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#26 Halberd73

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 07:23 PM

Not only are they bigots but they try to act like they should not receive any backlash from their ridiculous claims by playing the freedom of speech card, while I am fine with free speech and all but free speech does NOT protect you the way others see and react to you.

#27 Guest_idonotexist_*


Posted 27 August 2012 - 07:54 PM

Honestly, I boycott the ones with really bad environmental policies, that limits my choices enough. BTW, look up a company called Credo, they are a phone company for old hippies and free thinkers, plus people that give a rat's ass about the seven generations that shall follow us all.

The Breakfast is best, although there is not one local so I very rarely get breakfast, nearest one is 20 miles away on a narrow country road. Might as well go to Steak-N-Shake.

Gorix, I knew many good women in military service that risked a lot to serve their country, while still being a fan of tacos. I feel like you are missing the point, they knew the injustice of the political side of things, yet still they served, and they served with honor. I got brought up on charges for protecting my J.O., and now you tell me you would throw away their sacrifice because you think you're "rights" are not being granted in the way you want them granted? Dude, sort of feel like you're spitting on your sisters and brothers sacrifice.

They risked their lives for me?

What country do you live in? Because I'm pretty sure I'm not an equal citizen under the law in America. It has nothing to do with how "I" want my rights granted. And it's not me "thinking" I don't have equal rights, it's the truth. There isn't much "thinking" to it on that field.

If I'm not an equal citizen under the law, then how did you or anyone else fight for my "rights" when I'm not granted the rights you are "protecting"?
Why would I ever serve a country that classifies me as a second-class citizen and is proud of that?
Why would I fight to protect rights of citizens that support not "allowing" me to have the same rights as they do?
Why would I fight to protect rights of a country when that country doesn't grant me the rights I would be sacrificing my life for?
Until I am treated as an equal and viewed as an equal by those who stand beside me, I don't feel like anyone has sacrificed anything for me.
(except for people like Harvey Milk and the like, who actually died trying to make a difference)
No one is truly free until we all are.

I hate America. I am ashamed of America. Simple as that.
Why? Because we have allowed religion and religious nuts to take over our entire country, our political system....everything.
We have tolerated the crazy nonsense for so long, that many see it as normal and sane.
People and organizations have repeated their bat-shit crazy ideals for so long, that educated people actual believe it! The idea that "America was founded upon the Bible" is one of those nonsensical ideas that make me want to scream. o_x
Or people who spout off about how our Motto, Pledge and Money all reference God.
It's that crazy bullshit and lies that we ALLOW to be spread by our media, by our churches, by our politicians. And we just sit back and let them lie and lie until everyone just starts to believe it all.
It's sad and it's pathetic.

It's easy to criticize someone like me when what I have issues with don't affect you at all and you will most likely never encounter similar issues in your entire life.
I don't have problems with corporations having opinions, although I don't see why a fast food chain felt the need to come out and make publicly known their position on same-sex marriage or homosexuality. Hasn't got a damn thing to do with serving fast food, it was an issue Chick-Fil-A created in order to get publicity.
My issues with CFA is their constant claiming that they never "entered the policy debate" and that their rights to free speech are being "violated". Both are bullshit.
They are the ones donating millions of dollars to organizations that spread the mis-information and outright lies that homosexuality can be cured (and should be), that we molest and rape children, yadda yadda.
I could go on and on about the tripe that comes from FoxNews, Maggie Gallagher and Tony Perkins (all organizations, just to name a few, that CFA donate to) on top of Exodus International; an Ex-Gay Organization that tries to "cure" homosexuals.

I experienced first-hand growing up in Kentucky the true nature of religion; Hatred.
I could tell you plenty of stories that would most likely disgust anyone that claimed to be religious in regards to how I was treated by religious individuals in my area.
The torment I endured will most likely stay with me for the rest of my life and I'm sure it's mostly responsible for how I feel toward America, religion, public schools, etc.
Sure, you can tell me I need to get over it and move on but it's not that simple. It's something that happened to me from the time I was ~8 up until the age of about 24. And even still, there are times I'm in my hometown at WalMart or walking downtown and people with Jesus stickers on their pick-up scream "Faggot" out the window.
Their ignorance, their religious ideas and their hatred are what shaped me into the person I am today. A person that stands up for what he believes in and never just sits back and accepts anything.
I have left many jobs because I have integrity to not support a company that lacks basic morals in how people should be treated. You can sit back and not care all you want, that's you.
Me? I will die knowing I at least made a difference and if I didn't, I will at least die knowing I tried to. That's all I care about really.

On another note, I find it laughable how people state eating or working at CFA doesn't mean you support their ideals. Sure it does. It's the heart of what supporting their ideals is.
And the "one man" who made the statement, is the CEO. So yea, it sorta does come from the entire corporation when it comes from the man running it all.
It's just like a political candidate, when you vote for them or give them money, you aren't supporting ONLY the ideals you agree with them on. You are supporting EVERYTHING they believe and stand for.
No picking and choosing. Although the religious crowd has a vast amount of experience in the "cherry picking" field.

Edited by Gorix, 27 August 2012 - 08:04 PM.

#28 Josh

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 08:23 PM

They risked their lives for me?

What country do you live in? Because I'm pretty sure I'm not an equal citizen under the law in America. It has nothing to do with how "I" want my rights granted. And it's not me "thinking" I don't have equal rights, it's the truth. There isn't much "thinking" to it on that field.

If I'm not an equal citizen under the law, then how did you or anyone else fight for my "rights" when I'm not granted the rights you are "protecting"?
Why would I ever serve a country that classifies me as a second-class citizen and is proud of that?
Why would I fight to protect rights of citizens that support not "allowing" me to have the same rights as they do?
Why would I fight to protect rights of a country when that country doesn't grant me the rights I would be sacrificing my life for?
Until I am treated as an equal and viewed as an equal by those who stand beside me, I don't feel like anyone has sacrificed anything for me.
(except for people like Harvey Milk and the like, who actually died trying to make a difference)
No one is truly free until we all are.

I hate America. I am ashamed of America. Simple as that.
Why? Because we have allowed religion and religious nuts to take over our entire country, our political system....everything.
We have tolerated the crazy nonsense for so long, that many see it as normal and sane.
People and organizations have repeated their bat-shit crazy ideals for so long, that educated people actual believe it! The idea that "America was founded upon the Bible" is one of those nonsensical ideas that make me want to scream. o_x
Or people who spout off about how our Motto, Pledge and Money all reference God.
It's that crazy bullshit and lies that we ALLOW to be spread by our media, by our churches, by our politicians. And we just sit back and let them lie and lie until everyone just starts to believe it all.
It's sad and it's pathetic.

It's easy to criticize someone like me when what I have issues with don't affect you at all and you will most likely never encounter similar issues in your entire life.
I don't have problems with corporations having opinions, although I don't see why a fast food chain felt the need to come out and make publicly known their position on same-sex marriage or homosexuality. Hasn't got a damn thing to do with serving fast food, it was an issue Chick-Fil-A created in order to get publicity.
My issues with CFA is their constant claiming that they never "entered the policy debate" and that their rights to free speech are being "violated". Both are bullshit.
They are the ones donating millions of dollars to organizations that spread the mis-information and outright lies that homosexuality can be cured (and should be), that we molest and rape children, yadda yadda.
I could go on and on about the tripe that comes from FoxNews, Maggie Gallagher and Tony Perkins (all organizations, just to name a few, that CFA donate to) on top of Exodus International; an Ex-Gay Organization that tries to "cure" homosexuals.

I experienced first-hand growing up in Kentucky the true nature of religion; Hatred.
I could tell you plenty of stories that would most likely disgust anyone that claimed to be religious in regards to how I was treated by religious individuals in my area.
The torment I endured will most likely stay with me for the rest of my life and I'm sure it's mostly responsible for how I feel toward America, religion, public schools, etc.
Sure, you can tell me I need to get over it and move on but it's not that simple. It's something that happened to me from the time I was ~8 up until the age of about 24. And even still, there are times I'm in my hometown at WalMart or walking downtown and people with Jesus stickers on their pick-up scream "Faggot" out the window.
Their ignorance, their religious ideas and their hatred are what shaped me into the person I am today. A person that stands up for what he believes in and never just sits back and accepts anything.
I have left many jobs because I have integrity to not support a company that lacks basic morals in how people should be treated. You can sit back and not care all you want, that's you.
Me? I will die knowing I at least made a difference and if I didn't, I will at least die knowing I tried to. That's all I care about really.

On another note, I find it laughable how people state eating or working at CFA doesn't mean you support their ideals. Sure it does. It's the heart of what supporting their ideals is.
And the "one man" who made the statement, is the CEO. So yea, it sorta does come from the entire corporation when it comes from the man running it all.
It's just like a political candidate, when you vote for them or give them money, you aren't supporting ONLY the ideals you agree with them on. You are supporting EVERYTHING they believe and stand for.
No picking and choosing. Although the religious crowd has a vast amount of experience in the "cherry picking" field.

People have freedom of religion. Deal with it lol.

#29 Sweeney

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 08:24 PM

People have freedom of religion. Deal with it lol.

People also have the freedom to call shitty religious beliefs shitty.

#30 Josh

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 08:25 PM

People also have the freedom to call shitty religious beliefs shitty.

I know, it just sounds like he has some sort of failure to adjust disorder :p

#31 ShadowLink64

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 08:32 PM

I dislike their political stance, and I think it's unfortunate that they have the financial capacity to fund some rather inappropriate special interest groups. However, they're a private organization. They know it will hurt business with more liberal-minded people, but are obviously unfazed by this as they're still around. *shrug*.

Boycotting them is probably the most appropriate stance consumers need to take if they don't like what they are doing. If they don't sell chicken, they have no money and go broke. Make chicken at home instead? I did today, but we don't have Chick-fil-A here. I just like homemade chicken.

Say what you will but Chicken Fillet has some of the best damn chicken in the biz and no politically charged position can change that.

Amen... erm... I mean, I wouldn't know! Also:

Say what you will but Chicken Fillet Los Pollos Hermanos has some of the best damn chicken in the biz and no politically charged position drugs can change that.


#32 Guest_coltom_*


Posted 27 August 2012 - 08:36 PM

Just for the record, my religion is not "gender bigtent". Since so much of the belief system revolves around the dichotomy and balance between male and female, the other genders don't really fit in very well. I will not say that no teardrinker has ever married a gay couple, it could be done if a person's role was accepted into either a male or female robe, in which case the actual physical equipment wouldn't matter as much as the acceptance into either a woman's clan or a man's clan. I have known a few women that had been men, but none that have ever tried to marry.

You can say this is not equality, but it is not equality that my genetics include a gene for hyperchloremia, that half of my male relatives have heart disease. My baseline cholesterol without meds is over 600, and LDL/HDL ratios are terrible. My genetics mean we die young, others by the grace of their creation have others paths to walk. Aiyee, we must all walk the path we must walk, and not all of them are easy ones. I do not know, the reason why some are asked to take the rocky and thorny path, but we are asked.

My personally history with other genders are complicated. There was a rather scheming lesbian that tried to ruin my marriage so she could have my wife, a false friend that tried to corrupt with sweet words and faint praise. Rumors and gossip. I hold her no ill-will, as my beloved is a great catch, and I can see how anyone would try to steal her away. Martin, is another story. Martin was a powerful man, but he had a secret. I knew his secret, when Martin and I fought at work, he decided I was too much of a risk, because a Senior VP can not be gay, aiyee, a senior VP must appear to be "normal" and hire a high class french escort to pretend to be his wife (damn she was hot), a senior VP must hide. A senior VP, must also protect his company, and make sure "them gays" don't drive up utilization cost by buying single healthcare policies when the cost of AIDs drugs were cutting into the margins. Martin and I fought, and Martin was a hell of a power player, and he crushed me. He was dead within the year, and one of the things I am sad at nights, is I never got a chance to call up Martin after we'd fought and laughed and forgave each other, as we were both wrong. Damn Martin, it must have sucked to have had to hide Bryon, it must have sucked to have to hide who you were. You taught me how to be corporate, you taught me that appearances matter more than talent, you taught me so much, and I'm so damn sad you had to die like that. Half his family didn't go to his funeral, bastards, he was family for god's sake.

I was brought up on charges because in the USAF Reserve, my Junior Officer was gay, and I never turned her in. Good kid, she and her wife decided to have a child as soon as she'd resigned. Something went wrong, they both got pregnant. I don't know how that happened, someone was careless with a biological sample. They both had delightful girls, these are my daughters half not-sisters.

So, it really is hard for me to get upset over a civil ritual for some perceived benefit.

Edited by coltom, 28 August 2012 - 07:49 AM.

#33 Mishelle

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 10:57 AM

I know, it just sounds like he has some sort of failure to adjust disorder :p

Seems like you've got it a bit backwards. It seems the religious bigots in his city have a failure to adjust to the fact that no one gives a shit about their lame ass religion.

#34 Guest_coltom_*


Posted 28 August 2012 - 11:24 AM

Whole lot of MegaChurchs in Lexington.

#35 Mishelle

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 02:34 PM

Most people who go to church don't actually follow the bible.

#36 trizzle

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 02:36 PM

Oh goodness I just realised it's 'chick-fil-a' not chick-a-fil. Whooops a daisy. Wait what the hell does chick fil a even mean? Is it meant to be like Chick Filler. Because that just sounds dirty.

#37 Sweeney

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 02:37 PM

It's a bastardisation of "Chicken Fillet". You're meant to pronounce the "A" as a letter name, not a phoneme.

#38 Guest_coltom_*


Posted 28 August 2012 - 02:38 PM

Chick(en) Fillet. The don't serve bones.

Old "friend" of mine used to always ask what was the difference between erotic and kinky. Erotic is a feather, kinky is the whole dang chicken.

Edited by coltom, 28 August 2012 - 02:40 PM.

#39 trizzle

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 02:40 PM

Also on topic: you really can't take the bible all that literally especially not some of the things in Leviticus like (these are from memory forgive me if they're wrong but you get the gist) a woman is worth 3/5 of a man and you can't wear and outfit made of two different materials or you can't offer food to God if you're 'deformed or disfigured'

It's a bastardisation of "Chicken Fillet". You're meant to pronounce the "A" as a letter name, not a phoneme.

Ahhhh :) Thanks. I like Chick Filler better though

#40 Guest_coltom_*


Posted 28 August 2012 - 02:44 PM

Most people who go to church don't actually follow the bible.

Oh my, did I seem to imply that I thought they did? I'm actually working under the hypothesis that most of these are the false churchs mentioned in Book of Revelation of St. John the Divine, for they wear the vestments of the bride, but are not of the bride.

#41 8143FF763271

  • 468 posts

Posted 05 September 2012 - 10:18 AM

Of course you can boycott a company if you don't want to finance something they do. D'oh.

Edited by Khaligula, 05 September 2012 - 10:18 AM.

#42 Sweeney

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Posted 05 September 2012 - 11:47 AM

No one worth talking to said anything different :p

#43 luvsmyncis

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Posted 05 September 2012 - 05:08 PM

Of course you can boycott a company if you don't want to finance something they do. D'oh.

*responds in clucks and chicken noises*

#44 Random

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Posted 05 September 2012 - 05:13 PM


Had Chick-Fil-A yesterday, it was fucking great.
Gay dude served me.

#45 luvsmyncis

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Posted 05 September 2012 - 05:17 PM

Gay dude served me.

How do you know he was gay? Was he destroying America right before your eyes?

#46 Random

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Posted 05 September 2012 - 05:20 PM

How do you know he was gay? Was he destroying America right before your eyes?

Because he had frosted tips.

#47 Guest_coltom_*


Posted 05 September 2012 - 06:24 PM

Because he had frosted tips.

Frosted tip? You mean like a horny Inuik?

#48 Contrasai

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Posted 06 September 2012 - 12:59 AM

Because he had frosted tips.

...are...are you joking? A man having frosted tips =/= gay. I can't believe that even needs to be said. You know, straight men sometimes like to do things to alter their appearance in a flashy way. They're usually described as "metrosexual." And even men who aren't metrosexual but still straight sometimes do things to change the way they look. Because they can. Because who gives a fuck.

#49 Sweeney

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Posted 06 September 2012 - 09:17 AM

...are...are you joking?

Yes, he was.

#50 Frizzle

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Posted 06 September 2012 - 09:34 AM

...are...are you joking? A man having frosted tips =/= gay. I can't believe that even needs to be said. You know, straight men sometimes like to do things to alter their appearance in a flashy way. They're usually described as "metrosexual." And even men who aren't metrosexual but still straight sometimes do things to change the way they look. Because they can. Because who gives a fuck.

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