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Preacher carrying ‘you deserve to be raped’ sign hit over the head by baseball bat-wielding woman

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#1 Mishelle

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Posted 29 May 2016 - 12:39 PM


A street preacher who yells anti-gay messages got hit over the head by a student outraged by his offensive speech, ABC15 reports.

Glendale, Arizona preacher Brother Dean Saxton makes it a habit to stand outside local high schools and loudly condemn students and members of the LGBT community. ABC15 reports he often also holds a sign that reads, “You deserve to be raped.”


But when he embarked on one of his unsolicited missions this month at Apollo High School, Tabitha Brubaker, 19, responded to what she called hate speech by striking him over the head with a baseball bat, according to authorities. She has been charged with felony assault. Police also charged her with marijuana possession.


Saxton posted a video of the incident on YouTube, in which he can be seen yelling his message outside the high school.

“The Bible says it’s not okay to be gay,” he yells. “You need to stop doing naught, nasty things, Apollo High School. You need to stop looking up naughty, nasty things on the Internet.”


He is approached periodically by students and a teacher repudiating him. Saxton accuses the teacher of trying to influence the students, who he called “evil.”


“I’m trying to influence the fact that you need to be gone,” the teacher says. “I think you’re a disgrace to Christianity. Why don’t you go and preach it to somebody who really wants to hear your message, like Westboro Baptist Church?”


Another adult approaches Saxton and tells him to leave, saying he doesn’t think Saxton was “playing with a full deck.” He then says, “These kids don’t need to see that,” then reacts with shock when Saxton is hit over the head.


Saxton’s camera is still rolling when he is hit, and some people standing around him seem to celebrate. Brubaker is out of frame, but she has been arrested for hitting Saxton.


Watch video of the incident, as posted by Saxton, here. The attack happens just after the 17-minute mark.



I usually don't condone violence but I find it really hard to feel any sympathy for this guy who makes it his job to target minors and tell them that they deserve to be raped.


There are people who do the same thing at the university I attended and the college that I work at. They'll show up with signs basically saying us loose women needs to stop acting like whores and accept jesus and all that bullshit. They'll yell at people and intentionally try to bait people into having arguments with them so they can martyr themselves.


But the girl should've known to at least ditch her weed before she decided to commit an assault.


ITT we vent about our experiences with religious nut jobs.



Edited by Mishelle, 29 May 2016 - 12:40 PM.

#2 Coops

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Posted 29 May 2016 - 01:31 PM

Two wrongs don't make a right. Both parties are pretty messed up in my opinion :/

My thoughts exactly.

#3 Tammy

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Posted 29 May 2016 - 02:12 PM

That guy is an awful human being and although I personally would never resort to such violence I still think he deserved it. That's an offensive and hateful message to pollute young minds with and I can see it being very upsetting for victims of sexual assault to hear such things. Rape leaves scars on peoples psyche and going to school and seeing things like this could have devastating effects on a young victim.


Girl should have ditched her weed first though.

#4 talbs

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Posted 29 May 2016 - 03:05 PM

God forbid someone have a different opinion these days.

#5 Romy

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Posted 29 May 2016 - 03:27 PM

Physical violence is not okay when one is expressing their personal opinions.

Free speech is a thing and this sets a terrible precedent. 


Bad on her for hitting him.

#6 Guest_iCarly_*


Posted 29 May 2016 - 04:06 PM

I'm a pacifist, I don't believe in inflicting violence, and I don't believe it was right.

But that being said, wtf did he expect? People are fucking crazy.

And you know, this was to be expected. Rape is a really really touchy subject and if someone's not coping well they may lash out violently.

I wouldn't say he got what he deserved, but he certainly should have seen this coming.

#7 Mishelle

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Posted 29 May 2016 - 04:14 PM

Physical violence is not okay when one is expressing their personal opinions.

Free speech is a thing and this sets a terrible precedent. 


Bad on her for hitting him.


I understand what you're saying but it's just a pet peeve of mine when people cite free speech regarding stuff like this. Free speech is a citizens' right to not to be censored by or silenced by their government. Free speech doesn't protect you when you say the wrong thing to the wrong person and they decide to take a bat to your head.

#8 Swar

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Posted 29 May 2016 - 04:18 PM

What he did was pretty shitty ("you deserve to be raped"? what the fuck), but she was also wrong for hitting him. I don't feel bad, though.


And the thing with free speech, if you're gonna say whatever you want, you might face some consequences, justifiable or not lol

#9 Guest_iCarly_*


Posted 29 May 2016 - 04:20 PM

What he did was pretty shitty ("you deserve to be raped"? what the fuck), but she was also wrong for hitting him. I don't feel bad, though.


And the thing with free speech, if you're gonna say whatever you want, you might face some consequences, justifiable or not lol


^ Pretty much that.

Free speech doesn't protect you from the people.

#10 Keil

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Posted 29 May 2016 - 04:22 PM

I still think he deserved it. 




I'll take that seriously when you get hit in the head with a baseball bat by a girl who has weed in her possession for voicing your unwanted opinion.

#11 Adam

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Posted 29 May 2016 - 04:24 PM

That guy is an awful human being and although I personally would never resort to such violence I still think he deserved it. That's an offensive and hateful message to pollute young minds with and I can see it being very upsetting for victims of sexual assault to hear such things. Rape leaves scars on peoples psyche and going to school and seeing things like this could have devastating effects on a young victim.


Girl should have ditched her weed first though.

I guess smacking someone in the head won't leave scars on someones psyche or physical state. Such a blow could possibly cause permanent damage. An eye for an eye leaves the world blind.

#12 Guest_iCarly_*


Posted 29 May 2016 - 04:27 PM

I guess smacking someone in the head won't leave scars on someones psyche or physical state. Such a blow could possibly cause permanent damage. An eye for an eye leaves the world blind.


Also because you know, the best way to get your point across is violence apparently, rather than beating him with intelligence.

#13 Mishelle

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Posted 29 May 2016 - 04:30 PM



I'll take that seriously when you get hit in the head with a baseball bat by a girl who has weed in her possession for voicing your unwanted opinion.


Clearly it wasn't very good weed if she had enough energy to get violent

Also because you know, the best way to get your point across is violence apparently, rather than beating him with intelligence.


In my experience with these people the best thing to do is to not engage them at all. Facts don't matter to them, if you beat them in an argument they'll just change the subject or start insulting what you're wearing or your lifestyle. They don't even give a shit about the god they claim to serve so bad. At the end of the day what they really want is attention and this story is going to give him all the attention he needs to continue this bullshit.


I still don't feel bad for him tho.



#14 Guest_iCarly_*


Posted 29 May 2016 - 04:33 PM

Clearly it wasn't very good weed if she had enough energy to get violent


In my experience with these people the best thing to do is to not engage them at all. Facts don't matter to them, if you beat them in an argument they'll just change the subject or start insulting what you're wearing or your lifestyle. They don't even give a shit about the god they claim to serve so bad. At the end of the day what they really want is attention and this story is going to give him all the attention he needs to continue this bullshit.


I still don't feel bad for him tho.




Trust me I know, I've had to fight bigots my entire life. Including my own family.

Eventually, you can make them think, it's just a matter of wearing them down when it comes to arguments. They'll either get frustrated and quit, or wait until you're not around. (Be careful because sometimes they just get violent when they start to lose) Sometimes it shames them into stopping acting like jackasses entirely (Only happened once for me though.)

#15 HiMyNameIsNick

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Posted 29 May 2016 - 04:35 PM

Fighting violence with violence. Yeah, sounds like a plan

#16 Mishelle

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Posted 29 May 2016 - 04:43 PM

Trust me I know, I've had to fight bigots my entire life. Including my own family.

Eventually, you can make them think, it's just a matter of wearing them down when it comes to arguments. They'll either get frustrated and quit, or wait until you're not around. (Be careful because sometimes they just get violent when they start to lose) Sometimes it shames them into stopping acting like jackasses entirely (Only happened once for me though.)


Good on you for actually getting one person to think. Sometimes I think humanity will eventually come around and stop being so shitty to gay people and then I see stuff like this and I welcome the oncoming asteroid that will eventually take us all out.


#17 Guest_iCarly_*


Posted 29 May 2016 - 04:55 PM

Good on you for actually getting one person to think. Sometimes I think humanity will eventually come around and stop being so shitty to gay people and then I see stuff like this and I welcome the oncoming asteroid that will eventually take us all out.



There's always going to be shitty people, the only reason it's getting so bad now, is they know their brainwashing cults are finally coming to an end (No offense to religious people here. I have absolutely nothing against you.)

They know they won't be able to mask their hatreds behind anything anymore, so they're lashing out while they still can in an attempt to keep things that way before they change.

It will come to an end soon enough, it's just the storm before the calm. (Reversed the phrase because it fits.)

#18 Romy

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Posted 29 May 2016 - 07:40 PM

I understand what you're saying but it's just a pet peeve of mine when people cite free speech regarding stuff like this. Free speech is a citizens' right to not to be censored by or silenced by their government. Free speech doesn't protect you when you say the wrong thing to the wrong person and they decide to take a bat to your head.


I'll just go around hitting people that disagree with any opinion I have.


There is a very clear distinction between shit talking and physical assault.

Anyone that can't see the difference shouldn't be allowed in public.

#19 Mishelle

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Posted 29 May 2016 - 10:09 PM

I'll just go around hitting people that disagree with any opinion I have.


There is a very clear distinction between shit talking and physical assault.

Anyone that can't see the difference shouldn't be allowed in public.


I didn't say or even imply that that you should what she did. I just said that people constantly bring up freedom of speech as if it applies to disagreements between citizens need to understand that that's not how the first amendment works.

Edited by Mishelle, 29 May 2016 - 10:10 PM.

#20 Ladida

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Posted 30 May 2016 - 12:01 AM

Hate speech is a crime where I live. Also, if he had been telling anyone here that they deserve to be raped, they could also interpret that as a threat, which is also illegal where I live. I'm not really sure why speech that incites hatred and violence is not considered an offense in the US. Too bad that girl cracked him over the head and will now have that on her record. It'd be so much more preferable to me if he'd gone to prison and had tried to spread his hateful nonsense there. I don't feel sorry for him at all.

#21 Rainforce

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Posted 30 May 2016 - 12:52 AM

Saying that someone deserves to be raped is a sin itself. No one ever deserves that.
As a Christian you should love your neighbours, not hate them. I can understand why she hit him, but I don't think it was the right thing to do.

#22 yeahneocodex

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Posted 30 May 2016 - 07:21 AM

From what I know, Christians say only God can judge, so, if it is a sin or not, it would be up to him. When you try to fight hate with hate, you become equal to the hater D:

#23 Mishelle

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Posted 30 May 2016 - 08:39 AM

Well if you really want to be pedantic about the law, then technically it's also illegal to hit someone on the head with a baseball bat.


Oh is THAT why she got arrested? I had no idea.

#24 Faeling

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Posted 31 May 2016 - 04:43 PM

While it was prolly very gratifying to hit the loon over the head


1. Assult, plus you open yourself up to a lawsuit from said loon

2. Use your words because see 1

#25 Kwi

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Posted 01 June 2016 - 02:28 AM

God forbid someone have a different opinion these days.

Well technically God does forbid different opinion, hence why many religious people take the Bible as law and live by its every letter.


While I am so glad that the woman hit the guy on the head with the baseball bat (I wouldve wanted to do the same), everyone is entitled to free speech. And as that man has been a nuisance and in no way do I condone what he has done, I'm pretty sure he has not done anything illegal so far apart from sharing his opinion.....


But still, NO ONE deserves to be raped. 

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