? seek : nil

  x = found.map { |f| f[0] }.reduce(:+).abs
  x = x.to_s.split(//).map(&:to_i).reduce(:+) if x > 99
  y = found.map { |f| f[1] }.reduce(:+).abs
  y = y.to_s.split(//).map(&:to_i).reduce(:+) if y > 99
  return [x, y] if spellbook

  qs = connect[which].map { |e| [e, e.reverse].uniq }.flatten(1).map do |c|
    c.map { |i| found[i] * ',' } * ';'
  end * '|'
  get PLOT_DATA + CGI.escape(qs)

username = (print 'Username: '; gets.chomp)
password = (print 'Password: '; gets.chomp)
puts "\nProxy is of the form #.#.#.#:#, leave blank for none."
proxy = (print 'Proxy: '; gets.chomp)
puts "\nYou should use your actual User-Agent if playing on your own IP address."
puts 'Using Chrome 32.0 (Windows) user agent.'
user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1667.0 Safari/537.36"
puts "\nHow long should the program wait (in seconds) between requests?"
puts 'Currently delay is 2 seconds to make it look more legit. You can use 0, but >=2 is recommended.'
Delay = 2

if proxy.empty?
  Conn = Net::HTTP.start('www.neopets.com')
  Conn = Net::HTTP::Proxy(*proxy.split(':')).start('www.neopets.com')

Headers = {'User-Agent' => user_agent.empty? ? 'Mozilla/5.001 (windows; U; NT4.0; en-US; rv:1.0) Gecko/25250101' : user_agent}
resp = post '/login.phtml', 'username' => username, 'password' => password
cookie = resp.get_fields('Set-Cookie').map { |c| c.split(';')[0] } * ';'
Headers['Cookie'] = cookie

ARCHIVES    = '/altador/archives.phtml'
ARCHIVIST   = '/altador/archives.phtml?archivist=1'
BANK        = '/process_bank.phtml'
BASEMENT    = '/altador/hallofheroes.phtml?basement=1'
CLOUDS      = '/altador/clouds.phtml'
COLOSSEUM   = '/altador/colosseum.phtml'
COUNCIL     = '/altador/council.phtml'
DOCKS       = '/altador/docks.phtml'
DONNY       = '/winter/brokentoys.phtml'
FARM        = '/altador/farm.phtml'
GET_BOOK    = '/altador/archives.phtml?archivist=1&get_book=1&acpcont=1'
GET_ROCK    = '/altador/quarry.phtml?get_rock=1&acpcont=1'
HALL        = '/altador/hallofheroes.phtml'
JANITOR     = '/altador/hallofheroes.phtml?janitor=1'
PETPET      = '/altador/petpet.phtml?ppheal=1'
PLOT_DATA   = '/altador/astro.phtml?star_submit='
PUSH_BUTTON = '/altador/hallofheroes.phtml?janitor=1&push_button=1'
QUARRY      = '/altador/quarry.phtml'
SHOP        = '/objects.phtml?type=shop&obj_type='
STAIRS      = '/altador/hallofheroes.phtml?stairs=1'
STAR_DATA   = '/altador/astro.phtml?get_star_data=1'
TOMB        = '/altador/tomb.phtml'
VIEW_STATUE = '/altador/hallofheroes.phtml?view_statue_id='
WALL        = '/altador/wall.phtml'

step_finder = {
  'begin'          => "I'm Finneus",
  'get_book'       => "perhaps there's a book",
  'replace_book'   => "stabilise this table",
  'get_oil'        => "would someone print",
  'join_astro'     => "opened?  What a marvel!",
  'sleeper_act'    => "you've joined the Astronomy Club",
  'sleeper_plot'   => "front of that old tomb?",
  'dreamer_act'    => "Her eyes, in fact?",
  'dreamer_plot'   => "floating in the clouds?",
  'rise_act'       => "seems to concern Psellia",
  'rise_plot'      => "conspires to bring us wisdom",
  'farmer_act'     => "Ah, Siyana.",
  'farmer_plot'    => "in a pattern of wheat",
  'dancer_act'     => "bringing us foodstuffs",
  'dancer_plot'    => "underground dancing establishment",
  'wave_act'       => "those dancing ruffians",
  'wave_plot'      => "And the waves, too",
  'gladiator_act'  => "revealed by the sea",
  'gladiator_plot' => "on a drinking vessel?",
  'collector_act'  => "And found at the Colosseum",
  'collector_plot' => "an item relating to money",
  'thief_act'      => "suspected: Gordos",
  'thief_plot'     => "my poor Meepit plushie",
  'find_petpet'    => "constellation found on a dagger",
  'gatherer_act'   => "What a poor little Vaeolus!",
  'gatherer_plot'  => "get back to his owner",
  'protector_act'  => "Gatherer, protector of Petpets",
  'protector_plot' => "someone with nothing to hide",
  'open_ceiling'   => "we come to Jerdana",
  'basement'       => "We may as well get this over with.",
  'hunter_act'     => "probably isn't in the same",
  'hunter_plot'    => "but simple physical mechanics",
  'book_of_ages'   => "each of the twelve Heroes",
  'spellbook'      => "I'd overlooked that drawing of",
  'finish'         => "well-deserved vacation"

puts 'Determining your current step...'
status = get(ARCHIVIST)[/<IMG.+?altador.+?DIV><BR>(.+?)<cen/, 1]
steps = step_finder.keys
current = steps.find { |s| status.include? step_finder[s] }
steps.shift steps.index(current)

while step = steps.shift
  case step
  when 'begin'
    post "#{PUSH_BUTTON}&acpcont=1"
    puts 'Pushed button.'

  when 'get_book'
    post GET_BOOK
    puts 'Got book.'

  when 'replace_book'
    post GET_BOOK
    post GET_ROCK
    puts 'Got rock.'
    post GET_BOOK
    puts 'Replaced book.'

  when 'get_oil'
    puts 'Finding the oil...'
    get HALL
    html = get JANITOR
    unless html[/put some on the button/]
      get PUSH_BUTTON
      statue, oil_link = rand(1..12), nil
      puts "Refreshing statue #{statue}..."
      until (oil_link = html[/action='(.+?soh=.+?)'/, 1])
        html = get "#{VIEW_STATUE}#{statue}"
      get oil_link
    puts 'Oiled the statue.'
    post "#{PUSH_BUTTON}&acpcont=1"

  when 'join_astro'
    post ARCHIVES, 'board' => 6, 'join_club' => 1
    puts 'Joined the Astronomy Club.'

  when 'sleeper_act'
    html = get TOMB
    get html[/href="([^<>]+?thv=.+?)"/, 1]
    puts 'Activated the Sleeper constellation.'

  when 'sleeper_plot'
    plot 'sleeper'
    puts 'Plotted the Sleeper constellation.'

  when 'dreamer_act'
    html = get CLOUDS
    get html[/href="([^<>]+?chv=.+?)"/, 1]
    puts 'Activated the Dreamer constellation.'

  when 'dreamer_plot'
    plot 'dreamer'
    puts 'Plotted the Dreamer constellation.'

  when 'rise_act'
    html = get TOMB
    get html[/href="([^<>]+?acvhv=.+?)"/, 1]
    html = get "#{VIEW_STATUE}11"
    html = get html[/href="([^<>]+?vwhv=.+?)"/, 1]
    get html[/href="([^<>]+?rhv=.+?)"/, 1]
    puts 'Activated the First to Rise constellation.'

  when 'rise_plot'
    plot 'rise'
    puts 'Plotted the First to Rise constellation.'

  when 'farmer_act'
    html = get FARM
    html = get html[/href="([^<>]+?windmill=.+?)"/, 1]
    html = get html[/href="([^<>]+?umhv=.+?)"/, 1]
    html = get html[/href="([^<>]+?vfhv=.+?)"/, 1]
    get html[/href="([^<>]+?wfhv=.+?)"/, 1]
    puts 'Activated the Farmer constellation.'

  when 'farmer_plot'
    plot 'farmer'
    puts 'Plotted the Farmer constellation.'

  when 'dancer_act'
    html = get "#{ARCHIVES}?board=7"
    get html[/href="([^<>]+?swhv=.+?)"/, 1]
    puts 'Activated the Dancer constellation.'

  when 'dancer_plot'
    plot 'dancer'
    puts 'Plotted the Dancer constellation.'

  when 'wave_act'
    html = get DOCKS
    get html[/href="([^<>]+?wchv=.+?)"/, 1]
    puts 'Activated the Wave constellation.'

  when 'wave_plot'
    plot 'wave'
    puts 'Plotted the Wave constellation.'

  when 'gladiator_act'
    get "#{ARCHIVES}?board=6"
    puts 'Got a broken astrolabe.'
    html = get DONNY
    get (url = html[/href="([^<>]+?repair_id=.+?)"/, 1])
    post DONNY, 'repair_id' => url.split('=')[1], 'confirm' => 1
    puts 'Fixed the broken astrolabe.'

    html = get COLOSSEUM
    puts 'Finding the Punch Club Grarrl...'
    links = html.scan(/href="([^<>]+?pchv=.+?)"/).flatten.shuffle
    html, arch = '487738fe33.gif', 0
    while html.include? '487738fe33.gif'
      puts "Trying arch ##{arch += 1}..."
      html = get($punch_club = links.pop)
    puts 'Found him! Going to Punch Club...'
    html = get "#{$punch_club}&pc_go=1"
    bowls, found = html.scan(/punch1=(.+?)"/), nil
    puts '27 bowl combinations, this might take a bit...'
    found = nil
    [*(0..26)].shuffle.each_with_index do |n, c|
      puts "Trying combination ##{c + 1}..."
      qs, perm = [], [n / 9, n / 3 % 3, n % 3].map { |i| bowls[i] }
      perm.each_with_index { |p, i| qs << "punch#{i + 1}=#{p[0]}"}
      html = get "#{$punch_club}&pc_go=1&#{qs * '&'}"
      break if (found = html[/href="([^<>]+?gchv=.+?)"/, 1])
    html = get found
    get html[/href="([^<>]+?olhv=.+?)"/, 1]
    puts 'Activated the Gladiator constellation... finally.'

  when 'gladiator_plot'
    plot 'gladiator'
    puts 'Plotted the Gladiator constellation.'

  when 'collector_act'
    found = nil
    (94..96).each do |id|
      html = get "#{SHOP}#{id}"
      cur = html[/inventory.phtml">(.+?)</, 1].gsub(/[^\d]/, '').to_i
      amount = html[/at <b>(.+?)%</, 1].gsub('.', '').to_i
      if cur != amount
      	puts "You have #{cur} NP right now."
        puts "Setting your NP to #{amount}..."
        post BANK, 'type' => (cur < amount ? 'withdraw' : 'deposit'), 'amount' => (cur - amount).abs
      html = get "#{SHOP}#{id}"
      break if (found = html[/href="([^<>]+?gohv=.+?)"/, 1])
    get found
    puts 'Activated the Collector constellation.'

  when 'collector_plot'
    plot 'collector'
    puts 'Plotted the Collector constellation.'

  when 'thief_act'
    puts 'Lots of jumping around for the Meepit part, might take a bit...'
    get "#{ARCHIVES}?lclenny=1"
    html = get ARCHIVIST
    html = get html[/href="([^<>]+?distract=.+?)"/, 1]
    get html[/href="([^<>]+?steal=.+?)"/, 1]
    get "#{ARCHIVES}?lclenny=1"
    html = get ARCHIVES
    html = get html[/href="([^<>]+?goarch=.+?)"/, 1]
    3.times { html = get html[/href="([^<>]+?cmhv=.+?)"/, 1] }
    html = get (url = html[/href="([^<>]+?closet=.+?)"/, 1])
    post ARCHIVES, 'closet' => url.split('=')[-1], 'hide_box' => 1
    html = get ARCHIVIST
    html = get html[/href="([^<>]+?distract=.+?)"/, 1]
    get html[/href="([^<>]+?steal=.+?)"/, 1]
    html = get "#{ARCHIVES}?lclenny=1&acpcont=1"
    get html[/href="([^<>]+?rdhv=.+?)"/, 1]
    puts 'Activated the Thief constellation.'

  when 'thief_plot'
    plot 'thief'
    puts 'Plotted the Thief constellation.'
    get "#{ARCHIVES}?board=7"

  when 'find_petpet'
    puts 'Looking for the Vaeolus...'
    [FARM, DOCKS, QUARRY].each do |loc|
      found = get(loc)[/href="([^<>]+?pphv=.+?)"/, 1]
      get("/altador/#{found}") if found

  when 'gatherer_act'
    puts 'Vaeolus-curing time.'
    get PETPET
    html = get "#{ARCHIVES}?board=5"
    if (url = html[/href="([^<>]+?bmhv=.+?)"/, 1])
      get "#{url}&acpcont=1"
      puts 'Got medicine.'
    if $punch_club
      puts 'Remembered Punch Club arch from last time.'
      html = get COLOSSEUM
      puts 'Gotta find the Punch Club arch...'
      links = html.scan(/href="([^<>]+?pchv=.+?)"/).flatten.shuffle
      html, arch = '487738fe33.gif', 0
      while html.include? '487738fe33.gif'
        puts "Trying arch ##{arch += 1}..."
        html = get($punch_club = links.pop)
      puts 'Found it!'
    html = get "#{$punch_club}&pc_go=1"
    if (url = html[/href="([^<>]+?sphv=.+?)"/, 1])
      get "#{url}&acpcont=1"
      puts 'Got blueberry pie.'
    tomb = get(TOMB)[/href="([^<>]+?tehv=.+?)"/, 1]
    html, i = 'dc697034c4.gif', 0
    puts 'Refreshing at the blob...'
    while html.include? 'dc697034c4.gif'
      html = get tomb
      if (i += 1) > 35
        have_bandage = true
        puts 'I guess you already have it.'
    unless have_bandage
      html = get (url = html[/href="([^<>]+?gbhv=.+?)"/, 1])
      puts "Got bandage."
      get "#{url}&acpcont=1"
    html = get PETPET
    until html.include? 'b1022d8a5a.gif'
      act = html[/act_(.)/, 1]
      links = html.split('300"')[1].split('<c')[0].scan(/href="(.+?)"/).flatten
      html = get (url = links['bacd'.index(act)])
      puts case act
        when 'a' then 'Bandaged the Vaeolus.'
        when 'b' then 'Fed the Vaeolus.'
        when 'c' then 'Medicated the Vaeolus.'
        else 'Waited for the Vaeolus.'
      delay = 60 - html[/ns = (\d+)/, 1].to_i
      puts "Sleeping for #{delay} seconds..."
      sleep delay
      puts "after sleep"
      html = get html.split('300"')[1].split('<c')[0].scan(/href="(.+?)"/).flatten[-1]
    get html[/href="([^<>]+?pchv=.+?)"/, 1]
    puts 'Activated the Gatherer constellation.'
    get "#{ARCHIVES}?board=6"

  when 'gatherer_plot'
    plot 'gatherer'
    puts 'Plotted the Gatherer constellation.'

  when 'protector_act'
    html = get QUARRY
    html = get WALL
    html = get html[/href="([^<>]+?sdhv=.+?)"/, 1]
    html = get(url = html[/href="([^<>]+?tnhv=.+?)"/, 1])
    get "#{url}&acpcont=1"
    get FARM
    switches, i = %w[r1v1 r1v2 r2v3 r2v4 r2s1 r3s2 r3s3 r3s4], 0
    puts 'Gonna throw a whole bunch of switches, this will take a while...'
    until html.include? '611538397c.gif'
      s, i = switches.sample, i + 1
      html = get "/altador/plant.phtml?room=#{s[1]}&act=#{s}"
      puts '.' * (i / 10) if i % 10 == 0
    puts 'Done throwing switches.'
    html = get WALL
    html = get html[/href="([^<>]+?sdhv=.+?)"/, 1]
    html = get html[/href="([^<>]+?tnhv=.+?)"/, 1]
    html = get html[/href="([^<>]+?olhv=.+?)"/, 1]
    puts 'Activated the Protector constellation.'

  when 'protector_plot'
    resp = plot 'protector'
    puts 'Plotted the Protector constellation.'

  when 'open_ceiling'
    html = get STAIRS
    trip = html[/"trip" value="(.+?)"/, 1]
    html = post(HALL, 'trip' => trip).body
    get html[/href="([^<>]+?hohv=.+?)"/, 1]
    puts 'Opened the roof.'

  when 'basement'
    get JANITOR
    get BASEMENT
    puts 'Activated the basement.'

  when 'hunter_act'
    html = get QUARRY
    if (url = html[/href="([^<>]+?brhv=.+?)"/, 1])
      html = get url
      post QUARRY, 'brhv' => url.split('=')[1], 'go_buy_rock' => 1
      puts 'Bought a rock.'
    get JANITOR
    get "#{BASEMENT}&gear=0"
    get HALL
    get "#{BASEMENT}&gear=0"
    html = get QUARRY
    if (url = html[/href="([^<>]+?trhv=.+?)"/, 1])
      html = get url
      html = get html[/href="([^<>]+?srhv=.+?)"/, 1]
      html = get html[/href="([^<>]+?gthv=.+?)"/, 1]
      puts 'Got another rock. You so silly, JubJubs.'
    html = get "#{ARCHIVES}?board=1"
    html = get "#{ARCHIVES}?board=1&circus=1"
    html = get "#{ARCHIVES}?board=1&juggle=1"
    html = get QUARRY
    if (url = html[/href="([^<>]+?jjhv=.+?)"/, 1])
      html = get url
      post QUARRY, 'jjhv' => url.split('=')[1], 'r3hv' => html[/"r3hv" value="(.+?)"/, 1]
      puts 'Got the third rock.'
    puts "Time to jam some gears."
      html, offset, gears = '', 0, [*(0..9)].shuffle
      until html[/MAP/]
        gear = gears.pop
        get "#{BASEMENT}&gear=#{gear}"
        html = get PUSH_BUTTON
        if html[/stupid rocks and such/]
          puts 'The Janitor reset the roof. Trying again...'
          raise ArgumentError
        moved = html[/_r(\d+)_/, 1].to_i / 5
        if (4..6) === moved - offset
          offset += moved
          puts "Gear #{gear} was a success."
          puts "We don't need gear #{gear}."
          get "#{BASEMENT}&gear=#{gear}"
    rescue ArgumentError
    get html[/href="([^<>]+?olhv=.+?)"/, 1]
    puts 'Activated the Hunter constellation.'

  when 'hunter_plot'
    plot 'hunter'
    puts 'Plotted the Hunter constellation.'

  when 'book_of_ages'
    html = get "#{ARCHIVIST}&examine_book=1&view_page=53"
    get html[/href="([^<>]+?dfhv=.+?)"/, 1]
    puts "Clicked the Darkest Faerie's flame hands."

  when 'spellbook'
    html = get ARCHIVES
    html = get html[/href="([^<>]+?goarch=.+?)"/, 1]
    url = html[/href="([^<>]+?cmhv=.+?)"/, 1]
    x, y = plot 'sleeper', true
    html = get url.gsub(/arcx=\d+&arcy=\d+/, "arcx=#{x}&arcy=#{y}")
    puts 'Found your archive room, now to find the book...'
    links, i = html.scan(/href="([^<>]+?read_book=.+?)"/).flatten.shuffle, 0
    until html[/52,143/]
      puts "Trying book ##{i += 1}..."
      html = get(data = links.pop)
    puts 'Found it! Casting spell #29884...'
    resp = post ARCHIVES, "#{data.split('?')[1]}&spell_id=29884"
    html = get "#{VIEW_STATUE}6"
    html = get html[/href="([^<>]+?necklace=.+?)"/, 1]
    puts 'Placed the necklace!'
    post COUNCIL, 'ephv' => html[/\?ephv=(.+?)'/, 1]

  when 'finish'
    html = get COUNCIL
    get html[/href="([^<>]+?prhv=.+?)"/, 1]
    puts 'Mission complete! We hope you enjoyed your stay.'

Try running this one. Credits to ortin :3

#284 MysteryMunch

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Posted 10 June 2016 - 01:34 AM

That worked much better, thanks. It still craps out at the point where you're pressing all the levers, though.Is it supposed to get to the point of having 500 dots on the screen? I thought there were only 256 combinations possible.

#285 GetJinxed

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Posted 10 June 2016 - 05:05 AM

That worked much better, thanks. It still craps out at the point where you're pressing all the levers, though.Is it supposed to get to the point of having 500 dots on the screen? I thought there were only 256 combinations possible.


Ah no idea :p As long as it works i'm fine  :lol2:

#286 MysteryMunch

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Posted 10 June 2016 - 05:54 AM

Yup, it works. I went back in and reset the levers to off manually, tried it again, and it worked fine this time, printing out only one dot. Does the program set all the levers to "off" before it starts trying combinations? If not, it might miss some.

#287 GetJinxed

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Posted 10 June 2016 - 06:02 AM

I'm not sure but if it fails you can just re-run the program without any manual input :p It eventually will find the combination

#288 MysteryMunch

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Posted 10 June 2016 - 08:17 AM

Hm. What makes me think it might miss some combinations is that the initial lever settings are random, and if you turn all the levers to "On", Altador will flood. So if it starts at a random combination and just tries all the combinations in turn, then whatever combinations are after the "1111 1111" won't get tried since the flooding resets the levers. If it starts at "0000 0000", then that won't happen because "1111 1111" will be last on the list.

Anyways, easily fixed by manually setting the levers. Am still quite satisfied.

#289 neobo

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Posted 07 July 2016 - 06:25 PM

 I thought there were only 256 combinations possible.

Its not crashing for me, but yesterday it ran switches for more than an hour. Hoping it will get it today, if not maybe I'll have to try myself. 256 combos, that would be 256  lines of dots right?


So I waited for my 256 lines of dots and nada. Used these from maragrace.blogspot and TDN and got it in under 2 mins

Edited by neobo, 07 July 2016 - 09:50 PM.

#290 Yoshiowner

  • 13 posts

Posted 20 January 2017 - 12:59 PM

The program dont work and the download link of the script is broken. Fix that please.

#291 Grimley

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Posted 28 May 2017 - 07:36 PM

No longer works, there is nothing at inkheart.googlecode.com (referenced in the script) to access.


Just letting you know so that you can perhaps :locked:  this thread unless a functional update is made.

#292 Strategist

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Posted 28 May 2017 - 08:47 PM

Yup, agreed, topic is no longer useful. Until an updated script is made available, this thread will remain :locked:

#293 Strategist

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Posted 29 May 2017 - 09:45 PM

Good news people, @neobo has the original working version and will host it for us all to download again if we need to. Thread is now unlocked.

#294 Futurama

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Posted 30 May 2017 - 02:05 PM

Good news people, @neobo has the original working version and will host it for us all to download again if we need to. Thread is now unlocked.




I like the idea of them re-hosting it....makes a shell account look better if you complete it :D Thanks!

#295 neobo

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Posted 03 June 2017 - 03:09 PM

Ok, first time hosting. I used the plot completer last year, then it had to be modified with ruby. I'm not sure what you'll need to do, but it worked on my other PC today (fyi it crashed at the switches). Please PM me if its not working.






And you'll need an app called ruby

Edited by neobo, 03 June 2017 - 10:13 PM.

#296 Futurama

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Posted 03 June 2017 - 06:50 PM

Ok, first time hosting. I used the plot completer last year, then it had to be modified with ruby. I'm not sure what you'll need to do, but it worked on my other PC today (fyi it crashed at the switches). Please PM me if its not working.







Guessing the 2nd file needs to be in a folder with the first file? @neobo






nvm, figured it out, it was fun trying to understand how to install Ruby.




It crashes after about 10 minutes of straight use, but all you need to do is open it back up, so no big deal, almost done doing the whole plot already too :D

#297 neobo

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Posted 03 June 2017 - 10:12 PM




nvm, figured it out, it was fun trying to understand how to install Ruby.


It crashes after about 10 minutes of straight use, but all you need to do is open it back up, so no big deal, almost done doing the whole plot already too :D


Did you get past switches in the tower? I think I'll have to manually do that.

Edited by neobo, 03 June 2017 - 10:12 PM.

#298 Futurama

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Posted 04 June 2017 - 07:18 AM

Did you get past switches in the tower? I think I'll have to manually do that.




It completed the whole plot for me. I just had to restart it after it crashed every time and it started back up perfectly. @neobo

#299 Keil

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Posted 04 June 2017 - 07:37 AM

I know from my own experience, I only needed to restart the ruby file twice to get through the switches part. The ruby file in the end completed the plot for me and I'm happy with it.

#300 zex

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Posted 05 June 2017 - 08:59 AM

Just ran this last night. I manually did the water plant, but otherwise worked flawlessly. :)

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