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What grinds your neogears?

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#151 Amon

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 02:34 AM

I hate it when people on th PC say "n00b posts will be ignored" lmao its kinda rude Dx

#152 EvilFellow

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 02:56 AM

When I put an item on trade post and say something like "600,000 or lowest on TP" and people think lowest means 70% off... Damn, if my trade is the cheapest, it means it's already the lowest, ONLY if someone places a cheaper trade, you neomail me.

#153 Docshroomed

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 11:16 AM

TNT, and occasionally people on the neoboards who report stuff

#154 Keil

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 11:28 AM

BC spammers. I don't mind if you enter a board, asks for votes, and continue talking. What really displeases me is when BC vote-desperates posts in a thread then never post anything further. For example: BC spammer posted *poke siggy* and never came back. The OP of that board said "I turned the siggy setting off. Please post link so I can vote :)" and that BC spammer didn't even bother to come back and post a link. It's really funny and sad for a lot of BC people like that

#155 Nymh

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 11:57 AM

I sold a paint brush recently, I got many NM's about it with nice offers and I was holding out for just a tiny bit more, when I got a mail saying "They go for 8.5m, I'll buy it from you quickly but I expect a discount" I was like "What?" He replied "I'll pay 8m for it."

What a dick!

Funny thing was I'd sold it for 8.65m 5mins earlier :3

I hate when people try to pressure you into selling to them, or they act like they're doing you a favor. I learned the really hard way not to pander to self-righteous fuckwads. I don't owe you jack shit, asshole, and if I don't want to sell then I won't.

#156 ShinyPonyta

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 12:19 PM

"This pet has received UC offers in the past so please consider that when offering."


#157 idontknow951

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 12:25 PM

TNT, and occasionally people on the neoboards who report stuff

This too. Actually, I hate the neoboards in general. You get silenced for the dumbest things.

#158 ElBastardoVerde

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 12:38 PM

LOL! I reply "If you've received UC offers then why didn't you accept one? Was it the greed of hoping for more that made you decline the offer? If not then why are you offering your pet on my Converted, when you could be putting it on a board and getting new UC offers?"
Normally they don't bother replying :innocent:

You can't say shit like that to a PCer, they are the most sensitive human beings on the planet. God forbid you insult their lack of intelligence :cool:

#159 ElBastardoVerde

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 12:55 PM

I am a PCer.

But you're normal and don't act like a douchebag. You are the 1%.

#160 ElBastardoVerde

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 01:02 PM

Occupy PC!

Haha, good luck with that x)

#161 Guest_idonotexist_*


Posted 12 July 2012 - 07:32 PM

I also can't stand people who never post on boards much....unless their pet is in the BC and thu just so happen to have a link in thei signature.
It's just pathetic. No on ever sees you, you never talk on the boards but then like clockwork every time your pet is in th BC you are all chatty, trying to answer questions and post random "lol" responses.

Then there are the fucking morons selling Grundo items. I have been the only serious collector of Grundo items for YEARS. I know what things are worth and what they can sell for and they are all "how do you know?" uhm because I've been keeping track of prices on these items for 4 years? Because I'm the only person who seriously collects Grundo items?
Or people who claim certain Grundo MPs are worth more than they are. Halloween sits in auctions all the time for 1m and never sells. So don't expect me to offer more than 900k

#162 Mishelle

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 09:17 PM

the snowager makes me want to throw things

#163 CaramelPudding

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 11:21 PM

When you send a ticket to TNT to get your account unfrozen, and out of all the things they could have told you (ie, "we're actually pretty sure you were cheating, lol"), they tell you that your email address has never been registered to an account.

Gooby, please.

#164 idontknow951

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 11:22 PM

the snowager makes me want to throw things

Guessing you got blasted too without getting the avatar?

#165 Indigo

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 11:32 PM

When people on the PC with UC Royals/Plushies/Draiks/Krawk believe they are far superior to people without and think those pets give them the right to be rude to people. Also people on the PC being blantly rude to underoffers when there are a lot of people who do know values or that pet is their dream pet and they feel like they might as well just try. Its not hard to just say Nty and glt. :)

OH! and when people make board signatures that look like this:
(crappy example btw)

Hi there! lala
(their actual words here)
Bye now!

Because i always think the writting before is what they're trying to say and its really retarded x.x


#166 RubyBlue

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 06:55 AM

A fairly recent peeve of mine: Since I got premium I've had about a dozen people mail me asking if I can price things with the SSW for them. I don't use the premium avatar on the boards so I can only presume these people are just going through random lookups looking for 5th pet/space faerie charms. My response is always "Sorry but no, I don't have time" and most of them have been ok with that but a couple have mailed back telling me how unfair I am and that they're going to report me. Yeah, good luck with that, arseholes.

The other thing I can't stand is cuntish behaviour on the TP, especially:
- FREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!, or any variation of (Then they reject + block when you offer an omelette. If it ain't free, don't fucking say it is)
- Asking for like 10k for 10 junk items
- Offering junk and a few thousand np for a 500k+ item (Extra cunt points for those users who send begging mails after you reject)

And finally, any board where any kind of trading happens. 20% genuine posts, 80% "Look at me! Look at all the shiny things I have! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!"

#167 Arazin

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Posted 14 July 2012 - 01:05 PM

Adverts. They annoy me soo much. Though strangely, I don't mind the game "Advert Attack".

#168 Thepeopleschampion

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Posted 16 July 2012 - 03:01 PM

When i put something up for 250k and i get a 240k offer which is good. but will it really hurt to offer that extra 10k?

#169 Yung

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Posted 16 July 2012 - 03:03 PM

When i put something up for 250k and i get a 240k offer which is good. but will it really hurt to offer that extra 10k?

They may not have 250k. That's close enough that the 10k difference shouldn't seem like a large loss for you. :p

#170 Kuragehime

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Posted 16 July 2012 - 10:03 PM

the snowager makes me want to throw things

Hear hear :(

I wish he would just give me the avatar already!

#171 Liesa

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Posted 16 July 2012 - 10:49 PM

I just hate resellers, especially when they NM.
"Why don't you take the offer? You're not going to get much more for it, it's not worth that much believe me I'm a reseller."

>.< Idiots

#172 Mishelle

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Posted 16 July 2012 - 10:59 PM

people who send me that crap get blocked real fast

#173 Blamed

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Posted 17 July 2012 - 07:50 AM

Not being able to get a game trophy in about 8 years of playing Neopets.
Knowing someone has used a SS in World Challenge because all the scores are identical.

#174 RandyX

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Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:26 AM

In 8 years only getting 1 trophy,
I'd thought I'd have more, like three
Ironically for Cheat,
which is a small feat,
Even more ironically gotten legit.

#175 Butterball

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Posted 17 July 2012 - 12:16 PM

So I offer this dude x million for an MP, he's like "ok do you mind if I wait for a few more offers" and I'm like "sure why not". Next day he's like "sold it on the AH for x.y million" and I'm like "oh ok"... but in my head I'm saying OH MY GOD WHY WOULD YOU NOT NEOMAIL ME ABOUT THIS I WANT TO GIVE YOU MY MONEY IF YOU ONLY WANTED A COUPLE HUNDRED K MORE WHY WOULD YOU NOT MAKE A DEAL WITH ME WE'D HAVE HAD TO GO TO AUCTION ANYWAY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU

I hate when people try to pressure you into selling to them, or they act like they're doing you a favor. I learned the really hard way not to pander to self-righteous fuckwads. I don't owe you jack shit, asshole, and if I don't want to sell then I won't.

Same, I've noticed all kinds of tricks that people use to pressure you into selling-- I lost a few million on a stamp (still got 26 mil for zero effort, but) because I let a guy make me nervous and he was all "I'M LEAVING SOON I NEED TO KNOW YOUR ANSWER". After I'd sold it the other traders who I'd let stew were breaking down and offering me 29 mil. Bleeah. Gotta turn this psychology to MY advantage.

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