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What Do You Hate About Facebook?

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#51 Romy

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 11:39 AM

Ewwwwww hahaha. Lucky you! Have you ever seen BMV Pain Olympics?o.o or something like that. Don't watch it! But I heard one girl one finger was a lot worse..o;
I remember the first thing I saw when I logged on was a black guy sitting on a box getting head from a black girl, who was getting doggy styled by another black guy. I thought it was photoshopped or something tricky like the lamp that looks like the inside of a girl's thighs.

But it wasn't. :c

BMV Pain Olympics? (tempted to go look)
One girl one finger?? o__o??

I'd say it was a fairly accurate depiction, yes lol

My husband tortures me constantly when I slip into British-isms such as "Put that in the bin please," "Would you like some pop?" or his favorite "You're a pleb!"
I get replies of "You mean trash can, right?" "You mean soda, right?" and "Too bad there is no such word as Pleb!"

He has perfected mocking my British accent too ._.

Is it a bad thing that I laughed super hard at this? :unsure:

#52 Mishelle

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 11:47 AM

I have a person on my facebook who is seriously ALWAYS angry about something. She's always having drama with these guys and posting every single detail on facebook. She'll talk shit about them and tag them in it so they argue back and forth.

And pregnant chicks/mothers who post pictures of their stomachs and babies every day. Pregnancy bellies squick me out so whenever I find out one of my facebook friends are pregnant I block them. Especially the ones who upload pictures of their pregnancy tests. That's just nasty.

#53 Romy

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 11:56 AM

And pregnant chicks/mothers who post pictures of their stomachs and babies every day. Pregnancy bellies squick me out so whenever I find out one of my facebook friends are pregnant I block them. Especially the ones who upload pictures of their pregnancy tests. That's just nasty.


and this!

Posted Image

Edited by Ivysaur, 05 August 2012 - 11:57 AM.

#54 Mishelle

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 12:21 PM

Yes they do. One girl even made her positive pregnancy test her cover picture.

#55 HappyAccident

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 12:22 PM

Yes they do. One girl even made her positive pregnancy test her cover picture.

That's messed up. xD

#56 ElBastardoVerde

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 12:25 PM

People that use Q in place of a G. For example: My niqqa.

What in the actual fuck, America? Is this what we're doing with our time?

#57 LeiLani

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 01:21 PM

BMV Pain Olympics? (tempted to go look)
One girl one finger?? o__o??

I'm not saying that you shouldn't look it up-- I mean if you really want to, go ahead :D

I have a person on my facebook who is seriously ALWAYS angry about something. She's always having drama with these guys and posting every single detail on facebook. She'll talk shit about them and tag them in it so they argue back and forth.

And pregnant chicks/mothers who post pictures of their stomachs and babies every day. Pregnancy bellies squick me out so whenever I find out one of my facebook friends are pregnant I block them. Especially the ones who upload pictures of their pregnancy tests. That's just nasty.

I had a friend that got pregnant at 13 & again at 14, and all she would do was post pictures of her belly and start arguments between her and her 'baby daddy' -.- her status updates would be like 'idkk i think hes cheatin on me, wat if?? i mite hav another bby on da way" -____- then he would see that shit, and then it was like WW3 o;

Yes they do. One girl even made her positive pregnancy test her cover picture.

Ewww lmaoo who the hell does that??O_o

Nobody wants to see a pee stained piece of plastic -_-

People that use Q in place of a G. For example: My niqqa.

What in the actual fuck, America? Is this what we're doing with our time?

what's wronq wit usinq the q. i like it and i finna keep usinq it. fuq off niqqa.

that was a pain in the ass to type xD

#58 sprockets

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 01:22 PM

Other than my mother, those are the only birthday wishes I get, so I try to feel like people actually care about me.

I actually feel pretty special on my birthday, ha. It's cause it's people that have probably never talked to you before, and they actually give a shit and take about 10 seconds out of their day to say happy birthday to a semi-stranger..yah know?xD

I thought about that but then you realize that they do it to everyone and it makes you feel less special.. at least that's the way it is for me. I mean there was this one guy who made it his (fake) birthday 3 times in the same month to see how many people would catch on. By the 3rd time there were a few less people, and some who even started to catch on, but for the most part people just see the little reminder and it doesn't matter who it is. Of course, your facebook friends are different than mine.

And Elin (or anyone else), tell me when it's your birthday and I'll be sure to greet you even without facebook's help

And pregnant chicks/mothers who post pictures of their stomachs and babies every day. Pregnancy bellies squick me out so whenever I find out one of my facebook friends are pregnant I block them. Especially the ones who upload pictures of their pregnancy tests. That's just nasty.

I hate that, guess it's somewhat to be expected as we grow older and people start to have families but damn. This one girl on facebook who had a kid 2 years ago, ever single post since has been related to her kid in some sort of way. I mean we get it, you've got a new life to revolve around but still.

#59 LeiLani

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 01:30 PM

I thought about that but then you realize that they do it to everyone and it makes you feel less special.. at least that's the way it is for me. I mean there was this one guy who made it his (fake) birthday 3 times in the same month to see how many people would catch on. By the 3rd time there were a few less people, and some who even started to catch on, but for the most part people just see the little reminder and it doesn't matter who it is. Of course, your facebook friends are different than mine.

Bahahahaha, that's awesome!

I guess it's even more special if they say "Happy Birthday [your name]" and a few smiley faces :D that's always good enough for me xD
That's still pretty funny how some said happy birthday past the second time :D I bet they were like "It's his birthday again? FUCK IT" and said Happy Birthday :p
But I can see how it would bother you or other people; the real ones are always better than the fake ones :p

#60 sprockets

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 01:44 PM

Bahahahaha, that's awesome!
I guess it's even more special if they say "Happy Birthday [your name]" and a few smiley faces :D that's always good enough for me xD
That's still pretty funny how some said happy birthday past the second time :D I bet they were like "It's his birthday again? FUCK IT" and said Happy Birthday :p
But I can see how it would bother you or other people; the real ones are always better than the fake ones :p

Yeah, but maybe I just sound bitter. This is the article I was talking about if you feel like a read.

#61 Romy

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 01:45 PM

Yes they do. One girl even made her positive pregnancy test her cover picture.


I'm not saying that you shouldn't look it up-- I mean if you really want to, go ahead :D

Whatever I see will be your fault :3


#62 Jewbert

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 02:26 PM

And pregnant chicks/mothers who post pictures of their stomachs and babies every day. Pregnancy bellies squick me out so whenever I find out one of my facebook friends are pregnant I block them. Especially the ones who upload pictures of their pregnancy tests. That's just nasty.

This probably sounds so insensitive, but I get tired of seeing belly pictures and sonogram pictures. I understand they're excited, but to make a sonogram photo your profile picture? No. Or when people make their newborn, reddish purple baby as their profile picture. Dafuq?

#63 LeiLani

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 02:59 PM

Yeah, but maybe I just sound bitter. This is the article I was talking about if you feel like a read.

Nah don't worry! I know a lot of people who don't like the fake birthday greeters either c:

That was interesting to read :D someone should do one for every single day of the year xD

Whatever I see will be your fault :3


You have the choice! I just suggested it :D
Did you look it up?!?!?!

dooo ittttttttttttt

#64 Jewbert

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 03:10 PM

You have the choice! I just suggested it :D
Did you look it up?!?!?!

dooo ittttttttttttt

Ohh yeah I had seen 2 girls 1 finger before. It's worse than 2 girls 1 cup, lemonparty, and Goatse combined. I think. The internet has some straaaange and nasty things.

Nice music, though. :p

#65 LeiLani

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 03:31 PM

Ohh yeah I had seen 2 girls 1 finger before. It's worse than 2 girls 1 cup, lemonparty, and Goatse combined. I think. The internet has some straaaange and nasty things.

Nice music, though. :p

I need to see it now. Bahaha.
jkkk, i don't want to see that shit :p

Lmfaoo, of course, out of all things :D

#66 Jewbert

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 03:37 PM

jkkk, i don't want to see that shit :p

I see what you did there.

#67 LeiLani

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 03:39 PM

I see what you did there.

lollllll, I didn't. xD

#68 trizzle

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 03:48 PM

Ohh yeah I had seen 2 girls 1 finger before. It's worse than 2 girls 1 cup, lemonparty, and Goatse combined. I think. The internet has some straaaange and nasty things.

Nice music, though. :p

OH GOD. Why did i look that up when i knew it was going to be bad :x

#69 Romy

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 03:52 PM

Did you look it up?!?!?!

dooo ittttttttttttt


I'm fucking scarred for life.
I was like this
Posted Image
but I couldn't stop watching... D:

Edited by Ivysaur, 05 August 2012 - 03:53 PM.

#70 Jewbert

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 03:52 PM

OH GOD. Why did i look that up when i knew it was going to be bad :x

Because curiosity!

lollllll, I didn't. xD

Poop. There is poop involved.

#71 LeiLani

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 04:09 PM


I'm fucking scarred for life.
I was like this
Posted Image
but I couldn't stop watching... D:

.....Maybe you have a fetish?:D

Because curiosity!

Poop. There is poop involved.

Yes, I got that after you pointed it out :p dumbass move #2 .__.

#72 Romy

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 05:16 PM

.....Maybe you have a fetish? :D

A fetish for guys mutilating themselves?! No way!

I did the same thing.

She has scarred us both xD

#73 Elindoril

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 05:28 PM

And Elin (or anyone else), tell me when it's your birthday and I'll be sure to greet you even without facebook's help

It should be on my profile.

#74 Frank274

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 05:46 PM

Based on the responses above, I'm glad I just skipped to the last page and didn't see whatever link or page was suggested.

I hate the attention seekers. The ones that update their status every five minutes to tell me what they're doing. I don't care if you're pooping or eating, gtfo.

I also hate the fighters/extreme lovers. I don't need to see your drama, and I don't want to see "person a posted on b's profile: OMGGGGG BABBBYYY I LOOOOOVVVEEEE YOUUU" every day. People are stupid.

I'm only on FB for Zuma and Bejeweled.

#75 LeiLani

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 05:51 PM

A fetish for guys mutilating themselves?! No way!

She has scarred us both xD

If you say so :D I'm not the one that kept watching :p

Based on the responses above, I'm glad I just skipped to the last page and didn't see whatever link or page was suggested.

I hate the attention seekers. The ones that update their status every five minutes to tell me what they're doing. I don't care if you're pooping or eating, gtfo.

I also hate the fighters/extreme lovers. I don't need to see your drama, and I don't want to see "person a posted on b's profile: OMGGGGG BABBBYYY I LOOOOOVVVEEEE YOUUU" every day. People are stupid.

I'm only on FB for Zuma and Bejeweled.

:rolleyes: You should look at the previous page.

I actually have a friend that gets made fun of in school cause she says stuff like 'I'm in the shower!' or 'I'm so hyper today!' and everyone's like 'wtf, we don't need to know your life story' :D

Ahaha, I'm actually guilty of the extreme lover thing. It probably happened during the first few months of dating, then it kind of died down. :p I'd post stuff like "nigga I love youuuuuu" and he would say something like "I love you so much forever and ever" and that mushy ishh :wub: But we saw it was annoying, so we stopped xD

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