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Minimalism v hoarding


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#1 Ali

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Posted 18 August 2016 - 03:10 PM

As the entire world knows, The Boy recently moved back to London and his long suffering but adoring wife (otherwise known as your friendly neighbourhood Ali) after two years working in Paris and the two of us (although more him) living our lives split across two cities and countries.


He was busy "working" and "providing for his family" and the like, so I got left to pack up our Paris life and sort out the shipping . After about 5 minutes of this, I got bored and made him throw away a lot of our Paris-stuff, which seemed legitimate because we don't need even more cutlery/crockery/glassware in our London kitchen, for example.


But now we are home and he's exacting revenge by pointing out that I am a colossal hoarder and nostalgia-ridden nightmare, incapable of throwing away my A Level revision notes, even though nobody will ever ask me to do calculus again and my French is far better now at 27 than it was at 18. Similarly, do I really need 43 dresses when from the months of September through April, I live in black leggings and a grey jumper? The whole place is filled with piles of books because I can't walk past a bookshop without buying something. I am being forced, by a man who supposedly loves me, to send bags and bags of my belongings to charity shops in an attempt to embrace a new, more minimalist existence.


What's your home/bedroom/life like Codex? Are you living a very minimalist zen lifestyle with few possessions? Can you throw things away easily? Or are you like me, clinging onto remnants of your earlier life because it almost pains you to discard a metro ticket-stub that took you across Rome 10 years ago (true story that)? Are your walls a blank whitewashed canvas or do you need photos and art all over them because emptyness makes you uneasy?

#2 cara

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Posted 18 August 2016 - 03:27 PM

I've moved eight times in six years so I am exceptionally good at keeping all of belongings limited to one small room. 


I have only maybe 2-3 things that I've kept with me throughout all of my moves. That being said, for the first time ever I've moved into my own place a few months ago and I've started to accumulate things. So I'm expanding into having two small rooms half full of things. It makes me extremely uncomfortable.


I like my walls littered with art, though. But I hate owning things. I romanticize the idea of running away across the world with nothing but the shirt on my back. I've adopted a cat now though and she complicates that. Everything I buy complicates that. So that's where my feeling comes from. I hoard my money, not my possessions. I like the idea of running away.


That being said, I completely understand where you're coming from. I bet it would be a cool feeling to look at that ticket stub and be reminded of your time in Rome. We are both mental, just in different ways.

#3 Ali

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Posted 18 August 2016 - 04:22 PM

I've moved eight times in six years so I am exceptionally good at keeping all of belongings limited to one small room. 


I have only maybe 2-3 things that I've kept with me throughout all of my moves. That being said, for the first time ever I've moved into my own place a few months ago and I've started to accumulate things. So I'm expanding into having two small rooms half full of things. It makes me extremely uncomfortable.


I like my walls littered with art, though. But I hate owning things. I romanticize the idea of running away across the world with nothing but the shirt on my back. I've adopted a cat now though and she complicates that. Everything I buy complicates that. So that's where my feeling comes from. I hoard my money, not my possessions. I like the idea of running away.


That being said, I completely understand where you're coming from. I bet it would be a cool feeling to look at that ticket stub and be reminded of your time in Rome. We are both mental, just in different ways.

This is all partially inspired because we do intend to move at some point in the next couple of years and the thought of packing this place up is just nauseating. Terrifyingly, when we moved to London together...9 years ago (eek, ugh, etc.) we didn't have enough possessions between the two of us to fill the back of my little car at that time. Now we have a house-worth.


Oh, it's nonsense though. I've got rubbish like that from all over the show, some of it I can't even quite work out what it was...there's what I also think is a metro ticket from Madrid. I don't even remember the last time I was in Madrid (passed through in 2009 maybe?) or when/how/why we would have been on the metro. And when you think that we end up abroad 2-3 times a year these days, and I used to tour internationally for work, I must have about 50x of these sorts of things! Not even factoring it mementos of things we've done in this country, theatre tickets, train tickets, other pointless paraphernalia...


Really I think this has highlighted the biggest difference in mine and The Boy's characters, which is that he is hugely practical and I am overly whimsical. If it were up to him, everything we owned would have a purpose where as I cling on to stuff just because I can.


Newly negotiated terms are:

  • All photos are safe from the cull
  • Gig ticket stubs for gigs we attended together are safe (I have every single one in a box :heart:)
  • Anything related to our honeymoon is safe
  • I am allowed to retain one purposeless souvenir from each of our holidays
  • Any clothes that I haven't worn in the past year must go
  • There's a 6 month limit on current books owned, and after that, anything still unread must go because I'll clearly never get round to it

He says this is our life but we can't solve it with IKEA because IKEA frightens me.

#4 Kaddict

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Posted 18 August 2016 - 04:44 PM

Hoarding stuff is so much easier once you own your own place. I will have to go through stuff every once in a while and just toss tons of shit. My problem used to be with nostalgic crap, but I am not too bad anymore. Now I have a problem throwing stuff away if I think I will ever need it in the future and that I will regret having to spend money on it again. Our garage is getting full, and we have only owned our house for 3 years.

#5 Coops

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Posted 18 August 2016 - 05:11 PM

I'm a minimalist. Baldman is not.

We don't even have a dining table or chairs. I have one keepsake box. Fortunately, he lets me throw crap away as long as I can logically justify it. 

#6 cara

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Posted 18 August 2016 - 05:55 PM

This is all partially inspired because we do intend to move at some point in the next couple of years and the thought of packing this place up is just nauseating. Terrifyingly, when we moved to London together...9 years ago (eek, ugh, etc.) we didn't have enough possessions between the two of us to fill the back of my little car at that time. Now we have a house-worth.

Oh, it's nonsense though. I've got rubbish like that from all over the show, some of it I can't even quite work out what it was...there's what I also think is a metro ticket from Madrid. I don't even remember the last time I was in Madrid (passed through in 2009 maybe?) or when/how/why we would have been on the metro. And when you think that we end up abroad 2-3 times a year these days, and I used to tour internationally for work, I must have about 50x of these sorts of things! Not even factoring it mementos of things we've done in this country, theatre tickets, train tickets, other pointless paraphernalia...

Really I think this has highlighted the biggest difference in mine and The Boy's characters, which is that he is hugely practical and I am overly whimsical. If it were up to him, everything we owned would have a purpose where as I cling on to stuff just because I can.

Newly negotiated terms are:

  • All photos are safe from the cull
  • Gig ticket stubs for gigs we attended together are safe (I have every single one in a box :heart:)
  • Anything related to our honeymoon is safe
  • I am allowed to retain one purposeless souvenir from each of our holidays
  • Any clothes that I haven't worn in the past year must go
  • There's a 6 month limit on current books owned, and after that, anything still unread must go because I'll clearly never get round to it
He says this is our life but we can't solve it with IKEA because IKEA frightens me.

Have you ever considered renting a storage unit? You can get rather large ones over here for reasonable prices. If you don't mind a small extra cost every month, I would look into it. It would save you a lot of grief it sounds like.

Granted, you may still need to divide up the things that you can't bare to part with and the things that you need to admit are trash. :p

#7 Prisca

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Posted 18 August 2016 - 07:36 PM

Marie Kondo! Her book has been recommended to me, a hoarder, to help cut the crap out of my life. I dream of minimalism. There was a 5 month period after i got married that our home was minimalist. Our walls were bare, we didn't own even a couch. It was magical. I have big plans to declutter my life again soon... but i am far too lazy to start lol. Aparently Marie Kondo's book has a suggestion for parting with dearly loved but useless belonging that helps with the breaking of emotional attachments. As i said, i haven't read it yet, and actually some of my friends think it is a bit on the extreme side of things, but many have found it useful. :)

#8 Padme

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Posted 18 August 2016 - 08:24 PM

I definitely hoard things and I still hold resentment about things I was forced to throw away or were thrown away on me without my knowledge. 

I have a lot of things to some people but personally I feel I don't have a lot. I see other peoples parents having saved so  much from their childhood but that was all left up to me! I've saved my baptism candle and a couple books I'm fond of, I don't know why. They sit in a box and I occasionally go through them and they make me feel very nostalgic. Then again... I'll easily throw a bunch of stuff away randomly on the same note.


I have flower petals pressed in a book from a lifetime ago that I have no intention of getting rid of.


I also hoard books, some of which I know i'll never get around to reading but I bought them anyway.

#9 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 19 August 2016 - 09:59 AM

I'm a super hoarder because I'm a dragon and sitting on a mountain of my things brings me comfort. I like things on the walls and things on the tables. Big open/clear spaces make me uncomfortable. I feel really uncomfortable in super clean houses and I don't want to make anyone feel like they can't bring their kids over or touch anything in my house. Homes are meant to be lived in. 

The bf is the exact opposite, since he travels constantly and lives out of his trunk.

This week he's been home and he keeps touching everything and explaining very calmly and logically why we don't need it while I sob hysterically into a pillow because double the placenta apparently means double the hormones.


Plus, it's not my fault he can't find anything damn it. On the upside, he's getting really creative with rearranging and now I have little hooks for my coffee cups.

#10 Junjie

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Posted 19 August 2016 - 04:53 PM

I go through periods where I'd like hoard everything and throw it all to one side and not get rid of anything at all. And other periods of time where I would like, go through all my stuff and get rid of years of stuff. This seems to apply not just to physical or personal objects, but also at work for work documents, for work computer files, for personal digital stuff, and even for my pokemon on Pokemon GO lol.


Overall however, I'd say I'm much more minimalist than hoarder, in terms of my possessions at least. Because I do eventually end up not holding on to or using a lot, and I don't find it very difficut to get rid of things I don't use either.


My brother still thinks of me as a hoarder for keeping like 100+ pokeballs when I get the time to spin Pokestops though. Lols.

#11 Thespians

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Posted 19 August 2016 - 05:20 PM

I'm a minimalist. I own next to nothing except my degree's and clothing LOL.

#12 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 21 August 2016 - 11:56 AM

My brother still thinks of me as a hoarder for keeping like 100+ pokeballs when I get the time to spin Pokestops though. Lols.

Virtual games is where my hoarding really shines cause I don't have anyone holding me back.

#13 Mishelle

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Posted 21 August 2016 - 11:59 AM

I'm a minimalist but I'm also lazy so I'll let the clutter build up until it becomes ridiculous and then I'll throw everything away.

#14 Coops

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Posted 21 August 2016 - 12:15 PM

Virtual games is where my hoarding really shines cause I don't have anyone holding me back.

I do this. I am a minimalist in real life. But in video games, I'm a fucking hoarder. xD

#15 Junjie

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Posted 21 August 2016 - 02:10 PM

Virtual games is where my hoarding really shines cause I don't have anyone holding me back.


I do this. I am a minimalist in real life. But in video games, I'm a fucking hoarder. xD


I have found my tribe, it seems. :D


Even in games like Final Fantasy and Pokemon, I always end up hoarding like 50+ to 100 of each type of high-level potion / revival item / etc. And I only use them if I really have to, e.g. in boss fights, and afterwards I always ensure they are topped up. So I always end up walking around with, like, enough to support an army, at all times.

#16 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 21 August 2016 - 04:03 PM

I have found my tribe, it seems. :D
Even in games like Final Fantasy and Pokemon, I always end up hoarding like 50+ to 100 of each type of high-level potion / revival item / etc. And I only use them if I really have to, e.g. in boss fights, and afterwards I always ensure they are topped up. So I always end up walking around with, like, enough to support an army, at all times.

I transferred a bunch of raticate today but only because I ran out of space for other pokemon.

#17 Junjie

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Posted 21 August 2016 - 05:11 PM

I transferred a bunch of raticate today but only because I ran out of space for other pokemon.

Ah I see! Me too actually, transferred quite a bit of Pidgeotto, Raticate, Metapod/Kakuna etc, from a weekend Pokemon spree.

That said, I don't actually horde Pokemon though - I'm more minimalist there, as I don't seem to be attached to individual low CP / non-rare pokemon. But I will collect the shit out of dem Ultra Balls, for that rainy day (y'know, the one with sudden Dragonite appearances and all).

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