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How light/heavy of a sleeper are you?

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#1 Pilot

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 05:43 AM

I'm quite a light sleeper, the slightest disturbance will awake me for a good few seconds before I fall asleep again.

I don't leave the fan on or use the AC when I'm sleeping (too much noise). If I'm dying due to the weather and my last resort is the AC I set it down to the lowest possible setting or have it on a sleep timer after reaching a certain temperature. I'm that person who's already awake even before any sound waves can reach my ear drums.

#2 Junsu

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 05:48 AM

Heavy sleeper because I dont sleep enough ho ho ho

#3 Nymh

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 05:48 AM

When I lay down to sleep I instantly die, and the only thing that can wake me is the faintest whimper of one of my children. Other than that I am unconscious and immobile until morning.

#4 Georgina

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 05:53 AM

Depends on multiple things for me.

I find if I need to be aware of things I sleep lighter than normal. For example I have new kittens currently, If they start crying I will tend to wake up. But normaly I sleep like the dead.

#5 Turnip

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 05:55 AM

I'm a pretty heavy sleeper! Nothing wakes me up unless it was a bad dream or it's a reeaaally loud sound (like tornado sirens, but those don't exist where I am x3 )

#6 Honey

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 05:56 AM

I'm a light sleeper.
I wake up when my mobile vibrates (which is in the jacket pocket).

#7 Guest_Kate_*


Posted 08 May 2012 - 06:09 AM

I'm right alongside nymh with this one.
When I am sleeping, I don't even think being mauled by a Grizzly Bear would wake me up, but the second I hear anything involving my children, from a faint cry, to an abnormality in breathing pattern on the baby monitor, I wake up. lol

#8 grapes

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 06:15 AM

I'm a super heavy sleeper. :p No alarm or noise/someone moving me can wake me up until I am not sleepy anymore. :p

#9 Trichomes

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 06:27 AM

It's not always easy for me to fall asleep, but once I doze off, noises won't usually wake me. I can sleep almost anywhere as long as I'm tired enough and a comfortable temperature. If I'm too hot or too cold, I toss and turn all night.

#10 JorJor

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 06:40 AM

I tend to be a pretty heavy sleeper. I sleep with a box fan on for the white noise (in fact it's almost impossible for me to sleep if it's completely silent) and that helps to drown out any other noises.

#11 jonahfinn

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 06:41 AM

Light sleeper generally, I can't sleep if I hear the ticking of a clock or water dripping.
Which is why i stay up late playing games, so I'm too conked out to react to those sounds.

#12 Pilot

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 06:52 AM

I'm a light sleeper.
I wake up when my mobile vibrates (which is in the jacket pocket).

Do you always sleep with your mobile on you? I usually have mine beside me, like on my bed or a table.
The alarm's set, but the text notification beep is good enough. ;)

I used to be a heavy sleeper, but that was before I moved to America.
Now I live in Metro-Atlanta, and because my home was broken into ransacked while my husband was at work one morning, I'm a very light sleeper. I pretty much have a fear of leaving my home as it is at the moment. I sleep maybe 4 hours solid each night.

I hope you weren't actually asleep while all that was happening. I've known people who have slept through fire sirens :S

Edited by Pilot, 08 May 2012 - 06:55 AM.

#13 Boggart

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 07:00 AM

It takes me a while to fall asleep, but once I do i'm between moderate and light sleeper. If I reach the end of my REM cycle then the smallest things wake me up. And once that happens, it takes me a long time to fall asleep. Otherwise I can sleep through thunder storms.

Also depends on how tired I am; for example a few hours ago I managed to fall asleep while the roofers were here 'cause I was so exhausted.

#14 kitiara

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 07:16 AM

I used to be a very heavy sleeper, and used to need A LOT of sleep...
Then, eight months ago, my son was born, and now I barely get any sleep at all :(

#15 Warlord

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 07:19 AM

I go between heavy and light sleep. working nights tends to make me sleep inconsistenly and I usually only sleep a few hours at a time. at least i no longer need an alarm clock

#16 Irradium

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 07:24 AM

It takes me a while to fall asleep, but once I do i'm between moderate and light sleeper. If I reach the end of my REM cycle then the smallest things wake me up. And once that happens, it takes me a long time to fall asleep. Otherwise I can sleep through thunder storms.

Also depends on how tired I am; for example a few hours ago I managed to fall asleep while the roofers were here 'cause I was so exhausted.

Same here, for the most part. I have to get into the right position first, then that's usually the wrong position because anytime I sleep in that position I wake up 'weirdly'. Then that position is wrong because the duvet cover restricts me somehow - then that's usually a good position. However, the most likely things that wake me up is being really hot, and to lesser extent, being really cold. But otherwise, I'm the same. :)

However, I have to say: I have the best alarm clock ever. iPod nano plugged into speakers, set an alarm with a custom playlist, turn it off over the night, turns itself on when it's time for the alarm to start and... BOOM! Red Hot Chili Peppers, Aerosmith and Metallica blasting out my speakers! :D

P.S. Kiwi - that's shit sis. I feel for you. :`(
P.P.S. When I say weirdly, you don't want to know. That should give you an idea of what I mean. :/

Edited by Russell, 08 May 2012 - 07:25 AM.

#17 Honey

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 08:23 AM

Do you always sleep with your mobile on you? I usually have mine beside me, like on my bed or a table.
The alarm's set, but the text notification beep is good enough. ;)

No, my mobile is always in my jacket or in my bag, so that I don't forget it when I go out.
But I can hear it though it's on silent mode and the jacket or bag hangs in the corridor :/

#18 Harlow

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 08:35 AM

I'm usually a heavy sleeper, unless something very important is bothering me, then I will wake up easily. Also if my cat is bothered and gives a certain troubled meow, it wakes me up. o.o Thankfully for the most part I am a heavy sleeper.

#19 Galadriel

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 08:36 AM

I'm not really sure. Some nights I wake up because of small sounds and other nights I am not even woken by my sleep talking.

#20 Rocket


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Posted 08 May 2012 - 11:08 AM

I'm a random sleeper. I'm an insomniac most of the time so i'm usually just barely asleep for less than an hour at a time. But when I do sleep, I'm dead to most noises. I also can't sleep if it's too quiet, I always have to have a fan on or the tv on low in the background.

#21 ShadowLink64

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 12:42 PM

It takes me a while to fall asleep, but once I do i'm between moderate and light sleeper. If I reach the end of my REM cycle then the smallest things wake me up. And once that happens, it takes me a long time to fall asleep. Otherwise I can sleep through thunder storms.

This. Though, if I have a lot on my mind, I find it very difficult to fall asleep. I usually just get up, do something else for an hour and then try again.

#22 trizzle

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 12:42 PM

I'm a really heavy sleeper...when I eventually manage to sleep that is. I suffer from very bad insomnia :(

#23 Keil

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 12:50 PM

I slept through my phone vibrating under my pillow AND an alarm clock across the room. I think I may be a heavy sleeper

#24 Random

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 01:36 PM

Like a fucking rock.

#25 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 02:38 PM

It depends. When I'm upset, it takes forever to fall asleep, but I sleep very hard. When I'm not upset, I wake up a couple times a night because I sleep light. I always wake up to the sounds of kids and sounds that are potentially people.

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