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What's your thoughts on the Women's March?

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#1 Shiemi

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Posted 23 January 2017 - 01:00 PM

Personally I thought it sent out a nice message, and was really inspiring. 

What's your thoughts on it?


#2 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 23 January 2017 - 01:36 PM

tbh I don't think I understand what it's about. All I've really heard is Trump sucks and you can't be a pro-life feminist, but surely there was a bigger message than that?

#3 Adam

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Posted 23 January 2017 - 02:18 PM

tbh I don't think I understand what it's about. All I've really heard is Trump sucks and you can't be a pro-life feminist, but surely there was a bigger message than that?

This^. Whatever they're marching for, I support them, but I haven't seen a clear indication of why there's a march.

#4 Bone

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Posted 23 January 2017 - 02:39 PM

I was there. Per the Women's March website, the march's mission:


The rhetoric of the past election cycle has insulted, demonized, and threatened many of us - immigrants of all statuses, Muslims and those of diverse religious faiths, people who identify as LGBTQIA, Native people, Black and Brown people, people with disabilities, survivors of sexual assault - and our communities are hurting and scared. We are confronted with the question of how to move forward in the face of national and international concern and fear.


In the spirit of democracy and honoring the champions of human rights, dignity, and justice who have come before us, we join in diversity to show our presence in numbers too great to ignore. The Womenā€™s March on Washington will send a bold message to our new government on their first day in office, and to the world that women's rights are human rights. We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.


We support the advocacy and resistance movements that reflect our multiple and intersecting identities. We call on all defenders of human rights to join us. This march is the first step towards unifying our communities, grounded in new relationships, to create change from the grassroots level up. We will not rest until women have parity and equity at all levels of leadership in society. We work peacefully while recognizing there is no true peace without justice and equity for all


The core/original goal of the march was a repudiation of the new president and his administration's broadly anti-women rhetoric and policies, but also captured pro-environment/science, anti-fascist, and pro-democracy sentiment. It also served to kick off a 100-day campaign of political action against the administration.


Personally, I saw the march as the beginning of a much-needed effort to resist the new administration's harmful and regressive goals and values.


P.S. - it was fucking awesome.

#5 Pink_Bubble

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Posted 23 January 2017 - 03:48 PM

I don't have much to contribute here, but I'd like to reshare a native woman's experience at the Womens March: https://twitter.com/...378710833270786 (Thread)

#6 KaibaSama

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Posted 23 January 2017 - 04:06 PM

I went to the womens march in pittsburgh and brought along a white board so I could change what my sign said all day. It was a whole lot of fun. 

Here's the list of what my sign said in order:

Bernie would have won

Get outta my pussy. I don't want the D.

speaking words of wisdom let them pee. (done by a friend)

trans is beautiful (done by a friend)

obama   :heart: (obama was inside the heart)

No cheetos in white house

join the resistance and fight the empire

trump is going to hell (bigly) (bigly was in parentheses at the bottom) 

your tiny hands can't handle my pussy

I am a man. I've got a vagina. genitals does not equal gender. (done by a friend)

The end is announced by Trump/Pence (aka Trumpets). The end is near Repence.

Trump equals the poo emoji (which I drew very badly)

Trump/Pence logo with a circle with a line going through it surrounding the logo

Trump if he only had a brain (scarecrow)

Take a dump on trump (my favorite)

Soon we'll all speak Russian. Trump  :heart:  Putin

Putin has Trump "under his desk" with a stick figure drawing of Putin at his desk and Trump right below it

Soon USA= USR united states of Russia. #Trump :heart: Putin

I'm Russian and even I hate Putin & Trump

#7 Bone

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Posted 23 January 2017 - 04:12 PM

I don't have much to contribute here, but I'd like to reshare a native woman's experience at the Womens March: https://twitter.com/...378710833270786 (Thread)


Yeah I think the unfortunately present transmisogyny and racism/cultural insensitivity were kind of inevitable with the size of the march. A lot of people were clearly first-time protesters and less knowledgeable about social justice than the organizers, and can definitely see how transwomen and women of color felt excluded. :/


But the good news is, I encountered and have heard stories about a lot of people who were open to learning more about being a better feminist and ally to oppressed communities. I think it's great that so many people were exposed to ideas and challenged in ways they hadn't been before. And on a macro scale, I think the sheer size of the march made it more effective than it ever could have been had it been smaller with greater clarity of purpose and ideology. 

#8 bwoke

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Posted 23 January 2017 - 04:21 PM

Well, the march was literally outside my house and this is what I gathered from reading the signs and chants. They are just expressing their hatred for Trump's stupidity and in-humaneness towards minorities. They were in opposition of what Trump is representing. I felt like it was a breath of fresh air and it really had a nice message. I usually hate the way neo-liberals protest with these safespaces and trigger warnings. I believe this was the correct way to protest about something you believe in and I am kind of regretting not joining the march lol.


@KyloRen Lol no cheetos in the whitehouse.

#9 Bone

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Posted 23 January 2017 - 04:44 PM


Well, the march was literally outside my house and this is what I gathered from reading the signs and chants. They are just expressing their hatred for Trump's stupidity and in-humaneness towards minorities. They were in opposition of what Trump is representing. I felt like it was a breath of fresh air and it really had a nice message. I usually hate the way neo-liberals protest with these safespaces and trigger warnings. I believe this was the correct way to protest about something you believe in and I am kind of regretting not joining the march lol.


@KyloRen Lol no cheetos in the whitehouse.



Lol neoliberals are as opposed to safe spaces and content warnings as anyone else. Space spaces and content warnings are tactics employed to prevent unnecessary trauma, largely by the (new) new left.


I think my favorite sign (/chant) was "hands too small, can't build a wall". Hehe.

#10 Pink_Bubble

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Posted 23 January 2017 - 04:59 PM

I went to the womens march in pittsburgh and brought along a white board so I could change what my sign said all day. It was a whole lot of fun. 

Here's the list of what my sign said in order:

Bernie would have won

Get outta my pussy. I don't want the D.

speaking words of wisdom let them pee. (done by a friend)

trans is beautiful (done by a friend)

obama   heart.gif (obama was inside the heart)

No cheetos in white house

join the resistance and fight the empire

trump is going to hell (bigly) (bigly was in parentheses at the bottom) 

your tiny hands can't handle my pussy

I am a man. I've got a vagina. genitals does not equal gender. (done by a friend)

The end is announced by Trump/Pence (aka Trumpets). The end is near Repence.

Trump equals the poo emoji (which I drew very badly)

Trump/Pence logo with a circle with a line going through it surrounding the logo

Trump if he only had a brain (scarecrow)

Take a dump on trump (my favorite)

Soon we'll all speak Russian. Trump  heart.gif  Putin

Putin has Trump "under his desk" with a stick figure drawing of Putin at his desk and Trump right below it

Soon USA= USR united states of Russia. #Trump heart.gif Putin

I'm Russian and even I hate Putin & Trump


That's some very liberal McCarthyite and Russophobic signage, ngl.


It baffles me how Americans so easily forget (i) their state maintains hegemonic imperial control over the majority of the continents' land, skies and seas and (ii) the irony of its citizens complaining about another country's alleged foreign political intervention, considering the countless coups, mercenaries and death squads employed by their administration.

Edited by Pink_Bubble, 23 January 2017 - 07:24 PM.

#11 Romy

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Posted 24 January 2017 - 08:47 AM

I'm really really proud of how peaceful the protests went. It only helps your cause when you manage to get your people to march peacefully.


I'm hoping these same people turn out to vote in 2018 though. We need a movement.

#12 cara

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Posted 24 January 2017 - 01:09 PM



They are even having anti-Trump marches here. I would have went if I didn't have an appointment that day. I fully support these protests, even if I don't really know what they are about. They are peaceful protesters that dislike Trump. Which makes them a-ok in my book.

#13 bwoke

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Posted 24 January 2017 - 10:24 PM

Lol neoliberals are as opposed to safe spaces and content warnings as anyone else. Space spaces and content warnings are tactics employed to prevent unnecessary trauma, largely by the (new) new left.


I think my favorite sign (/chant) was "hands too small, can't build a wall". Hehe.


Hmm, new new liberals? Enlighten me please.

#14 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 25 January 2017 - 08:08 AM

I would like to make the phrase "phallic fallacy" go into circulation. It's when a man uses a fallacy during mansplaining.

#15 KaibaSama

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Posted 25 January 2017 - 08:22 AM

Lol neoliberals are as opposed to safe spaces and content warnings as anyone else. Space spaces and content warnings are tactics employed to prevent unnecessary trauma, largely by the (new) new left.


I think my favorite sign (/chant) was "hands too small, can't build a wall". Hehe.

"Tiny Dick, no more bricks!" (to build the wall). That just came to my head right now. 

#16 Coops

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Posted 25 January 2017 - 01:53 PM

I really wish I had been able to attend but my physical health is shit so there is no way I could have reasonably spent an entire day walking/marching. There are some concerns I have about the exclusion of intersectional feminism by the organizers, but that said, I still saw a lot of signs in pictures about intersectional feminism (which is desperately needed). But my favorite part was the fact that it made Trump so pissy-pants he had his press secretary deliver an impromptu, unofficial press conference on Saturday, covertly taking jabs at the march and insisting inaugural attendance was higher than it's ever been before. lol. He's such a petty ass bitch.

#17 Romy

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Posted 26 January 2017 - 09:45 AM

He's such a petty ass bitch.

That's President Petty Ass Bitch. :p

#18 aprilnewcastle

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Posted 02 February 2017 - 11:35 AM

I went to the womens march in pittsburgh and brought along a white board so I could change what my sign said all day. 



That was a great idea!!!

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