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Am i the only one that thinks TNT is absolutely worthless?

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#1 Knocturne

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Posted 05 May 2012 - 09:38 PM

I just thought while Neopets is down/lagging out and all, we could just take a minute to reflect on how terrible TNT is as a staff. Surely, i cannot be the only one. They are just so so so so lazy. Especially considering the immense amount of money they make from Neopets and how simple their job should be. There are just so many little things.

For example:

1. The chat board rules. If you've noticed, these haven't been updated in years even though TNT makes up new rules on the spot and warns people for them all the time and then publishes them in the editorial. Not only are none of the rules created in editorials mentioned in the official rule list, there isn't even a rule telling people to read the editorials to check for new rules.

2. The shops, locations, games, and everything else that has a description that is just a flat out lie or is extremely outdated. So many of the main shop descriptions are out of date or just plain lies. They tell you they restock a certain amount of times an hour when that hasn't been the case for a decade now. It's the same with

3. The plots. Why is it all the plots are so spaced out and simple? With the amount of money they are making they should be having new plots released every other month like other popular online games do.

4. Site layout/lack of updates. Why is it, after 10 years the site still looks the same? it doesn't matter how long you have quit for, when you come back you're going to know exactly where everything is and how to use it. There could have and should have been so many more updates

5. Their outrageous censorship. This is the best part. They don't just censor things that are inappropriate for kids, they censor anything and everything they want to at anytime they want to with no real need for justification. They can freeze/ice you for anything and can willingly admit later that they were wrong in freezing you when they unfreeze you and still will not give you back your NP or items that you lost in the 6 month process. Which ties in to #5

6. The terrible terrible response time/support. Why is it that submitting a ticket to TNT can take, weeks, months, even years? I understand they have many many tickets to look through, but they could afford to higher many people whose sole job is to sort through tickets and get all tickets responded to within 24 hours. Games like runescape and WoW do such a better job with this.

That list is poorly made and doesn't even scratch the surface of the things TNT does wrong.

/end of rant

#2 Elindoril

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Posted 05 May 2012 - 09:49 PM

And yet people still throw their money at them.

And that's all that matters.

#3 Yokai

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Posted 05 May 2012 - 09:53 PM

I always kinda wondered why it takes them such a long time.
I mean they come up with new ways to squeeze money out of Neopians with NC and the chance to have a 5th pet slot if we have premium, they could at least employ a team to deal with tickets.

My friend's ticket has been open for 8 months STILL after being hacked :/

They even have people on the official Neopets facebook statuses asking if they can have a look at their tickets because it's been SO long.

Not only that, but I think they should fix the fucking NM filters and at least SHOW us what imput is blocked. (Petpages do this, why not NM's?) I have re-written Neomails to friends multiple times TRYING to figure out what fucking ridiculous word the filters has blocked :/

Once, the word was "Damn" :/

#4 seraph

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Posted 05 May 2012 - 09:59 PM

No, you're definitely not the only one. It's hands down the worst game maintenance and customer service I have ever experienced. And that includes real games that are much much more difficult to maintain and private servers that are entirely taken care of by one to three people that don't get paid and somehow they all managed to do a significantly better job at it. The staff's failure is probably the reason many of us have no respect for the natural flow of the game or the rules in the first place and are here, on a cheating site.

#5 Keil

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Posted 05 May 2012 - 10:09 PM

I quit neopets because I was in it for the money. Ever since I focused more on my work lately, I really saw the value of neopets on a broader perspective; it has none except in the trading business, but even then, it's pocket change compared to investing your time into something more worthwhile; even working part time in a 7/11 is more worthwhile since trading stuff for other takes time with bumping boards and checking PM's.

Edit: Bad response. I forgot the topic when I wrote that ^

Neopets is lame. Once upon a time, avatars were being released every pet day and even more frequently with random theme days. They just don't cater to the instrinsic non-monetary value of the players.

Edited by Keil, 05 May 2012 - 10:11 PM.

#6 Neoquest

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Posted 05 May 2012 - 10:10 PM

This is this way it's been for as long as I can remember, I can only imagine things changing when Neopets is nearly dead and TNT is desperate to pull the site out of the ground.

Edited by Neoquest, 05 May 2012 - 10:11 PM.

#7 Chappy

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Posted 05 May 2012 - 10:47 PM

5. Their outrageous censorship. This is the best part. They don't just censor things that are inappropriate for kids, they censor anything and everything they want to at anytime they want to with no real need for justification. They can freeze/ice you for anything and can willingly admit later that they were wrong in freezing you when they unfreeze you and still will not give you back your NP or items that you lost in the 6 month process. Which ties in to #5

^and then have inappropriate advertisement. I guess Victoria Secret adds are ok for kids to look at. Even those "single person" adds have lady pictures to put the least. Those sure aren't censored.
And I agree with everything else I just had to post this one in particular. @_@ I sometimes wish they'd send me a ticket and see how fast I can respond :D

#8 Sage

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Posted 05 May 2012 - 10:50 PM

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if anybody actually filed suit against TNT for.. anything, really. Would Viacom even defend themselves with a settlement, or just let the site shut down completely? It's fairly obvious that they don't give two shits about the people playing.

#9 Nentusia

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Posted 06 May 2012 - 12:49 AM

I guess Victoria Secret adds are ok for kids to look at

What I even like more; when I'm surfing while having the page in german, I don't know how often already an ad appeared, which said "You need a Enlargement!"; oh, and did I mention that naked breasts were seen?
But yeah, go ahead and warn me for writing 'nuts' in 'peanuts', that's just awesome, really!

#10 McAwesome

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Posted 06 May 2012 - 12:49 AM

You know how you can view what the TNT staff are doing with the Neopets cam through their website?

That hasn't been updated since 2007.

They claim to be in the process of getting a new camera, but apparently they don't even give a shit about one.

I guess they don't want people to see them slacking off at their work areas.

#11 Yosh

  • 86 posts

Posted 06 May 2012 - 01:00 AM

I'm italian, and the site isn't translated in my language since 2008, but for wich reason? They have to pay other people to translate items etc although there were a lot of italians, they don't give a f**k about the users, because from Italy they didn't make enough money. That's all.

#12 ConnorJames

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Posted 06 May 2012 - 01:10 AM

They're evil and corrupt. They'll freeze you for doing nothing wrong and not give you your account back...

#13 sutures

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Posted 06 May 2012 - 01:14 AM

the chat board rules is an excellent point! i kept getting blocked for saying damn and i had no idea why, i went back and looked at the rules and found they'd decided in the editorial about it... but how many people actually read the editorial?

it does feel like they make things up as they go along, and while i guess the bizzarre cencorship is looking after the youngsters on the site (if we ignore the questionable adverts), how hard would it be to make boards for older users?

#14 McAwesome

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Posted 06 May 2012 - 01:20 AM

I do not think Neopets even listens to suggestions.

Seems so communist, eh?

#15 Yung

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Posted 06 May 2012 - 01:36 AM

Why did you not mention the Battledome in your list?

To sum up your list:
  • Rules not being updated.
  • Main shops not being updated.
  • Plots aren't happening monthly.
  • Site layout consistent.
  • Censorship.
  • Ticket response is slow.

#16 Zpartakus

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Posted 06 May 2012 - 01:46 AM

Ticket response is awful. I had an account frozen "for my own protection", but I couldn't view the tickets I had opened because my account was frozen!

I got emails which said nothing but "Ticket Closed".

Its useless... yet, I keep playing. :unsure:

#17 Sammiantha

  • 498 posts

Posted 06 May 2012 - 02:40 AM

I agree with all the points in this thread but I still won't stop playing and I think that whilst the majority of players think like that things probably won't improve. As Neoquest said until their cash cow is nearly dead we won't see any improvements. We either have to accept it for what it is, or stop playing.

#18 Progoo3

  • 137 posts

Posted 06 May 2012 - 03:13 AM

Why did you not mention the Battledome in your list?

To sum up your list:

  • Rules not being updated.
  • Main shops not being updated.
  • Plots aren't happening monthly.
  • Site layout consistent.
  • Censorship.
  • Ticket response is slow.

Battledome gameplay is still same old same old since I started playing 10 years ago :/

#19 Nymh

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Posted 06 May 2012 - 03:26 AM

Its useless... yet, I keep playing. :unsure:

This is really all I came to say. I think it's sad how many people bitch about Neo endlessly and yet they continue to play daily. If you hate it so much, why not find a new game?

#20 Yosh

  • 86 posts

Posted 06 May 2012 - 03:50 AM

This is really all I came to say. I think it's sad how many people bitch about Neo endlessly and yet they continue to play daily. If you hate it so much, why not find a new game?

Absolutely true.

#21 DoraB

  • 50 posts

Posted 06 May 2012 - 05:47 AM

This is really all I came to say. I think it's sad how many people bitch about Neo endlessly and yet they continue to play daily. If you hate it so much, why not find a new game?

I think that we tend not to quit because we remember the nostalgic sense of the game. Years ago, things were never like this and the game has become way too commercial. I don't blame others for venting because the game could be much better by now. Neo is too big of a moneymaker targeted at kids who keep funneling money into the operation.

#22 Mishatu

  • 346 posts

Posted 06 May 2012 - 08:10 AM

I miss the actual plushies we could buy, and the Neopets magazine. Those took actual consideration :( I still like to read them, because the stories are cute and the way the articles were written was somewhat informative.

Edited by Mishatu, 06 May 2012 - 08:11 AM.

#23 zandra

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Posted 06 May 2012 - 08:49 AM

hence, we cheat =)

#24 Turnip

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Posted 06 May 2012 - 09:10 AM

I can't think of anything else to add to that OP, heh. I really wish TNT would start showing that they actually care about the site, it must be incredibly embarrassing for them.. It would be nice if they did more major updates rather than these map/other useless stuff updates/work on things that don't need updates. Did the games room need a cosmetic change? No. Did Roo Island need an update? Sure, but who goes there anyways, and there are older maps/etc which need updates more than it did (Meridell hasn't been changed since the day it came out except for when Meristones/that other game got taken out of the castle years ago, has it? Also the BD and various other PHP games).

Also, I wonder why there are apparently only eight ticket staffers~ I understand that you should pay your employees (and that TNT is cheap), but I'm sure there are lots of people who would gladly help out, maybe just for minor problems or something. Don't they realise that Neopets, although not as popular as it was back in the day, still has a huge amount of users? Who have to send in tickets if they want to get in touch with the staff since there's no other way to contact them? We're not the ones clogging up the system, it's them being lazy and not replying to tickets unless it has NC in the title.

I miss the actual plushies we could buy, and the Neopets magazine. Those took actual consideration :( I still like to read them, because the stories are cute and the way the articles were written was somewhat informative.

Heheheh, I really missed those! And totally regret not getting a subscription.. One of the articles from that was 'How I made 10k in a day from restocking!', it was so cute :3

This is really all I came to say. I think it's sad how many people bitch about Neo endlessly and yet they continue to play daily. If you hate it so much, why not find a new game?

I would do, but 99% of other pet sites that exist just don't compare to how "decent" Neopets is (mostly having nothing to do on those smaller sites except go on the boards that have a total of three active posters...) :( It was also a pretty big part of my childhood and even though here I am, waiting for the day the site dies with open arms, it'll just feel weird to leave there right now.
Plus, there's just a little tiny thing inside me that's hoping for the day Neopets becomes good and isn't the steaming pile of crap it is now >w> Of course that isn't going to happen, but you never know....

ha....... ;_;

Edited by Turnip, 06 May 2012 - 09:11 AM.

#25 lowjunho

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Posted 06 May 2012 - 09:31 AM

Players Online: 16,408 , at 10.30am NST says it all. they used to be 30k+

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