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How do you feel about plastic surgery?

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#1 Tammy

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 12:02 AM

Have any of you ever had any plastic surgery and can share your experiences? Or do you disapprove of those people who have? I mostly mean cosmetic plastic surgery as I doubt anyone would disapprove in the case of burn victims or cancer.


I'm very seriously considering getting a nosejob, probably out of insecurity or whatever but I'm Jewish and I have a Jewish nose. It's always been a feature that I really disliked about myself and I feel like if I have the opportunity to change it, why shouldn't I?


Unfortunately my family and friends have VERY different opinions about this and they (especially my mom) get very annoyed when I ask them for advice or opinions.


Is it common for people to be so disapproving? Or is it just my family?

#2 Swar

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 12:21 AM

Nothing wrong with it. As long as your not risking your life for it, you do you.

#3 Shannon

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 02:10 AM

I think plastic surgery is a very personal thing - no one should dictate your use of it, especially when it is a tool literally designed to make someone feel better about themselves. As long as the surgeon is reputable and it's being done safely, I'm all for it. People can do with their bodies as they please. And they shouldn't be judged for it. Your body, your choice. I know for a fact I will be getting it in the future. My body changed much too rapidly during puberty and because of that, there are some areas that make me pretty insecure. There's nothing "wrong" with those areas and other people may appreciate them more than I do, but it's my opinion that matters here. I say if you think a nose job will help you feel better about yourself and more confident, then it's really worth considering. It's pretty common for people to be negative about plastic surgery, especially family members who are so used to the way you look, but they'll get over it. In the end, you're doing this for you, not them.

#4 Ladida

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 06:27 AM

I can understand a parent being offended, because they usually think their kids look perfect (once they aren't deformed in any way) :) Moreso if you inherited her features, and have decided you don't want them anymore :p That doesn't mean you have to stick with something you're not comfortable with just because they want you to look like them. They might also not want to see you having surgery for something superficial, since all surgeries come with risks. Some might feel that having elective surgery on such a visible part of the body will result in obvious scarring, and would be difficult to cover up if it's not done well.


I don't see anything wrong with plastic surgery. I'm of the opinion that someone should only go under the knife if they absolutely must, and the factors influencing that are extremely personal and usually highly significant to the individual. I want to point out that this does not mean that others believe your nose is too Jewish, and even if they do, their opinions should not influence your decision in any way.


You're a responsible adult capable of weighing the risks that any surgery carries, and you would be aware that the outcome of the surgery could be fantastic, or a botched job. If you do decide to get the surgery done, make sure you shop around for surgeons, find out how their previous patients were treated post-op, whether their concerns were addressed, whether they received good post-op care or were ditched. If you're not comfortable with your plastic surgeon's consultation for any reason (e.g. you feel as though they're bsing their way through it, brushing off your concerns, not being clear about the procedure), do not let him/her operate on you. There's a forum called PurseBlog that has a section dedicated to plastic surgery, with people talking about their experiences, and the names of surgeons they went to (both good and bad).


I don't know if any of your friends or family have ever had plastic surgery. If so, then they would be great sources of information. Otherwise, try and gather as much information as you can, do your research, talk to people online who have had the surgery. If you don't have a good plastic surgeon that you can go to, don't rush into it by using whoever is available. It's worth the wait.

#5 cara

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 06:36 AM

See I'm conflicted because I hate the fact that women are held to such unrealistic standards that we end up often taking extreme measures to 'fix' ourselves so we look more like the women in magazines and on television or whatever twisted beauty standard they are holding themselves to.

But on the other hand, like a post said above, you do you. If getting plastic surgery makes you feel happy, and you're being safe about it, then why not? I think as long as you understand that you are beautiful now, with or without the nose job, then you're golden.

I have never wanted plastic surgery but I have always hated my stretch marks. I basically got them when I had made some bad choices in my earlier years and dropped down to about 90lbs and under. And would I pay a buttload of money to get it professionally removed? Yes. Even though my partner calls me stupid and doesn't notice it, I notice it. So I get where you're coming from.

Unfortunately I wish nothing in this world made you dislike your nose and me my stretch marks, but alas we do not live in a world like that. So I guess I'd have to say there is nothing wrong for us to augment something that we feel insecure about ..

#6 Sorbet

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 07:43 AM

I'm personally not too crazy about elective surgery. As a medical student we're taught "first do no harm," and cosmetic surgery is basically cutting apart healthy tissue and introducing a risk of complications where there is no organic disease to be treated.


But as a young woman subject to the same pressures of conventional beauty as you, I'm sympathetic to people who feel if they just fix this one little thing about themselves then their lives will be much better.


So I guess, just do a little introspection. Like, if you fix this one thing, is there a 'next thing' you'll be looking to fix after? But please, choose an ethical surgeon. A good one should be screening his patients for things like body dysmorphic disorder and not just take your money, no questions asked.

#7 HiMyNameIsNick

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 08:50 AM

I love them! My boobs are bigger now!

#8 Jozie

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 09:19 AM

I am a defender of each person doing what they want to make themselves happy. If plastic surgery is what will make them happy, then why not? When I was younger, about 15 years old, I thought I wanted t get my nose done... and when I was 18-19 I thought I wanted to get bigger boobs. But, I am happy with everything I have now and everything is the same as "god" made them. I would never judge someone for wanting plastic surgery and would be their support if they needed it.

Oh, and I am Jewish as well!

#9 razer

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 09:21 AM

I personally have nothing against it. Yet, I can understand why some people would.


Personally I feel like if it makes the person happy, why not go for it.

If you can afford it, know the risks, and think your quality of life will be better cause of it, go for it.

#10 Coops

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 11:00 AM

You do you, booboo.

#11 Adam

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 11:10 AM

The guy who got plastic surgery to look like Justin Beaver died this week. People commenting on his death are absolutely sick and they were saying shit like, "I'm glad this grown man who wanted to look like a 12 year old  is dead. He was probably a pedophile anyway..." Like seriously?!

#12 Sorbet

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 11:17 AM

The guy who got plastic surgery to look like Justin Beaver died this week. People commenting on his death are absolutely sick and they were saying shit like, "I'm glad this grown man who wanted to look like a 12 year old  is dead. He was probably a pedophile anyway..." Like seriously?!

Is that the guy who had like a TON of plastic surgeries? Any idea if it was a surgery complication or unrelated?

#13 Waser Lave

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 11:17 AM

I'm of the opinion that it's perfectly fine in most cases but there are clearly a few instances where people take it too far and to an unhealthy, potentially dangerous level which might suggest a mental disorder like body dysmorphia where they'd be better off seeking treatment.

#14 Sorbet

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 11:27 AM

I'm of the opinion that it's perfectly fine in most cases but there are clearly a few instances where people take it too far and to an unhealthy, potentially dangerous level which might suggest a mental disorder like body dysmorphia where they'd be better off seeking treatment.

I watched one of those trashy reality documentaries about people who get repeated plastic surgeries, like the guy who's trying to turn himself into a Ken doll, the girl who wants to look like Barbie, and some other woman who got like 25082934 breast augmentations. And all of them at some point complain about how surgeons keep turning them away and I'm like "...you think??" They seem to think it's the surgeon's job to just shut up and give them whatever they want and it's not the surgeon's place to say what is or isn't good for them.


I'd also like to sit down with the surgeons who do keep giving them their surgeries and ask how much $$ paid off their conscience and professionalism.

#15 Adam

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 11:31 AM

Is that the guy who had like a TON of plastic surgeries? Any idea if it was a surgery complication or unrelated?

He had $100k worth of plastic surgery done. I'm not sure what he died of exactly =/.

#16 Waser Lave

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 11:34 AM

He had $100k worth of plastic surgery done. I'm not sure what he died of exactly =/.


Drugs overdose, allegedly.

#17 Sorbet

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 11:39 AM

He had $100k worth of plastic surgery done. I'm not sure what he died of exactly =/.

Oh jeez I just looked him up and recognized his pic. Man, he was a young guy too from the looks of it.

#18 Adam

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 12:07 PM

Drugs overdose, allegedly.

Wait he died last year?? Why did I just read about it on facebook news (which I detest) yesterday?? Fail.

#19 Waser Lave

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 12:12 PM

Wait he died last year?? Why did I just read about it on facebook news (which I detest) yesterday?? Fail.


I think they just released the coroner's report or something.

#20 Tammy

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 02:08 PM

It's great to see that there are more open-minded people out there, I wouldn't want to be embarrassed or ashamed of it just because society says so :/


@Ladida thank you so much for the advice! That forum is really useful, I'll definitely be looking through it and doing some more research before I make a final decision xP

#21 Nanarie

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 02:22 PM

As much as it sucks that people feel pressured to conform to beauty standards and get plastic surgery, it also sucks just as much that people shame other people for getting plastic surgery and not being "all natural." You're lucky if you won the genetic lottery, you're not more worthy or something. 


I want to get double eyelid surgery, and I've wanted to since I was 10 years old. Putting on makeup is a bitch and I also have rbf because I just have naturally angry looking eyes. If I could be perfectly comfortable in my own skin that would be great and save that money for something else but I'm also not ashamed of wanting it and you should never be ashamed of the decisions you make about your own body.


It's kind of a struggle for me since my mom is tentatively ok with it (says it's my body to do whatever I want with) but she wants me to hide it from my dad because she thinks he would be really against it. 


As other people said, just do a -lot- of research beforehand. Nose jobs are something that can get botched REALLY badly. 

#22 Kaddict

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 05:33 PM

I came to just reiterate the first few posts. First, the majority of plastics is not the "nose/boob job" stuff, most of it is trying to make people look like they never had a surgery, when really that had a doctor dig out half a golf ball of tissue from their cheek (seen that. Best Mohs surgeon ever). But, people who want boob/nose/tummy tuck/whatever jobs should totally get them, if it will make them feel better as a person. I just hate that society has a preferred nose shape, or a preferred bra size, or the preferred cheek bones or whatever--because I feel lots of people are insecure about their perfectly normal unique features. Personally, before someone gets an elective surgery like a nose job or whatever, I think they should take a bit of introspective time. Some people get the surgery because they think "If I can just fix this one problem in my life, I will be happy." But that is almost never the case. But, as long as you realize that, it is your body, and it (generally) doesn't do any harm to you--so if it makes you happy, do it. Somebody has to give the plastic surgeons enough money to keep their young barbie wives from divorcing them.

#23 MozzarellaSticks

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Posted 26 July 2016 - 08:36 PM

You do you. I don't really think it's any of my business what people decide to do with their bodies. I just hope they go to a board certified surgeon, and shop around for a good surgeon, not a cheap price.

#24 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 27 July 2016 - 04:57 AM

Wait he died last year?? Why did I just read about it on facebook news (which I detest) yesterday?? Fail.

Wait, what, I thought he died this week too. Stupid facebook. 


I think you should photoshop a bunch of different noses on yourself and let us vote on them.

#25 Tammy

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Posted 27 July 2016 - 02:46 PM

I think you should photoshop a bunch of different noses on yourself and let us vote on them.


I would totally do that if I had any idea how to use photoshop :p

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