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PIracy-Good or Bad?

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Poll: Is piracy good or bad? (38 member(s) have cast votes)

Is piracy good or bad?

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#26 Frosty

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 09:22 AM

Matt = 0wned.

My views on piracy;

I think its a good thing, stuff nowadays cost to much, for example. Adobe want $300-odd for a friggin software package. £15($25) for music CD's. The RIAA/MPAA are stopping us from doing it, because they're losing, according to them, billions every year. Persoanlly, I dont buy CD's unless they're from my favourite bands (slipknot for example) even then I download their songs first. Dont wanna go paying money for some shit now do I ;) . Software-- Never payed for any in my life and I dont plan to. DVD's- I always download the latest movies, if they're deemed worthy I will purchase them when they come out on DVD.

RIAA/MPAA makes out that its illegal to downloading pirated stuff. But they're lieing.
It's only illegal, according to piracy laws if-

a) you download more than $500,000 worth of stuff in 8months (figures may be off)
b) you sell the stuff you download

As I do not break section a or b, I see nothing wrong with what I'm doing LOL :p .

#27 Noitidart

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 09:35 AM

Of course it's bad, people lose soo much money for it :(
But I'm not saying I don't do it :p

#28 Sean

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 09:41 AM

I know it is a bad thing. Many people download movies/music/games but then again, a lot of people buy them! I do do it, but only because I don't have money to spend!

#29 SteWieH

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 10:36 AM

ok I'm lazy and don't feel like reading everypones opinions cause I just got up. but here my opinion
Is piracy good or bad? well its both in truth,. yes I have alot of pirated music on my pc. des that make it a bad thing? not not neccasarily. Why? because I honestly hate th quality of most of it.(I hate joint stereo thats why) that and well I use t mostly as a guide of if I wanna buy somethign pus sometimes cd are out of prin or so extremly hard to find your mine as well off better downloading and dealingwith what you got. I plan on going on a mass spending spree once I do get a job and buying alot of cds....
next issue pircary as in video games. well that sis a good thing and bad. I mean how many times have you heard the following "OMG that game is gonna be the best ever!!" then you go and buy it and your like boy does this game blow badly. or you simply don't like the game because of some unforseen reason thou the game has high reviews (take for me I didn't like NWN and I have the gold package). piracy is good there to determine what you wanna buy. but that is also bad for some get get a really awsome game and never do get around to buying it. me for example Ihve a bad hibit of it currently. thou there only like a few games that I done that with.
next subject are cd protections right? no not at all it took me 30 minutes to make a legal back up of 1 Sims cd. 9yes I do own the games personally) but the cd protection isn't that great because ti easy to crack but it takes so long to rip becaue of the cd proection while other cd protections (starforce 3 anyone) are uncrackable making it nxt to impossible for you to even have a legal back up of the cd while others are simple to crack. this is only my two cents in the matter.
also atm the DMCA is saying it is illegal for you to take a music cd encode it into mp3 and put it on your mp3. what a bunch of b.s. right? I mean you do own the cd so why can't you put it on your mp3 player?

#30 Aeoncide

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 11:20 AM

People should have choice as to privacy or no. if they want to make monehy, well thats capitalist america for you. Follow the law, don't condone pirating

#31 Silver

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 11:29 AM

Thats why I added "darwanism" to the end :) survival of the fittest...you wanna take the chance that theyre not gonna sue you? go ahead. But if they do, your sure gonna feel like a loser

#32 Redblade

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 04:26 PM

ahh.. why haven one of u guys talk about the doings of pirates.. I've read up, and thats considered piracy too..

Edited by illusion, 23 June 2005 - 08:38 PM.

#33 vegeto9898

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 06:54 PM

Both... good for us.. bad for the company

#34 ShadowLink64

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 07:00 PM

I think its exactly what America needs to balance those high earnings those actors and musicians get (hay, some people aren't talented, why not impose some restrictions on those high-earners?). Think of it as a tax. Some of those earnings should get returned to the people (in the form of free music and stuff). It's not even affecting the industry as much (statistics show that the music industry is currently in a 3% surplus from last year, even with pirating).

As you can see, I hold socialist views on this matter. :p

#35 Gargar

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 07:00 PM

I would say its good.

Edited by Gargar, 23 June 2005 - 07:24 PM.

#36 TheWu

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 07:20 PM

Good. Capatialistic Darwinism. (sp, I know, I know) If a company wants to spend time guarding a product its their own business, for instance the new dave mathiews cd, you cant upload it to your MP3 player (or computer) (I think I read this in newsweek, or else online), and hey, if they really want to stop people pirating their music, good for them. If other companies DON'T put that protection on teir CD, then theyre basically saying "we dont care enough about stopping you from doing this, we'ed rather you not, but other than a few lawsuits were not going to stop you". If they don't care, why should I? Another example, Just last week I bought a copy of the new star wars movie, which, I wouldnt have gone to see in theaters because I just never get to it, but I would have bought on DVD just because I like to buy DVD's. Now, while Lucasfilm (or whatever  its called) pauses the release of its DVD to help their movie sales, Im stuck waiting months to see a movie I cant wait to see that everyone is talking about. I know by the time they release the movie, ill have already ruined the ending for myself by accidently readong a spoiler somewhere. IF, the day before I bought this copy from my friend for $5, I had seen SW ep3 at CVS, I would have bought it for the full $30 its sure to cost. However, theyre to wrapped up in making a profit, they forget the people who just wanna see the movie. It wouldnt have mattered to me the price of the movie, as long as I got it RIGHT THEN. Besides, its just a 3 cent piece pf plastic, and if I can get it for $5 rather than $30, hell, I think you know where im going with this. And oh, for the little bands or whatever, I think its better to get their music out there, I mean no one will pay $20 for an unknown band, but if its floating out there on the net people might listen to it, heloing their rep, and possibly future sales. Anyway, the last time I illegally downloaded a song was a year and a half ago, Iron Man from black sabboth. I stopped down loading songs because its possiblt to get viruses from non-pay sites...its all about darwinism.

^^^^^^cheap bastard^^^^^^^

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You don't think they're trying to stop pirating? There is just TOO much.
People have jobs and need the money. A lot of people who work for the film or music industry have no control over how much effort their boss puts into anti-pirating, yet they have to suffer, anyways, because people out there are too cheap to pay a dollar (or less) for a song or to get some fresh air and watch a movie with friends.
If everyone pirated, we would have no films or music to listen to. And it is obviously illigal for a reason.

#37 Gargar

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 07:29 PM

ill jsut say what my dad says "Prices for everything are going up but avrages peoples pay isent" he always said that he remberd when 30$ for a computer games was expensive now a new computer games is about $50-$55

#38 Silver

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 08:16 PM

*shrug* I dissagree, ThWu. Those in the music industry number too little for me to care about. Like I said, the last time I downloaded music was a year and a half ago anyway, I dont liten to music that much. I think I have 2 and a half songs on this computer. Personally, im not going to avoid somthing just because another person decides its illegal, ill decide not to do it because of the punishment. Your right, there are too many cases to bring to court. Im not saying I would have had the foresite to do this, but they should have nipped it in the bud. But yeah, some old guys arent going to dictate my morels, I live by what I think is right. They should form a union. Ill buy lunch for a homeless man, but I wont think twice about buying a bootlegged copy of SWep.3

EDIT: Ill stop downloading/buying illegal stuff when they raise the minimum wage to $10 an hour respectivly to the inflation of the time.

Edited by sir_silver788, 23 June 2005 - 08:17 PM.

#39 TheWu

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 08:33 PM

*shrug* I dissagree, ThWu. Those in the music industry number too little for me to care about. Like I said, the last time I downloaded music was a year and a half ago anyway, I dont liten to music that much. I think I have 2 and a half songs on this computer. Personally, im not going to avoid somthing just because another person decides its illegal, ill decide not to do it because of the punishment. Your right, there are too many cases to bring to court. Im not saying I would have had the foresite to do this, but they should have nipped it in the bud. But yeah, some old guys arent going to dictate my morels, I live by what I think is right. They should form a union. Ill buy lunch for a homeless man, but I wont think twice about buying a bootlegged copy of SWep.3

EDIT: Ill stop downloading/buying illegal stuff when they raise the minimum wage to $10 an hour respectivly to the inflation of the time.

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One good moral doesnt justify a bad one.
You ever think about what would happen if everyone was like you? True, not everyone ever will, but piracy is going to become a MAJOR problem pretty soon... those who pay the full price to see Star Wars will have to pay even more, then more people will pirate, then prices continue to go up, until eventually we have no Star Wars. Not very moral to screw it up for those people who are willing to pay for their stuff legit.
EDIT: Wanting the big guys to share their wealth is understandable, but you're making the little guys pay for it, too.

#40 Silver

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 08:43 PM

To be completly honest, it makes life for those of us in the middle pretty cushey. If no more music or movies, what then? Entertainment will revert to more family time and more live theater productions. Or, people might (heaven forbid) become more educated. I love vodeo games and movies, but for my own good, if I could rid them from this world forever I would, I waste way too much time and effort on them.

#41 SteWieH

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 08:49 PM

acutally it is ILLEGAl according to the DMCA to take a cd rip it into mp3 and up it to your mp3 player copy protected or not. plus cd copy protection for audio cds are terribly weak...

#42 Silver

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 09:02 PM

Yep. But, like I said, I wont let the law stop me, only the thought of punishments :)

#43 Raui

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Posted 24 June 2005 - 01:05 AM

I think you should all like piracy cause most of us programmers got vb off a p2p dlin program :p

#44 Christopher Robin

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Posted 24 June 2005 - 05:27 AM

meh, I cant vote, oh well, piracy is GOOD because if there was none, a kid would be paying 13-17 $ for a cd with sometimes only 2 or 3 songs he likes! I think there should be stores that burn you CDs LEGALLY and you pay PER SONG.

EDIT: forgot to finish my post lol
that would stop alot of downloading I THINK because you would get what you paid for, and not what the recording companies paid for.

Edited by trixx, 24 June 2005 - 05:28 AM.

#45 XenoCyde

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Posted 24 June 2005 - 07:43 AM

Good: Free shit for shit thats costs alot.
Bad: Companys lose money..

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