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Tell me something good that happened to you today.

happy shit

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#2376 Cass

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Posted 11 March 2016 - 01:52 PM

I resolved a conflict between two friends. I felt like a mom. It seems like a silly thing to be happy about, but since I'm socially mildly impaired (internet socializing is easypeasy, but the reallife stuff is hard as shit especially as an autist) it's generally hard for me to function as a mediator in that way so I'm actually kinda proud *pats self*

#2377 Swar

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Posted 11 March 2016 - 02:39 PM

I did pretty well for my first exam! I'm proud of myself :B



Also, everyday I feel more certain of what I want. It feels damn good.

#2378 Guppie

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Posted 12 March 2016 - 06:06 AM

Not today in my time zone, but within the last 12 hours, so I'll count it.


I got to show off my neopets to a couple of friends who quit not long after the Xandra plot, and they were impressed! I practically never get to show off my neopets! :D

#2379 pancakeface

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Posted 13 March 2016 - 06:47 AM

Found an award in my possession for no reason I can think of. But it's dark and edgy and I like it very much

#2380 Coops

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Posted 13 March 2016 - 12:17 PM

I went out and had lunch after rescuing some stranded friends. Then we derped around Target. It was fun! 

#2381 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 15 March 2016 - 01:02 PM

1. The grape hyacinths are blooming.

2. I rode a bike for the first time.

3. I applied for a full time position.

4. I have 38 daffodils in bloom.

5. The oldest monster lost a tooth.



Aside from one really big bad thing, today was a great day.

#2382 Katya

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Posted 15 March 2016 - 06:10 PM

1. Just got home after almost a week and I'm already making plans to leave before weekend again. I'm so damned tired, but I've been able to get some sleep.
2. My boobs almost fucked me but the examiner was a (nicely) boobed gal and she said "2cm shouldn't keep you away from doing your job". The power of boobs.
3. My physical exam instructor was someone I knew and didn't know about for ~6 years. It was a surprinsingly nice re-encounter and helped me with my NERVES (something I didn't realize I had until he asked me if I was ready to start lol). Oh and I passed, easily - maybe was because I've been preparing especifically for it, or I'm in better shape than a decade ago (mcdonalds pls), or the familiar face gave me confidence, or I'm really good? All the above.
4. It's not "oficial" yet but my future Commander (? Uh doesn't sound good) is not a complete stranger, which will make a lot of things easier, beginning with the fact I'll keep my post in the city which I had even before he was Commander there *cough*

#2383 Required

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Posted 17 March 2016 - 03:46 AM

I had to teach love and relationships vocabulary yesterday and what better way to do it than by watching and analyzing an episode of HIMYM. My students didn't know the show and loved it. Lesson went great too. It is the first time that I plan a class around a video, I think I will continue on doing it, everyone seems to enjoy it and I also have a nice time preparing it :p

Edited by Scavi, 17 March 2016 - 03:46 AM.

#2384 Swar

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Posted 19 March 2016 - 08:36 AM

I had to teach love and relationships vocabulary yesterday and what better way to do it than by watching and analyzing an episode of HIMYM. My students didn't know the show and loved it. Lesson went great too. It is the first time that I plan a class around a video, I think I will continue on doing it, everyone seems to enjoy it and I also have a nice time preparing it :p

+rep for days






I had a class in which we learned about a few exams, then we had practice. One of them was to test the pupil contract and expand.



Everyone wanted to see how my eyes would react to the exam. Everyone. My ego skyrocketed of course :p

NO MORE BRACES (until next year)

#2385 Cass

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Posted 20 March 2016 - 01:26 AM

My internship is really great. I'm having fun and I've already learned new things. I'm a happy little Cass.

#2386 Coops

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Posted 20 March 2016 - 04:07 AM

I got a letter from my new vascular neurosurgeon guy who is going to put the stent in my brain! Yay. My appointment is so soon. *-* No long ass wait times.

#2387 Guppie

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Posted 21 March 2016 - 07:30 AM

An irl friend saw me on neo and found her old account. She's super excited for Chomby day and I'm super excited to help her get the pets and stuff she wants!

#2388 Rocket


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Posted 21 March 2016 - 08:24 AM

I slept like a baby last night :D

#2389 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 21 March 2016 - 02:10 PM

I stood up for myself all day.

#2390 Cass

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Posted 24 March 2016 - 04:48 PM

Did a thing I thought I'd need 3 hours for in only 1.5, it turned out to be way easier than expected #score

#2391 Karla

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Posted 24 March 2016 - 05:01 PM

I got a B+ on my project that I feared I failed. *whew*

#2392 Emily

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Posted 24 March 2016 - 06:44 PM

Finished my comparative content analysis of a crime story covered in two different newspapers on the same day. 


I'd woo but there will be no wooing until I'm done with all of them. 

#2393 NhipoleonBonhiparte

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Posted 28 March 2016 - 02:11 PM

First day of my spring break vacation, saw Spain irl for the first time. Lots of beautiful sights along the way.

#2394 Rocket


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Posted 28 March 2016 - 03:31 PM

I did an audit of ~900 accounts at work today, only found 10 discrepancies, 5 of which I dealt with on my own, and 5 I handed off. AND today went by super fast because I was so busy, but it was a pretty good day!

#2395 DonValentino

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Posted 28 March 2016 - 06:41 PM

Slept in because I've played tennis the past two days, got up, read a book (post office, bukowski), had a glass of scotch, watched a movie and had dinner with the fam, had a couple glasses of wine, now I'm doing some writing and finishing my last glass of wine. Then I'll probably have a bit more scotch and wait for people to go to bed, then I'll smoke, see what I feel like doing, then go to sleep myself.

#2396 Dazz

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Posted 29 March 2016 - 05:13 AM

So me and the mother have been packing all day getting ready to move, i go outside the front for a cigarette break as you do so i chuck my hoodie on, throw the hood up looking all gangster and shit, and chuck my headphones in so i can listen to some of my music. I start getting really into it, jamming to it because the song is a certified banger.


Accurate representation v v v



So my mum steps out for a cigarette and is like "wut r u doin". I'm like "what? it's a banger". So she thinks i'm listening to some Tupac because that's one of the only rappers she knows, or some gangster shit, but i'm like nah it's not quite that, so she tells me to give her one of my headphones so she can find out what i'm getting my moves on to. I give her a headphone, un-pause the song.


So as she starts listening i just stare at her confused as fuck face giving her one of these



She says wtf are you listening to, tells me i'm a strange child, gives me my headphone back and walks back inside shaking her head, and i'm still stood there with the biggest grin up on my face.


The song that was playing?


I have no shame  ^_^


#2397 Cass

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Posted 29 March 2016 - 10:13 AM

Made an appointment to make plans to get 2 sleeves, extending my singular lower-arm tattoo, with the artist who did my tattoo before and he seems pumped as hell with my ideas ^_^ he's a relatively expensive artist so it'll be a lot of saving up but I am SO HYPED because he is worth every cent.

#2398 redlion

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Posted 29 March 2016 - 07:15 PM

Today I got a job offer from a financial services company, full time, great benefits, big company and a big location.

I really, really, hope this goes through. Holy shit big money.

#2399 Coops

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Posted 29 March 2016 - 07:36 PM

People here at Codex made me laugh.

Also, hope the job stuff works out @redlion. Sounds like an awesome opportunity.

#2400 Kass

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Posted 29 March 2016 - 10:01 PM

I started seeing a counselor.


Unfortunately, the appointments are every other week for the first month (she's busy/booked) :(

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