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FDA approves Truvada for prevention of HIV/AIDS

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#26 Waser Lave

Waser Lave

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Posted 20 July 2012 - 02:35 AM

15 grand is more than a minimum wage worker with a 40 hr work week would make in a year. (15,080) That's using Texas's 7.25 minimum for non-restaurant workers. I think that's a federal standard actually.
We spend the most but it's because HMOs take their filthy greedy share before handing out coverage. No politician (including the Democratic ones) will stand up to their lobbying influence. We don't need a tax increase, we need a change in management. "What happened to the public option?" They cried.

The US already pays more into healthcare as a proportion of GDP than most other countries doesn't it? The problem is the way the system has developed, if that money was channelled in the right way I'm pretty sure a universal healthcare system could be established which would be as good (if not better) as those in places like Europe. I don't really understand the reluctance of so many Americans to establishing a system like that. :/

#27 pyke

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Posted 20 July 2012 - 05:04 AM

The US already pays more into healthcare as a proportion of GDP than most other countries doesn't it? The problem is the way the system has developed, if that money was channelled in the right way I'm pretty sure a universal healthcare system could be established which would be as good (if not better) as those in places like Europe. I don't really understand the reluctance of so many Americans to establishing a system like that. :/

Because about 50% of voting Americans are terrified of "Communism"

#28 luvsmyncis

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Posted 20 July 2012 - 05:12 AM

Because about 50% of voting Americans are terrified of "Communism"

And we don't like the idea of the government using OUR MONEY to pay for some dumb hispanic bitch to take her 5 kids to the doctor.
Americans are dumb, selfish and have a false sense of entitlement.

#29 Guest_coltom_*


Posted 20 July 2012 - 05:53 AM

"Americans are dumb, selfish and have a false sense of entitlement."

You have to dig deeper. why does America pay more in emergency room treatments than any other developed country, yet refuses to provided the poor with preventive care. Why do we pay for amputations, but for routine care for diabetics. We pay more, but do less, but then provide some of the cutting edge treatments to those that can pay.

Do y'all know how much friggen money you paid for me to have this three wire pacemaker/defib? Do you have any idea how much quad bypass (right and middle cardiac arteries, right at, right ventricle and a little left ventricle damage). Think enough to cover all them American/Hispanic babbies and making sure they get started in life, and enough left over to send them to college.

Yes, I had insurance, but insurance is just another cost upon society that is paid through the work and treasure of the nation, a drain upon your resources, and you pay

#30 luvsmyncis

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Posted 20 July 2012 - 06:42 AM

Well, you needed that surgery and that device to live. I don't mind my money going to the people who need it. It's when I see tax payer's dollars paying for Viagra for a transgendered female (who apparently still has a penis) or when it pays for some teenager's expensive acne medication that I get a little miffed. People can live with acne or without having a hard on. Why is this shit covered? Sometimes birth control isn't covered if used as a contraceptive. We have to get a notation from the doctor saying it's for irregular menses or acne for it to get paid for. Why are we paying for someone's erection, but not paying for the prevention of unwanted pregnancies for low income patients?


I have people talk disdainfully about "Obamacare" every day, but I'm really excited for it. I am eager to see what sort of positive changes we will see, because holy fuck it can't get any worse than it is already.

p.s. I have never seen anyone actually pay more than $30 for Truvada. With government assistance or private insurance, it always seems to be covered.

#31 Guest_coltom_*


Posted 20 July 2012 - 07:18 AM

I have people talk disdainfully about "Obamacare" every day, but I'm really excited for it. I am eager to see what sort of positive changes we will see, because holy fuck it can't get any worse than it is already.

p.s. I have never seen anyone actually pay more than $30 for Truvada. With government assistance or private insurance, it always seems to be covered.

Well, if it makes anyone happy, they never have to worry about paying for me get viagra. Now, that is not a boast, but given the state of my heart it would likely kill me..,.,., I'm sorry to admit that even though I never have the opportunity to use the equipment, I do dread the day when the equipment will cease working for good.

There are interesting ethics in Truvada. While highly expensive now, a large part of that is not production cost, but rather the maker re-couping the cost of research and FDA approval that is so high. In that respect, America often supports the rest of the world as our citizens pay the profits for BIGPHARM and the rest of the world just pays for the manufacturing costs.

Secondly, I have been watching AIDS since the days it was a mystery disease killing off Haitian, Hemos and other "H"'s (sorry old bad joke). It has cost a lot of money, expensive to treat, expensive not to treat. It pisses me off, once people knew what was causing it, everyone should have worn a condom and it would have become rare and infrequent, but people don't. I don't understand. Then again, I'm monogamous ,overly interspective,and sober. Little sad children will be born to suffer and die because of AIDs, naive girls will believe the man's lies, and she'll die. Romantic Montrose boys will be fatalistic, and they'll die too damn young before learning so much they need to learn. For sex, for stupidity, and it bothers me to this day.

Will Trivada slow down the spread, if we could slow down the spread, increase testing, increase education would AIDS go away, would little sickly babies be born no more, will children stop watching both of their parents waste away, will we stop spending millions of keeping a person with HIV slipping into terminal AIDS. It seems worth some of our treasure, if just to see if it will work.

Better than spending it on Viagra for Mitt Romney.

P.S a "paying for Viagra for a transgender female (who apparently still has a penis) " Do you mean a male that is taking large does of hormones to develop secondary charecteristics because he/she believes that they have the brain chemistry/neuroanatomy to be female? They want Viagra? If you're on those dosages of estrogen why would you want a functioning yargis, one last fling? Double checking to see if you're sure for the surgery, one of those weird porn movies? That's just strange.

Could it have been one of those poor souls born with indeterminate sexual characteristics that was getting gender assigned by surgery? I do like to think that sometimes there is a good reason, instead of assuming the worse, however you may know this she/he person well enough to have more certainty in your observation. That is just strange.

Edited by coltom, 20 July 2012 - 07:30 AM.

#32 Yung

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Posted 20 July 2012 - 09:43 AM

The US already pays more into healthcare as a proportion of GDP than most other countries doesn't it? The problem is the way the system has developed, if that money was channelled in the right way I'm pretty sure a universal healthcare system could be established which would be as good (if not better) as those in places like Europe. I don't really understand the reluctance of so many Americans to establishing a system like that. :/

There really isn't that many Americans reluctant in a system such as that, most of the reluctance comes from the politicians who've been elected into office.

#33 Mishelle

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Posted 20 July 2012 - 11:19 AM

There really isn't that many Americans reluctant in a system such as that, most of the reluctance comes from the politicians who've been elected into office.

This. The politicians are the ones telling people that this is ~socialism~ and that it's going to raise taxes because they all get campaign donations from bigpharma and insurance companies.

#34 luvsmyncis

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Posted 20 July 2012 - 03:31 PM

This. The politicians are the ones telling people that this is ~socialism~ and that it's going to raise taxes because they all get campaign donations from bigpharma and insurance companies.

Well, their scare tactics and lies are very influential with our half-brained population. Not a day goes by in the pharmacy that someone doesn't complain to me that Obama is the reason their co-pays are so high or that their medication is not covered. I carefully inform them that their Humana, Aetna, BlueCross, Caremark, etc prescription insurance are all private insurance and have not thus far been affected by any of the new policies that are set to take place in 2014.

#35 nelsontan

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Posted 21 July 2012 - 06:07 PM

omg, i am amused that this drug exist, but at cost of paying steep premium for the drug/

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