Hey guys, I'm back with another project of mine. NeoGo is a cloud based dailies do-er that runs on Amazon AWS. It allows you to have your dailies done automatically with absolutely no effort from you. With NeoGo, you can pretend your Neopets account doesn't exist for days, months, or years, while it slowly accumulates value. And the best part? It's ~free~. It's pretty much a small website that lets you register a neopets account with the service. The account will be logged into once every day, and all your selected services will be run. At release, I'm supporting most of the dailies. Your selected services will be run once every day at some time between 9-10 AM NST. After registering your neopets account, you get an access ID that lets you modify your account details and which services you want at any time. Save this as soon as you register, or you won't be able to modify your registration. Also, note that anyone with your access ID will have access to your neopets password, so don't share it with anyone.
You can choose to use this service with or without a proxy, but I highly suggest using a proxy. It is unlikely that your account will last too long without one. The proxy can't be massively slow, or you'll exceed the execution timeout (compute time ain't cheap).
Also, try not to register like 5000 accounts. It'll cost me a bit of money to pay for the bandwidth and compute time that this service uses.
NeoGo is currently alpha quality, so keep that in mind. Please post with comments, questions, or suggestions. I'd love to hear them!
In order to login to your Neopets accounts, I need to store your passwords in a format that can be converted to plaintext. If you use an account with NeoGo, change the password to something that you don't use anywhere else. I mean it.
Give it a try!
(I'm too cheap to buy a domain name )