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PM Logs

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#1 Hydrogen

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 10:59 PM

The PM logs mod has been out for a long long time now. We at Neocodex have had it installed since the days of invision power board version 1.3. Other neopets sites also have it installed, for example, evolutionize. It is a public modification made by dean of dscripting. Check it out if you like.

The point that we read all PMs is totally absurd. If I could give you a simple statistic: on average, there are 129 PMs sent across the board every day. It is impossible for us to read all of the PMs you guys send. That is why the PM logs mod comes with a nifty feature called search ;) . The words we use to search through PM logs are simple too. Words and phrases like "join my site" or "hate" are just a few. This is only to ensure that two of our rules (advertising and flaming) are not breached. This is a practice we have used for a long time and its not our faults that you guys were not aware of it.

The fact that you think that this is a breach of your security is also completely absurd as we dont need to have a mod to read PMs. Everything that is not logic based (PHP) is stored in a mySQL database. All we need to do to read PMs is go into the table that stores them.

The fact that you guys relate every little thing to the NID really hurts me. You know what it makes me feel like? It makes me want to quit Neocodex for good. It makes me feel like no matter how much we try to rectify our errors, you guys keep bringing it up. every single CRANBERRIESing time. We said we were sorry for what we did, yet you guys just like to drive it home again and again. Well, I hope you can back up your statements :( .

You may think that this is a breach of security but let me tell u right now, you are wrong. Any board that wants it has access to this modification. From invisionize statistics we know that 3,057 people have downloaded this mod. are you trying to tell me that those 3,057 are also breaching the privacy of their members? and think about it...only admins would download a mod right? those admins have forums that have members! you guys are the only ones who are complaining about it. I suggest you guys understand that this is a process that protects Codex members. and thats all. If any animosity goes through. Like I hate this person or I'm going to do this to that person we will act. That's why we log. we really dont give two shits about what u guys talk about in your PM. The quicker you guys understand what I just posted, the sooner we can get back to business.

Oh...and for the record...its not private message its personal message meaning that the whole board cant read it. only select people that are allowed to.

#2 Sham

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:06 PM

what is NID?

and if you "dont give two shits about what [we] talk about in [our] PM[s]" then why pm one of the people complaining and wanting more information?

#3 Hydrogen

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:08 PM

what is NID?

and if you "dont give two shits about what [we] talk about in [our] PM[s]" then why pm one of the people complaining and wanting more information?

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Its something that happened long ago. No reason to bring it up again. Lets look to the future and not dwell in the past. Learn from your mistakes however. We have.

Also, like I said earlier, its to protect codex members from others who may be breaching our rules.

#4 Sham

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:10 PM

I'm pretty sure what I said was not "breaching our rules" go read it for yourself, or I can PM you what was said.

I learn from my mistakes, but I hope you aren't hinting this to be one of them.

#5 Bahbuu

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:11 PM

Lets look to the future and not dwell in the past. Learn from your mistakes however. We have.

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not to sound off topic.. but that really sounds 'yoda-ish' ... lol....

to make it on topic:

I'm quite fine with all this PM logs thing... in my opinion (probably quite shallow opinion.. but this is *online*.. not that I really care.... ... nor it affects my actual life a lot..) the admins and staff are all doing this just to make the environment more friendly and creates a better atmosphere and environment for the forum members

... I really don't see a problem with it... but that's just my opinion...

#6 MosNanDa

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:13 PM

Whats the Point of this Post your only Making a Member of Neocodex Less Secure. He Needs Privacy...

#7 Sham

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:14 PM

they can read it all they want. but just be open with it. noit avoided the issue by not answering it in the last topic.

its nice to know that you all look out for our safety. it really is. reading PMs is fine, but just tell us atleast.

I am just not okay with him PMing me about what was said...

#8 Hydrogen

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:21 PM

I'm pretty sure what I said was not "breaching our rules" go read it for yourself, or I can PM you what was said.

I learn from my mistakes, but I hope you aren't hinting this to be one of them.

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I wasnt talking about your mistakes. I dont think you made one here. I was talking about our mistakes.

Next, like I said in my first post, we search for certain phrases. You used a word that had one of those phrases in it.

Whats the Point of this Post your only Making a Member of Neocodex Less Secure. He Needs Privacy...

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Privacy can only be given if security is returned. You will find that the members before you have changed our outlook on privacy. Their actions have caused us to be more skeptical about members and what their true intentions are.

Also, since we run this board, we can employ any practices that we see fit. The fact that you guys know what and how we do things is out of sheer courtesy. Privacy is something we have given.

they can read it all they want. but just be open with it. noit avoided the issue by not answering it in the last topic.

its nice to know that you all look out for our safety. it really is. reading PMs is fine, but just tell us atleast.

I am just not okay with him PMing me about what was said...

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Noit didnt avoid the subject purposefully, but because he didnt want to give out an official reason without taking all of our inputs. The post above is a compilation of all of our inputs posted by me. Not only that, but I have read what was said and I think noit was right in asking more info. if that was you they were talking about, you would want to know more about it too ;) .

#9 ShadowLink64

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:28 PM

Also, since we run this board, we can employ any practices that we see fit. The fact that you guys know what and how we do things is out of sheer courtesy. Privacy is something we have given.

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According to the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions that you have all agreed to during the registration process distinctively states that any data being transmitted by means of using NeoCodex servers is in the realm of administrator control, and that periodic checks (for security purposes) which involve accessing this information are often conducted (with the exception of password logging).

You all agreed to it, therefore you know the consequences of sending data using NeoCodex servers.

#10 Evan

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:28 PM

Im glad this is cleared up...  This is a good idea tho...  Lets say people were dumb enuf to plan to hack some site through PM's...we could see and stop it. 

#11 redlion

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:29 PM

No comment.

[Edit by BlazinDragon122] If there is no comment, then there is absolutley no point of you making a reply.

#12 Hydrogen

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:29 PM

Im glad this is cleared up...  This is a good idea tho...  Lets say people were dumb enuf to plan to hack some site through PM's...we could see and stop it.

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Sadly enough, we have caught two people like that. :( .

#13 Evan

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:31 PM

Sadly enough, we have caught two people like that. :( .

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Idiots....thats just sad.

#14 roflmao

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:38 PM

The site that I am SMod on also does this knd of thing - I expect it comes with vbulletin. Most admins use this for security and it is often very useful.

I felt the same as Sham the once though.

#15 ShadowLink64

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:39 PM

Listen if any of you don't know this, but conspiracy is a bannable offense at NeoCodex, and we take it very seriously. If there really was an "anti-member" group thing going on, serious consequences would arise from that.

#16 Evan

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:45 PM

Shadow...looks like I have a few things to tell you.

#17 Hydrogen

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:46 PM

Shadow...looks like I have a few things to tell you.

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:blink:  :blink: Like what?

#18 Evan

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:46 PM

I wish there was I way I could tell all of you at once.(staff)

#19 Hydrogen

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:48 PM

I wish there was I way I could tell all of you at once.(staff)

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I think I know what you are talking about.

#20 Evan

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Posted 04 June 2005 - 11:48 PM

You do Hydro...you do.

#21 Fox

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Posted 05 June 2005 - 12:00 AM

Edit: Looks like this post has come a bit late and the conversation has moved on somewhat but I shall still post it:

I don't have any decided opinion about this (so I don't really want to start up an argument - therefore if anything I say offends you in any way it was completely unintentional) but I'd still like to reply to this thread. :)

It would be great if things like this could just be dropped, but... that really doesn't happen very often. However, in this case - if it can't be dropped - what exactly is the outcome that both 'sides' want? They both argue good points. It would be impractical, in my opinion, to punish either party. 

As for PM logs, well, I used to run a roleplaying forum that unfortunately had a few members who really did enjoy just stirring things and sometimes bullied others over PM, or sent PMs to a person who was likely to report back to me. I ended up reading a few PMs - the forum never had the PM log ability so I had to ask the recipient for information (there were never any conspiracy cases on the forum, just cases of people being bullied, therefore it was possible to obtain the messages just by asking the person who got bullied). The information I got from these PMs was incredibly useful and I was able to stop the bullying... this is why it is important for those who can actually do something to resolve a situation on a board to know as much information as possible about the case.

In that case, none of the members seemed overly bothered that I had read their PMs, which was, admittedly, unusual. But even if they were it was still something that I needed to do in order to sort out the situation.

As for privacy being invaded, it IS agitating of course. Here is where I'm having trouble finding what to write, as I don't know the full story. Personally though, if there is a case where you think your privacy has been unecessarily invaded, it would perhaps be good for whichever party to apologise if needs be and for the rest of the board to really... well, not join in. A board that is split down the middle really isn't achieving anything. And it really hurts to sit on the fence when you've got good friendies on either side. :(

I tried to word what I said above really carefully, so my apologies now if any of it offended you at all... it can be surprisingly difficult to get across an opinion in text, when nobody can see your body language or hear your tone of voice... that is why so many arguments on the internet start, I think. People write things down and send them to other people that they would normally never say in real life.

#22 Hydrogen

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Posted 05 June 2005 - 12:16 AM

they can read it all they want. but just be open with it. noit avoided the issue by not answering it in the last topic.

its nice to know that you all look out for our safety. it really is. reading PMs is fine, but just tell us atleast.

I am just not okay with him PMing me about what was said...

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I clearly tell you that PM logs was installed. We did tell you. You cant hold something against us that we already do. Its not my fault that you didnt know is it?

#23 ShadowLink64

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Posted 05 June 2005 - 12:22 AM

Not in particular, no. I'm saying that if someone plans something against a member, it is a very serious offense. Do you have any problems with that net?

We aren't just going to let someone try and crumble the staff hierarchy (like NCD tried to do).

#24 ShadowLink64

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Posted 05 June 2005 - 12:26 AM

Er.. I never said you were planning to do anything to any member. I have no problems with you petitoning the style of a member because they can improve from what the results are.

You do know net that by acting defensively in your post, you just gave yourself away when I wasn't even referring to you at all.

#25 Guest_Rambo_*


Posted 05 June 2005 - 01:39 AM

All you people need to shut up about the NID. I for one did not have a problem with the GD NID.

I saw why they had the NID and this was to protect our community and then they get rid of it and yet you still bring up the whole aspect of it.

Sham I am disappointed with you as I thought you were more mature but then you just go making accusations.

One day codex is gonna fall. It aint gonna be neopets fault its gonna be the community it self.

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