Did you think that approaching us in that way was going to get you what you wanted?
That isn't how you make friends
Ah I see, I double check and change my password in neopets, now it works like magic thank you for helping me
I'm glad you got this sorted. Thanks @nitro.
For reference, guys, if you think you might be able to help us with the analysis of the data weve collected then we can happily provide the data to you as long as we think that you're going to help (on a case by case basis).
If you are indeed interested then please shoot me a PM and we can talk about it like adults.
It's worth understanding that this data is being analysed to provide a better system in Abrosia and we plan on keeping the actual restock algorithm that we come up with a secret. Why? Because this gives Abrosia an advantage over other autobuyers, which means that our users (you guys!!) will be able to get better items faster. (NP galore )
If you are uncomfortable with any of this then there is absolutely no obligation to run the analysis app and we are happy to delete any identifying data at your request. If you have any questions, post here or PM me and I'm always happy to lend a hand.
You are all part of our project and you are all helping us to continue to develop the best autobuyer Neopets has ever seen, so THANK YOU!