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What really grinds YOUR gears?

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#576 Mishelle

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Posted 30 September 2014 - 04:35 PM

"I just deleted xxx people off my friends list so if you can see this congratulations" 



#577 Piplup

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Posted 01 October 2014 - 03:36 AM

when the girls my class don't stop talking

I have head some weird and gross things from them 

#578 Karla

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Posted 01 October 2014 - 08:27 AM

People submitting illegible handwriting for me to enter electronically.

This truly is the digital age, 'cause people can't write for shit.

#579 Emily

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Posted 01 October 2014 - 08:35 AM

When you're on a mission and everything goes wrong. 

#580 Swar

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Posted 01 October 2014 - 08:37 AM

When you go to school just because of one teacher, and she doesn't go.

#581 Rocket


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Posted 01 October 2014 - 08:41 AM

When your boss is about to leave for a week and she leaves Karen in charge, and you have been for the company longer.


Guess it pays to kiss ass.

#582 Batori

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Posted 01 October 2014 - 08:43 AM

Customers who can't fuckin' wait 30 seconds for their turn. e_e Really? Are you three? Did you not just hear me say "I'll be with you in a moment"? Go away.


(I was writing out a raincheck, a process that took less than two minutes, and this guy was hassling me the entire time. And when I had finished, the lady I was writing it for had wandered off and seemed annoyed that I hadn't gone to find her. Fuck you both.)

#583 Piplup

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Posted 01 October 2014 - 09:05 AM

when people talk in class when we are watching a movie >:CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC

#584 Bear

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Posted 01 October 2014 - 09:12 AM

The next day after I worked out that one body part feels a teensy bit more sore than the other

Edited by Bear, 01 October 2014 - 09:12 AM.

#585 Mishelle

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Posted 01 October 2014 - 10:38 AM

When professors mandate class attendance even though their lectures are fucking pointless. 

#586 Slashy

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Posted 01 October 2014 - 03:48 PM

Not going to lie, when I read the title of this topic, I was thinking almost exactly what was said in the first post. I was driving today and had my cruise control on, and the person in front of me had to be driving about 10 mph under the speed limit and it forced me to slow down.


Other than that, I really hate when I'm on my phone, and I'm hard pressed on trying to get something done, and an app crashes.

#587 cara

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Posted 01 October 2014 - 10:22 PM

What really grinds my gears is the fact that i paid 112 dollars for a swimsuit today .. it is literally an underwear and two cups to cover my tiny boobs .. why is it so expensive .. WHy

#588 HiMyNameIsNick

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Posted 01 October 2014 - 10:32 PM

That I always want to go to bed at 12 pm but I always end up going at 5/6 am

#589 Flossy

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Posted 01 October 2014 - 11:46 PM

1- People who walk in front of you but walk at the pace of a slug.


2- People who chew really loudly, please stop.


3- When my son whinges in his sleep really loudly, wakes me up and I'm awake for the next few hours whilst he is flat out.

#590 Dazz

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Posted 02 October 2014 - 06:47 AM

When the drive-thru at KFC gets served twice as quick as people who walk into the building, why would you encourage laziness? Also when i have to wait in line for 20 minutes for everyone in front to get their super-deluxe-feed-a-family-of-20 buckets, then get ice creams on top of that, oh and btw can i get another bucket on top of that please, then when i finally get to the till to order my tiny snackbox it takes less than a minute to get my order and pay. WTF why can't i just be fast-tracked to the front, or have a seperate till for small orders? Waiting 20 minutes in full sweaty biker gear to order something that takes less than a minute is fucking ridiculous.

#591 Swar

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Posted 02 October 2014 - 07:40 AM

When I'm hungry and there's no food in the fridge.

#592 Karyx

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Posted 02 October 2014 - 08:38 AM

Or when you're hungry and it's the middle of the night and nothing's open.


And you live in the middle of nowhere...

#593 Applepi

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Posted 02 October 2014 - 09:14 AM

Or when you're hungry and it's the middle of the night and nothing's open.


And you live in the middle of nowhere...


when you're too lazy to go grocery shopping so the only thing you have in your fridge is expired milk :( 

#594 Swar

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Posted 02 October 2014 - 09:15 AM

Or when you're hungry and it's the middle of the night and nothing's open.
And you live in the middle of nowhere...


when you're too lazy to go grocery shopping so the only thing you have in your fridge is expired milk :(

First World Food Problems

#595 seraph

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Posted 02 October 2014 - 09:42 AM

People I barely know being excessively clingy. If I've been appearing offline for a week I probably don't appreciate you saying 'hey' twice a day every day. Pls stahp

#596 Rocket


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Posted 02 October 2014 - 09:43 AM

trying to find a place to live when my roommates are cheap asses.

#597 Dazz

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Posted 02 October 2014 - 04:02 PM

Or when you're hungry and it's the middle of the night and nothing's open.


And you live in the middle of nowhere...


I was gonna say usually if you want food at midnight onwards the only place to go is a petrol station round here


People I barely know being excessively clingy. If I've been appearing offline for a week I probably don't appreciate you saying 'hey' twice a day every day. Pls stahp



#598 Karla

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Posted 02 October 2014 - 07:26 PM

trying to find a place to live when my roommates are cheap asses.


That sucks.  You should make them find a place to live for you.

#599 Emily

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Posted 08 October 2014 - 02:27 PM

People who mooch off of me. 

#600 Rocket


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Posted 23 October 2014 - 06:36 AM

When I come into work and before I even have a chance to sit down or turn on my computer, a certain coworker feels the need to ramble off a bunch of stuff at me when I'm not ready. Chill out and give me a minute!

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