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And it dawned on me...I've never said hello.

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#1 Cript

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 12:58 PM

I recently realized that I've never actually made a hello thread while I've been on neocodex. I've decided to not only say hello, but also to give you all a brief history of my neopets forum experience. Without further ado, here goes.

I remember trying to login to my Neopets account on April 4th of last year only to find it "frozen for scamming." I must admit, I was quite pissed off and then I realized it was because of that whole password glitch thing. Once my account was locked; I immediately assumed that I would never get the stuff back the I had lost so I decided that cheating was the only way to get what I had lost back.

I decided to search google for "neopets programs" and quickly found a few MSN groups and joined one. This MSN group had a public autobuyer written by FirebirdGM that made me a couple million np when I used it in the bakery shop on neopets. This was about the same time when the restock code came out for all items...and all of a sudden his autobuyer was obsolete. I followed FirebirdGM to nhacks but quickly noticed that the board etiquette was terrible and flamers ruined things for me.

Next, a friend referred me to digibliss. I started off as just a normal newbie member in my first "real community." I'll admit I came to digibliss as a leecher...because that's just how I found the board. So, I made my posts and got my programs. Then, I realized I was actually getting to know and getting to like the people on digibliss. Before I knew it, I was posting for fun and not to get programs. At this time I got to know a few of the staff at digibliss; I.e. Michael, Digital, Kareem and finally, neo_grl. Neo_grl and I got along very well because we both had a lot of common interests. For instance, we were both from Wisconsin (I go to school about 15 minutes away from where she lives), we were both pretty religious and we were both very very professional in our behavior on the site. She taught me quite a bit about the way the forums work and eventually I was allowed into the hidden digibliss forum called "Jelly World." Sadly, the next day I noticed that Neo_grl was gone...apparently she had run a contest promising to give 10,000,000 neopoints to anyone who caused harm to a certain neopets site ;) (Insert neocodex here). I was pretty saddened by all this but was optimistic about the future because digibliss still had a strong staff and good programmers.

Sadly, I quickly realized this is not how things would work. The programmers didn't program and no one really did anything constructive and activity all but stopped. It was at this time that neo_grl contact me and told me she would be on NPH (neopian hackers) and that I should come check out the site. I decided to do just that and again was disappointed by the lack of respect that people offered each other. I stayed for a bit to offer my advice where it was needed but soon realized that this would not be much of a home.

Now, one of my old digibliss friends (yugidamaster) instant messaged me and told me about the new site called neotwist. Upon seeing many familiar faces from digibliss, I decided this would make an excellent home for me. The site was great; it had everything I wanted. I did very well there and was loving being a member when all of a sudden neo_grl showed up on the boards. Liquids had asked her to become a programmer and she had accepted. She released another version of her UAB and the members flocked in. Now, this is about when I started realizing how lame Neopets actually was and started getting more into the actual leadership roles on the site. Finally, I was asked to be a moderator and I very happily obliged. I spent tons and tons of my time moderating threads and this time was very well noticed. Now, Liquids had a very bad habbit in promoting girls he thought was cute to staff positions. This problem showed up when he decided to promote an attractive young woman to super moderator. After trying desperately to fulfill her duties, she respectfully resigned and upon requests from a lot of members; she asked that she switch to regular moderator and I take her place as super moderator.

I was finally starting to feel needed. I kicked some super moderating ass. :) Well, after a bit of time as super moderator, one of our administrators decided to resign and when the decision was made about who would replace him; I was informed that Neo_grl insisted that I be the person for the job. It was just amazing being an administrator. Having people respect you, fear you and revere you all at the same. I spent about four hours a day minimum on the site because I really didn't have anything else to do. :) In my time at neotwist I saw myself get up to over 300 million neopoints. I also bought the very first super attack pea at the smugglers cove and secured my place in cheating history, lol. Sadly, I was immediately frozen and up a creek without a paddle. :( But heh, I kept cheating and then someone made a program called neoJsp. This was a black pawkeet autoplayer that would make a guaranteed winning bet at an alarming rate. This thing was insane...made about 80 million a day and was safe for awhile...til TNT checked out the biggest losers list for black pawkeet slots and froze us all (taking down Black Pawkeet slots in the process. I must admit; I take a bit of pride in knowing that I was a part in getting an actual game taken down from their site.

It was about this time that I got contacted by Neopets lead counsel Mitchell Kamarck and was told to never play neopets.com again. (This letter is available upon request and is some very amusing reading for anyone bored enough.)

Then, we ran into another problem. Liquids decided to unban every banned member from neotwist without notifying any of the other admin. Neo_grl immediately thought his account had been comprimised and so she locked him out of it. Of course, Liquids assumed she was trying to take over the forum or something and spread propaganda saying she was the one who hacked him. Neo_grl left...the members left...neotwist was pretty much defunct.

It was at this time I began hearing good things about neocodex. I got in contact with Hydrogen whom I'd seen post at NPH during the autobuyer wars and quickly found him to be a very well mannered, respectable and trustworthy leader. After a few private messages back and forth I decided the neocodex would be a good place to start over. Sadly, this was also the busiest term of my college career and I found myself unable to be active on the forum.

Sooner or later, I finally gave myself an easy class schedule which enables me to be active like I wish I could have back then. I hope you guys all enjoyed this and I enjoy being an active part of codex for a long long time. :) Any questions...don't hesitate to ask.

#2 Jack

  • 439 posts

Posted 03 May 2005 - 01:03 PM

Helllo cript2000, welcome to neocodex :lol: .Wow that's a great story. I found codex by some posts at GzP and then SL64 made my account and I was so happy. Now I can enjoy talking to you all. Thankyou SL64!!!!!!111!!!

#3 redlion

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 01:04 PM

O_o This one has history :p

I suppose we owe you a belated welcome :)

#4 Cript

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 01:13 PM

It's Cript! Cript is cool tiddllypeeps so be nice to him. ^_^

(And yes Cript, I do know who you are, I majorly lurked at Digi many a month ago!)

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Tiddlypeeps? :) Didn'trealize you lurked there. :)

I guess I forgot to mention I was mod at the second digibliss too...but didn't have anything to moderate cause activity was so low. :(

#5 Frizzle

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 01:24 PM

I want you to stay here ^_^ you are the pwness.

#6 Sham

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 01:27 PM


I never made a welcome post either... lol

#7 Pink_Bubble

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 04:07 PM

welcome. :D interesting story...

#8 Noitidart

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 04:33 PM

Man wow that's a whole lot of history :) Welcome to NeoCodex man! :D

#9 Hydrogen

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 04:39 PM

Man wow that's a whole lot of history :) Welcome to NeoCodex man! :D

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you said it. holy crap cript...I'm going to save that for a rainy day :lol:   :lol:   :lol: heres your belated welcome: welcome :)

#10 Chaoscrew

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 04:43 PM

late welcome to neocodex I guess ^_^

#11 pyke

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 04:48 PM

That letter sounds very interesting :p

I am glad you decided to come to these boards man.

#12 Hydrogen

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 04:50 PM

yeah we all love that you are here :D

#13 Cript

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 05:07 PM

Thanks for all the welcomes guys. Makes me feel special :)

#14 .:Orange:.

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 05:27 PM

Read the rules and stay active. :p

You have an interesting past. :p You should post that letter sometime, sounds like a good read. :D

#15 Hydrogen

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 05:33 PM

Thanks for all the welcomes guys. Makes me feel special :)

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You are VERY special cript :) . My mommy told me that I was too :D

#16 Cript

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 05:58 PM

You are VERY special cript :) . My mommy told me that I was too :D

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Yea, but I bet yours didn't make you ride a  short bus to school. :(

#17 Hydrogen

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 06:00 PM

Yea, but I bet yours didn't make you ride a  short bus to school. :(

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sorry, I didnt mean to scratch on a sensitive topic :( . I'm really sorry. If you are joking then: :p

#18 AUS

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 06:11 PM

Oh.. hi cript.. I'm way excited about you being on our forum.  You should add me on msn [email protected]:)

Anyone else that wants to can add me as well by the way :p .

Edit: [mergetime]1115172700[/mergetime]

sorry, I didnt mean to scratch on a sensitive topic :( . I'm really sorry. If you are joking then: :p

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I wouldn't worry much about hitting on a sensitive subject with a person that has a family guy avatar :p .

#19 Noitidart

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 06:24 PM

dun pick on poor cript :crybaby:

#20 Dark_Sniper

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 06:29 PM

jesus u have quite an interesting history 0_o I enjoyed reading that :D

#21 Bass

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 07:17 PM

WHat a history O.O re-welcome to the site :p But you must of been mad once that account with 300mill and pea got frozen x.x

#22 Cript

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 10:04 PM

sorry, I didnt mean to scratch on a sensitive topic :( . I'm really sorry. If you are joking then: :p

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Nah, though mom did make me stand outside in the cold ass Wisconsin winter to ride the normal bus. :(

Edit: [mergetime]1115186696[/mergetime]

WHat a history O.O re-welcome to the site :p But you must of been mad once that account with 300mill and pea got frozen x.x

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I was for a little while...but they're just pixels...it was the time lost getting them that made me mad...but life is a journey afterall, not a destination.

#23 Guest_Xth Cannon_*

Guest_Xth Cannon_*

Posted 04 May 2005 - 12:34 AM

wow, thats one long post :D Welcome to codex for about 300 posts back. :D

#24 Redblade

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Posted 04 May 2005 - 01:34 AM

heres my belated welcome to ya :D

#25 athletec64

  • 167 posts

Posted 04 May 2005 - 08:51 PM

Wow that thing was very interesting to read. Welcome (haha), and I'm glad you're a cheating hall of famer :)

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