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What really grinds YOUR gears?

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#451 Kaddict

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 05:13 PM

^ look down. But if that doesn't work, smile and nod while walking away from them. It confuses them 90% of the time

#452 Might

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 05:38 PM

People who insist on going 'aaaaaah' after they take a sip of something to drink. Please, please just don't.

#453 dmw13

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 06:12 PM

People who insist on going 'aaaaaah' after they take a sip of something to drink. Please, please just don't.


Agreed. I also get incredibly angry at anyone who makes noise when they eat or drink. 

#454 Kaddict

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 06:16 PM

Really anyone making noise while they are eating...

#455 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 07:31 PM

Anyone who makes noise...

#456 Sweeney

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 07:32 PM


#457 trizzle

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 08:09 PM

Mother fucking mosquitoes

#458 Mandie

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 09:00 PM


#459 Honchkrow

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 09:18 PM

Insects that fly right past your ear. -insert freakout with flailing arms-

#460 Mandie

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Posted 15 July 2014 - 11:45 AM

Insects that fly right past your ear. -insert freakout with flailing arms-

But the people nearby get a laugh. I do that all the time when I'm walking.

#461 GenericDragon

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Posted 15 July 2014 - 01:21 PM

People who like to say their opinion on other's lives the moment they tell them a little about themselves. 

I'm always afraid to tell people I'm a housewife because of all the comments I usually receive on the subject. "Your significant other must be so horrible! How dare he?" "You're lazy!" "Can't you get a part-time job?" "But you're so smart!" etc etc... then I have to defend myself, as if I need to justify our lifestyle choices to them. As if our finances or my time is their business. :(

I'm okay with them having opinions but I don't understand why people believe it's open season on other's lives. Have some etiquette, sheesh.

Also can't stand waiters/waitresses who are too pushy. The kind that will say "So we'll see you tomorrow, right?" or argue with you on what you want to order/don't want to order. 


Yeah that would annoy the fuck out of me, too. Right now I'm the one working and my boyfriend is the one who keeps up on the housework, and I'm perfectly okay with that. People say, "Well he should get a job." or something and it annoys the everliving shit out of me.


We've gone and decided that we're going to switch places. He's going to apply for the same job that I have right now, because it pays well (for us, since we don't have children) but it stresses me out so badly I'm basically a potato when I'm not at home. (FYI, I'm a correctional officer--being a female in a male prison is very stressful for me)


So I'm going to pick back up my novel ideas and start writing again, and possibly get a part-time job. And ain't no one else but us needs to have a say in it.

#462 Lambie

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Posted 16 July 2014 - 01:13 PM

Yeah that would annoy the fuck out of me, too. Right now I'm the one working and my boyfriend is the one who keeps up on the housework, and I'm perfectly okay with that. People say, "Well he should get a job." or something and it annoys the everliving shit out of me.


We've gone and decided that we're going to switch places. He's going to apply for the same job that I have right now, because it pays well (for us, since we don't have children) but it stresses me out so badly I'm basically a potato when I'm not at home. (FYI, I'm a correctional officer--being a female in a male prison is very stressful for me)


So I'm going to pick back up my novel ideas and start writing again, and possibly get a part-time job. And ain't no one else but us needs to have a say in it.



Good for you! I wish you all the luck with your writing (or that ptj). And yeah, I can only imagine how stressful that kind of job must be. Did you stick with that job to kind of spite the people who tried to tell you your boyfriend should be doing it? 'Cause I so would have. lol

Also another thing that grinds my gears are people who try to dictate someone else's major life event. Like for my wedding - I have certain people I refuse to invite that I know would ruin it if they WERE invited. But if I don't invite them, I will receive major consequences with other people. It's our money, our wedding, and our choice. I think it's sad how entitled some people believe they are especially because they think sharing blood gives them some sort of "right". Being family is never an excuse for reprehensible behavior.

#463 Ali

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Posted 16 July 2014 - 02:44 PM

My inability to cope in temperatures past about 22C. This week is utterly hellish. 32C by Friday in a city where I'm mostly reliant on the tube. I'm going to have to get buses, ugh.

#464 Waser Lave

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Posted 16 July 2014 - 02:57 PM

*Checks local weather for next few days* Maximum up to 22C here. :D God bless the north! Still too warm at night for my liking though... <_<

#465 Karla

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Posted 16 July 2014 - 03:10 PM

We've had to deal with 25c-35c heat here lately.  I just wish it would get a little cooler. D:

#466 Frizzle

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Posted 16 July 2014 - 03:49 PM

Anything about 15 degrees should be classified as inhumane and we should spend the whole day in our rooms with air conditioning. I wanna live in Russia or Canada now...

#467 Waser Lave

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Posted 17 July 2014 - 07:09 AM

Anything about 15 degrees should be classified as inhumane and we should spend the whole day in our rooms with air conditioning. I wanna live in Russia or Canada now...


You do realise that in Russia and Canada at this time of year you're still talking about a range of 20-30C? :p We're around the same latitude as a large proportion of both of those countries. ;)

#468 Ali

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Posted 17 July 2014 - 07:10 AM

You do realise that in Russia and Canada at this time of year you're still talking about a range of 20-30C? :p We're around the same latitude as a large proportion of both of those countries. ;)

I'm moving to Svalbard.


Same as yesterday, I'm really not made for the heat. Not if I have to be able to do anything productive with my life. Can't explain how much I'm dreading tomorrow.

#469 Waser Lave

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Posted 17 July 2014 - 07:17 AM

I'm moving to Svalbard.


I'm thinking of settling into some kind of migratory behaviour just sticking to around 15C and flitting between various wetland areas. :p

#470 Liesa

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Posted 17 July 2014 - 07:22 AM

Working with 30Ā° C. Kids get a day off in school when it's this warm..;.; why can't adults.

#471 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 17 July 2014 - 07:28 AM

People who use strictly C when I believe in F.

#472 Frizzle

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Posted 17 July 2014 - 11:16 AM

You do realise that in Russia and Canada at this time of year you're still talking about a range of 20-30C? :p We're around the same latitude as a large proportion of both of those countries. ;)

They're big places, I'm sure there's somewhere around there that is constantly cold.

People who use strictly C when I believe in F.

Hush, we invented it, we choose.

#473 Waser Lave

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Posted 17 July 2014 - 11:21 AM

They're big places, I'm sure there's somewhere around there that is constantly cold.


I think I'd just lean towards investing in air conditioning since it's only for a few weeks of the year really and there's probably not an awful lot to do in the wilds of northern Canada/Siberia despite how pretty it is. :p

#474 Frizzle

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Posted 17 July 2014 - 01:36 PM

It's cold and isolated, i.e perfect.

#475 Rocket


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Posted 18 July 2014 - 01:15 PM

When people don't understand that I'm HAPPY not being in a relationship. Sure it's been a long ass time, and cuddles would be nice every now and then, but that's what my cat is for. I have no desire at this point in time to be tied down to anyone, and that doesn't make me feel lonely or sad.


Stop hounding me about when I'm going to meet someone and get married and have babies. When I'm ready and the time is right, it will happen.

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