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Altador Cup IX’s Team Codex Will Be…

team codex much anticipation very critical wow

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#326 Waser Lave

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 08:03 AM

omg it worked. =/ i am a IT retard. thanks.. alottt!


They probably banned your account or something after you registered which causes you to get stuck on that message. ;) Deleting your cookies means you're back to being a guest.

#327 Leeroy

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 08:06 AM

ahh had to relog in the codex too. man i got to start reading on those stuff..


and btw found some chips, reading the TDN. go Sweeney


man i so much drama! i was late to the showw

#328 Map

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 08:06 AM

The drama is so amazingly delicious. I think it's flattering that Neocodex get's so much attention. I wonder if the other ASG's, and other cheating sites will come back twice as hard this year...


There is so much hate towards Codex, it's like that Mean Girls Regina .gif; Why are you so obsessed with me?

#329 Karla

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 08:43 AM

The drama is so amazingly delicious. I think it's flattering that Neocodex get's so much attention. I wonder if the other ASG's, and other cheating sites will come back twice as hard this year...
There is so much hate towards Codex, it's like that Mean Girls Regina .gif; Why are you so obsessed with me?

I'm willing to bet they are, but we'll be ready for them... *evil face*

#330 HiMyNameIsNick

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 08:52 AM

I love those moralfags "Don't you know cheating is wrong?". This is awesome




Neocodex rules.

#331 hodor

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 09:25 AM

Have you guys ever considered having the AC as a sort of competition amongst ourselves? 


I noticed last year that (at least I was) unless we were playing against clraik or a huge team like DC our scores weren't in the range that made people ragequit, and


Let's say Team Codex is split into two teams (haven't really thought about the kinks yet, but let's assume an equal amount of players on two teams), and compete for the most points in categories (winning is a given, but if we count a win as 1 point then teams would be tied - tallying up the points scored in each respective game and then using that as Team A's or B's score). 


Obviously this comes with the risk of getting caught easier if TNT or people with too much time on their hands start snooping around looking for people who are consistently SS'ing for triple digit scores against a team like Faerieland, but at the same time it'd help people to get their ranks faster, which translates into more prizes, etc. etc.


I think it'd be pretty fun :<


+ how mad do you think people would be when they find out that Codex doesn't see any of them as competition teehee


#332 Mathilda

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 09:39 AM

I think the mods are pretty much into a multiple teams type of deal for next year. It would be preety cool. (Also I would finaly join Brightvale YAY!)


I know the the team is already chosen for this year, but maybe PM Keil about next years? Or just lurk around and wait for next april XD?

#333 Keil

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 10:17 AM

Yeah, it's too early to pick next year's team because I need to carefully measure the volume of tears in cubic meters from sore losers to be used into my personal team formula. However, if you have ideas of how to pick teams for next year/format of team codex/specific team to support, definitely save it on a word file and post it in the "Decompression/reflection" thread made after the games end.

#334 Eefi

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 10:26 AM

Have you guys ever considered having the AC as a sort of competition amongst ourselves? 

A marvelous idea. Instead of claiming just #1, claim 1, 2 AND 3.

#335 EverKaia

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 10:45 AM

Siniri's righteousness barfed all over my inboxness. > :p

Sorry, I meant to reply to your post, too, but my reply got rather long. (My question about what kinds of programs Codex makes was inspired by your post, because I've heard all kinds of rumors, but I suspect some of them may be gray.)

I know it can be tempting to use programs to automate some of the more basic aspects of Neopets. A friend has all her dailies in a bookmark folder; she opens all in separate tabs and closes each tab as she completes the daily. Not cheating, according to TNT, but not really that time-saving either. But it's not too far from a program that not only opens each, but also clicks the little buttons you need to click to complete the daily, and then closes the tab once it's through -- which would save a decent amount of time.

TNT has said constellation finders are okay, but the multi-refresh hack on the Water Treatment plant is not. People solving your puzzles for you in a plot? Okay. Using a computer to solve the same puzzle? Not okay. Kind of dumb.

Jellyneo and TDN have RSS alerts for certain site events (MVC restocks, Turmaculus, Snowager, Punchbag Sid, etc.). People who can get the alert on a phone can also go to Neopets from their phone and catch the event. I don't have a smartphone, so I could only catch the event if I had a program to auto-complete the task for me. If they can use their phone, why can't I use my computer? But it's because they still need to do the work...

I would be tempted to create an RSS based on my stock sell prices (so I could get an alert whenever I should sell a stock) -- except I don't have a way to be notified to act on the alert, so I would need to auto-complete the sale, which pushes it into clearly against the rules territory. I'm also tempted by a program that would capture all the SW prices by letter, and sort by cheapest price once it has all 13 fields of data (creating a SSW for non-premium members).

I use an Excel spreadsheet to help me calculate things for Food Club; I still have to enter the day's starting and current odds, and I choose the bets myself, manually. But there's a site that will choose the bets for you. And it will even let you click a button and physically make the bets for you. Only the last example is against the rules, and it's a bit silly, really, because the longest time I spend is on choosing my bets (which also requires the most skill), not actually clicking on them -- and yet only the last bit is against the rules to automate.

All this is to say that there's a spectrum. I understand what it's like to be busy. I understand what it's like to want to automate some NP-related tasks. I think the level of commitment needed for certain events is excessive (the AC, for example, where even All Star, at several hours per day, isn't enough to earn you the top few prizes). Of course, an increasing number of people cheating only compounds that last problem (more feel they need to cheat in order to compete, and more "legit" players get discouraged and quit each year).

So yeah, I don't assume that someone is a horrible person because they use a program to help play some aspect of Neopets. It is, after all, just a game. I know that I try to never cross that line, myself, because I don't want to lose my account and because I need those lines to be clear, and not a slippery slope.

I read manga online, which hurts the mangakas -- but I don't speak Japanese, and a lot of what I read isn't translated professionally to English (or it is with long delays and/or terrible quality, or the company goes bankrupt, or it's just cost-prohibitive). If there were a website where I could read it in English, with a small annual fee and/or ads, I would do it. But since there isn't, I'll continue to read scanlations. I can try to justify it by saying I'd never pay for this anyway, and so they're not losing any market -- except that the scanlators justify their work using this logic ("helping to grow the audience"), but the effects on the industry are clear: sales are down, and mangakas are struggling. And by reading, I'm tacitly supporting the copyright infringement.

Anyway, sorry this is so long and rambly; it's way past my bedtime now, and I'm sick, so it probably doesn't make much sense. Goodnight!

Also (since these apparently auto-merge...TDN needs that!), y'all have the wrong link. Sweeney's drama thread is:


#336 Speedracer

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 10:53 AM



I feel very, very bad for this topic. It's as if a criminal came to my community and said "Hello! I know me and my group break the laws and hinder the overall aspects of your lives, but hey! Let's put it aside and be friends while I tell you why I like being a criminal so much and keep on breaking the laws and hindering your community!"


#337 Elindoril

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 10:58 AM


Don't you know cheating in a kid's game is equivalent to breaking the law?

#338 KaibaSama

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 11:00 AM

Don't you know cheating in a kid's game is equivalent to breaking the law?

EX: "I killed someone! Here's why I did it and why you should kill people too!" 


I'm kind of wondering if they're here knowing that we're laughing our heads off at them.

Edited by Satsuki, 17 May 2014 - 11:02 AM.

#339 EverKaia

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 11:03 AM

Apparently, Siniri thinks that Sweeney should get a life and cure cancer or AIDS through crowdsourcing...did you notice that? :p


@Satsuki There's a spy on here other than me...but I told "DonkeyMeepit" that I wouldn't reveal his Codexian identity. ;) (Except the mods know, because THEY KNOW ALL! *evil laughter*)

#340 KaibaSama

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 11:07 AM

Apparently, Siniri thinks that Sweeney should get a life and cure cancer or AIDS through crowdsourcing...did you notice that? :p


@Satsuki There's a spy on here other than me...but I told "DonkeyMeepit" that I wouldn't reveal his Codexian identity. ;) (Except the mods know, because THEY KNOW ALL! *evil laughter*)

Sweeney should cure cancer/AIDS with his cheating prowess! All hail the powerful all seeing mods! *bows*

#341 Katya

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 11:11 AM

This is so good. :rofl:


Goddammit TNT should make this event bi-annual just so we could have this kind of entertainment more often!

#342 Applepi

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 11:16 AM

This is so good. :rofl:


Goddammit TNT should make this event bi-annual just so we could have this kind of entertainment more often!


oh geez, I dont think the other players could handle that sort of drama! I think some people might actually implode :p

#343 KaibaSama

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 11:19 AM

oh geez, I dont think the other players could handle that sort of drama! I think some people might actually implode :p

I'd pay to see that! 

I find it funny, they come here and yell at us (ACVII) or yell about us on their forum then they get all mad when we go to their forum. LOL.

Edited by Satsuki, 17 May 2014 - 11:21 AM.

#344 Katya

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 11:20 AM

oh geez, I dont think the other players could handle that sort of drama! I think some people might actually implode :p


Hey! That would be nice. Not that I like this drama that much *cough*lies*cough* but I bet @Keil would appreciate seeing his stock tears double its numbers!

#345 Bee

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 11:24 AM

Hey! That would be nice. Not that I like this drama that much *cough*lies*cough* but I bet @Keil would appreciate seeing his stock tears double its numbers!


And some people would never get off their soapbox.

#346 Katya

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 12:02 PM

And some people would never get off their soapbox.


All advantages, if you ask me. xD

#347 KaibaSama

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 12:06 PM

And some people would never get off their soapbox.

But then I can knock them off their soapbox and make them fall on their head!

#348 Tailwind

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 12:09 PM

I find it funny how the responses on reddit are on the whole a lot friendlier than on TDN.


I think it's because deep down Reddit (a good majority anyways) knows you can't really get anywhere on Neopets without cheating, but they have the same type of morals as us, as long as you're not ACTUALLY hurting anyone else (scamming, hacking, etc) they don't care so much.


That and I think the overall age is higher there, so they'd probably understand our side of things more. :p

#349 Clone2000

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 12:17 PM

I had advanced but is gone  :(

#350 corbenik

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 12:29 PM

the team registration hasn't even opened yet but the drama's going on full blast. imagine all the fun we can get after the cup actually starts (and team codex pwn the whole neoworld)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: team codex, much anticipation, very critical, wow

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