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How light/heavy of a sleeper are you?

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#26 ElBastardoVerde

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 06:54 PM

I have literally slept through my brother yelling directly into my ear as loud as he could before. I'm basically dead when I'm asleep

#27 Neoquest

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 06:58 PM

I sleep like a log, pretty much nothing wakes me up.

#28 James

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 07:41 PM

I believe that not only am I a heavy sleeper, I am a lazy heavy sleeper. Sometimes in the morning when my alarm goes off, I can just fall back asleep and sleep for a good hour or two longer with the alarm on. -_- I usually sleep through violent storms that people talk about the next day.

"Did you hear the tornado siren that went off last night? I think I even saw a tornado!"

"Nah, I was busy picking up girls in my dreams. ;)"

Ohohoho guys I'm such a player.

#29 Kenshin

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 07:49 PM

Sort of depends.

I know the first 2 hours i'm sleeping good luck waking me up. After I get at least 2 hours in I can wake up fairly easily by a slight knock on the door etc.

My brother on the other hand. If he doesn't get at least 9 hours of sleep you will never wake him up. You literally have to be shaking him and talking loud directly in his face to wake him up.

#30 Adam

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 07:55 PM

I'm an extremely light sleeper, which is odd because I get probably 4-5 hours of sleep each night. Even at that I toss and turn for most of those hours.

#31 WharfRat

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 08:57 PM

Suffered from chronic insomnia for nearly 7 years now... (I've been prescribed medication to for my insomnia for about 7 years now I should say.... I've had the issue for well over a decade.) Usually I have to take a ridiculously high dosage of my sleeping medicine (as prescribed of course) to even fall asleep. (Even then the room has to be cold and the lighting and temp will have to be right or I still struggle to fall asleep...)

Once I'm actually asleep, I'm PTFO until my meds wear off... I literally have to set 10 seperate alarm times spanning 30 minutes to actually wake up in the mornings. It's damn near impossible to wake me from my sleep once I get there.

(Maybe this would be a better topic on its own right, but I'm interested in others experience with sleeping medications. I've been prescribed over 8 different drugs for insomnia and the majority haven't helped me... Right now I'm prescribed 2 x .25mg Halcion (Triazolam) tablets every night for insomnia. (.25mg is the highest dosage that is produced... Halcion has been banned in the UK and a few other countries in Europe as well... :S)

#32 Jewbert

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 09:13 PM

It depends for me. If I had a normal amount of sleep the previous night, I'm generally a light sleeper. Not -too- light, because the A/C coming on or off doesn't wake me. I leave my bedroom door open, so my cat will frequently wake me up by playing in the vertical blinds or licking on my face, or just walking on the bed. I have gotten into this bad habit of falling asleep on my couch nearly every night. I'll wake up around 3-5 am and go get in my bed and sleep until I'm ready to wake up. I think it's because I'm watching the 6th season of Nip/Tuck and I don't WANT to go to sleep, but I end up falling asleep on the couch anyway.

I think I sleep way too late. I need to break that habit, too.

If I drink too much the night before, I will sleep like a rock until an alarm on my phone wakes me up. I think that's how it works with mostly everyone though.

#33 Pilot

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 10:19 PM

Like a fucking rock.

Well that was blunt.. I like it.

#34 onlyme

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Posted 11 May 2012 - 03:26 AM

my sleeping habit is pretty fucked up. i really don't sleep much. when i do, the only thing that can wake me up is meowing.

#35 MisterDerp

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Posted 11 May 2012 - 04:07 AM

Thankfully I was back in the UK. Apparently the people who broke in and took everything had been watching our house for months before they kicked in the back door. Basically, we live in an apartment complex, in a terraced row of houses. My husbands parents live next door and family friends on the opposite side. They all work. The trash who broke in knew everyone's routines. We lost everything but thankfully renters insurance paid out.
I've never felt so violated in my life, they took everything. Packed it all into OUR suitcases and even our comforter - they wrapped up my husbands collection in it and passed it over the back fence to people waiting with a truck or something.

We will be moving soon, but until that point I don't feel safe. I sleep with .45 on the night stand and my view of people is so very jaded.
So uhh...yeah.. I barely sleep anymore. Wow, I want to cry just remembering it :unsure:

Oh my god, that's terrible! :( What a bunch of shitstains.

I'm a pretty light sleeper but I also have sleep apnea, which doesn't help things, so even if I sleep for 8-10 hours, I'll still be tired the next day. I might go in for a sleep study so hopefully that'll work out.

Edited by MisterDerp, 11 May 2012 - 04:08 AM.

#36 Silky

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Posted 12 May 2012 - 12:53 PM

I sleep like a rock until I hear the sounds of Barney or one of the other shows my two year old has learned to get to on Netflix blaring from my surround sound

#37 Nonexistent

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Posted 12 May 2012 - 02:42 PM

I'm a heavy sleeper.

I don't know if this is normal or not, but if I wake up in the early morning for more than half an hour and then curl up fully clothed in a uncomfortable position to doze off again, I have crazy dreams, like a dream inside a dream inside a dream.
The deepest dream is when I think I'm dreaming, and then I wake up and start doing my daily stuff, weird stuff happen but I think it's normal because it's dream but I don't know it's a dream. Some time afterwards I wake up and realize it's a dream and then begin to start my day again but I don't realize that that is dream either! In the end when I actually wake up I'm all disoriented and confused and dazed, so I drop back to sleep and it happens all over again.
This usually happens about twice during that time before I can actually wake up and climb out of bed.

#38 travis

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Posted 21 May 2012 - 06:19 PM

I have literally slept though earthquakes.
nuff said.

#39 Ksychic

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Posted 22 May 2012 - 12:28 AM

Depends lol, if I work hard before sleeping I sleep real heavy, and if I don't do anything before going to bed I sleep real light!

#40 Elindoril

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Posted 22 May 2012 - 01:19 AM

It all really depends, there are times when my phone buzzing or moving on my squeaky bed has woken me up.

And then there was the time I was staying with my stepbrother and according to him had "loud and obnoxious sex" on the floor above mine and I slept right through it.

#41 Maggiemouse

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Posted 22 May 2012 - 02:14 PM

I suppose I'm in between. I sleep through a lot, but random insignificant noises have been known to wake me.
I guess it really just depends on how tired I am. :mellow:

#42 Morph

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Posted 26 May 2012 - 01:03 PM

I'm a heavy sleeper except for things like phone notifications which my brain is just wired to react to immediately.

#43 Guest_Sunsprite_*


Posted 27 May 2012 - 06:05 AM

I'm a light sleeper. I think its absurd how lightly I sleep. For example: I'm dog sitting for a week and the dog I am watching has to be crated at night. I had him in my room in a crate and he kept panting REALLY loud (or maybe it was just loud for me) I kept thinking things like "damn dog. Its not THAT hot in the house." I even had the fan blowing air next to me to serve as a sound barrier but then I just got sick of his panting and put him in the living room. Yeah, I'm a dozer not a sleeper.

#44 imcominatcha

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Posted 27 May 2012 - 09:26 AM

Heavy. But funnily enough, I'm the only one in the family with this. My parents used to call it my 'gift', but they stopped after the year we went to Bali and there was a gangfight-shootout in the corridor outside our hotel apartment and I slept right through it.

#45 riceosaur

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Posted 27 May 2012 - 09:50 AM

Unfortunately I'm an extremely light sleeper. The decibels from a mosquito's wings will wake me up instantly :(

#46 Lasciel

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Posted 27 May 2012 - 10:23 AM

I have a very erratic sleep pattern.
Sometimes I can sleep through deafening thunderstorms and whatever, other times I wake up from the softest sounds.
I have a feeling it's related to whether or not I'm worried or thinking about something right before I manage to fall asleep e.g. if I'm worried that my mom might sneak into my room and come across my cigs, I'll wake up once I hear the door opening (which is what happened this morning).
Also depends on how tired I am. If I hadn't slept much for the past couple days, I might just stay in comatose till I've slept my fill.
Having said that, I might also wake up after a few hours from no apparent disturbance, and continue being a zombie for the rest of the day :/
Like I said. Erratic.

#47 yeah

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Posted 03 June 2012 - 03:34 PM

I'm at the snorlax level. Alarms clocks DO NOT wake me up. Seriously, I have 4 different things set all around the room at max volume, and I never hear them.

#48 Metigue

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Posted 04 June 2012 - 09:49 PM

I'm an exceedingly light sleeper, I have to have all electrical appliances within like 20m of me switched off to actually get to sleep, it also helps if I have blackout blinds, and complete silence (No busy main roads) But even so it takes me atleast an hour to settle down and get off to sleep. After that, A car on the road outside could wake me up. I used to sleep with ear plugs in.. :/

My mum on the other hand, she is something else. She can fall asleep with the TV on loud, windows wide open with construction workers outside in the middle of the day. Even if you manage to wake her up, which you'd be hard-pressed to do, She will be in a sort of 'Sub-conscious' state and won't actually wake up until about half an hour later, It's pretty weird, she has almost no memory of anything that happens in that first 30 minutes and is like a different person.

#49 stubbie

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Posted 05 June 2012 - 02:53 PM

I think I am a light sleeper whenever someone walks down the corridor I instantly wake up

#50 Sleep

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Posted 08 June 2012 - 11:10 AM

I am a heavy sleeper. Apparently there was a time the ambulence came to my friend's house while I was sleeping over and I had no idea since I was dead asleep. She had to tell me the next day. : [

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