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Refugees from Zombians: Why?

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#1 Romy

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Posted 01 July 2016 - 11:22 AM

Curiosity is getting the best of me so I have a few questions for you guys.


1) Why were you active on Zombians instead of Neocodex?


2) How did you feel about Neocodex as a member of Zombians?


3) How do you think others felt about Neocodex on Zombians?


4) How did you think Neocodex felt about Zombians?


5) Has your opinion of Neocodex changed now that you joined?

#2 Tammy

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Posted 01 July 2016 - 12:11 PM

This is an interesting topic, I'd like to see how cheat sites feel about one another :p

#3 Aerandria

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Posted 01 July 2016 - 12:57 PM

Not really brand new, so may not count :p


1) Why were you active on Zombians instead of Neocodex?

Because of Beca ^.^ see rest of answer in next question


2) How did you feel about Neocodex as a member of Zombians?

Its fine xD

My path through forums have always been follow friends.  I started on ck, then followed friends I met back to DZ.  When the move to ZB happened, I just followed there.

I've been a part of two cheating forums, and for me it takes a lot of effort to get to know people.

I put a lot into both ck and ZB, and didn't really have the energy for a third forum.

I didn't stay away because I didn't like the forum xD just no time


3) How do you think others felt about Neocodex on Zombians?

We had Neocodex people visible on Zombians, and they were well liked ^.^

Once upon a time I did have a doc on the games masters sections about Neocodex vs Zombians events but yeah those never happened lol


4) How did you think Neocodex felt about Zombians?

Not a clue xD


5) Has your opinion of Neocodex changed now that you joined?

Going to be honest I'll probably just lurk. I haven't been really active in over a year now.

None of the friends are active in cheating anymore so I pop in to say hi to familiar names.

I've been signed up on Neocodex since I first looked into cheating, so no change :p

#4 Generic

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Posted 01 July 2016 - 12:58 PM

1) Why were you active on Zombians instead of Neocodex?

Even though I did find Codex long before Zombians (I used to lurk codex a bit before I even made this account), I basically forgot codex existed when I took a long neopets hiatus around... I guess 2010/2011ish(?) I still checked Neopets every once in a while, but I only really became semi-active on neopets again around 2014. When I was looking up mystery pic answers, I happened upon the site http://mysterypic.logicalgamers.com/ and used that for a while to get MPic answers. The site eventually stopped posting answers, and I saw someone advertizing Zombians in the comments saying they had the answers, so I joined up. A few months later I did realise Codex still existed, and I was aware it was a bigger community that had better/more programs, but there was something about Zombians that felt more home-y to me. Felt small enough that I could make an impact (and when I joined up it was on the decline, so it did need help), but it was still a big enough site that it felt like what I did mattered.


2) How did you feel about Neocodex as a member of Zombians?

I thought Codex seemed kind of... too big and established to find a place for me. Even though Zombians had a lot of old members from places like DZ, Zombians itself was pretty young and I felt like ZB could be my DZ; my first young forum to be active in. Codex had members who had been there for soo long, I just didn't know how to dive in.


3) How do you think others felt about Neocodex on Zombians?

Honestly, I'm not sure. Objectively speaking, it's hard to say why people would have joined Zombians instead of Codex, honestly. I mean, I loved ZB, but besides my personal bias, Codex is bigger, more active, more established, etc etc. I think a lot of newer ZB members didn't even know about Codex. Somehow I suppose they might have just happened upon ZB first? Plus, a lot of (newer) members had no particular reason to know about other neopets forums since there were some people who weren't interested in neo. Other than that, I think some people moved to ZB because they had their own personal bad experience on Codex/other forums, and they were looking for somewhere else. ZB was kinda the underdog, outside of the "monopoly" of places like ck and codex. At least that's the impression I got.


4) How did you think Neocodex felt about Zombians?

I don't think many codexians thought anything about zombians much. People who were deeply involved in codex probably looked down on zombians a little, but didn't really care about it. I mean, just a glance at the membership stats: last time I checked, we had under 4000 members on ZB. Codex has over 50,000. I think Codex saw Zombians as a small rival with some users they didn't get along with, and thus slightly disliked Zombians (which is fair. Rivalry is rivalry, even when things are kept civil). But I think the bottom line is (from my point of view), Neocodex didn't "feel" or think much about Zombians. Just wasn't really relevant.


5) Has your opinion of Neocodex changed now that you joined?

Yes and no honestly. I trust Codex a lot more now. I always used to worry about using programs from sites that were TOO big, always kind of felt like something was going on behind the scenes that I didn't understand. Obviously by this point I do trust codex though. And I feel like it is a lot easier to get involved in codex than I originally thought. I just always figured it was too big to do anything in, but I see that I can still be a part of it and just dive into the conversation. The reason I say yes and no though, is that it does still feel like I can't really have an impact here in the same way, which is no one's fault, but it's making me a lot less active here than I was on ZB. I'm not really a part of a "group," I don't know many people personally at all, and I can't really find a "role" to take on here. I don't know what to talk about because everything's been said, every topic has been brought up, and my help isn't really needed. My goal on Zombians was actively to move up in the ranks, and as I became more trusted by staff and community I moved up from smaller roles like greeter up to sectional mod and eventually up to moderator. I just saw chances to help the site and I took them. I suppose I'm not certain how to make enough of an impression here to even hit Advanced+, because everything is kind of already done by the time I think about it.



Anyway, long rambling post. I'm glad Codex is taking in us Zombians refugees is the bottom line. Just kind of feels like I'm hanging out with ZB's big brother now.

#5 Romy

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Posted 01 July 2016 - 01:19 PM

To be honest, the only advice i can give you @Generic is to be yourself. Regardless of whether or not you "stand out" participating in events, posting in threads and being active are most of the things people see and recognize.


Be yourself. Post around. You'll fit right in.

#6 Tammy

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Posted 01 July 2016 - 01:51 PM


I also feel the same way, it's so intimidating trying to break into an established group as a new outsider. They all have a kind of system going and its difficult to find a place for yourself. But I've found a lot of the people here to be really friendly and welcoming :) I like this community a lot, even though I'm always out of the loop and a total newbie :p Just be yourself, post your opinions about things, be nice to people... Hopefully we will find our way in haha

#7 Hellraid

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Posted 01 July 2016 - 02:03 PM

1. Because I had given up on forums a long time ago then people asked me to join. So I did.

2. Always loved codex when I was here.

3. Probably the same way I did. It's a great great forum and I think alot of people agree with me on that one.

4. Probably mixed feelings. Like with all forums. Some liked it. Some did not.

5. Been here since 2012. So. Nope. Always liked it here.

#8 Guest_iCarly_*


Posted 01 July 2016 - 03:05 PM

Curiosity is getting the best of me so I have a few questions for you guys.


1) Why were you active on Zombians instead of Neocodex?


2) How did you feel about Neocodex as a member of Zombians?


3) How do you think others felt about Neocodex on Zombians?


4) How did you think Neocodex felt about Zombians?


5) Has your opinion of Neocodex changed now that you joined?


1. It was mostly the community from DZ and I didn't really know anyone here.


2. I had nothing against it, I was just intimidated because it seemed extremely professional. 


3. No one really talked shit about it, so I guess it was neutral/good?


4. I imagine rather well. There wasn't really any hatred between forums that I saw. 


5. Yeah, actually. I'm actually more comfortable here than I was on DZ/ZB (No offense.) I feel more like I fit in over here than I did over there. 

#9 HiMyNameIsNick

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Posted 01 July 2016 - 04:29 PM

Let's build a wall.

#10 Junjie

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Posted 01 July 2016 - 04:57 PM

Let's build a wall.



#11 Nonexistent

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Posted 01 July 2016 - 05:02 PM

Let's build a wall.

and make violent_j pay for it

#12 Guest_iCarly_*


Posted 01 July 2016 - 05:05 PM

and make violent_j pay for it


Because he's bringing in criminals!

#13 Generic

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Posted 01 July 2016 - 11:24 PM

Because he's bringing in criminals!

*shifty eyes*

#14 Pryanka

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Posted 02 July 2016 - 12:03 AM

1) Why were you active on Zombians instead of Neocodex?

- My answer is probably similar to Aerandria's explanation. I followed my friends and forum hopped as things died down over the years. I was on SD, then went to NF. Simultaneously tried DZ for a while and didn't really fit in or know as many people as I did on other forums. Zombians had a few friends I knew from SD/NF days. Nobody I really knew was active here, so I wasn't either. I feel like I've been on all the big forums and it feels exhausting to restart. I've run the gamut from being a normal member to being an administrator over the years. I joined ZB because I'd feel less like a nobody among people I knew. 


2) How did you feel about Neocodex as a member of Zombians?

- I didn't feel any type of way :p Not something I even thought about.


3) How do you think others felt about Neocodex on Zombians?

- I don't know. My friend circle there didn't concern themselves with that kind of thing either.


4) How did you think Neocodex felt about Zombians?

- Omg this 3rd degree of questioning here. I feel like the friend circle I had didn't concern themselves with inter-forum drama. I didn't know anybody on Neocodex, so I have no opinion on this matter. I've heard of the whole Slopdog/Neocodex rift (and seems like a lot of people on both forums liked to talk shit about the other) but I haven't a clue why Neocodex had to feel a certain way about ZB. As far as I know, nobody went out of their way to sabotage the other, and if they did, I'm sure admins on both sites did their jobs to shut that shit down. 


5) Has your opinion of Neocodex changed now that you joined?

It's nice knowing there are some familiar faces after all.




Why should we care what another forum thinks of us? Why should we form opinions on other forums or ponder what they think about us? That does not seem healthy, and would certainly create drama where none exists. 


I honestly have never concerned myself with how I felt about other forums and how they might have felt about the forum I was active on in the last 15 years I've been forum'ing. I did my thing, I made friends, I lived life without worrying about any of the other forums. #honeybadgerdontcare

Edited by Pryanka, 02 July 2016 - 12:36 AM.

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