D'oh! Sorry, I didn't know that. Well...rather than retake images of BOTH, can I draw the image, include my Kord!!! tag (so everyone knows it is definitely me, sine the tag will match what I had up before), and then on subsequent entries have the image in proper with my entry to begin with? *bats eyes and hopes to convince* If not, I will redo both of the former entries.
Anyway...here's my image; it's even crinkled up since I'd thrown it in the trash after tearing off my Kord!!! tag earlier:
Yeaaaaah it's fine
Kowabunga, 2 in 1 #nomakeup #nofilter #yolo
Here! Also don't judge me, I'm sleepy and sweaty.
Good for you guys, preparing for the later rounds
Also, to those who may think that the setup of this contest is inherently flawed:
1) It worked fine the last three or four times we did it
2) We already have one person who didn't complete round 2.
Don't worry, it'll be fine.