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Creepiest thing that has ever happened to you?

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#26 Nonexistent

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Posted 31 May 2016 - 08:37 PM

That def would've made your response more understandable
Who is that anyway

my girlfriend GaUHt0e.pngJFdf1Rs.png


Edited by Nonexistent, 31 May 2016 - 08:37 PM.

#27 Daria

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Posted 31 May 2016 - 08:48 PM

my girlfriend GaUHt0e.pngJFdf1Rs.png

So u are showing pleasure for it being your girlfriend but then u are being sarcastic about being pleased
Idgi this is too much D:

#28 Nonexistent

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Posted 31 May 2016 - 08:55 PM

So u are showing pleasure for it being your girlfriend but then u are being sarcastic about being pleased
Idgi this is too much D:

ahhhhh its too difficult to explain, its more of something that has to be felt and experienced, with enough exposure you too will embody the kappa

#29 Daria

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Posted 31 May 2016 - 09:01 PM

ahhhhh its too difficult to explain, its more of something that has to be felt and experienced, with enough exposure you too will embody the kappa

I hope you help guide me through these feels

#30 Nonexistent

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Posted 31 May 2016 - 09:13 PM

I hope you help guide me through these feels

have you heard of twitch? It's a stream service that offers streams from games to art to music to cooking. I love their set of emotes, hella expressive

#31 Daria

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Posted 31 May 2016 - 09:58 PM

have you heard of twitch? It's a stream service that offers streams from games to art to music to cooking. I love their set of emotes, hella expressive

You had me at cooking
I'll check it out when I get home

#32 Darkskull

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Posted 31 May 2016 - 10:06 PM

When I was 8 I always traveled a lot. We sometimes stopped at rest stops. This one particular time I was using the urinals and this one guy comes right next to me with tons of open ones. Took me 5 years to figure out what he was doing. :/

#33 Emily

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Posted 05 July 2016 - 04:08 AM

I forgot to tell you guys about the door jiggler. 


This was during my second year of undergrad. I lived in an apartment that was owned by the school - so essentially housing but a full apartment. I was supposed to be sharing my room with someone but she didn't show up so I turned the two beds into bunk beds to save space. I didn't use the bottom part unless a friend needed a place to crash after a night out. 


Fast forward to door jiggler morning, my friend was sleeping on the bottom part because we had been out the night before and she didn't want to drive home. It was about 9 or 10 in the morning. I remember hearing my roommates leave the house for class a little bit earlier so I knew that everyone was gone but us. I wake up to the sound of someone jiggling the doorknob to my room (it was locked). Not really understanding what I was hearing, I get up to go to the bathroom all the while e.e-ing the door. 


I get back in bed and I'm kind of just staring at the door... I still didn't really understand but the jiggling just wasn't stopping. So I finally lean over the side of the bed and I'm like, "Justine, Justine... someone is trying to get in the room." She wakes up and tells me to shut the fuck up and go back to sleep LOL. So I'm like ok, maybe it's my imagination. Five minutes later, she's like fuck, you're right.


So we just kind of sit there listening for an hour because we didn't know what to do. I wasn't going to get up and check because for all I knew it was an axe murderer. Anyway, the noise finally stops but we're still super reluctant to go out there in case the murderer is still there. We wait a REALLY long time until finally, we're like ok, we need coffee and decide to go out. No one is there. I'm checking the storage closet and the washing machine closet just to make sure. I check the front door and it's unlocked. 


We tested out the noise. Basically, I took a plastic card and tried to use that to get in while jiggling the door as my friend stood on the other side. She said that's exactly what it sounded like. Later on, I called the campus police just to let them know that there was a door jiggler lurking about. Nothing ever happened again, but I was super pissed at my roommates for leaving the front door unlocked.

#34 MozzarellaSticks

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Posted 05 July 2016 - 05:08 AM

Fair warning, it's kind of disturbing, but I left a lot of details out for that reason.


That's terrible. I seriously hate people, and their one sided views.

#35 cara

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Posted 05 July 2016 - 09:12 AM

When I was around 13 my bestfriend moved out to the West Island in Montreal (mildly desolate in some areas) and we were hanging out at night in her new, big, empty house. Her mom went out to grab food and we were left in the home with her two year old (or whatever age he was) step-brother. We were running around the dark house with him and ran into an empty bedroom. We were playing in the center of the room when all of a sudden he stops and points at the pitch black closet and says 'who that?'. I look in the corner, but we couldn't see anything as it was pitch black. And he keeps pointing into the dark and saying 'who that? who that? who that?' and starts crying and freaking out. 


Other than that, when I was around 16 me and this same bestfriend were walking around one night and some guy pulled his car up in front of us, popped his trunk, got out of the car and yelled 'get in the fucking trunk'. We looked at eachother and ran within a split second. But that was more scary than creepy, if ya know what I mean.


I once helped a lady at work and she obviously mentally ill. I would probably say schizophrenic, but I'm not positive, Either way, she just stared at me weird through our entire conversation and at the end of it, grabbed my hand from over the counter and told me I looked like her dead husband. 3 hours later at the end of my shift, I'm walking out to my car which is in the far end of the lot. I notice that someone had come around the corner and was following me. When I looked back, it was the same lady from before. She started sprinting after me so I was hauling ass to my car. As she was running she was screaming at the top of her lungs that we would be together again and no one would separate us this time. So I'm thinking this woman is gonna shank me or something murder-suicide-ish. Luckily I was able to start driving away safely and called my store manager to explain what happened. He called the cops and when I came in the next day was told that she was arrested because when the cops came, she started fighting and biting them.

It was very surreal and I felt uneasy for a couple of weeks after that.


HAHA!!! This is so creepy yet funny.

#36 Rocket


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Posted 05 July 2016 - 09:56 AM

When I was probably about 14 or 15, it was around Halloween, and I had a bunch of friends over for a sleepover. We were watching scary movies and my parents were gone probably at some party or something so we had the house to ourselves. Well we started hearing this weird banging sound coming from a closet. We didn't think anything of it and kept watching our movies and it got louder and louder. We spooked ourselves and ran out of the house and didn't know what to do. We couldn't get ahold of my parents. We ended up running down 2 blocks in the middle of the night to a neighbor friends house to see if he would come check out this strange noise. We all huddled together outside as he goes inside to inspect the closet for some supposed rapist/murderer. And he comes out laughing.


It was our fucking cat trapped in the closet. It was still really creepy at the time and idk why we didn't just assume it was a cat and not a murderer.

#37 Dont

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Posted 05 July 2016 - 11:05 AM

When I was younger I skated for a local skate shop and one of the owners of it went to jail for molesting his daughter. I shook that guys hand before...


other than that not really that much.

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