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Mishatu's Estrogen Thread

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#276 luvsmyncis

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 08:22 PM

The bc I take is $24 a month. I use a coupon they give out at the gyno along with my insurance.

I have that coupon too, but still.. $24 is quite a lot per month. There is a generic available that has 7 of the iron pills instead of 4, but I'm afraid to switch to the generic since the brand LoEstren24 has been working so well for me. :/ So pay I must. Before this, I was on Seasonale, which has no generic and is a three month pack... it was like $100 every three months. Talk about a fucking rip off.

Anyway. It's not totally unusual for private insurance to completely cover birth control, even if you think your dad has a shitty plan. If you are on something with a generic, like Trinessa or Mononessa, those are relatively cheap and most insurance only charges $5-$15 or less. Free birthcontrol will become even more common come August where the mandate for women's preventative health care goes into effect, which requires all insurance to cover contraceptives. Halle-fuckin-lujah.

You will want to check with your pharmacy to make sure they are billing Blue Cross. I feel certain that medicaid is much harder to come by than visiting Planned Parenthood and telling them you're poor. But all you have to do is ask the pharmacy what insurance was billed for the last fill. You won't go to jail if somehow you acquired medicaid. It expires unless you actively renew it.

#277 Mishelle

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 08:34 PM

I have Blue Cross and my birth control is free. I've never paid anything which is awesome because without it id have to pay 60 dollars for it.

#278 nightowl

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 09:14 PM

I hate it when I'm aroused and I feel like this:
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#279 Charli

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 09:26 PM

Anyway. It's not totally unusual for private insurance to completely cover birth control, even if you think your dad has a shitty plan. If you are on something with a generic, like Trinessa or Mononessa, those are relatively cheap and most insurance only charges $5-$15 or less. Free birthcontrol will become even more common come August where the mandate for women's preventative health care goes into effect, which requires all insurance to cover contraceptives. Halle-fuckin-lujah.

!! Okay, I thought I had heard something about this but I wasn't sure it was still happening, or if it had already possibly already happened, or what. And I was hoping you'd respond punk :) I figured you'd be the expert. And did you like Seasonale while you were on it?

I have Blue Cross and my birth control is free. I've never paid anything which is awesome because without it id have to pay 60 dollars for it.

Sweet! To think I've been dissing Blue Cross this whole time...

#280 Jewbert

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 09:38 PM

I have that coupon too, but still.. $24 is quite a lot per month. There is a generic available that has 7 of the iron pills instead of 4, but I'm afraid to switch to the generic since the brand LoEstren24 has been working so well for me. :/ So pay I must. Before this, I was on Seasonale, which has no generic and is a three month pack... it was like $100 every three months. Talk about a fucking rip off.

Anyway. It's not totally unusual for private insurance to completely cover birth control, even if you think your dad has a shitty plan. If you are on something with a generic, like Trinessa or Mononessa, those are relatively cheap and most insurance only charges $5-$15 or less. Free birthcontrol will become even more common come August where the mandate for women's preventative health care goes into effect, which requires all insurance to cover contraceptives. Halle-fuckin-lujah.

You will want to check with your pharmacy to make sure they are billing Blue Cross. I feel certain that medicaid is much harder to come by than visiting Planned Parenthood and telling them you're poor. But all you have to do is ask the pharmacy what insurance was billed for the last fill. You won't go to jail if somehow you acquired medicaid. It expires unless you actively renew it.

I'm going back to the doc Monday, and I'm considering other forms of bc. I love LoEstrin because I haven't had a period since 2010 and it's been WONDERFUL. Honestly, I think it's worth the 24 a month. I used to work as a pharmacy tech, so I always tried my insurance with and without coupons and yadda yadda. The first bc I was prescribed was TriSprintec. I will NEVER take that again. I had problems with it. No problems at all with LoEstrin so I want to stick with it. The five year IUDs interest me, though. But what I wonder is, do they prevent you having periods? O__O

#281 Mishelle

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 09:40 PM

!! Okay, I thought I had heard something about this but I wasn't sure it was still happening, or if it had already possibly already happened, or what. And I was hoping you'd respond punk :) I figured you'd be the expert. And did you like Seasonale while you were on it?

Sweet! To think I've been dissing Blue Cross this whole time...

Its happened but GOP members in Congress are currently trying hard as fuck to get it repealed.

#282 Jewbert

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 09:42 PM

I have Blue Cross and my birth control is free. I've never paid anything which is awesome because without it id have to pay 60 dollars for it.

I have Blue Cross as well and I've never had free meds. ): Eh.

#283 Mishelle

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 09:44 PM

My mom works for Blue Cross so we have a really good plan but overall they're a pretty shady company especially in the states where they have a monopoly.

Im pretty sure with IUDs you don't get periods but im not 100% sure.

Edited by Mishelle, 27 July 2012 - 09:45 PM.

#284 Jewbert

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Posted 27 July 2012 - 10:16 PM

My mom works for Blue Cross so we have a really good plan but overall they're a pretty shady company especially in the states where they have a monopoly.

Im pretty sure with IUDs you don't get periods but im not 100% sure.

I'm going to ask her all the details. It also depends on how much it is with insurance. Not sure how much my insurance will cover for an IUD.

#285 luvsmyncis

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Posted 28 July 2012 - 05:28 AM

You do have a period with an IUD. After your period, you have to make sure the string is in it's proper place. I had a friend who had one, and because she was so fat she always had to have her husband feel for it. That would always make me laugh.

I personally didn't like Seasonale. The three month without a period never really worked for me. I would get random periods and the pain level did not improve. It wasn't until I was put on LoEstrin24 that I could actually live my life. Sometimes I still have weird random periods, but I have only had mild cramping since I've been on it. I agree the $24 is worth it. But without that special coupon, it would cost me closer to $70 a month.

I'm by no means an expert at anything, I've just had quite a bit of hassles with prescription insurance. Mishelle, it's not just Blue Cross that are sheisty. All insurance will try to dictate what medication a person can be on, what they won't pay for, when they'll stop paying for something they paid before. My pharmacy offers vaccines and most insurance doesn't cover them because they don't pay for PREVENTATIVE CARE. How fucking stupid is that? They won't pay for the shingles vaccine, but if you get shingles (which from what I hear is excruciatingly painful), they'll treat you to co-pays on the treatment. SO FUCKING STUPID.

#286 luvsmyncis

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Posted 28 July 2012 - 07:46 AM

The out of pocket cost for the vaccine is $220. How much sense does it make that you had to go through all that? Ridiculous.

#287 Mishelle

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Posted 28 July 2012 - 09:00 AM

I've never had the chicken pox im so paranoid of catching it when im older. My mom is 41 and she's never had them either.

Insurance companies try to dictate the medication you can take because those bigpharma companies will literally court them to get their business. They'll come into meetings with a shit ton of gifts and deals and the insurance companies and doctors eat that shit up. Its really sad.

Edited by Mishelle, 28 July 2012 - 09:02 AM.

#288 luvsmyncis

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Posted 28 July 2012 - 11:53 AM

You are likely to catch shingles if you already HAD chickenpox as a child. Something about the virus never completely leaving you and developing into something worse. At least that's how I understand it.

#289 Trichomes

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Posted 28 July 2012 - 12:08 PM

My sister and I have never had chicken pox either, but we were both vaccinated as children. It must have been shortly after the vaccine became available in the US.

#290 Nymh

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Posted 28 July 2012 - 02:51 PM

You do have a period with an IUD. After your period, you have to make sure the string is in it's proper place. I had a friend who had one, and because she was so fat she always had to have her husband feel for it. That would always make me laugh.

I think that depends on the IUD. If it is copper, I would think you would still have periods. IUDs that deliver hormones tend to stop periods because it's a continuous delivery of the hormone. I have a Mirena and I haven't had a period since about 2 weeks after I got it, which was almost 3 years ago now. I think the statistics say that ~60% of women stop having periods on it, but I am not bothering to look that up to verify it.

#291 Mishelle

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Posted 28 July 2012 - 02:55 PM

You are likely to catch shingles if you already HAD chickenpox as a child. Something about the virus never completely leaving you and developing into something worse. At least that's how I understand it.

Yeah but I heard that if you get chicken pox when you're older it can be deadly :(

#292 trizzle

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Posted 28 July 2012 - 03:00 PM

Yeah but I heard that if you get chicken pox when you're older it can be deadly :(

Hmm this is interesting I always thought that if you've had chicken pox you couldn't get shingles but apparently it just means you can't get chicken pox again.

The skin blisters that form in shingles are full of the chickenpox virus, which means a person with shingles is infectious. You can catch chickenpox from someone with shingles, if you've never had the infection and therefore aren't immune. But you can't catch shingles from someone with shingles (or someone with chickenpox).

#293 Guest_coltom_*


Posted 28 July 2012 - 03:17 PM

Shingles really hurt. Really, really hurt.

Trizzle, you catch chicken pox first, then sometimes latter you get shingles. I have two scars, one one my temple, and one where you'll never see, from when I was young.

The zo. virus infects peripheral nerve, so in my case the shingles followed the nerve, and I had four eruptions starting onmy side, going to the center of my chest. Nasty and painful.

Edited by coltom, 29 July 2012 - 08:13 AM.

#294 Mishelle

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Posted 28 July 2012 - 06:25 PM

Sometimes I wonder how much money I've collectively spent on tampons. I want to switch my bc so I dont get periods. They suck.

#295 nightowl

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Posted 28 July 2012 - 11:08 PM

I rarely get my period because I have pcos. Is it a curse or a blessing?
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A bit of both.

#296 Mishelle

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Posted 29 July 2012 - 09:24 AM

My friend had a baby and didn't know she was pregnant so I decided to keep my periods but now that. Im no longer getting laid I don't give a shit.

#297 kidbit

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Posted 29 July 2012 - 11:56 PM

I have a question. Do you girls rely only on BC?

Because I do, as my boyfriend doesn't like wearing condoms, but I find myself always insecure about it.. I wanna know if that's just me being paranoid.

#298 Mishelle

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Posted 29 July 2012 - 11:59 PM

If you take your bc as prescribed then you shouldn't have anything to worry about. But if you don't feel comfortable then make him wear a condom. When im monogamous I just use my bc and I've never had any pregnancy scares or anything.

#299 Nymh

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Posted 30 July 2012 - 03:35 AM

I have a question. Do you girls rely only on BC?

Because I do, as my boyfriend doesn't like wearing condoms, but I find myself always insecure about it.. I wanna know if that's just me being paranoid.

I used to, but I've gotten pregnant while taking BC diligently so I don't really trust pills because of that. The only pill that successfully kept me not pregnant was Yaz. Now that I have an IUD I don't really worry about it anymore, but I do take a pregnancy test every few months just in case because I don't have periods anymore.

#300 kidbit

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Posted 30 July 2012 - 06:13 AM

I used to, but I've gotten pregnant while taking BC diligently so I don't really trust pills because of that. The only pill that successfully kept me not pregnant was Yaz. Now that I have an IUD I don't really worry about it anymore, but I do take a pregnancy test every few months just in case because I don't have periods anymore.

I take Yaz too, but I'm very careful and even use an alarm so I don't forget to take it on the right time. But idk, I hear so many stories about getting pregnant while on BC that every end of the month I get kinda worried :S

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