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Tell me something bad that happened to you today.

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#626 Katya

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Posted 12 September 2015 - 06:31 AM

Yeah, the littlest monster had an allergic reaction to antibiotics they gave her the week before for cellulitis and ended up with a horrible rash over her entire body. She's getting better.


Good to know she's recovering. :)



It means more than you'll ever know, but this is one thing I'll probably take to my grave before I tell another soul.

So... two months & if you have a ouija board? heh i jest of course... i hope...



thank you


I wasn't implying for you to tell what happened, god knows I have some secrets of my own no one else will ever know too, I understand that. I was just letting you know if you need someone to talk about what you feel now, especially about all those sleepless nights because I know that too damn well, you have me.

#627 Eggie

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Posted 12 September 2015 - 06:44 AM

I had an anxiety attack before going to bed last night and woke up with super puffy eyes. I'm seeing somebody I haven't seen in a while in a few hours and they haven't gone back to normal yet. :/ Lame.

#628 Katya

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Posted 13 September 2015 - 08:56 AM

Eu também perdi a primeira edição em 2011 (primeira depois do retorno, lógico), porque como fazia muito tempo que não tinha RiR, meu pai achou que ia ser perigoso e não fomos. Mas aí todo mundo que foi disse que foi super tranquilo, não teve nenhum problema e tal. Aí fomos em 2013 e ele adorou, agora quer ir em todas lol
Eu vou só no primeiro dia, muito caro pra ir em mais de um dia (ainda não moro no Rio, então não daria pra eu ir sozinho) :p mas só vou pelo Queen, não gosto muito de OneRepublic e gosto muito menos do The Script.

Bem me parecia que te estava devendo uma resposta em algum lugar... xD
Adorei o vosso cartaz, se eu fosse brasileira tinha desculpa para comprar bilhete para quase todos os dias (eu vou uma vadia por música, oiço praticamente todos os estilos lol). E tem bandas/cantores portugueses no cartaz também! Hey, você devia checar a música da Áurea. :)

Eu gosto de festivais de música não só pela música em si, aqui em Portugal os nossos festivais têm todos uma boa vibe, tudo muito tranquilo, tirando um ou outro incidente com gente com baixa tolerância ao alcool hahaha, sem contar com os acapamentos que eu adoro lol


Kids wanted to go to my mum's for a sleepover in the farm. My husband is working. My friend went to the city for a work reunion. I'm alone and bored.

#629 Rocket


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 10:06 AM

Got my period today. Now I'm uncomfortable and have a family get together. Ugh. Just wanna be a burrito in bed.

#630 Swar

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Posted 13 September 2015 - 10:30 AM

Turns out I did worse this time. 41/60, but at least I didn't need to do this one :p



Bem me parecia que te estava devendo uma resposta em algum lugar... xD

Adorei o vosso cartaz, se eu fosse brasileira tinha desculpa para comprar bilhete para quase todos os dias (eu vou uma vadia por música, oiço praticamente todos os estilos lol). E tem bandas/cantores portugueses no cartaz também! Hey, você devia checar a música da Áurea. :)

Eu gosto de festivais de música não só pela música em si, aqui em Portugal os nossos festivais têm todos uma boa vibe, tudo muito tranquilo, tirando um ou outro incidente com gente com baixa tolerância ao alcool hahaha, sem contar com os acapamentos que eu adoro lol

Se eu pudesse também iria em todos (menos o dia do metal, pelo menos). Eu gostei muito do de 2013 não pelas bandas, mas pelo festival em si. A música é o de menos :p

Vou dar uma checada sim :)

#631 rezpirate

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Posted 13 September 2015 - 04:32 PM

I'm starting to realize just how much I've been letting my fiance use me and take advantage of me

#632 Fikri

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Posted 14 September 2015 - 12:33 AM

my lecturer was mad at my groupmates and i for not collecting enough data in the recent site visit. :crybaby:


we're supposed to go back and re-collect them before this thursday's presentation. somebody kill me plz~

#633 Boggart

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Posted 14 September 2015 - 12:43 AM

I turned down sex to study.


Sex is gross anyway

#634 Cass

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Posted 14 September 2015 - 01:16 AM

Last night I had a panick moment because my car ALMOST broke down on top of a busy train track, so naturally the night after I had a gazillion nightmares about being overrun by trains, so I woke up WAY stressed. :(

I must say it probably didn't help that a friend of mine killed himself on that specific track 4 years ago. Almost the anniversary of his death :/

#635 Required

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Posted 14 September 2015 - 02:17 PM

Went to TGI Friday's. Great food, bad service. My GF and I literally spent 3 hours there, and we could have spent less than an hour and a half. The waitress would take like 25 minutes to take our order and to round it up, when we asked for the bill she forgot to bring it twice. The place was rather empty, I don't understand why did she take so long to do everything!

#636 Katya

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Posted 15 September 2015 - 07:52 AM

Weather people said
in almost all portuguese territory (including the islands - I don't know why they emphasized this so much, it rains practically every damn day in the islands) except for the region where I live.

If I'm denied to have Summer, I could at least get some rain!!




Last night I had a panick moment because my car ALMOST broke down on top of a busy train track, so naturally the night after I had a gazillion nightmares about being overrun by trains, so I woke up WAY stressed. :(

I must say it probably didn't help that a friend of mine killed himself on that specific track 4 years ago. Almost the anniversary of his death :/

Jesus. :/
Hope you're better now.

(it was the oldie?)

#637 Rauul

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Posted 15 September 2015 - 10:12 AM



i woke up so happy (slept 2 fucking hours) was like a zombie walking to the bus stop, and i forgot my bus card (for paying ticket) in my house... went back to get my card and had no money, had to go to a fucking kiosk to charge my card, had classes at 10AM and i arrived at 11am:( my teacher took a surprise test and failed it


#638 Alexiel

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Posted 15 September 2015 - 01:20 PM

Fell down a small flight of steps at school.

At the very least sprained my ankle but faculty, staff, EMT, and everyone urged me to take the ambulance & get some x-rays.

Had stuff to do so declined. Going to give it some TLC at home and see if it get any worse.

It's swollen pretty bad though, and as I was going down I heard a popping sound & felt some bone grinding.

Apparently hit my head on some lockers too but I was in so much pain that I don't even remember that part.

Probably have a headache later though.

Well... if this ankle pain doesn't overpower it.


Edit: Got worse. Going to hospital tomorrow. :(

Edited by Alexiel, 15 September 2015 - 05:43 PM.

#639 Cass

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Posted 15 September 2015 - 01:41 PM

Jesus. :/
Hope you're better now.

(it was the oldie?)

Yep :( I love my car to death but not when it pulls shit like that </3 I'm really not sure why it has so much trouble not breaking down when the engine is still cold (other than just being plain old) but luckily it has no problems whatsoever if you've driven it more than 5 minutes.

#640 Susie

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Posted 15 September 2015 - 07:34 PM

Found out my cousin is taking her highly religious mother to a gay strip club for her (the mother) bachelorette party... This should be interesting.

#641 Katya

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Posted 16 September 2015 - 12:19 PM

Fell down a small flight of steps at school.

At the very least sprained my ankle but faculty, staff, EMT, and everyone urged me to take the ambulance & get some x-rays.

Had stuff to do so declined. Going to give it some TLC at home and see if it get any worse.

It's swollen pretty bad though, and as I was going down I heard a popping sound & felt some bone grinding.

Apparently hit my head on some lockers too but I was in so much pain that I don't even remember that part.

Probably have a headache later though.

Well... if this ankle pain doesn't overpower it.


Edit: Got worse. Going to hospital tomorrow. :(


Update, please.




Yep :( I love my car to death but not when it pulls shit like that </3 I'm really not sure why it has so much trouble not breaking down when the engine is still cold (other than just being plain old) but luckily it has no problems whatsoever if you've driven it more than 5 minutes.


Plain old stubbornness, maybe? Lol

Just take care of yourself. Those train tracks are dangerous stuff. I've seen/heard the weirdest accidents involving them. And if the thing gets bad, just gtfo of it and run. No car worths a life. :/



Found out my cousin is taking her highly religious mother to a gay strip club for her (the mother) bachelorette party... This should be interesting.


Oh my god. I'd pay to see that. :lol2:

#642 Alexiel

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Posted 16 September 2015 - 02:50 PM

Update, please.



Felt a bit better today so skipped the hospital.

Got some "blue stuff" to help with the pain, and was advised to do RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation.)

Aleve/Ibuprofen to also help with the pain & swelling.

Swelling has gone down a bit (not much) and can put a little weight on it today but not much & not for more than a few seconds at a time.

Pretty much stuck in bed for the next day or few. :/

#643 Katya

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Posted 16 September 2015 - 04:09 PM

Felt a bit better today so skipped the hospital.
Got some "blue stuff" to help with the pain, and was advised to do RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation.)
Aleve/Ibuprofen to also help with the pain & swelling.
Swelling has gone down a bit (not much) and can put a little weight on it today but not much & not for more than a few seconds at a time.
Pretty much stuck in bed for the next day or few. :/

You should have it checked out. Ankle injuries, even those that seem small to us, can escalate to something worse. Take the advice of someone who did the same you are doing and now regret it because of random pains/lack of strength that result in weird falls/not being able to run more than an hour without feeling she's got a meat grinder in place of her ankle. Take care of it! :/

#644 Fikri

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Posted 16 September 2015 - 11:10 PM

my group did poorly on our presentation today. :crybaby:

i'm glad it's over but i'm kinda freaking out about my grade getting pulled down because of this. this is my graduating semester and i really wanna go out with a bang. :/

#645 Required

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Posted 17 September 2015 - 03:15 AM

I've been putting on weight for the past few months and summer is coming. I'm on a diet now and I really miss sugar :(

#646 Rocket


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Posted 17 September 2015 - 06:04 AM

A bug just flew into my mouth while I was talking on the phone. Good thing it was a coworker in another office on the other side and not a customer while I freaked out.

#647 Emily

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Posted 17 September 2015 - 01:15 PM

Think I'm getting sick.

#648 Katya

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Posted 17 September 2015 - 02:18 PM

I keep getting this weirdly random pain in a muscle of my upper left arm and I don't know why. The pain doesn't bother me but it gets to a point where I want to raise my arm and if I try to do it above my shoulder it feels like it's stuck. It's stupid and I can't explain it properly.

#649 Susie

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Posted 17 September 2015 - 02:31 PM

Boss is mad at me cause his office door was open when he got in this morning, and I know for a fact it was closed and locked when I left last night.

#650 Cass

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Posted 17 September 2015 - 10:24 PM

It's early and I'm awake #firstworldwhine

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