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Opening Expert Packs


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#1 Guest_Kate_*


Posted 15 May 2014 - 08:39 AM

So today my husband got his taxes back and we got to treat ourselves. This meant 15 expert packs on Hearthstone for me lol
I am thinking of using this thread every time I open a pack so if anyone else wants to, do it! I love this stuff :)

Here is what I got that was Rare+:

Pack 1 -
Coldlight Oracle / All Classes (Rare)
Savannah Highmane / Hunter (Rare)

Pack 2 -
Feral Spirit / Shaman (Rare)

Pack 3 -
Headcrack / Rogue (Rare)
Perdition's Blade / Rogue (Rare)

Pack 4 - 
Emperor Cobra / All Classes (Rare)

Pack 5 - 
Crazed Alchemist / All Classes (Rare)

Pack 6 - 
Malygos / All Classes (Legendary)
Southsea Captain / All Classes (Epic)
Doomhammer / Shaman (Epic)
Flare / Hunter (Rare)

Pack 7 -
Abomination / All Classes (Rare)

Pack 8 -
Doomguard / Warlock (Rare)

Pack 9 -
Pit Lord / Warlock (Epic)
Frothing Berserker / Warrior (Rare)

Pack 10 - 
Blade Flurry / Rogue (Rare)

Pack 11 -
Wild Pyromancer / All Classes (Rare)

Pack 12 -
Lightwarden / All Classes (Rare)
Master of Disguise / Rogue (Rare)

Pack 13 -
Al'Akir the Windlord / Shaman (Legendary)
Lightning Storm / Shaman (Rare)

Pack 14 -
Twilight Drake / All Classes (Rare)

Pack 15 -
Faceless Manipulator / All Classes (Epic)
Lay on Hands / Paladin (Epic)

Opening pack 6 made it all worth it. I wanted to get at least one legendary out of the 15 packs and in that pack alone I got my legendary, two epics, and a rare. Yay!

More packs:
Pack 1 -
Kirin Tor Mage / Mage (Rare)

Pack 2 -
Deathwing / All Classes (Legendary)
Doomguard / Warlock (Rare)

Pack 3 -
Holy Wrath / Paladin (Rare)
Perdition's Blade / Rogue (Rare)

Pack 4 -
Mountain Giant / All Classes (Epic)

Pack 5 -
Mana Addict / All Classes (Rare)

Pack 6 -
Twisting Nether / Warlock (Epic)
Doomguard / Warlock (Rare)
Gadgetzan Auctioneer / All Classes (Rare)

Pack 7 -
Savagery / Druid (Rare)
Siphon Soul / Warlock (Rare)

Pack 8 - 
Faceless Manipulator / All Classes (Epic)
Abomination / All Classes (Rare)

Pack 9 -
Lightning Storm / Shaman (Rare)

Pack 10 -
Spellbender / Mage (Epic)
Violet Teacher / All Classes (Rare)

Pack 11 -
Avenging Wrath / Paladin (Epic)
Master of Disguise / Rogue (Rare)

Pack 12 -
Pyroblast / Mage (Golden Epic)
Auchenai Soulpriest / Priest (Rare)

Pack 13 - 
Murloc Warleader / All Classes (Epic)
Flare / Hunter (Golden Rare)
Shadowflame / Warlock (Rare)

Pack 14 -
Ancient Mage / All Classes (Rare)

Pack 15 -
Ragnaros the Firelord / All Classes (Legendary)
Perdition's Blade / Rogue (Rare)


Pack 16 - 
Master of Disguise / Rogue (Rare)

Pack 17 -
Pint Sized Summoner / All Classes (Rare)

Pack 18 -
Gladiator's Longbow / Hunter (Epic)

Pack 19 -
Imp Master / All Classes (Rare)

Pack 20 -
Stampeding Kodo / All Classes (Golden Rare)

Pack 21 -
Doomguard / Warlock (Rare)
Emperor Cobra / All Classes (Rare)

Pack 22 -
Felguard / Warlock (Rare)

Pack 23 - 
Doomguard / Warlock (Rare)

Pack 24 -
Lightwarden / All Classes (Rare)

Pack 25 -
Twilight Drake / All Classes (Rare)

Pack 26 - 
Explosive Shot / Hunter (Golden Rare)

Pack 27 - 
Hogger / All Classes (Golden Legendary) 
Kidnapper / Rogue (Epic)
Doomhammer / Shaman (Epic)

Pack 28 - 
Mortal Strike / Warrior (Golden Rare)
Cold Light Oracle / All Classes (Rare)

Pack 29 - 
Abomination / All Classes (Rare)
Blessed Champion / Paladin (Rare)

Pack 30 - 
Bite / Druid (Rare)


#2 Haliax

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Posted 15 May 2014 - 10:29 AM

Grats on the Legendaries (sp?)! Golden Legendary is always nice too.


I have also dropped a fair amount on the packs, they are addictive to me.  :ohwell:

#3 Guest_Kate_*


Posted 15 May 2014 - 10:41 AM

Grats on the Legendaries (sp?)! Golden Legendary is always nice too.


I have also dropped a fair amount on the packs, they are addictive to me.  :ohwell:

It was only $20 so I am not super bothered yet, but I can see this becoming an addiction for me. lol

#4 Dazz

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Posted 15 May 2014 - 11:48 AM

You can't stop til you get all the legendaries, and then get them in gold! :p


I don't suppose you watch totalbiscuits hearthstone videos? They're pretty damn awesome, he does a lot of gimmick decks like an all legendary deck, trap decks, rush decks... etc. I learnt so much from watching this guy



#5 Guest_Kate_*


Posted 15 May 2014 - 12:16 PM

You can't stop til you get all the legendaries, and then get them in gold! :p


I don't suppose you watch totalbiscuits hearthstone videos? They're pretty damn awesome, he does a lot of gimmick decks like an all legendary deck, trap decks, rush decks... etc. I learnt so much from watching this guy



I'll have to check them out ^_^
I'm still a beginner in my own eyes lol I have only been playing since this forum popped up and only have like 3 legendaries >.> 

#6 Haliax

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Posted 15 May 2014 - 01:04 PM

Hearthystone, gotta pay for 'em all!

#7 Neoquest

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Posted 15 May 2014 - 02:10 PM

The first time I bought packs I got a gold Jaraxxus, felt super lucky. :)

Yesterday I pulled "The Beast" from a pack that I earned through daily gold, which is my 7th legendary. I still suck though.  ^_^

#8 Guest_Kate_*


Posted 15 May 2014 - 02:54 PM

The first time I bought packs I got a gold Jaraxxus, felt super lucky. :)

Yesterday I pulled "The Beast" from a pack that I earned through daily gold, which is my 7th legendary. I still suck though.  ^_^

I suck too :p
I always wonder when I will start winning matches. 

#9 Neoquest

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Posted 15 May 2014 - 03:23 PM

I suck too :p
I always wonder when I will start winning matches. 


I played a lot of ranked last season and managed to stay steady around 17, but going any higher was a struggle. I think that I'm just bad at building decks. :p

#10 Guest_Kate_*


Posted 15 May 2014 - 03:25 PM

I played a lot of ranked last season and managed to stay steady around 17, but going any higher was a struggle. I think that I'm just bad at building decks. :p

I usually stay around 19 but I just started playing lol
Hopefully I can improve in time, I suck at building decks too :/ Today I started building a Hunter deck and usually I start from 0 mana cards and work my way through them until I have a decent amount of all mana costs, 30 cards. But I somehow hit 30 cards between 0-3 mana. I was like oops. 

#11 Neoquest

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Posted 15 May 2014 - 03:43 PM

I usually stay around 19 but I just started playing lol
Hopefully I can improve in time, I suck at building decks too :/ Today I started building a Hunter deck and usually I start from 0 mana cards and work my way through them until I have a decent amount of all mana costs, 30 cards. But I somehow hit 30 cards between 0-3 mana. I was like oops. 


Hunter is probably one of my best built decks, it's a fun hero to play too.

Pulled a Hogger just now as well, it's my second, unfortunately. Two legends in a row though, woohoo!

#12 Guest_Kate_*


Posted 16 May 2014 - 08:48 AM

Thanks to Neopets I was able to buy a 15 pack each for Daniel and I >.>
Results are in the first post. I am incredibly jelly of his Golden Legendary.

#13 Leeroy

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 09:17 AM

hahah mann drools i wanna open packs too.. well i played ranked a season back, couldnt break into single digit. its like playing chess i feel sometimes


btw if you guys are interested in deck building, icy vein ( http://www.icy-veins... as a skeleton.


but most of the time i watch twitch.tv Hs stream. you get to watch legendary rank players play. its an eye opener haha



i still haven open a golden legendary.. :( you sooo lucky~ or i did not open enough packs

#14 Haliax

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 09:41 AM

My first legendary was a golden 'The Beast' can't remember specifically the ones I got since then but I dusted a few golden legendaries to craft a golden Sylvanas Windrunner and a Bloodmage Thalnos for a deck I was playing.

#15 Boggart

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 01:41 PM

I was in open-beta and they gave so few legendaries.  After two months I got one legendary


two weeks after it went live, i got five legendaries



#16 Guest_Kate_*


Posted 17 May 2014 - 01:43 PM

I was in open-beta and they gave so few legendaries.  After two months I got one legendary


two weeks after it went live, i got five legendaries



Yeah I don't think it's that easy now. Daniel has opened so many packs and only has one Legendary.
I have 6 but I have opened like 100x as many packs as he has >.>

#17 Boggart

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 01:46 PM

Yeah I don't think it's that easy now. Daniel has opened so many packs and only has one Legendary.
I have 6 but I have opened like 100x as many packs as he has >.>

I have 5 because I have a duplicate Illidan.


I don't play that much anymore. My decks are shitty.


I have like 3000 dust though haha.

#18 Guest_Kate_*


Posted 17 May 2014 - 01:54 PM

I have 5 because I have a duplicate Illidan.


I don't play that much anymore. My decks are shitty.


I have like 3000 dust though haha.

Dust that Illidan! You can only use 1 Legendary of a kind per deck anyway. 

#19 Boggart

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 01:56 PM

Dust that Illidan! You can only use 1 Legendary of a kind per deck anyway. 

Oh I did. Illidan is also kinda useless aside from my warlock/paladin deck.


I love Ragnaros. I have it in 5/8 decks xD

#20 trains56

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Posted 22 May 2014 - 05:10 PM

no one will be as unlucky as me, first legendary= grammash (good) second=antoher grammash ,WTFFF

#21 Guest_Kate_*


Posted 01 September 2014 - 08:13 AM

I pulled another Al'Akir recently and that disappointed me, since I disenchanted it in the first place. 

#22 Casio

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Posted 03 September 2014 - 01:32 PM

hahah mann drools i wanna open packs too.. well i played ranked a season back, couldnt break into single digit. its like playing chess i feel sometimes


btw if you guys are interested in deck building, icy vein ( http://www.icy-veins... as a skeleton.


but most of the time i watch twitch.tv Hs stream. you get to watch legendary rank players play. its an eye opener haha



i still haven open a golden legendary.. :( you sooo lucky~ or i did not open enough packs

I don't really like ice-veins too much. The reason I say that is because I finally had enough cards in hand that I wanted to start making good decks. I was rank 16 and wasn't going any further. I copied a mid budget druid deck and a legendary pally aggro deck. Both decks I did bad at. Now I do understand that it's not always the decks fault and it's the user playing the deck. Then I found some mid budget pally aggro deck that required like 1500 dust to make. Lucky I had all the cards and I reached rank 8 with only losing 3-4 games from rank 16. My pally is rank 60 so I am pretty good at running with it yet the decks they made I just couldn't work with. There are plenty of sites though that have good decks and they have video gameplay of the decks. That way you know best way to play the deck.
 I did use ice Veins though for arena card ranking and it was working for a while to get me around 5-7 wins each time I played but now with the naxx cards out I started having to pick my own decks.


Back on topic for the thread lol. I just opened an arena pack and I got alexstrasza. So far the legendarys I have gotten from packs are as follows. Tirion Fordring, Lord Jaxxus, alexstrasza, Edwin Vancleef, captain greenskin. I Got 3 from arena packs after finishing an arena and the 2 I got when i opened 40 packs. Kate I wish I had your luck with opening packs lol. The 3 I got from arena packs took me like 50 arena games lol. No joke.

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