*coughs* @Pyro699 now we have a cats of Codex thread.
Everyone please welcome Jelly (black and white) and Fish (tabby) to the Codex cat family. <3 Also, show me your kitties!
Cats of Codex
*listed by member submission
If you want to submit a cat, just post a picture with their name!
Jelly (@Coops)
Fish (@Coops)
Cooper (@Coops)
Toast (@Coops)
Henry (@Pyro699)
Cleo (@Pyro699)
Dot (@Jess)
Fluff (@Jess)
Junior & Catty (@Jess)
Junior, Catto, Catty, Fluffo, and Fluff (@Jess)
Flynn (@Jess)
Virgil (@Jess)
Alexander Supertramp aka Soup (@Kate)
Fiona (@Rocket)
Stormy (@SheOfTheEndWorld)
Toothless (@Emily)
Izzy (@silentqueen)
Lucy & Tiger Cat (@Ladida)
White Cat (@Ladida)
Kitten (@Ladida)
Miss Kitty (@Amethyst)