I am creating this 1 week guide (pictures and links being added) to show how to get a bronze trophy and that $$$ tycoon avatar. Yep, the first time playing PT has a steep learning curve. But once you understand how the parts flow, its really easy because its repetitive. If you play the last 6 days of the month, its doable and not a complete time black hole.
My guide supplements the gold standard guides
~MapleHood ~sungminty ~GrundyTycoon
1. Start a full 6 days before the end of the month
Go to your main page after update times so your game will reflect them
Only buy what materials you need this build, don't "buy and save" for later
2. Your "Work Day" is 8 hours.
That's 10:XXam to 5:XXpm of your game time zone, :XX is the current general update time.Your updates, factory and store ONLY function during these hours. Your warehouse works 24hrs. Set your time zone so your "work day" makes sense for your work/home schedule.
There are 2 different updates in PT. What the two updates have in common is they happen each hour for the 8 hours of your "work day"
:XX is the general update time. Your factory and store update (work/sell) is at the same time FOR EVERYONE and is currently about :38 you can find this info on the PT Game Board (link missing).
YOUR Raw Material prices update separately and at different time for each player.
Ex, one month my personal material update time was around :05.
That meant every hour of "my work day" at :05 I got new material prices. I then decided if I want to buy and build plushies at that time for that price.
An example of time management and the 2 updates. In this example :XX/general update/every players' RS/store and factory time is :39 and my personal update/my material costs is :05
I check in at 10:05. If I like the prices, the (4 green cloth + 1 neocotton + 1 rare gem + 1 paper bag) rule will be described in Step 6, I buy my materials. If not I wait an hour, recheck at 11:05. At 11:05 I like my prices, so I buy.
I choose what plushies to make, Step 7, and I add jobs to my factory, Step 8, and then hire my workers, Step 9.
I wait for the general update at :39
After :39 go to main page (very important), go to factory, FIRE WORKERS (extremely important), go to my warehouse before the next :39
Remember updates only happen during your "work day"
6. When to buy
~Maplehood recommends this rule (4 green cloth + 1 neocotton + 1 rare gem + 1 paper bag):
Make 6 if the cost is less than 3900: Start with 6 of 100 with paper bags
Make 8 if the cost is less than 2900: start with 8 of 100 with cardboard or velvet packaging
Make none if above 3900 NPs, WAIT for a better price.
7. How many to buy
Remember you need to save money for workers, exactly 5550 NP, shipping is 289 (?) per 100 plushies, and each update for the one mandatory manager. (pic and $)
Dont buy materials to "save" for later. If you make 6 only buy what you need for those 6, same for 8.
Plushie sales fluctuate so unfortunately I cant tell you what to make. Make them in jobs of 100 only:
This is just my recommendation, ~sungminty has a slightly different first build
Pick 1 random species that takes 2 rolls of cloth (Krawk, Gelert, JubJub, Mynci, Usul, Uni, Skeith or Peophin)
Pick 1 random species that takes 3 rolls of cloth (Bori, Buzz, Gnorbu, Hissi, Ixi, Kau, Moehog or Tonu)
Pick 1 random species that takes 4 rolls of cloth (Draik, Elephante, Lutari, Xweetok or Zafara)
Make 1 Ogrin set.
Pick 2 random Accessories species, 1x100 of each.
Pick MORE random Accessories species, 1x100 each, if you have low enough prices to build more than 6.
6 paper bags if your cost was between 2900 and 3900 (4 green cloth + 1 neocotton + 1 rare gem + 1 paper bag) or upgrade packaging to cardboard or velvet if cost was under 2900 AND you can afford it
8. Building sets of plushies
go to your factory and "Start New Job" select your chosen species
On the next screen, you choose job size. ONLY pick 100 PT 8c.jpg37.26KB6 downloads
You have to "Start Job" for each species, sorry no back or double clicks
Expand your factory every 2 sets PT 8d.jpg31.79KB4 downloads
9. Hire Workers
Workers only work during "work hours". You hire them before :XX, general update, and FIRE them after (but before the next :XX because they will continue to work, aka burn through you COH, even if there are no jobs in your factory.
From your factory, click on Personnel and then Hire Workers. Hire 24 managers and 250 Trainees.
Workers only work 10:XXam to 5:XXpm of your game time AND if hired before the :XX/general update/RS time, no work will be done if you hire after "work hours"
AFTER :XX/GENERAL UPDATE HAS PASSED, CHECK YOUR MAIN PAGE 1ST. You have to do this for the updates to reflect in your game.
Look at the jobs in your warehouse, in roughly 3-4 hours the jobs will be ready to shop to your store.
This is great! I really need to get that avatar still...can I try if I've started after the first of the month?
You can start whenever, although I don't recommend now because the lag is unreal, and PT has a lot of pages.
Start July 25th for a bronze trophy. My guide is set up so you only pay rent once, dont have to pay the tax man, or change workers or sets.
If you want to try for a silver trophy start the last 2 weeks, and 3 weeks to a month for gold.
Hmm don't attach them upload them to some hosting website like : imgur.com and click on this button then paste the direct link and voila!
:lazy: I dont know if I want to add more steps and another auxiliary site. Are they terribly small? If you click on them they get bigger :pokes itsy bitzy images:
Well, you could try my legit guide and tell me where it fails you so I can make improvements. It's not that much time, 2-3 builds over a few days with a few hourly logins during that time.
Start Feb 21st for a bronze trophy; you don't need to play the whole month. Actually its a lot easier if you only play the last week. The links help hopeful. Follow each section in order, maybe more manageable to take in pieces. Its mostly finding and understanding the 2 different update times that's tough at first.
I'd like to improve my guide, any feedback helps so ask away....
Thank you! I tried this guide after I came back recently on an account to fine tune it for when I can get a ma in and it is great! Comprehensive for me at least. All the other guide over the years always looked confusing to me.
Thank you! I tried this guide after I came back recently on an account to fine tune it for when I can get a ma in and it is great! Comprehensive for me at least. All the other guide over the years always looked confusing to me.
Any suggestions? Anything too confusing that you were unable to continue?
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist
3840 posts
Posted 09 June 2017 - 05:08 PM
Start the last 6 days of the month, PM me if you get stuck
I sure will, thank you SO much, and also I'm happy at all times to see you active on the boards: you seem to be a really awesome Codexian, and you're a joy with the things you share (this plus the AC Plot thing). Keep up the good work!
I sure will, thank you SO much, and also I'm happy at all times to see you active on the boards: you seem to be a really awesome Codexian, and you're a joy with the things you share (this plus the AC Plot thing). Keep up the good work!
Will this work, compliments the guide? Should i try for the avatar first and i get it try the plushie tycooon the following week?
i'd whole-heartily recommend playing 6 days, the last 6 days of the month, first. That grants you the avatar and a bronze trophy. After you are successful and understand how the game works try for a gold trophy the next month.
6 days = you DONT have to every change your workforce (math involved), DONT pay rents after starting, DONT increase/decrease sets to hide nps from the tax man, DONT have to spend hours every day playing