First of all, I'm a pet buying and trading addict. I like UCs and I hate the PC.
Think of the PC like hounds waiting for you to trip. If you're dumb about buying and selling pets then you can indeed get frozen. The most important thing is use common sense.
Some points:
If you're trading in high end UC's you'll usually get people asking how you got the pet or what you traded for it.
Some times it's out of curiosity , other times they are suspicious. Don't get defensive.
DO NOT make a board on the PC about how shocked you are about "catching" the pet in the pound. Yes, even if it was transferred via the pound. You would just be drawing unnecessary negative attention to your self.
Ideally, you want to make some kind of plan with the seller. A story which you'll both sell or even better, keep the pet for 2-3 months and stay out of the PC. Even if you're not advertising the pet. That way, the cache can change and it'll look better for you.
Also, it won't look like you're trying to offload some pet which you got out of nowhere the day before.
DO NOT buy a bunch of UC pets all at the same time and then try and trade them. Especially if you've already been to the PC and players know that you only have the one UC. One or two more popping up looks suspicious no matter what you say.
I'd recommend you leave a 3 month gap between each one. Even longer for high end UC's.
IMO, it's the safest thing to do. Staying out of the spotlight is a good thing too.
Before you do anything, decide ahead of time if you want to trade the pet right up (not recommended) or if you want to wait.
If you're going to trade right up then find a seller that's going to backup your story. OR, you can buy the pet and the account it's on.
Keeping the pet on a side for 2-3 months is usually a good idea, since it gives the cache time to update/erase it self.
If you're going for the story, only make one and only one adoption/gift story.
When buying, first find someone selling for a fair price. I'd recommend Kals Guide ( to give you an idea of what to expect.
If you're going for the story/backup then be sure to work that out BEFORE you trade.
Don't be afraid to ask:
- How they acquired the pet
- Pet history
- How long did they have the pet for
- Has it been recently seen/advertised on the PC. (Within the last 2-3 months)
If you don't feel 100% comfortable with the trade and the seller then don't go through with it. Also, middlemen are there to make sure everything goes smoothly. Use them!
Have connections and get to know people. It's good to know people for trading advice and helps ease those hours of constant bumping. They can also vouch for you and it makes you look more legit. Who comes on the PC every day and does nothing except bump for hours?
The Cache.
Google's definition for "cache" is A collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place.
And that's what Google does. It takes a snapshot of a pets Petpage and stores it away. The old account that the pet was last sitting on can be tracked down that way. Pets that have been rotting away on a side account usually won't have a cache. Unless I'm mistaken the way it works is, the more views the page gets the quicker it will update and if it doesn't get any views at all, the cache will disappear.
You can view a pets cache in Google by typing in:- cache:petpage link
EG. cache:
That pet doesn't have one since it's been sitting in the pound and before that an inactive account, it seems.
Not sure it's safe to post yet. But usually a cache is from the month before.
Just say I adopt a pet from an active user. When someone google searches that pet's lookup there will be an option that says "Cache" once they
click it, it will show how the pet lookup looked a month before I had the pet, and who it belonged to. This can be dangerous when purchasing
UC because if there's no cache it means the pet magically moved off an inactive account. And as you said the PC are like blood thirsty hounds.
They will catch this very easily immediately hammer you with questions. On top of that, they will collectively mass report you.
If anyone can shed more light on the Cache thing, please do. I'm don't have a great deal of knowledge about it.
Helpful links:
Kals UC Pet pricing guide:
Neoboard Auto bumper: http://userscripts.o...ipts/show/34859
Any feedback and advice on how to improve this would be greatly appreciated.
Also, do have a read of the comments section! Some great tips and advice in there!
Edited by Claws, 23 April 2013 - 07:40 PM.