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Neopets Economy - why is it so bad?

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#1 spotify95

  • 315 posts

Posted 02 April 2015 - 12:00 PM

My question to ask - and I am sure others are wondering too - why is the economy on Neopets so bad?


What I mean, is why on earth are the prices of certain items so low nowadays?


I'll give an example: before the transition (which was also when Keyquest was working, but that's another story) I used to get quite a lot of Dubloon Coins. These were prizes from Keyquest, and were usually One Dubloon or Two Dubloon coins. They sold on the Shop Wizard for 750NP and 1250NP each, respectively. I also used to get the occasional 5, 10 and 20 Dub Coin, which sold for 3500NP, 5300NP and 9500NP respectively.


However, ever since the transition, there has been a huge crash in the prices of these dubloons. The prices fell as if they jumped off a cliff edge. According to the database on this website, the prices of Two Dubloon Coins started dropping on 11/14/2014 (price was 1220NP) and by 12/23/2014 they were barely at 500NP each. The same happened with the rest of the Dubloon Coins, with the One Dubloon Coin now selling aroubd the 500NP mark (same as Two Dub Coin), the 5 Coin now selling for about 1750 NP, the 10 Coin now selling at 1950NP, and the 20 Dubloon Coin selling for less than 4000NP.  


My question is this: why on earth have the prices fallen so dramatically? And how can the prices of these dubloons recover to reasonable (i.e. pre transition) levels?


(PS. If anyone else is wondering, now would be the time to buy all of the Dubloons in the market (certainly the ones below the pre-transition prices!) as you'd certainly be able to make a nice amount of profit when the prices recover.)

#2 Karla

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Posted 02 April 2015 - 12:29 PM

My guess as to why the dubloons are so cheap is because of the Anchor Management Daily, and you can get dubloons as drops from the Dome of the Deep Battledome levels.  Items that are easier to obtain tend to have their prices drop dramatically.

#3 spotify95

  • 315 posts

Posted 02 April 2015 - 01:14 PM

My guess as to why the dubloons are so cheap is because of the Anchor Management Daily, and you can get dubloons as drops from the Dome of the Deep Battledome levels.  Items that are easier to obtain tend to have their prices drop dramatically.


Yes I have heard that the Anchor Management daily has recently started giving off way more dubloons than it ever used to. My best friend, who also plays Neopets, has also suggested that it might be this daily that is causing the prices to defalte so much.


In which case, is there any chance of the prices recovering back to pre-transition levels? Or is there a way that us users can bump the prices up, by mass-buying all of the dubloons?


If Keyquest was up and running right now, as it should be, I would certainly be playing it all the time, in order to earn maximum NP and thus buy up all of the Dubloons on the market. That would then result in a nice amount of profit as the prices of dubloons would then be a lot higher.

#4 Keil

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Posted 02 April 2015 - 01:30 PM

The economy failing has little to do with dailies giving out valuable items (although shit stacks up and anything can die being buried in shit). What really killed the economy is the lack of faith people have in it. Fewer people more than ever will invest their biggest resource to the game (time/effort) into a game. It's not necessarily the number of players that directly affected the issue, but really the percentage of people who actually do the trading that spurs monetary flow from both the ground, up and from the top, down. If we had these dailies when we had 15,000 players, the deflation wouldn't have driven krawk morphing type items to sub million levels because there would be much more people wanting that item at a higher rate than the quantity we have now.

#5 majestictuna

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Posted 02 April 2015 - 06:59 PM

See, I have an on-again-off-again relationship with Neopets (since 2003) and have always noticed major economical changes each time I come back. This time, after taking over two years off and coming back last month, I also found the dubloon situation interesting. I, honestly, accredit it more to the Daily give away. Back in the day, dubloons were not so readily available. Since I started playing recently I've taken home more 50 dubloon coins then I ever had the entire time I played when I was younger. I don't know. That's just my opinion really. Too bad there isn't a professional economist to do a once over on Neopets and give us an analysis of the whole of Neopia based on fact and statistics. I'm not a big number person, but that would kind of be interesting really.

#6 spotify95

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Posted 03 April 2015 - 10:19 AM

It's also because a lot of people have left neopets due to so many bugs and terrible lag after the Jumpstart move. The economy is down because no one is buying anything anymore.

Yeah I've noticed that things in my shop are not selling as quickly as they used to either.


It took a good 3-4 months to fix the lag that was created after the move to jumpstart!

#7 Nekromion

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Posted 05 April 2015 - 07:27 AM

Been inactive on reselling because of what happened :(

#8 spotify95

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Posted 05 April 2015 - 11:16 AM

Been inactive on reselling because of what happened :(


Likewise... Items that would normally fly off the shop shelves are staying there for ages. Some of the books I have are probably still there from a month or so ago, and yes they are competitively priced.


No one is buying my dubloons either... alright they're not the cheapest (I sell them at pre-transition prices, not the cheap prices they are at now) but the point is that they are staying put...


As I said before someone with a lot of time and NP on their hands needs to buy up all of the cheap dubloons in the market, so the prices recover. You'll also earn a nice profit if it pays off...For example I could double my money if I sell the Two Dubloon Coins at 1250NP instead of the 500-600NP they are currently retailing at.

#9 Amadeus

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Posted 05 April 2015 - 06:36 PM

Neopets Economy has always been a luxury economy. There is no permanent adverse effects for not feeding your pet, or not playing with it, or having it be sick for a month. You don't need to get anything, the very lest you need is given to you freely and with just one click. There is no urgency to get anything. Other than the time you're using for training and the threat that some items might be retired (or already retired/special items will rise in price/disappear) you can take your time to get anything. Which means people are only pushed to buy when they believe the price is right, and that said price won't be lower in a future date. 


That's what's happening right now. Savvy people have already realized than pure neopoints are worth more than items right now, they're as likely to invest in items because due to several factors (New RS system, Charity Corner, smaller active player base, etc...), thus the only people buying items are: People looking for items for their collections, which, if well aware of the current situation, as most old players are, will ask for discounts, and depending of the item, the players will grant it to them, because, who else is gonna buy said items? Toys, Usukis, MPs, Rare BD weapons with bad stats, even Books are deflating as more and more people are waiting for them to go even lower. The only other people who will but anything will be reselles, trying to buy for an even lower price, sometimes as low as 40-50%, hoping they can sell for 70-80%. 


A third bad thing is that people only need one of any item available. Books, Stamps, Collector's items. There is no reason to get any more than one of each, specially of the latter two. Which means that as stamps and books become more readily available, the number of users looking for these diminishes and thus, the amount of which they sell for. This wasn't a problem in the past due to a lower offer and a higher demand, but now, with a smaller player base and an increased amount of items available to but you can see this is starting to weight down the economy. The best example are stamps, Hoban Stamp was selling for upwards 300k before the charity corner, right now is at about 30k. This is happening with all items but stamps and books are probably the most notable because they've always been known as ETS and good money makers, but now they're coming down like the rest of the items. The only stamps that remain costly are the R95-99, and many of them are dropping too.


A Fourth is the lack of good item sinks in Neopia. The faeries are the best item sink but outside of cookies or the faerie festival, their quests are a rare occurrence, I wish them to be more common (though, I hope the fountain faerie to remain REALLY rare as otherwise I see Paint Brushes prices plummeting, the Grey Faerie should reduce the rate of which she appears).  They need to bring back the Kadoatery (The second best sink in Neopia. Would be the best but they only asks for food). Requested Quests are great sinks too, but most of them are abandoned. Jhudora, Illusen and the Underwater Chef are the only ones that regularly see use with Brain Tree, Snow Faerie, Edna, etc... being used only till the avatar / trophy and never to be played again, a better reward (in special items unobtainable anywhere else) would make this more popular. The last sink, which is my personal favorite is the Faerie Job Agency, it's a great way to earn nps but would be better it it had a huge reward to attract even more people in (if it had an avatar for completing 500 jobs or so it would be an amazing sink, even more so than it already is).


And finally we really need a use for such useless items as grooming, instruments and toys. None of them have any use other than be collectibles (or quest items, once in a while).

#10 cellarbro

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Posted 06 April 2015 - 05:33 AM

Neopets Economy has always been a luxury economy. There is no permanent adverse effects for not feeding your pet, or not playing with it, or having it be sick for a month. You don't need to get anything, the very lest you need is given to you freely and with just one click. There is no urgency to get anything. Other than the time you're using for training and the threat that some items might be retired (or already retired/special items will rise in price/disappear) you can take your time to get anything. Which means people are only pushed to buy when they believe the price is right, and that said price won't be lower in a future date. 


That's what's happening right now. Savvy people have already realized than pure neopoints are worth more than items right now, they're as likely to invest in items because due to several factors (New RS system, Charity Corner, smaller active player base, etc...), thus the only people buying items are: People looking for items for their collections, which, if well aware of the current situation, as most old players are, will ask for discounts, and depending of the item, the players will grant it to them, because, who else is gonna buy said items? Toys, Usukis, MPs, Rare BD weapons with bad stats, even Books are deflating as more and more people are waiting for them to go even lower. The only other people who will but anything will be reselles, trying to buy for an even lower price, sometimes as low as 40-50%, hoping they can sell for 70-80%. 


A third bad thing is that people only need one of any item available. Books, Stamps, Collector's items. There is no reason to get any more than one of each, specially of the latter two. Which means that as stamps and books become more readily available, the number of users looking for these diminishes and thus, the amount of which they sell for. This wasn't a problem in the past due to a lower offer and a higher demand, but now, with a smaller player base and an increased amount of items available to but you can see this is starting to weight down the economy. The best example are stamps, Hoban Stamp was selling for upwards 300k before the charity corner, right now is at about 30k. This is happening with all items but stamps and books are probably the most notable because they've always been known as ETS and good money makers, but now they're coming down like the rest of the items. The only stamps that remain costly are the R95-99, and many of them are dropping too.


A Fourth is the lack of good item sinks in Neopia. The faeries are the best item sink but outside of cookies or the faerie festival, their quests are a rare occurrence, I wish them to be more common (though, I hope the fountain faerie to remain REALLY rare as otherwise I see Paint Brushes prices plummeting, the Grey Faerie should reduce the rate of which she appears).  They need to bring back the Kadoatery (The second best sink in Neopia. Would be the best but they only asks for food). Requested Quests are great sinks too, but most of them are abandoned. Jhudora, Illusen and the Underwater Chef are the only ones that regularly see use with Brain Tree, Snow Faerie, Edna, etc... being used only till the avatar / trophy and never to be played again, a better reward (in special items unobtainable anywhere else) would make this more popular. The last sink, which is my personal favorite is the Faerie Job Agency, it's a great way to earn nps but would be better it it had a huge reward to attract even more people in (if it had an avatar for completing 500 jobs or so it would be an amazing sink, even more so than it already is).


And finally we really need a use for such useless items as grooming, instruments and toys. None of them have any use other than be collectibles (or quest items, once in a while).




This should be sent straight to jumpstart to give them some serious perspective.

#11 majestictuna

  • 60 posts

Posted 06 April 2015 - 05:48 PM

So today I was repricing my shop, the last time I did it was about a week and a half ago. I priced with the SSW. EVERYTHING I had priced earlier had dropped 10-75%. I'm really disappointed. Hoping prices might go back up soon, but that is killing me. I've been wondering why things hadn't sold and I guess I know why now. How frustrating. 

#12 Ka1

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Posted 06 April 2015 - 06:13 PM

So today I was repricing my shop, the last time I did it was about a week and a half ago. I priced with the SSW. EVERYTHING I had priced earlier had dropped 10-75%. I'm really disappointed. Hoping prices might go back up soon, but that is killing me. I've been wondering why things hadn't sold and I guess I know why now. How frustrating. 


Even if you are the cheapest, no one is buying then users will keep underpricing ssw. It is a vicious cycle.


I agree with Amadeus, that is why all the events introduced recently aim to remove items (charity,coincidence)


The number of users dropping is a big part. AC boards has boards on the first page that is few hours ago, which was never possible in the past.

#13 majestictuna

  • 60 posts

Posted 06 April 2015 - 06:39 PM

I just hope they get their shit figured out. 

#14 Amadeus

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Posted 06 April 2015 - 06:57 PM

If it makes you feel better Half Price day (which just happened last Friday) tends to drive down prices by a fair amount. So while the deflation is bad, it's not as awful on regular weeks. Quantity over Quality. The more and more items you have for sale, the easier it will be for some to sell. try making a niche and stay on that niche. I just hope they bring the Kadoatery back really soon, 500-1000 items gone each day for varying rarities, along with people buying stashes of food to feed them (like pizza or sand food) make them great to get folks to buy (I predict there will be even more people now since they will hope to get the avatar before it disappears ever again). 

#15 spotify95

  • 315 posts

Posted 07 April 2015 - 12:05 AM

I just hope they get their shit figured out. 

They need to get their site back to how it was before the transition - otherwise users won't visit anymore. From what I have read I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of users haven't already left - and there'll be more users leaving if this mess isn't resolved.


I'm personally going to stay on Neopets for as long as I can - but the fun of being on Neopets has vanished. 

#16 Legitboi

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 04:26 AM



I'm personally going to stay on Neopets for as long as I can - but the fun of being on Neopets has vanished. 




The fun already GONE once Adam Powell had sold his neopets company. :(

#17 spotify95

  • 315 posts

Posted 12 April 2015 - 01:48 PM

I just hope they get their shit figured out. 


I just hope they get their shit figured out. 


I have to agree with you, the site needs to improve and all of the features that used to be present (i.e. The Neopian Times, Keyquest etc) need to be put back ASAP. Otherwise user numbers will continue to fall.


Even if you are the cheapest, no one is buying then users will keep underpricing ssw. It is a vicious cycle.


I agree with Amadeus, that is why all the events introduced recently aim to remove items (charity,coincidence)


The number of users dropping is a big part. AC boards has boards on the first page that is few hours ago, which was never possible in the past.

Got to agree here, if people aren't visiting the site then they can`t buy users items. If no one buys items then people will keep lowering prices all the while.


Hopefully soon I'll be able to buy up all of the dubloons whilst they are cheap, so I can then make a nice profit when they inflate back to reasonable prices. :)

Edited by spotify95, 18 July 2015 - 04:56 AM.

#18 Branlaur

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Posted 12 April 2015 - 05:55 PM

Hopefully soon I'll be able to buy up all of the dubloons whilst they are cheap, so I can then make a nice profit when they inflate back to reasonable prices. :)

That is if they ever reinflate to reasonable prices...

#19 spotify95

  • 315 posts

Posted 13 April 2015 - 12:02 AM

That is if they ever reinflate to reasonable prices...


This is the risk I'm taking... They used to be much higher, I've never encountered the prices to be lower.


They can't really drop the prices any further can they? They're already very low!


I think I'll still try this plan that I'm aiming for. If it works I'll get at least 100% profit margin. If it doesn't... looks like I'll have a ton of dubloons to use up somehow...

#20 cuttingedge

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Posted 13 April 2015 - 07:24 AM

it has been three weeks and they still have "chomby day" as the main news tab. everything that gets broken doesn't get fixed (user page links STILL down). prices are gonna keep tanking into oblivion if they can't make any reasonable effort to make their site useable


edit: i eat my words, looks like they just fixed the user page stuff lol

Edited by cuttingedge, 13 April 2015 - 07:25 AM.

#21 Shane

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Posted 13 April 2015 - 07:43 AM

it has been three weeks and they still have "chomby day" as the main news tab. everything that gets broken doesn't get fixed (user page links STILL down). prices are gonna keep tanking into oblivion if they can't make any reasonable effort to make their site useable


edit: i eat my words, looks like they just fixed the user page stuff lol

They fixed it two days ago I believe.

#22 Philomene

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Posted 14 April 2015 - 06:19 AM

KeyQuest & Habitarium disappearing probably made a lot of people left :(

#23 Branlaur

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Posted 14 April 2015 - 08:08 AM

KeyQuest & Habitarium disappearing probably made a lot of people left :(

Also the unbearable lag for like 4 months

#24 Shane

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Posted 14 April 2015 - 05:59 PM

Also the unbearable lag for like 4 months

Yes. This so much.

#25 jinq

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Posted 20 April 2015 - 06:50 PM

dupes, random freezing and jumpstart firing the devs.

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