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Tell me something good that happened to you today.

happy shit

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#2001 Attic

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 12:55 PM

Grandmother brought me coffee while I'm swamped at work by myself. She's the real MVP

#2002 Katya

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 03:10 PM

Finally found out where Mancave is taking me for our new year's first dinner. Holy crap. I don't know how he did it but he managed to make reservations on one of the two Michelin starred restaurants from one of my favorite Portuguese chefs. Holy crap! This guy is a genius (the chef, but Mancave is too obviously) and I've been wanting to go to Belcanto since forever but because it's in Lisbon, a three hours trip to go there and another three to get back, so it kept being postponed. I still don't know where the night will end, that will require some more further investigation whenever I get to be alone because it was already too risky to find out about the restaurant *ninja moves*, but with the type of dinner experience I'm expecting I can spend the night on a bench in some park under a tree where a bunch of pigeons will sleep and shit on my head, and not even that will kill my joy. HOLY CRAP the dress I bought for our dinner will make me look like a cheap whore, especially if Avillez it's going to be there, because I want to meet (met? who the hell cares right now, Jesus fuck) him, this time for real and not making some weird noises while I'm trying to laugh and maintain a conversation, because I have a serious lack of social skills. I'm hyperventilating. Shit, I need a new dress.

#2003 Kass

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 10:55 PM

Woke up at 2 pm and played video games for the rest of the day (while watching friends!). Today was a good day :)

#2004 HiMyNameIsNick

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 11:03 PM

Star Wars: The Old Republic. I'm so glad I started playing this beauty.

#2005 Cass

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Posted 30 December 2015 - 12:34 PM

Just came back from 3 days of London. The coming back part isn't the good thing because the trip was waaayyy too short but I haven't had this much fun in a while. The weather was incredible - we had only sunshine. Not sure about the precise temperature but we were able to smoke on the balcony on our socks and in t-shirts, and were on some points of the trip even sweating (wtf England?). The weather only got bad when we were already on our plane back.


Saw two shows; Book of Mormon and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.


Book of Mormon is a musical by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the makers of South Park. For musicallovers it seems pretty obvious and mandatory to go and see it, but for people that hate musicals - like myself - I can really really recommend it. Of course there's still a lot of singing and dancing and happiness (ugh), but in such a critical South Park-style, which isn't really weird of course. Basically, if you ever HAVE to see a musical - see Book of Mormon.


The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime wasn't a musical but 'just' a play, an adaption of a book with the same title, about a 15-year old boy with Aspergers Syndrom that goes to solve the murder of his neighbour's dog. It was an incredibly moving play and with beautiful decor and scenography. The props themselves were very minimal but the use of projection mapping and lights were very abundant and brought loads of live to virtual rooms.


Of course we also did lots of touristy stuff - some guided tours, eating in pubs, visiting landmarks such as the Tower of London et cetera et cetera, but they're not that interesting to write about at the moment because, well, everybody knows all about it by now. If you don't, do go see it ^_^ We didn't ride the Eye of London though, even though our friend we were visiting could get us in for free: I'm just terribly afraid of heights and the rest had done it a thousand times before :shutup:


Sooo now I'm slightly depressed sitting at home because of the amazing time I've had the past three days :( Nevertheless, hope you all have a great NYE tomorrow! (or already if you're ahead of me)



#2006 Ali

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Posted 30 December 2015 - 12:51 PM


Glad you had such a good time. Love this city. <3

#2007 Susie

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Posted 30 December 2015 - 07:20 PM

I finally turned the heat on in my apartment! :D

#2008 Waser Lave

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Posted 30 December 2015 - 09:40 PM

@Ali sufficiently pandered to my whims. Good egg.

#2009 Cannabis

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Posted 30 December 2015 - 09:43 PM

I got my apple watch I am head over heels in love

#2010 Susie

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Posted 31 December 2015 - 06:56 AM

I wasn't late to work this morning :D

#2011 Rocket


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Posted 31 December 2015 - 07:01 AM

It's my Friday! The coffee is flowing! I've got great plans for tonight with great friends! Now to make it the 9 hours to the end of my day :D

#2012 Susie

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Posted 31 December 2015 - 07:04 AM

It's my Friday! The coffee is flowing! I've got great plans for tonight with great friends! Now to make it the 9 hours to the end of my day :D

I'm 2 hours into my day. 7 hours left.

Only plans tonight are sleeping, because I have work at 7 tomorrow morning :(


But then a 3 day weekend :D

#2013 Rocket


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Posted 31 December 2015 - 07:05 AM

I'm 2 hours into my day. 7 hours left.

Only plans tonight are sleeping, because I have work at 7 tomorrow morning :(


But then a 3 day weekend :D


Working the day after new years isn't fun, but you don't really have a choice when you work customer service :p When I did I would go to work drunk still from the night before xD But yay 3 day weekends!

#2014 MelodyPond

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Posted 31 December 2015 - 06:44 PM

Well, it happened last night. At first, it went horrible because I had taken a painkiller for my bad back and neck. (I was feeling dopey while playing) I was going through my SDB (not much in there) and I wanted to sell some things. I took out my Book of Flames (was a gift) and wanted to sell. Instead, I accidently read it to one of my pets instead. (was going to put it on Auction or something) A group I'm a part of, I just posted on there to vent my frustration, and someone gave me the NP to cover the cost of loss. If she didn't do that, I think the year would have ended bad for me, I already lost tons of NP due to being tricked on the TP. (My own stupidity)

#2015 rezpirate

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Posted 31 December 2015 - 10:47 PM

I think I might have me a date soon. A real date, with dinner and everything!!

#2016 Alexiel

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Posted 01 January 2016 - 01:27 AM

Thanks to some of the most important people in my life I think I've FINALLY figured shit out.
I know exactly what I want.
I'm excited. I'm motivated. I'm alive.
Nothing & no one is going to stop me from achieving my dreams and goals.
Not even myself anymore.


Feels nice being calm and truly happy for what feels like the first time in a very long time.

#2017 Fikri

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Posted 02 January 2016 - 01:27 AM

answered the exam paper today pretty well because my friend texted me all the spot questions that turn out to be 100% true last night.  i owe him one dick sucking.

#2018 Silentqueen

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Posted 02 January 2016 - 02:33 AM

Got amazingly beautiful beef from the butcher for free. (My husband's cousin)

He knows my birthday is coming up soon and gave me a freebie.



#2019 Ali

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Posted 02 January 2016 - 09:35 AM

10km run around north London and it didn't rain at all.

#2020 Rocket


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Posted 03 January 2016 - 08:39 AM


#2021 Emily

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Posted 03 January 2016 - 08:41 AM



I want snow :( 

#2022 Cass

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Posted 03 January 2016 - 09:27 AM

Serious plans have been set in motion to perform the play The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime which I saw recently (as mentioned in this very topic). Although it has to be translated to Dutch (I wish it were different, but having a bunch of Dutchies speak broken english will only distract from the content :/), I'm very excited to direct and possibly perform in it. My internship supervisor (sheesh is there really no better word for that in english?) and good friend (ssh don't tell my teachers that) will with 90% certainty perform in it as well and might even be able to get me internship points for it. So I'm SUPAH excited 2fawfoawinf2131240rf

Glad you had such a good time. Love this city. <3

(forgot to answer lol :p)


Yeah, I really loved it. Felt like a kid in a toystore. Speaking of which, we went to Hamley's as well. They had to drag me away from the Harry Potter section. Almost bought Ravenclaw's diadem for £150 lol.


Curiously enough London didn't feel foreign at all. Paris, Rome, Bruges, all very close European cities all had a tad of foreign feel to them, but I never had that sudden 'holy fuck I'm abroad' feel in London at all. I'm guessing it's because you'll recognize so many places from the movies and series.

#2023 Swar

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Posted 03 January 2016 - 10:55 AM

It's... actually.... cold?

#2024 sprockets

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Posted 03 January 2016 - 01:19 PM

Campused (no feet) my second blue route (Difficulty: V1 - V3) today while bouldering. 


Holds are circled in yellow for your convenience (since some of them are covered in chalk)




Feels good. 

#2025 Kass

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Posted 03 January 2016 - 06:48 PM

I just found out that one of the classes I'm taking next semester is a conducting class and I'm so excited!!!


Since all of the students in the class are fellow music education majors, there is going to be a class ensemble and for the exams we get to practice conducting an ensemble composed of our fellow students.


This is so cool and I'm super excited now haha :D

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