Rocket - for his help with the AC and getting the daily quota's updated every day. He did great last year and I know he'll do great again this year.
Satsuki - Same reasons, he's done so much wonderful stuff for us during the AC. The daily quotas, making new lists for us to use, and he's now done it two years in a row for us. That takes some real dedication in my opinion.
ortin - for his AC lists and quotas. Organizing them for two years is quite a contribution! Also, his trolling on the neoboards is hilarious
Tsubaki - for the reasons stated above. All of his work with the SS lists for the AC, the quotas and keeping us all organized with that is a lot of work! He was also super helpful for new members that didn't know how to SS. I also saw him make a SS list that sent a fewer amount of goals for a cautious member. That was REALLY considerate and commendable!
rauul - He is doing a very good job helping and organizing with everything about ACX
HiMyNameIsNick - is doing a great work with the AC. Very very helpful.
Shannon - for all his work for the AC. Takes some hard work to stay up until 2am playing NHL15 so you can put the SS lists up lol
Alexiel - for the same reasons as everyone else. Thank you for all your dedication & contributions.
Clutch - for his dedication to the Altador Cup, and basically every other reason listed above.