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#1526 Rocket


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Posted 07 August 2015 - 05:17 AM

I think to each their own. If you and a "friend" are able to have no-strings attached sex, great for you. It's definitely not for everyone. I've had several FWB's and we remain friends to this day while we no longer have sex. It was like random hookup but it kept happening but nothing weird was going on, then we were like nah let's not do this anymore or one of us found someone else. Sometimes there's a sexual attraction, but no emotional attraction. And as long as you are both on the same page it can work out great. Sometimes it just happens unexpectedly. I'd rather have sex with someone I know, than go out to a bar and pick up a random dude.


That's just my opinion.

#1527 Rauul

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Posted 07 August 2015 - 07:03 AM

I'll post this here instead of sending a PM because I kinda feel I need to. I keep doing things without thinking the consequences and I need to redeem myself.

@Rauul I'm sorry if I came out as rude about your confession. It wasn't my intention. I blame the lack of sleeping (it seems to be my only excuse for when I do something I feel bad about it later, but it's true).
I admit I judged you when you said you are in love even after saying it's a friends with benefits relationship, but this judgement only lasted 2 minutes before I realized it wasn't none of my business and understanding I was in fact more curious about it than making opinions about you.
I understand how difficult must be to be in that position and if you ever need to talk or rant about it, my PM is always open. :)


Dont worry Athayde, i though you were old fashioned and is your opinion, have to respect that, i didnt feel u were rude (but you need to sleep often)

its very dificult, cause im in chile now but the next weekend i have to come back to argentina, wont see him until January next year

#1528 Katya

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Posted 07 August 2015 - 07:12 AM

I wish I could sleep.

#1529 Alexiel

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Posted 07 August 2015 - 08:57 AM

I wish I could sleep.


I hear that.
Currently going on 30 hours and counting without sleep.
Frikkin stress.

Trying to make the most of it though: watching, playing, and doing everything I can while I finally have "enough" time to do it all.



Hope you're able to get some rest soon, and have nothing but sweet dreams. :)

#1530 Katya

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Posted 07 August 2015 - 09:08 AM

I hear that.
Currently going on 30 hours and counting without sleep.
Frikkin stress.

Trying to make the most of it though: watching, playing, and doing everything I can while I finally have "enough" time to do it all.



Hope you're able to get some rest soon, and have nothing but sweet dreams. :)


Stress is bad. :/

I'm happy if I can manage to sleep 4-6 hours/week. It's a chronic thing. It doesn't bother me at all, but lately I'm noticing that my insensitivity towards others tends to be aggravated by it, even thought most of the times I don't see it until it's too late.


I sleep if I drink, but that's not a very healthy option to do on a daily basis (or if I drain out all my energies with exercise - but even that way I still have nightmares). xD

And only nightmares here. It's cool, it's me. :p


Did you ever tried meditation? It works with some people.

#1531 Alexiel

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Posted 07 August 2015 - 09:26 AM

Stress is bad. :/

I'm happy if I can manage to sleep 4-6 hours/week. It's a chronic thing. It doesn't bother me at all, but lately I'm noticing that my insensitivity towards others tends to be aggravated by it, even thought most of the times I don't see it until it's too late.


I sleep if I drink, but that's not a very healthy option to do on a daily basis (or if I drain out all my energies with exercise - but even that way I still have nightmares). xD

And only nightmares here. It's cool, it's me. :p


Did you ever tried meditation? It works with some people.


I've tried but... there's so much crap that goes on in there it's like going to buy a tv and all the displays are on different channels at max volume on Black Friday. Just so... loud, and even a bit scary at times.

Lot of crap I've tried locking away too so I generally spend most of my days keeping myself distracted from remembering it.

Which... has also been known to keep me up when things are too peachy to be stressed.

Just stay awake until I'm so physically exhausted I pass out immediately into a dreamless sleep. Free from the noise, the memories, and the nightmares.


May just give in and take a melatonin in a bit, but that shit knocks me out for no less than 12 hours at a time.

Not that I have a problem with that or anything. :p

#1532 Swar

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Posted 07 August 2015 - 09:34 AM

I feel sorry for you guys. All I have to do is close my eyes and I can sleep. Sleeping is so good.

#1533 Gnome

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Posted 08 August 2015 - 01:13 AM

I like this topic of sex. As someone who has a lot of one night stands, "Fuck Buddies", and relationships. I probably should have more STD's than elements on the periodic table (Made my month!). I think I shall contribute to this one so here is a little confessional backstory.


I have had sex with a lot girls. Some I can still talk to on a daily basis and be friends with and ones who hate my fucking guts because they felt I used them. Now that last part is what hurts me the most. Most of the time I don't initiate first, they come to me. They are hunting and they found the guy who will give them what they want. I have hurt A LOT of girls. I have been hurt A LOT myself. I have been cheated on, I have been lied to, I have been led on by girls. It's all full circle and is the reason why I was like I was. I don't regret what I did to those girls that got hurt. If they wanted a relationship they should have told me they wanted to go out on a date and not take me to their place or go back to my place. I have never been one to respect a girl who gives it up the first night anyways. I have used many woman.


I am not like that anymore. I am more true to myself and not insecure and I don't think the vagina is the most amazing thing in the world. It's not about quantity but about quality now. 


One Night Stands


They are the greatest. You're in and you're out. You never have to see them again or text them or call them. You're both looking for one thing. If she's attached afterwards... you don't want it because she'll do it again the next week, month, or year with someone else *Bonus points if she says "I never do this*. There is no emotional attachment to it. You both want something and you both achieved it.  Congrats you've had the sex!


Fuck Buddies


The most chill. Feeling horny? "Hey come over for  an hour sometime today" In and out. You are both in a mutual understanding. Sure there might be feelings or emotions involved a bit. You both find each other attractive to see each other again, right?! When emotions and feelings start evolving that is when it gets tricky. You either keep going at it and ignore them or you tell them and either A) Get your feelings hurt  or B) hurt their feelings. Bust a nut in 5 minutes? Oh well. This is the most comfortable one. This one should never be done when you are trying to get with someone romantically. It never works out and you almost always get caught. DON'T DO IT!




The trickiest one. This point could actually make or break a fresh relationship. You both have individual quirks on what you like and don't like. If they don't pan out or they aren't satisfactory. It could be over. That is if you don't work on them and figuring each others likes and dislikes. This is the one you get emotions and feelings and general bullshit thrown into. Relationships are the worst to have to let go. You saw something in this person and you want things to work and if they don't. You're down shits creek. This is the one you don't want to get comfortable with only because it's the one you're going to have the most in your life time. Try new things even if you don't like it and they do. Adventure and explore each other. Love every minute of it. Spice it up! You're fucking your best friend and you don't want to disappoint them! Remember that!


@Athayde "being comfortable with someone isn't already having an emotional attachment? How can you be comfortable with someone and not have any kind of attachment?" 


I'd say being comfortable with someone isn't the same as having an emotional attachment. I have been comfortable with someone and wanted nothing more than sex on a weekly basis. You're both in that "FWB" label. She can do whatever she wants and I don't care and I can do the same. I still talk to this girl weekly and see her all the time (She just met the girl I am talking to tonight!) Things aren't awkward and we can sit together and catch up like there wasn't anything wrong. We just never did the nasty anymore. 


@Shannon You're absolutely 100% correct. It isn't fair to start romantically seeing someone and then go lay the pipe on someone else. It's shady and grimy and it sucks to be on both sides of the fence. It only leads to hurt feelings. Give it your 100% in the romance. If it doesn't work out. So what?! there are other fish in the sea! Cast out that fishing lure. 


@Adam you've got about the same mind set as I did. Yeah no feelings got involved and you're "smashing" but what happens when she gets pregnant? You're kind of stuck in that persons life for atleast 18 years. That's some complications you don't want to be involved with.


Anyways I figure I can't look anymore like a douche bag than I already do. So I thought I'd comment and give some in-sight on how I saw these types of relationships and their viewpoints. If anyone has any questions I'm an open book because IDGAF. 

Edited by Gnome, 08 August 2015 - 01:14 AM.

#1534 rezpirate

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Posted 08 August 2015 - 09:37 PM

An old "friend" from a few years ago, found me, and I've talked to him on the phone... twice.

Think I'm gonna do it again.

#1535 Swar

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Posted 09 August 2015 - 02:44 AM

Today is father's day here, so I woke up early (it's 7:45 am, I started doing it at 6:30) to make breakfast for my dad, like I did with my month a few months ago on her birthday.
At least that's what he thinks.

I actually haven't even slept yet, and I have class tomorrow. This Sunday will be awful.

#1536 Guppie

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Posted 09 August 2015 - 05:39 AM

My girlfriend wants me to buy her a laptop with the money I owe her, and that's fine, but I'm a very indecisive person, and having to make the final decision on an important purchase is making me super anxious :(

#1537 Adam

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Posted 09 August 2015 - 10:07 AM

I watched a 45 minute video of 2015's best butts. I love people who share my obsession.

#1538 sprockets

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Posted 09 August 2015 - 10:27 AM

I watched a 45 minute video of 2015's best butts. I love people who share my obsession.


Who had the #1 butt? Or was it not a countdown? 

#1539 Adam

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Posted 09 August 2015 - 11:16 AM

Who had the #1 butt? Or was it not a countdown?

It was just an overview of them butts.

#1540 Cass

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Posted 09 August 2015 - 02:40 PM

I'm addicted to this thread.

#1541 Swar

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Posted 09 August 2015 - 05:17 PM

We need to bring spoilers back.


#1542 Rocket


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 05:25 PM


#1543 Elindoril

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Posted 09 August 2015 - 08:18 PM




#1544 Rocket


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Posted 10 August 2015 - 05:16 AM




#1545 Katya

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 11:19 AM


#1546 rezpirate

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 07:36 PM


Edited by rezpirate, 10 August 2015 - 07:38 PM.

#1547 Swar

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 07:38 PM


I.. think it didn't go too well :p


Edit: whaaaat?! But I can't see it in your post?!

#1548 Keil

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 09:02 PM




#1549 Padme

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 09:31 PM

Every time I hear the song 'Chasing Cars', I have an emotional break down. 

Same with 'How to Save a Life,' junior high school was a hard time and so was senior high school.

I heard it this weekend and totally broke down in a crowd of thousands of happy people.

thx tiesto.

#1550 Susie

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Posted 11 August 2015 - 12:36 AM

Every time I hear the song 'Chasing Cars', I have an emotional break down. 

Same with 'How to Save a Life,' junior high school was a hard time and so was senior high school.

I heard it this weekend and totally broke down in a crowd of thousands of happy people.

thx tiesto.


And those are the two songs that Grey's Anatomy loves using every other episode it seems.

Especially on deaths. That's why I cry to those songs.

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