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I Was Killed By...

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#1 travis

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 02:17 PM

Sergeant Travis rushed the gun position and killed the crews. The objective was taken after hard fighting in the German trenches, and it was for his work in this attack that Travis was awarded (posthumously) the Victoria Cross.

The following morning, when he was visiting the new New Zealand front line, Sergeant Travis was killed by a shell.

Yay! I died in battle and earned a New Zealand Victoria Cross!

So, what were you killed by?

Go to google and search "(Your name) was killed by"
Don't forget the quotes ;)

Post the result!

#2 Zero DeLocke

Zero DeLocke
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Posted 11 January 2006 - 02:20 PM

"On July 24, 1864, Eli was "killed by guerillas near Springfield Tenn." Records show that Major General Lovell Rousseau, Commander of the Department of the Cumberland, assessed and collected five thousand dollars from the local population to compensate Eli's family for his "unnecessary death." This was one method employed to try to reduce the activities of guerilla operations."

The creepy thing is, my birthday is July 24, 1986. O.O

#3 ATHFBlink

  • 1920 posts

Posted 11 January 2006 - 02:21 PM

"Jake Was killed by a series of
unforunate Events, which happened to quickly"

"Jake was killed by a hunting rifle"

"Jake was killed by a run-away team shortly before they arrived"

"Jake, was killed by a drunk driver Oct 1997"

"Jake was killed by heroin."

#4 Leo

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 02:24 PM

"After killing his family in an insane rage, Herakles (also known as Hercules) received orders from the oracle at Delphi to perform 12 labors to purge his sin. These were assigned by Eurystheus, king of Mycenae.

The first involved killing the monstrous, man-eating lion of Nemaea (Leo, the Lion). He tried to kill it with his special arrows and his club, but both weapons broke into pieces as if they were made of clay. After using the weapons in vain, he strangled the lion with his bare hands, succeeding his first task."

I was killed by Hercules :unsure:

#5 ATHFBlink

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 02:24 PM

"After killing his family in an insane rage, Herakles (also known as Hercules) received orders from the oracle at Delphi to perform 12 labors to purge his sin. These were assigned by Eurystheus, king of Mycenae.

The first involved killing the monstrous, man-eating lion of Nemaea (Leo, the Lion). He tried to kill it with his special arrows and his club, but both weapons broke into pieces as if they were made of clay. After using the weapons in vain, he strangled the lion with his bare hands, succeeding his first task."

I was killed by Hercules :unsure:

I shot the sheriff....

But I did not shoot the deputey

#6 travis

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 02:25 PM

Eli O_o

In July 1918 the New Zealanders were engaged in heavy fighting to reduce a German salient around Rossignol Wood. When the Germans withdrew from the wood, Travis led a reconnaissance to locate their new lines. When members of the Otago Battalion attacked the new position on 24 July, the advance was held up by two machine guns which kept the New Zealanders pinned down. Sergeant Travis rushed the gun position and killed the crews. The objective was taken after hard fighting in the German trenches, and it was for his work in this attack that Travis was awarded (posthumously) the Victoria Cross.

The following morning, when he was visiting the new New Zealand front line, Sergeant Travis was killed by a shell.

I died the day after you O_o woo!

#7 Stryyp

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 02:26 PM

"Michael was killed by a severe blow to the head. Even though the family nor the Maricopa County Sheriff Office rules out the possibility of foul play, the medical examiner was not able to conclusively determine that Michael had been murdered. From our understanding a blunt object hit Michael in the head, caused either by a fall or an assailant(s). His family definitely believes that Michael's life was ended by a homicide."

#8 ATHFBlink

  • 1920 posts

Posted 11 January 2006 - 02:26 PM

"Jake Was killed by a series of
unforunate Events, which happened to quickly"

"Jake was killed by a hunting rifle"

"Jake was killed by a run-away team shortly before they arrived"

"Jake, was killed by a drunk driver Oct 1997"

"Jake was killed by heroin."

I die too much...
Better stay inside...

#9 Archon

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 02:29 PM

Alex and Alexandra

After the villain Ruin (who was secretly Professor Hamilton) performed some experiments, two new Parasites debuted, one purple, the other green. The two new Parasites were teenagers named Alex and Alexandra, who wanted to seek vengeance on the people who made their lives difficult; they were soon subdued by Superman after a battle. After attempting to escape from a meta-human prison, the male parasite, Alex, was killed by an OMAC. His sister Alexandra, the female parasite, escaped and joined the Secret Society of Supervillains under Lex Luthor.

Killed by an OMAC... great.

#10 Tim

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 02:29 PM

I'll look in a second, but this one amused me :funone:

Once upon a time there was a boy named Tim. He killed a bunch of children and then ran nakie through the streets with his wooden leg. He was ninety three.

#11 ATHFBlink

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 02:30 PM

Superman? :)

#12 Bryan

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 02:35 PM

Bryan was killed by enemy action in Iraq on November 9th while serving with the Army Reserve's 443rd Civil Affairs unit. Bryan grew up and lived in Lumberton. Bryan's nickname through out his High School years at Rancocas Valley was "Be Free".

Damn, weird thing is, I plan on joining the Reserves out of high school o-O But my Nickname is Big Jizzle, (insert s0z here) :p

#13 darkmaster

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 02:44 PM

A court Wednesday convicted a man of trying to assassinate President Bush and the leader of Georgia by throwing a grenade at them during a rally last year, and he was sentenced to life in prison.

Vladimir Arutyunian also was convicted of killing a policeman in the course of an operation to arrest him several weeks after the May 10, 2005, incident at a rally that drew tens of thousands of people to the capital of this former Soviet republic.

The grenade that Arutyunian threw during the rally attended by Bush and President Mikhail Saakashvili landed about 100 feet from the stage where they were standing behind a bulletproof barrier and did not explode. No one was hurt.

The grenade, which was wrapped in a cloth, apparently malfunctioned, investigators said.

Arutyunian, 27, has acknowledged that he threw the grenade in the direction of the stage and said he would try again to kill Bush if he had the chance.

He was arrested in July on the outskirts of Tbilisi after a shootout that killed one officer and was shown in video broadcast on television as saying from a hospital bed that he had thrown the grenade high with the goal of having it explode so that the bulletproof glass would not block shrapnel.

Bush and Saakashvili learned of the grenade only after the rally.

Arutyunian did not testify during the trial, which began last month. In December, he appeared in court with his mouth sewn shut in what he called a show of solidarity with thousands of inmates conducting a hunger strike in the ex-Soviet republic.

The motivation for throwing the grenade was never clear. He was identified as a member of a party that supported Aslan Abashidze, the former leader of the Adzharia region who was an adamant foe of Saakashvili.

Abashidze was eventually driven from office amid rising protests in the region that echoed the massive Rose Revolution demonstrations that helped bring Saakashvili to power in late 2003.

Arutyunian's lawyer, Elizabeta Dzhaparidze, said after the conviction and sentencing that she would appeal because "I consider that everything was far from proved."

She cited the fact that Arutyunian's fingerprints were not found on the grenade.

However, prosecutor Anzor Khvadagiani said that the grenade being wrapped in cloth explained the lack of distinguishable fingerprints and said that DNA tests of material found on the cloth matched Arutyunian's.

FBI agents assisted Georgian authorities in the investigation, helping to question witnesses and examining evidence.

#14 juju

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 03:05 PM

Her sentiment was echoed by Maria Ptacin of Battle Creek, Michigan, whose
14-year-old son, Julian, was killed by an impaired driver in October 1997. ...

Wonderful <_< Lol. There was a lot of results :o .

#15 ATHFBlink

  • 1920 posts

Posted 11 January 2006 - 03:07 PM

Her sentiment was echoed by Maria Ptacin of Battle Creek, Michigan, whose
14-year-old son, Julian, was killed by an impaired driver in October 1997. ...

Wonderful <_< Lol. There was a lot of results :o .


"Jake, was killed by a drunk driver Oct 1997"

#16 Noitidart

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 03:26 PM

Oooo looks like fun I gotta try it :D

Your search - "Noitidart killed by" - did not match any documents.


#17 Tetiel

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 03:53 PM

"Defense attorneys, who will attempt to show that Stephanie was killed by her brother and two of his teenage friends, are scheduled to open their case this morning before Superior Court Judge Frederic Link."

"Stephanie never knew Kirk sent that text message...she never even knew that he had died...how could she have known? She was killed instantly as she left the bar to help Kirk. She was immediately hit by a drunk driver. The Police said Stephanie was killed long before Kirk had died, just a couple of miles away."

Hoorah for having a popular name...

#18 Mr. Hobo

Mr. Hobo
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Posted 11 January 2006 - 04:05 PM

During the explosion in Ramadi, Iraq, that killed him on Jan. 5, Sgt. Adam Cann, 23, pushed two fellow Marines to safety, his father Leigh said military officials told him. Adam Cann was assigned to 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), Camp Pendleton, Calif.

That's a good way to die, serving your country and saving your friends.

Edited by Toxic Hobo, 11 January 2006 - 04:06 PM.

#19 Freddy

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 04:16 PM

this is mine

Fred, a twenty-five pound Nassau Grouper, lived on the reef at Sunset House. He was tame and very friendly, so friendly you could actually pet him (like a dog) without him swimming away. He was constantly in search of a handout and most divers accommodated him. We remembered him from out trips in '92 and '93 and looked forward to visiting with him again this year. Sadly we were informed by Cathy Church that Fred was selfishly and recklessly killed about four years ago. According to Cathy someone, or group, intentionally speared all of the friendly Grouper on the island including Wanda, a 300-pound Jew fish that lived on the Oro Verde wreck. Wanda, like Fred, was a tame and friendly fish that allowed countless divers to pet and photograph her. There was even an article in the paper stating how easy it was to kill Wanda ... no surprise to us divers who knew her as a friendly face whenever we visited the Oro Verde wreck.

what the heck... I am not a fish. lol

Edited by •fred•, 11 January 2006 - 04:16 PM.

#20 Sean

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 04:19 PM

Before Sean was killed by Cromm Cruich, he was a ghost. He actually died in the 1950's when a gas pipe in his house leaked. However, for whatever reason, he didn't pass on from our plane of existance, and simply continued to perform his routines until Mirth broke Kevin out of jail. At that point, events confronted Sean with what he was, and, recognizing Kevin, he become the fourth member of the group (which consisted of Kevin, Mirth, Edsel and Sean). If not for Kevin and Mirth, Sean would eventually have faded away over time.

Later, when Mirth went into hiding, and while Kevin still denied his heritage, Sean became the leader and planner for the group. He died his final death protecting Kevin from the Worm of the Mists (dragon), Cromm Cruich.

Sean had all the classical powers of a ghost - incorporealness, fear projection, the ability to enter the "Faerie Lands", life support and a high degree of resistance to injury. Some forms of magical attacks affected him (e.g. Cromm Cruich), while others didn't (e.g. elf-bolts). So to make his Desolidifcation work against magic, it was bought at the 60-point level and his weakness was mental attacks. Sean also had limited precognitive abilities (bought as Danger Sense), which were fickle and had the side effect of intense abdominal pain. While fighting Cruich, Sean broke a light bulb, stuck his finger in the socket, and channeled enough electricity to cause Cruich pain. (At the time, Cruich was shape-shifted into human form.) Because he was a ghost, his memory was deteriorating rapidly. He had no memory of his childhood, his youth, or really anything beyond his immediate duties; sometimes he couldn't remember details of the previous five minutes.


I was a ghost!


Sean was killed by his own bomb in 1974

I blew myself up!

Edited by Sean, 11 January 2006 - 04:20 PM.

#21 Sakura

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 06:17 PM

This CD was recorded during August, 1999 in tribute to Amy Fedel. Amy was killed by a drunk driver a few days after her eighth birthday in August of 1998.

August 4th being my birthday and alcoholism being the choice lifestyle of my family. W00t.

#22 Lange

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 07:59 PM

Lange was killed by fellow SWAT members in order to keep him from revealing that they were getting paid for tipping off Vladamir Petrovka, a criminal with ties to the Russian Mafia, who deals in contraband M1-32 armor-piercing shells

sweet :D

#23 Nick

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Posted 12 January 2006 - 09:51 AM

It is 6 one morning last November, a few days after Nick was killed by a sniper's
bullet in Fallujah at age 22.

A month later, Nick was killed by a heat-guided Syrian missile on the Golan Heights, where he was reporting on the Yom Kippur War.

Yom Kippur War...
Someone needs a little more imagination.

#24 Dan

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Posted 12 January 2006 - 09:57 AM


#25 Balistix

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Posted 13 January 2006 - 12:59 AM

4.69 Balistix Connected
4.69 Balistix Team Change to Red Team
7.41 lexus Killed Balistix with a Rocket Launcher

lmao... rocket launcher .

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