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Neopets Economy - why is it so bad?

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#126 Bones

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Posted 02 August 2015 - 11:26 PM

^not true lost on this thread did not example me

#127 Katya

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Posted 03 August 2015 - 03:35 AM

I love how a lot of people on here who are giving suggestions are the ones that exploited the duping glitch...a glitch that fucked up the economy more than anything else ever did.

Hhhmmm. Nah, not really. Neopets' economy was never sustained by SuAPs, BGC, TT, MSPP and similar top high end items targeted during the duping mayhem, for a fairly simple reason: there weren't enough in the economy and the few that existed weren't sold/bought with a frequency to make an impact. Dupes came to change the hegemony about it. Dupes only took away the exclusivity some people had. Before they flaunt us with their precious SuAPs obtained God knows how and saying they were totally legit but now they don't have any reason to put themselves on a pedestal because we're on the same level.


Neo's economy relied on basic daily things such as Codestones, Dubloons, PB and MP, Stamps, etc. Once TNT decided to add those basic items that people needed every day to effortless one-click dailies, the whole thing started to crumble down.


Why would anyone waste NP to buy Codestones to train their Pet, if they can obtain them for free by spending five minutes in the BD? Why would anyone save up to get a Draik/Krawk, if they can (with a bit of persistence and luck) get one for free in one of the dailies that give MP/Eggs/Magical Plushies?


There's a difference between:
a) having a SuAP in the TP saying I'm selling for 200M but I'll probably never sell it and just put it there so people can envy how amazing I am, because it's a rare item and I'm a greedy arrogant son of a bitch; and
b) selling a Draik MP for 20M because, despite the fact the market has a lot of choices given out to the buyer, they still are willing to give that much for a dream Pet.
We only took out the few players from the first example out of our way. TNT managed to ruin the game for all of the players.
I don't know much about economy, but I know enough to understand that the selling of one Maserati during a whole year won't change the economy of a country (if this isn't a micro country and every resident in it are directly related to the people that sold the car xD). What makes the economy thrive is the things we need and buy every day.




Dupes brought fun.

TNT killed the economy.

#128 neopetsexploded

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Posted 03 August 2015 - 05:35 AM



MSPP/BGC dupes have little to no effects on the overall market. But SUAPs dupes definitely affected the market due to it being the highest icon weapon available. Why pay 100m for a FSS/Sowl when you can get 32 icons for 50m duped SUAP? 


But the new BD with no HP increment helped in massive deflation no doubt.



The Forgotten shore and Governor Mansion dailies was a huge mistake on TNT's part trying to help casuals. 

Edited by neopetsexploded, 03 August 2015 - 05:38 AM.

#129 Katya

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Posted 03 August 2015 - 05:52 AM

You're still seeing it the wrong way. What market the SuAP's deflation affected? The fact that SuAP is more cheap now, doesn't affect neopets' economy at all, being such a small niche (it only affected those who were trying to sell it for way too much). Before the duping madness SuAPs weren't being sold right and left, so there's no way they were an important part of the economy. They weren't traded enough to make such impact.


You people sound like Portuguese economics minister when says Portugal's economy is recovering because there are more luxury cars being sold. Luxury cars have always had their buyers. Rich people were rich before the crisis and still are. What should be impulsing the economy are the middle class families that nowadays don't have money to go to the grocery store every time they need.

With Neopets, is the same, but in reverse: neopians have too much of everything, thus don't have the need to buy it.


Or maybe am I the only one seeing it, and that's why people don't understand it? >_<

#130 Ehentalix

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Posted 03 August 2015 - 05:53 PM

You're still seeing it the wrong way. What market the SuAP's deflation affected? The fact that SuAP is more cheap now, doesn't affect neopets' economy at all, being such a small niche (it only affected those who were trying to sell it for way too much). Before the duping madness SuAPs weren't being sold right and left, so there's no way they were an important part of the economy. They weren't traded enough to make such impact.


You people sound like Portuguese economics minister when says Portugal's economy is recovering because there are more luxury cars being sold. Luxury cars have always had their buyers. Rich people were rich before the crisis and still are. What should be impulsing the economy are the middle class families that nowadays don't have money to go to the grocery store every time they need.

With Neopets, is the same, but in reverse: neopians have too much of everything, thus don't have the need to buy it.


Or maybe am I the only one seeing it, and that's why people don't understand it? >_<


This, so much this. The high-end UBs dropping in price really didn't have much of an impact on the stuff that drives the economy, such as mid- to low-en UBs, Dubloons, Codestones, etc. Consumable goods will always drive a goods-based economy, period. You can only sell something that sticks around for a long period of time to so many people, because eventually everyone will have one. The only thing comparable to consumable goods is services, but those don't exist in Neopets (unless you count item lending, which don't), making it a goods-only economy. SuAPs, BGCs, etc. aren't one-use items. They'll be around forever, barring those few that are fed to pets or on iced accounts, and retain value solely based on their rarity and desirability. The reason stuff like MPs, PBs, Dubloons, Codestones, and the like retain value at all is because once they're used for the purpose they're intended to be, that's it: gone.


TL;DR: If everyone decided to stop buying SuAPs, the market would be fine. If people decided to stop buying consumables, the market would cease to exist.

#131 Mawley

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Posted 09 August 2015 - 06:02 PM

I won a fifty dubloon coin today and it's only worth 9.3k. Big change from when I was a kid.

#132 Bones

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Posted 09 August 2015 - 11:14 PM

yeah the BD giving them out has really deflated them.  On the plus side when they release a new cove item more ppl will be able to afford to try for it.

#133 spotify95

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Posted 25 September 2015 - 01:56 PM

Bringing the conversation back because the Charity Corner 2015 has been going today... and as such I've seen items that used to worth a few NPs at best go for way more than they are worth. Some items going for 30k+ (these items used to be worth less than 1k!)


Even items that are worth less than 10NP have been selling for at least 100NP...


However the problem with the Dubloons has still not been solved.... they are still super low. If only events such as Charity Corner also included dubloons, or there was more items that could be bought with dubloons... that way the prices would recover.


Any thoughts?

I won a fifty dubloon coin today and it's only worth 9.3k. Big change from when I was a kid.


Used to be worth about 27k IIRC. The Dubloons have really nosedived haven't they?


The two dubloon coin is now selling for less than 500NP... c'mon these used to sell for 1250NP+!

#134 Ehentalix

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Posted 26 September 2015 - 01:08 AM

Unfortunately, artificial inflation isn't necessarily going to help the economy in the long run. If this were a permanent site feature rather than a week-long special, it would serve to eat up a LOT of garbage that's floating around in the economy, and make it more valuable forever. Unfortunately, this is going to inflate goods for a short period of time, deflate the value of the prizes for a bit longer, and then eventually things will go back to being maybe a bit higher than they used to be.


Don't get me wrong, this event is AWESOME to clean up a lot of crap that's sitting around and doing nothing but taking up slots, and also spread the wealth a bit for people who get good items that they may not have been able to afford before, but it's a band-aid solution at best. What we really need is a longer-term feature, with less limitations, that will level out the value of goods across the board.


I would suggest something that takes ALL items, and spits out something of the same range, but that also has exclusive prizes so it doesn't just dump a bunch of the same stuff back into the economy. And since everyone on Neopets pitches tents for Avatars, toss in a few of those too. Some exceptions could be made, of course, such as the inability to receive retired items (which would defeat the purpose of those items being retired), but the basis of the idea is what I believe to be a solid one.

#135 Required

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Posted 26 September 2015 - 04:15 PM

As it has been stated, dupes brought fun. I remember back in 2011 getting lent SuAP or MSPP was incredibly rare, so rare that it was kind of an impossible thing to achieve and not fun at all unless you had a crazy account. And stamp avatars were completely out of the question, the HW set was unachievable. Nowadays those things are actually doable which makes the game much more interesting to play.


But then things like the forgotten shore or this event fuck the economy up. Saving up for a Krawk or a Draik WAS fun. Because it was something which you could do, even if you sucked at rsing, with devotion you could do it. It also gave you some kind of status, respect. Right now any pet is achievable, really. Probably ANY pet can be achieved with a maximum of 5m NPs. Now the game is not what it used to be and it makes me sad, because I still consider that it has a lot more of potential if TNT played the cards better

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