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Abrosia Log-out: Having a hard time understanding how this does not look sketchy.

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#26 Katya

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Posted 25 September 2013 - 11:12 AM

Wait, so if someone reports me, the chances of my account getting frozen go up like crazy? :p I get what you're saying though. Time to get the hell off the boards :') it's not like the people there are anywhere near nice anyway. Neo has a envious, angry community, like you say.


...What to do if I want to trade pets though?


I mean, yes, if TNT decide to check your account and find something suspicious (or not, since sometimes TNT is simply too stupid and freeze people just because they want).
TNT doesn't check EVERY report, that's way some people are frozen for no reason and others aren't frozen because of some obvious thing.
Using boards frequently only rises the chances of us being reported and thus the chances of TNT take a deep look into all the *forbidden* things we've been up to. :p Only thing we can do is not giving them so many hypothesis of doing it.
I don't know about trading Pets, but I think that's a high risk situation in any case.
We know how we got our Pets, but do we know how others got them? Stolen, bought, etc. Even though you are absolutely certain that Pet has a "clean" background, how about the account of the owner? Has (s)he ever cheated, got involved in something shady?
If they get in trouble is there any chance of putting our accounts in danger too?
I found it's much easier having a couple of accounts where I can bought some FQ cookies or use them on those Quest Faeries Events to get higher chances of getting a FFQ to make my dream pet than get involved with people on the boards and loose all my accounts.
I'm a (bit) too cautious nowadays because in the past, neoboards made me lose everything I won with effort, time, REAL MONEY and in a legit way.

Edited by athayde, 25 September 2013 - 03:58 PM.

#27 Vis

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Posted 25 September 2013 - 03:18 PM

You IP is your internet router, they'll be the same if you're using both computers in the same place. I think what red flags a user agent is if the IP is changing countries, like using a proxy from the US and then one from China and one from Italy. If you have used those devices before with your account, TNT knows that people use different devices to log in, you're fine with that.
I use neo on my laptop, ipad and iPhone with my home wi-fi and my schools, and I haven't been frozen.

Thanks for answering!


My IP constantly changes because, as you said, I do access the internet via many different routers. But, great, it seems I'm safe! I occasionally access it while abroad; maybe I'll invest some time into finding a UK proxy for those times to be extra safe.

#28 Amie

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Posted 26 September 2013 - 08:56 PM

I found it's much easier having a couple of accounts where I can bought some FQ cookies or use them on those Quest Faeries Events to get higher chances of getting a FFQ to make my dream pet than get involved with people on the boards and loose all my accounts.

I'm a (bit) too cautious nowadays because in the past, neoboards made me lose everything I won with effort, time, REAL MONEY and in a legit way.



What if your dream pets are UCs? Those have to be traded for :(


Wait, what? You've been frozen before?

#29 Katya

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Posted 27 September 2013 - 06:13 AM

What if your dream pets are UCs? Those have to be traded for :(


Wait, what? You've been frozen before?


I have a couple of UCs as dream pets too but I know I'll never get those, unless I'll buy them. lol
Yes, before I knew about Neocodex, before I knew how to cheat, before I actually cheated, I've had 4 accounts frozen. 
First one, the reason TNT give it was multiple people logged on my account (I'm guessing it was because I once used a public IP to access Neopets - never going to do that again :p); 
Second reason they gave it was because I scammed some other player (two days after I created my second account - because a friend of mine gave me the full set of the Lab);  
The reason TNT gave me to freezing my third account: a few years back (~2007 if my memory doesn't fail) there used to be a lot of discussions on the avatar chat, because that's what happens when a bunch of kids have nothing to do with their summer vacations lol, then PT TNT decided to ban ALL chat threads. No one was allowed to create new chats. 
I was (like almost all best PT players) addicted to HC. We were just a few thousands of players, who some of us became real friends. Needless to say it was the best PT board back then ( :crybaby:). We had no idea about what was going on on the AC because we didn't even go there, for us AC was = cheaters, scammers, etc. but that "no chat" rule was applied to ALL boards even without our knowledge. 
In a couple of minutes thousands of legit players were frozen for no reason, the only ones that escaped that slaughter were the ones that were not online at that time. When they came back they thought Neopet was over lol.
Like me, after that, hundreds of players decided to not create a new account and stay away from neo for a while.
Almost a year after that I was back in the game. I started to buy NC, I was a premium member. And for a while it seems that it was for real, BUT neoboards are the worst thing on Neo... LOL 
On the summer of 2008 there was some big scam on the AC that until now I'm not fully aware of what it was because HC was always my home. The only thing I know it's because one HCer got lent of one stealed AC item, a few hundreds HCers were AGAIN frozen for no reason. Me being one of them.
That was the last time I was unduly and undeservedly frozen. 
On that day, after spending THOUSANDS of euros with premium and NC, I decided to start cheating and completely abandon the neoboards. After a short research I found Neocodex. Since then we've been amazingly happy and I was never frozen again.
Now, 5 years after start cheating (with a two years hiatus I was away from neo for personal reasons), I feel like the first months, when I was a newbie and Neo was AWESOME. 
I'm so sorry OP, we're so out off topic xD

Edited by athayde, 27 September 2013 - 06:15 AM.

#30 jinq

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Posted 28 September 2013 - 05:21 AM

What if your dream pets are UCs? Those have to be traded for :(

Wait, what? You've been frozen before?

You can trade UCs with non-UC pets. It's just a little harder.

#31 highlow65

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Posted 28 September 2013 - 06:36 AM

I always wait

#32 Amie

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Posted 29 September 2013 - 10:42 AM

Yes, before I knew about Neocodex, before I knew how to cheat, before I actually cheated, I've had 4 accounts frozen. 

First one, the reason TNT give it was multiple people logged on my account (I'm guessing it was because I once used a public IP to access Neopets - never going to do that again :p);


So what you're saying is, you were iced several times, for things you didn't do, whereas once you actually started cheating, you weren't iced even once? Wow, great job, TNT.



And what's PT? And what chat threads were banned? I was on hiatus at the time (thank goodness).


I now see why you have such a deeply rooted aversion to the neoboards. I also see why after I returned from hiatus, the HC was totally dead as compared to before (I used to be on the HC 24/7 and it was totally active even in my timezone, now it's one of the slowest boards around).


You can trade UCs with non-UC pets. It's just a little harder.


Still have to trade pets, don't you? Which means you have to get on the neoboards.

#33 Katya

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Posted 29 September 2013 - 12:57 PM

So what you're saying is, you were iced several times, for things you didn't do, whereas once you actually started cheating, you weren't iced even once? Wow, great job, TNT.



And what's PT? And what chat threads were banned? I was on hiatus at the time (thank goodness).


I now see why you have such a deeply rooted aversion to the neoboards. I also see why after I returned from hiatus, the HC was totally dead as compared to before (I used to be on the HC 24/7 and it was totally active even in my timezone, now it's one of the slowest boards around).



Still have to trade pets, don't you? Which means you have to get on the neoboards.


Exactly that! TNT makes no sense.

That's why I feel pretty comfortable cheating 24/7 like crazy. With this I'm not saying I won't get iced again, chances are, that will happen eventually, but at least I'll go with the certainty I actually did something wrong.


PT = portuguese.

Portuguese boards back in 2005-2007 were the best, honestly. Scammings and cheatings were things were only heard off-site neopets. I can say the cheatings start after the massive icing that that "no chat rule" made.


These bannings happened only on portuguese boards (as far as I know).

We used to have a damn cool moderator, who even chatted with us on our boards, but after he left (some of us still think he was fired because he was our friend lol) TNT put another moderator who was an asshole. That guy decided, one day to simply ban all chats "this topic is closed and from now on anyone creating or using chat topics will have their account frozen", the only problem was that he only said that to his dung head and no one besides him knew that "new rule".


I don't know about english boards because only recently I started to lurk there, but the portuguese site it's a shit now. I believe it won't take long until portuguese neo will become the new italian neo (anyone remembers that? lol).


 I bet most of our translations are made with google translator, because they're so shitty. I'm sure I could do a better job and my english sucks. 

Some items are so badly translated they even get "forbidden" words like vagabunda (it means "whore")... 


It really is sad seeing the decadence of something that meant so much to some of us. I mean, I was an adult when I started playing Neopets 10 years ago, but it got me highly addicted. I made so many good friends there, all the nights spent chatting till morning and time to go to work lol. 


It's a shame TNT decided to seek only $ instead of make an effort to maintain the best players. And, after all, what did they did with all the money? Nothing worthy, site is a shit.


And now I feel depressive.  :(

Edited by athayde, 29 September 2013 - 01:02 PM.

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