I've compiled 4 notepad files labelled books100, books200, books800 and books1000. I used ( see what books my pet had not read, so bar the 34 books he had read I've compiled lists of all the books under 1100 cost (says the JellyNeo).
However if you make a list full of 100 cost items and set max cost for 1000 you can over pay for many items.
I have tried to reduce this by narrowing down the sections. However some books in the 1000 sections I am still buying for under 100 NP so who knows!!
Also I found it easier to start with the 100 and work my way up and have a separate UserShopBuyerBot for each list to make sure you get all the books or tweak their values if their not selling (and do not want to try again in a day or two), its also easy to keep track of which books have not been bought yet so you can come back later.
I might start (or probably if people want) getting more books higher than 1000 cost.
Hope this helped, and is in the right section, and hasn't been already posted
ciao for now!
tl:dr i have 4 notepad files (AB lists) with books u can use for ValorSuite to gain easy and cheap intelligence for your pet (34 cheap easy books are missing). even if this helps no one, its a good easy way to bump up a new neopets intelligence a few hundred very cheaply.
(p.s. don't forget to click select the ''read'' option when using ValorSuite's User Shop Buyer)
(p.p.s. the last book is missing its |1000|1 sorry!)
(p.p.p.s. I'm not sure if it's common knowledge or not but sometimes after a book is read (or cannot be read) its put in the SBD, if you put it back in your inventory, change the language you can often read them again! whaaa)
Attached Files
Edited by Maes7ro, 10 September 2015 - 07:25 AM.