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#1 Leaf

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Posted 30 May 2012 - 06:10 PM

I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of it. Seeing as how this is a neopets cheating site I kinda doubt many people here have experience with or has known anyone who has been a drug addict. I live in Redlands in the Southern California Area. We have been having a "heroin epidemic" for the last 5 years. I live in the suburbs... in the nice part of town... but even here kids are getting addicted to heroin. From the lowest of income families to kids who are heirs to million dollar companies... I know a lot of people who are addicted to heroin. I myself have struggled with that demon of a drug for almost 7 years. With 7 failed detoxes and 3 failed attempts at the Methadone program I feel like I'm going in circles. It does not matter that I get clean because my way of thinking does not change and i find myself using again within a couple months. Anyways... I have heard of ibogaine before as a "miracle cure" for any kind of addiction. Whether it be heroin, meth, cocaine, or even cigarettes... I heard that it cures you from all cravings and "withdrawal" symptoms. The withdrawal sypmtoms are what keeps many (if not all) heroin addicts addicted (I don't want to go into details about it now but I can if anyone is interested). So with a drug like Ibogaine that not only removes almost all of the withdrawal symptoms but also changes the way you think so that you no longer crave drugs... Why is this not being talked about in the news? and why is it illegal in the US but not anywhere else. anyways here is a video so you guys can see more about ibogaine and how it works:::

Then feel free to let me know if you think its bullshit or not.

oh yeah the video skips and its really f'king annoying.

Edited by Leaf, 30 May 2012 - 06:14 PM.

#2 shrouded

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Posted 30 May 2012 - 06:14 PM

It does reduce symptoms. The reason you can't use it legally in the U.S. is because it's a powerful, psychoactive drug coupled with the economics. Organic synthesis is extremely expensive. It has dissociative and psychedelic effects. The dissociative effects are what keep you from feeling the withdrawl symptoms. I have limited first hand experience and just above baseline experience. If I had to describe it to you I would say it was similar to salvia followed by a comedown similar to shrooms. It was really intense closed eye visuals and then a comedown like shrooms. I can't speak for post comedown effects because I didn't have multiple experiences, etc. I'm a little sketchy with extreme serotonin boosting drugs/new drugs since my good friend got SS.

Better information is probably found on Erowid.

#3 Leaf

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Posted 30 May 2012 - 06:17 PM

Or you can try this video... just skip to 5 minutes and watch from there

#4 shrouded

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Posted 30 May 2012 - 06:21 PM

That guy sounds like my best friend who is a organic chem student lulz. Briefcase just like Dr. Thompson that he used to carry around.

#5 Kyle

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Posted 30 May 2012 - 08:08 PM

Reading this thread was quite interesting high (so excuse this post) but what makes you think they're aren't ulterior motives associated with the continued ban on this drug? There are a lot of (fairly substantial) conspiracy theories which suggest that many of the major drug lords are ex-military and inherently directly associated with government officials. It seems to me that much like how drug companies' best interest isn't in making you well, the government probably isn't going to benefit much from a lower rate of drug addiction within the country.

Hope that was relevant and understandable lol

#6 Leaf

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Posted 31 May 2012 - 09:18 AM

Reading this thread was quite interesting high (so excuse this post) but what makes you think they're aren't ulterior motives associated with the continued ban on this drug? There are a lot of (fairly substantial) conspiracy theories which suggest that many of the major drug lords are ex-military and inherently directly associated with government officials. It seems to me that much like how drug companies' best interest isn't in making you well, the government probably isn't going to benefit much from a lower rate of drug addiction within the country.

Hope that was relevant and understandable lol

With most rehab programs costing upwards of $3,000-$15,000 and the Methadone program which cost $330 a month... I can see what you mean.
Taking something once and not needing to stay somewhere for a month or pay for a councilor or medication for a long time doesn't seem profitable.
I actually called around yesterday to find out how much an Ibogaine Treatment would actually cost... I found really different prices.
In Canada the price for a 1 week stay and a 2 day ibogaine treatment with round the clock doctor supervision cost roughly $3,000-$7,500 depending on the substance you are addicted to.
In Mexico Its a little cheaper... I found prices from $1,500-$12,000. With the same care as the ones in Canada provide. The pricier $12,000 treatments for for fancy ass ones by clear water beaches with organic food and 3 massages a day or some shit. Sounded more like a vacation then a detox.

Anyways though... I also found many websites online that sell ibogaine but i think it would be hard to tell if you are getting the right stuff.
But if you can find the real stuff online it seems to sell for only a $50 a treatment dose... $100 at the highest which is cool. I don't really need all that other fancy stuff that the ibogaine treatment centers provide.

Edited by Leaf, 31 May 2012 - 09:23 AM.

#7 Random

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Posted 31 May 2012 - 10:22 AM

I wouldn't buy drugs online.
Nor would I buy drug addiction drugs online.

#8 shrouded

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Posted 31 May 2012 - 12:43 PM

You can find a lot of drugs on onion. You'll typically get exactly what you pay for, but it pays to have a test kit.

#9 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 31 May 2012 - 03:56 PM

I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of it. Seeing as how this is a neopets cheating site I kinda doubt many people here have experience with or has known anyone who has been a drug addict.

lol. Neopets is my drug. Anyway,

So with a drug like Ibogaine that not only removes almost all of the withdrawal symptoms but also changes the way you think so that you no longer crave drugs... Why is this not being talked about in the news? and why is it illegal in the US but not anywhere else.

Then feel free to let me know if you think its bullshit or not.

I think you already answered why it's not being talked about... because it 'changes the way you think'. I think a lot of times addiction is seen as something that people can control without other drugs, it's basically trading one addiction for another. As for it not being illegal in the US, I'm convinced that's all about government. Things like GMOs and fracking are highly regulated (or becoming highly regulated) in other parts of the world.

I don't think it's BS. There's a drug to cure everything, why not addiction?

#10 WharfRat

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Posted 31 May 2012 - 08:16 PM

As Shrouded said, you will find better information on Erowid. (P.s. I'm surprised to see more drug literate users on this site!) Another decent place to check for first hand information would be on bluelight.ru. I don't frequent there any more but their Psychedelic Drugs section is of good quality. (Don't go into the "Other Drugs" chat unless you just want to see a lot of bullshit.)

I think it's been covered fairly well why Ibogaine is illegal in the states (Psychedelic properties.) I have no first hand experience with it but have read quite a bit of literature on the drug. I have heard mixed reviews as to the effectiveness vs. other methods of getting clean. Most Ibogaine "clinics" are just what you described. More vacation/voodoo than actual therapy. There is some real use of Ibogaine in South America if you were to travel that far. However, it appears that Ibogaine effects addiction in that it allows you to break free from your psyche, detach from your ego, and recognize your troubled behaviors. (That and it will make you purge everything from within you up to making you beg for your life. (Obviously dose dependant.))

My recommendation (if you really wnat to take the psychedelic approach) would be oral DMT with an MAOI. DMT is very easy to synthesis with some good ole fashioned kitchen chemistry and a few online orders of legal material should you be inclined. (Do be careful. The federal government has started to monitor the purchase of MHRB much more closely in recent years.) Most of the places that sell MHRB also tend to sell plants that you can obtain ibogaine from as well. Look online extensively for reviews of specific vendors with long standing reputations for best advice. DMT-Nexus is also a great resource should you want to read further on DMT. (Don't take everything there as hard, scientific fact. You will hear lots of stories about machine elves and the like. I am not discounting their experiences, but some of them become a bit zealous about their new found beliefs and experiences as to believe things such as our entire universe is being run by omnipotent machine elves, etc.)

So yeah... erowid, bluelight, and DMT-Nexus are great resources that you should look into. I think bluelight actually has several very lengthy scientific threads regarding the use of Ibogaine to treat addiction. If you need help with anything, let me know.


P.s. I spent a few years as a cocaine/meth addict (then turned to alcoholism) and have innumerous experiences with psychoactive compounds. I have specifically more first hand experience with phenethylamines as a whole and some specific tryptamines than most. (Upwards of 1000 trips.) I also triage experience reports for Erowid (more previously than currently, but every once in a while I'll see a cool campaign and work on that.) If you have any questions that I can address feel free to shoot me a PM.

P.p.s. I have been clean for about 2 years now. I did seek a rehabilitation clinic just to assist with detoxing and have been clean since. I do not attend 12 step meetings (though I did for about a month before I decided it's mostly just a hoax.) The most helpful thing I ever did was completely stop talking to everyone I know and meet new people. Destroy your phone. Change phone numbers. Don't hang out in the same places or with the same people. Yes, it will still be not terribly hard to score if you want to, but the point is to make yourself less likely to want to. We associate places and people and activities with using and by choosing also to end those decisions it will make your battle with addiction much easier.

#11 iargue

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Posted 31 May 2012 - 08:46 PM

Regardless of if the drug helps with the detox, it cannot change the way that you think. A drug that changes the way you think is every governments dream, but does not exist (yet at least).It may or may not help you get clean from a drug you are on, but it will not prevent the backsliding.

Like Whatraf said. Gets to somewhere else. If you know how to score, any time you are feeling weak, you will slide. If you don't know an easy hookup, then you're more inclined to not go around down town to find random people for a hookup, and it makes it harder for you to stop being clean.

For you, that seems like a move to a better place. If you're living with your parents, see if you can find relatives to live with or something. If everyone is doing it, you will not stay clean.

Edited by iargue, 31 May 2012 - 08:47 PM.

#12 Kyle

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Posted 31 May 2012 - 08:47 PM

Awesome post, as always Cody.

I'm PMing you about a mostly unrelated subject.

Edited by Kyle, 31 May 2012 - 08:47 PM.

#13 WharfRat

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Posted 31 May 2012 - 09:06 PM

Regardless of if the drug helps with the detox, it cannot change the way that you think. A drug that changes the way you think is every governments dream, but does not exist (yet at least).It may or may not help you get clean from a drug you are on, but it will not prevent the backsliding.

Like Whatraf said. Gets to somewhere else. If you know how to score, any time you are feeling weak, you will slide. If you don't know an easy hookup, then you're more inclined to not go around down town to find random people for a hookup, and it makes it harder for you to stop being clean.

For you, that seems like a move to a better place. If you're living with your parents, see if you can find relatives to live with or something. If everyone is doing it, you will not stay clean.

While the last half is mostly good advice, psychedelic drugs absolutely DO change the way you think. (Un)fortunately, the changes in thinking are typically very temporary and any major life changes you decide to make based upon your newly found beliefs usually fall apart after a few days. =/

#14 kamelonu

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Posted 31 May 2012 - 09:15 PM

Like a couple of the others have said, get out of town man. Try to find somewhere new. I had an uncle I never got to meet because when he came out of rehab for a heroin addiction, he put a lot of unreal expectations on himself and he went right back into the very environment he was trying to get away/clean from because there no physical distance and easing back into society.

I mean honestly, when you are addicted to something you are a different person. There's no other way around it. It may not be visible to other people all the time, but you know that you are. So if you come out of rehab as trying to be someone new, that person who is trying not to be addicted, you cannot be exposed to the addiction or things you have related to the addiction, because you're going to have memories, feelings, and wants related to your addicted self.

On a more personal note, I have a close friend who has been into heroin recently. While he has some support from people for him to get clean, I've told him the real motivation has to get there has to come from him; he has to want it.

Nobody or no thing can absolutely cure you other than you. You have to want to be clean for a friend, a girl, your family, a job, or some other person or thing.

If you ever want to talk about anything, feel free to PM or whatever. I'm more than willing.

#15 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 02 June 2012 - 01:36 PM

I mean honestly, when you are addicted to something you are a different person. There's no other way around it. It may not be visible to other people all the time, but you know that you are. So if you come out of rehab as trying to be someone new, that person who is trying not to be addicted, you cannot be exposed to the addiction or things you have related to the addiction, because you're going to have memories, feelings, and wants related to your addicted self.

This. I was unable to resist a variety of things until I moved six hours away from everything and everyone that I was around when I was actively addicted. I go back to visit, but I don't think I'll able to live where I was again or be any closer than a few hours away. While my family and friends there want me to move back, going away was the best thing I ever did for me and my daughter. I'm not convinced another drug would be able to keep me off what I was on if I were still at that place, around those people, etc.

#16 piprod01

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Posted 06 June 2012 - 05:22 PM

So with a drug like Ibogaine that not only removes almost all of the withdrawal symptoms but also changes the way you think so that you no longer crave drugs... Why is this not being talked about in the news? and why is it illegal in the US but not anywhere else. anyways here is a video so you guys can see more about ibogaine and how it works:::

Then feel free to let me know if you think its bullshit or not.

As far as I've been able to look into it, it seems like the drug may have some effect. In animal models the drug has been shown to decrease self administration of opiates. But in humans the trials that I could find were only tested on groups of like 30 people, and there really didn't appear to have been follow up several months down the line. So two big concerns I have is that I have no idea what the long-term efficacy of the treat is, and I'm not sure how safe the drug is - a woman in one of these trials is believed to have taken heroin within a day of treatment, and unfortunately died.

I think any sort of claim that it's a miracle drug is unsubstantiated and it's not supported by any evidence that I've seen.

If you want my opinion; avoid it.

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