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Guide to Valorous's Suite

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#1 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 05:26 PM


Guide to Valorous Neopets Suite (ShapeShifter Solver, Auction Sniper, Kad Feeder, Money Tree Grabber, Shop Pricer, USAB, AAA, Daily Automator, ETC)
Note: This is an extensive suite and some programs I used for the first time today for the purposes of writing this guide. He is also constantly updating this. This is incomplete, but feel free to pm me or post here adding things or asking questions for me to add into this. 

(Using this program in a manner inconsistent with common sense may get you frozen. The easiest and best way to not be iced is to not play Neopets.)

Getting started:
The first thing to do when using Valorous' Suite is to download it. The download link is found here on the first page in the OP.


Make sure you meet the requirements that are specified right underneath the download link.
The download link takes you to the dropbox website, where you download it, run the .exe, etc. It will self-extract to the location you downloaded it to.


Click on the folder and click the .exe file inside this. This will start the program, which begins with auto updating the suite.

Auto Login:
make a .txt file (notepad) and type in it:
and save it as account_info.txt in the same directory as the .exe.
Important information:

  • The Suite as-is is not compatible with Mac
  • Hold shift while it's checking for updates to force an update. 
  • You're not allowed to use the Restock List generator to share lists with non-Advanced members. It's an Advanced-only function.
  • Valorous doesn't actually play Neopets.
  • Most of this information is pulled directly from the 40+ page thread
  • There are directions on how to use virtually everything in the Suite. Hover over things and it tells you how to use it.

On to the good stuff.


Across the top, you see 5 options: Settings, Forum, Donate, Guide, and Price Check.

Underneath these options are the programs. (More on programs further down)

Underneath the programs area is the area that tells you what's going on. When you start the Suite, this area will tell you how many prices and unbuyables it's retrieved. It is downloading prices from the central database to use for any bots that require the shop wizard. When you start a program, it tells you what it's buying or retrieved or what it's doing with you inventory, depending on what programs you have selected.
Using the Programs
Creating Lists
Some of the programs in this suite you HAVE to have a list for and others are just more efficient with a list.  
How to Make a List

The Main tab is how you use all these programs. You go through the program tabs first and make sure the settings are where you want them and your lists are formatted and loaded. Then, you use the drop down menu to select the programs you want to run. annnnd click start! To remove programs from the list, click the blank cell beside the program and press the delete key.

User Messages
Use the arrow keys to navigate through messages and Del to delete them.

Auction Sniper
"It should only stop when the amount of searches has been exceeded. It displays when it is running, which bot is running, the sleep times, what it is bidding on and what it won and at what cost for me and everyone that tests internally." --Valorous

  • The list format for the Auction Sniper is name|price. You make the | by pressing sift+\
  • Anything under the price will be bought as long as the price stays under that amount.
  • It won't bid on any item that has multiple items for the same name. (map pieces)
  • If you are getting logged out while sniping, this appears to be caused by having more than one page of neomail in your inbox. So delete your neomails and start over

Using semi-automatic Auction Sniping


Kad Feeder

It waits until a kad is hungry, uses the items in your inventory to feed them and if you don't have anything in your inventory, buys them with a max cost specified and feeds them then displays a rendered HTML result for your pleasure.

It attempts to feed all hungry kads in the price range simultaneously to maximize the chances of being successful. This means that sometimes it will buy things in anticipation of feeding a kad without actually feeding one. This is normal.
Valorous's Kad Settings:
Feed for how many seconds? 3600
Maximum cost per item: 15000
Time between searchs? 5000, 15000

Shop AutoPricer
It sets the price based off of the current market average multiplied by your inflation ratio. Enter your inflation ratio at the top.

The AAA Autobuyer attempts to buy everything on your list in the order it was loaded simultaneously to ensure maximum chances of buying an item.

  • You MUST have a list to use the Attic aber.
  • The list must have the specific item name on it. 
  • Advanced Members and higher may not use the Item Database list maker thingy to distribute lists
  • I would suggest having your treasures moved to the SDB right after purchase to avoid bad things happening to them
  • Valorous's buy times range from 0.3s to 0.8s, and everything is automatic and adjusted by your average latency to the server. (I don't personally regularly AAA ab and can't give you info beyond that. This thread has a lot of AAA info tucked in it, in addition to pointing out the members who can help you with AAA buying.)



User Shop AutoBuyer

  • A list is required for the USAB in the Name|MaxPrice|Count format, where count is the number you want bought
  • After you run this a few times, you will want to make sure your RequestedCount (how many you want) is higher than your TimesBought (how many you have bought). 
  • Isa1991 has a Packrat List in Valorous' thread (The Packrat List WILL get you shop wizard banned, so plan to not need the wizard for a bit.)
  • To clear a times bought column without deleting the entry, click in the Times Bought cell and press 0; to clear multiple rows, select the rows and press the 'Clear Times Bought' button
  • To select multiple rows in succession, highlight the first row, hold shift, and highlight the last row in the series
  • To select multiple rows NOT in succession, hold ctrl while clicking the rows you want selected
  • Pressing the Delete key will remove the selected rows from your list
  • Pressing ctrl+A and then Delete will remove the entire list (you can also click the uppermost lefthand cell to select all)

User Shop AutoBuyer Book Reader/Stamp Album

  • You MUST have a list 
  • The list MUST only contain one category of thing at a time. (ie all books or all stamps.)
  • It can't check to see if you have non-book or non-stamp items (which means it may try to read a sword to your pet, which may increase the odds of you getting iced)
  • To activate this feature, load the list and select the applicable option override in the suite (read or stamp)
  • There is a buyable list for stamps here and another one here (Thanks cuttingedge and ritzwin)


Money Tree Grabber & Rubbish Dump Grabber

  • If you aren't getting anything, you can increase the time the Grabber is running or try again at a different time. The Grabber takes LOTS of patience
  • You can only grab 10 things per day between the Money Tree and the Rubbish Dump
  • The MTG and RDG are based off a minimum value determined by the databases 

Shapeshifter Solver

  • Only increase the runtime multiplier if you have a slow computer

Sleep Bot

  • If you need this explained, you shouldn't be here. Go play legit.

Edna Quest

  • This one is also self-explanatory
  • Speculation suggests that the avvie is gained when Edna asks for 3+ items that involve a color 

Kitchen Quest

  • Same set up as Edna

Auto Trainer

  • It will do all your pets and ignore the ones that can't be trained for whatever reason.
  • If you choose to get the pets list, you must enable ones you wish to train. If you do not, it reverts to the old method (which is training all of them)
  • Pets level 1-40 are trained at the Swashbuckling Academy 
  • Pets level 40-250 are trained at Mystery Island Training School
  • You can only train stats up to 3x your pet's level.

Daily Automator


Just check the boxes you want to run and you're good to go! The items you win go where you tell them to. The results of your dailies show up on the Main Page in the User Messages section. Use the arrow keys to navigate through messages and Del to delete them.

How to Get Avast to Accept the Suite

Edited by Napiform, 25 February 2014 - 10:16 AM.

#2 cuttingedge

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 05:41 PM

Nice guide. Uh just formatting suggestions... I would do something to separate the tab information from the other information (and User Messages is a bit inconspicuously placed maybe). 

#3 NapisaurusRex

  • šŸ“Aioli-AmericanšŸ“

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 05:43 PM

What do you mean by 'tab information'?


Edit: Moved user messages info

Edited by Napiosaurus, 24 September 2013 - 05:45 PM.

#4 cuttingedge

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 05:45 PM

Like you have all the explanations of each tab and you have general information. I think it'd be nice to make a distinct separation of the two but that's just my subjective take.


EDIT: Bueno

Edited by cuttingedge, 24 September 2013 - 06:12 PM.

#5 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 05:49 PM

Like you have all the explanations of each tab and you have general information. I think it'd be nice to make a distinct separation of the two but that's just my subjective take.


#6 Keil

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 06:50 PM

Your down-to-earth and fool-proof guides are always the best, Napi.

#7 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 06:56 PM

Your down-to-earth and fool-proof guides are always the best, Napi.

awww thank you!


Years of practice... I used to write manual updates for work. (minus the word 'shit', ofc)

#8 mintpro

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 10:54 PM

Your down-to-earth and fool-proof guides are always the best, Napi.

This. Thanks for the guide, Napi! :)

#9 Fikri

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Posted 25 September 2013 - 02:21 AM

so if i have a question should i ask here or the original thread?

#10 mintpro

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Posted 25 September 2013 - 04:37 AM

so if i have a question should i ask here or the original thread?

You just asked a question here. Seriously if it's related to the user guide or other usability / how-to issue I'd ask the question here.

#11 Amie

  • 226 posts

Posted 25 September 2013 - 05:17 AM

I've been hoping for a guide like this for ages - I wasn't able to use half this stuff till now :p And it's really well written. Thanks so much!



Sleep Bot

If you need this explained, you shouldn't be here. Go play legit.


..........I don't know what that is...............................................................

...i shouldn't be here...

#12 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 25 September 2013 - 05:43 AM

..........I don't know what that is...............................................................
...i shouldn't be here...

And I had such high hopes for you.

Basically, you use it to schedule periods of inactivity in the suite, so it looks like you took a break to go to the bathroom or whatever.

#13 Amie

  • 226 posts

Posted 25 September 2013 - 07:50 AM

And I had such high hopes for you.

Basically, you use it to schedule periods of inactivity in the suite, so it looks like you took a break to go to the bathroom or whatever.


Oh, I'm such a disappointment to the cheater army... :p

Yeah, I thought so. I just wasn't sure whether it applied to the entire suite, or if it just logged you out of neopets, or what exactly.

#14 gotvacien

  • 74 posts

Posted 03 October 2013 - 06:03 PM

here all all the times on the dailys  but for the fishing vortex and wishing well because vortex and can be run again randomly more then once per day and im not sure how the wishing well works if it uses all its 7 at once or only one




Edited by gotvacien, 03 October 2013 - 06:05 PM.

#15 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 03 October 2013 - 06:12 PM

here all all the times on the dailys  but for the fishing vortex and wishing well because vortex and can be run again randomly more then once per day and im not sure how the wishing well works if it uses all its 7 at once or only one

The wishing well does all 7 at once. The fishing vortex only goes once, but you can put the daily automator in your lineup more than once.

#16 gotvacien

  • 74 posts

Posted 04 October 2013 - 07:18 AM

The wishing well does all 7 at once. The fishing vortex only goes once, but you can put the daily automator in your lineup more than once.

set wishing well to 43200 then and yes i know i can run the automator more then once but thats why fishing is set to 0 because its random its worth doing every time it runs my list has the sleep bot daily automator and shop pricer run after each of the other tasks at minimum this trips the healing springs alot to maybe get potions

Edited by gotvacien, 04 October 2013 - 07:21 AM.

#17 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 04 October 2013 - 05:14 PM

set wishing well to 43200 then and yes i know i can run the automator more then once but thats why fishing is set to 0 because its random its worth doing every time it runs my list has the sleep bot daily automator and shop pricer run after each of the other tasks at minimum this trips the healing springs alot to maybe get potions

I had to look at your screenie more than once, but I understand now. Good idea!

#18 Valorous

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Posted 09 October 2013 - 01:27 PM

The Suite can now be used to auto stamp and auto book read.


Check the USAB to see how.

#19 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 09 October 2013 - 02:02 PM

The Suite can now be used to auto stamp and auto book read.
Check the USAB to see how.

updated the guide to reflect this.

#20 Fikri

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Posted 19 October 2013 - 07:19 AM



about the auction sniping profit, does "100_" means 100np profit? why is there an underscore following the value??

and can someone teach me how to make that auto-login file? is it on note file or something?

#21 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 19 October 2013 - 08:03 AM

Yes, the 100__ means 100np profit. The 2 underscores are placeholders showing you that you can have up to a 5 digit profit. (ex. 1240, 99999)


For auto login, you make a .txt file (notepad) and type in it






and save it as account_info.txt in the same directory as the .exe.

#22 Fikri

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Posted 19 October 2013 - 08:39 AM

Yes, the 100__ means 100np profit. The 2 underscores are placeholders showing you that you can have up to a 5 digit profit. (ex. 1240, 99999)


For auto login, you make a .txt file (notepad) and type in it






and save it as account_info.txt in the same directory as the .exe.


alright, thanks.

#23 ams

  • 17 posts

Posted 19 November 2013 - 11:44 AM

Do these just run on their own? I logged in and set #s for the kad feeder, but there's not really a way to see if it's running/

#24 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 19 November 2013 - 11:48 AM

Yes, just push start and it'll tell you it's starting. It DOES show what it's doing at the bottom of the suite, but most of kad feeding is waiting so there isn't anything to see... Waiting on kad time, waiting for things in your price range, etc.

#25 ams

  • 17 posts

Posted 19 November 2013 - 11:53 AM

Maybe it's just showing up weird on my end. I'm on an XP PC at the moment.

Do all of them run at once, or can you turn a few off to avoid looking suspicious?


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