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What really grinds YOUR gears?

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#776 Shannon

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Posted 29 January 2015 - 03:29 PM

When people piss on the toilet seat/don't flush.

Ugh. Hate that. Girls are the worst about this. Some don't actually sit on the seat so they get it everywhere and then don't clean it up. So disgusting.

#777 Swar

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Posted 29 January 2015 - 04:48 PM

Selfie stick, or whatever it's called. 

#778 Alexiel

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Posted 29 January 2015 - 05:31 PM

I've always cleaned up my table before leaving. I mean, it's not their job to clean your mess.



Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you realized there were some restaurants in which when you leave the employee takes your tray, dishes, silverware, trash, etc. and then clean off the table.

Some places actually do that still.

Pizza Hut for example.

It's expected to have at least some mess left behind. Anything from a little bit of parmesan or pepper that escaped the plate, maybe condensation from that glass that's been sitting there for awhile, or even wadded up napkins at best... but it can easily get worse depending on the party (I'd imagine it's especially worse cleaning after a large family with young children).


But unlike the average person who leaves things as is we'll leave it spotless, food waste and napkins separated from the dishes while dishes & silverware get stacked in such a way it could easily & quickly be taken to the kitchen.
When they come to clean down our table when we leave the only thing they'll have to really do pick up is the tip.


Or in the case of a fast food restaurant... you've never left a single rogue strand of lettuce or noticed maybe a smidge of pepper didn't quite get wiped up? I admit it. I'm guilty. But now it's as spotless as we're able to get it without the tools their employees have (which is weird since it's not their job to clean up other people's messes). 



Since then we've become more anal about cleaning up after ourselves before we leave any restaurant... even if it's "just" McDonalds.



I wasn't saying we don't clean up after ourselves. I'm just saying we go beyond the average joe's definition of cleaning up after ourselves.

Hell, I've seen employees "clean up" after a customer and it still look like crap. So... 



But I'm sorry Mr. Holier Than Thou. 
I guess I'll start carrying a bottle of cleaner and a rag to make sure it's up to YOUR standard of eating out.

I'll also be sure to let wait staff know it's no longer their job to clean up after customers next time I see them doing just that.

#779 Swar

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Posted 29 January 2015 - 05:34 PM

lol u mad?

#780 Fikri

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Posted 08 February 2015 - 08:39 PM

when people say "wait for it" but don't wait long enough before revealing the surprise.

#781 Lucian

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Posted 08 February 2015 - 10:07 PM

I've always cleaned up my table before leaving. I mean, it's not their job to clean your mess.


Wait, we're just talking about fast food restaurants right?

#782 Swar

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Posted 08 February 2015 - 10:14 PM

Wait, we're just talking about fast food restaurants right?

Yeah, at least it was what I was referring to. Of course in other restaurants they have to clean the dishes :p

#783 Liesa

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Posted 08 February 2015 - 11:04 PM



Said customer proceeds to stay until 10 minutes past closing and buys nothing and creates a mess I had cleaned beforehand.


"HEHEHE don't bother cleaning that up they LIKE having something to do" - customer


Yes I would like to beat your ass. 


As well as any incidence of being hit on or when people act like my life is going no where because I work in retail part time while in school*.


* My life is going no where for reasons unrelated to working in retail. HAH. 


*sobs* Yes this! The shop I work in closes at 8 and 10 minutes before we do there's always people coming in trying to do their full on grocery shopping.

For God's sake it's 8PM on a saturday, we'd like to have lives too! Leave! 

#784 Karla

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Posted 08 February 2015 - 11:31 PM

Having to wait for Deviantart to take down stolen images.  They take forever and they may not even take the image(s) down when they get to my report.


This is why I don't post there anymore.

#785 Rocket


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Posted 09 February 2015 - 09:11 AM

when the boss goes out of town and leaves karen in charge. fuck karen.

#786 LittleBambi

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Posted 10 February 2015 - 06:33 AM

When people tell me my hands are shaking. Especially when it's people that know me and know of my trembling. My hands tremble, I can't help that. It's not like I can say "Hey hands, stop trembling!" It doesn't work like that.

Or what annoys me too is my aunt always saying "Stop trembling. You should be over that by now." Over what? My hands have been trembling since as long as I know. I don't know why and I don't know how to stop it, so it just really annoys me when people pay attention to it or are saying to me I should stop. I'm trying to forget that I have that problem. I hate it. Don't they know I would stop it if I could. It's not like I'm trembling for fun : /

#787 Fikri

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Posted 10 February 2015 - 10:35 PM

when the barber asks me difficult political questions while holding a scissor an inch or two away from my throat. forget the haircut... get me out of here!

#788 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 23 February 2015 - 03:38 PM

People who look at a burrito with one open end and one closed end, then deliberately take bites from the closed end, and bitch when the food falls out the other side.

#789 Shannon

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Posted 23 February 2015 - 04:57 PM

When you're supposed to be packing for a month-long trip and all you want to do is curl up in a ball and watch Oscar-nominated movies.

#790 Rocket


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Posted 23 February 2015 - 05:34 PM

When my phone dies and I'm not near a charger or computer so I can't talk to someone.

#791 Rocket


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Posted 27 February 2015 - 08:20 AM

micromanagers.... I had been at work for 5 minutes and my boss gets on me for the stupidest thing and I hadn't even had my coffee yet.


It's gonna be a long day.



then i realize i'm also micro-managing my peeps :( smh

#792 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 27 February 2015 - 08:36 AM

People who insist on a blue dress.

#793 Rocket


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 08:50 AM

Boss sends out YET ANOTHER email to everyone stating the order of people who should answer the phones... my name is not on this list.. yet I end up answering half the calls anyways.


It's not my fucking job to answer the damn phone bitches, do you job.

#794 Shannon

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Posted 02 March 2015 - 10:18 AM

Boss sends out YET ANOTHER email to everyone stating the order of people who should answer the phones... my name is not on this list.. yet I end up answering half the calls anyways.


It's not my fucking job to answer the damn phone bitches, do you job.

I bet it's Karen's job to answer the phones. That bitch.

#795 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 02 March 2015 - 10:43 AM

I'm going to laugh so hard when it turns out Karen is a codex member and she figures out who you are.

#796 Rocket


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 11:03 AM

I bet it's Karen's job to answer the phones. That bitch.


actually it's not her job anymore. dammit karen.


I'm going to laugh so hard when it turns out Karen is a codex member and she figures out who you are.



#797 Shannon

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Posted 02 March 2015 - 11:04 AM

actually it's not her job anymore. dammit karen.

Ugh. Fuck Karen.

#798 Swar

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Posted 02 March 2015 - 11:38 AM

I'm going to laugh so hard when it turns out Karen is a codex member and she figures out who you are.


#799 Rocket


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 11:41 AM






#800 Swar

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Posted 02 March 2015 - 11:44 AM


You should stay away from the coffee machine... Accidents may happen...

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