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Neocodex's Second Anniversary

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#1 ShadowLink64

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Posted 19 January 2006 - 11:20 AM

As many of you know, today marks the second anniversary of Neocodex being online. I would just like to say that the last two years have been a blast, and that it doesn't end here.

One year ago on our anniversary, I remember the commentary many members made. Some were optimistic about Neocodex continuing its legacy, and some thought that one year of being up was too long and that we wouldn't last. All I can say is that we have lasted two years, and we show no indication of backing down now.

For over two years, we have grown from a site of 150 members to a well-developed programming and graphics community. The 450,000+ posts we have made over the years is solid proof of this. For two years, we have never lost sight of our focus: To bring quality resources to our members. We have even gone as far as creating a learning haven for those who want to expand their general knowledge of programming and graphics. We are no longer "just" a Neopets cheating site. Neocodex is more than that.

The last few months have also been a very tough time for the site, because of the absence of Hydrogen and Noitidart for some of the time. Hydro and Noit have been working very hard towards their studies in university, and they are trying very hard to make an appearance here every once in a while. Lately, Noit has been able to get computer access and help out a bit, and I am grateful for this, as running a site of this magnitude is quite difficult with a limited number of administrators on.

In fact, we realized that this is causing a problem and was, in a way, stunting the growth of the site. Realizing this, the administrators have formulated a plan to make the site more self-sufficient, so that there is not as much dependance on the administrators to allow daily events to happen. This will be fulfilled by a series of IPB modifications that our programmers will be creating, and the details on the modifications will be disclosed at a later time. :p

One thing I can say for certain though. The Tutorials modification will be completed tonight, and will allow you to submit tutorials pertaining to Programming and Graphics. We felt that a distinct area for these tutorials will serve to be more beneficial than just a forum, as we have a vast collection of tutorials now. :p

Congratulations to everyone for your collective support for the site. This site would not have gotten near as big as it has without the support of you, our members. Thanks. :D

Because I cannot speak for the staff on their thoughts of how the last two years have went, I will allow them to edit this post and add their comments below:

Robert - Travis may have the first post but I have the first edit :D anyway yes happy anniversary codex 2 whole years yes they have been tough but we got through the situations as a community and proved to be the best around just keep codex alive people and be as good as you are now if not better! :)

Ali - You know what they say Rob, first the worst, second the best, so second edit can be mine. Anyway, wow, 2 years, been much fun, a lot has happened in that time! Ultimate love to the people who were here when I joined and are still around now...(So...ermmm...SL...and...Rob...and Lee? :p )
Good luck for the future guys! Lots of love ~ Ali -x-

Robert(again) - Actually Ali it is zero the hero then first the worse so thats you and now I am second the best ^_^ anyway happy anniversary again codex :D

BlazinDragon - It's been an unbelieveable ride; currently my emotions are just overwhelming its nearly sufficating when trying to compose those feelings into reasonable sentences to articulate my sentiments. I'm just very greatful to have you all, honestly. I consider this community a family, ups and downs, no matter, I love you guys. I may have used that term loosley in previous statements, but truly now, I'd fear worst to leave you all, and I cherish the thought of having this haven everyday. Thank you all for being such amazing people, such amazing memebrs, and such an amazing family -- Happy Anniversary, I hope there are many more years in front of us, and we can maintain this realationship. ^-^

#2 travis

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Posted 19 January 2006 - 11:22 AM

This is awesome ^_^
Amazing that we've made it this far, through everything.
Look at Nexotwist, Digibliss, and those other sites...
Good job guys, keep it up ^_^

#3 ATHFBlink

  • 1920 posts

Posted 19 January 2006 - 11:22 AM

Congrats Codes

*2nd post*

#4 Waser Lave

Waser Lave

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Posted 19 January 2006 - 11:25 AM

:( I missed 7 months of the beginning of codex...

Just goes to prove that Codex is the largest, most active (ex) Neopets Community on the internet :p

Wonder how we'll celebrate the 3rd anniversary. :whistling:

#5 ATHFBlink

  • 1920 posts

Posted 19 January 2006 - 11:26 AM

we needa reunion for all ppl of 04 :p

#6 Guest_Analogué_*


Posted 19 January 2006 - 11:27 AM

wicked! today is codex's anniversary? :) I thought it was in March! :p

And the tutorials mod!!! *dreamy look* :D :p

Nice *<3 Codex!*

#7 Ives

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Posted 19 January 2006 - 11:29 AM

Grats =P

I remember seeing the tut mod.

#8 Cam

  • 1690 posts

Posted 19 January 2006 - 11:30 AM

Happy Codex :)

#9 shabba


Posted 19 January 2006 - 11:45 AM

Well, today I had to evaluate everything I ever thought. So im going to evaluate my time here at codex and my opinion and views of it :) :

'Oh well here goes nothing' I remember the famous words of my first ever post here at codex, back in the beginning of what seems like time now. Some of you may of remembered my old account and for those that do then I am ashamed and for those that dont well lets not seek into the past. What an amazing place a once small forum has become, codex is a second place to me now, and sometimes its more welcoming than my own home. Codex has becoming something that I have wanted for many years since the begining... Professional. It is now what I as a person aspire to be maybe I dont show it all the time but deep down thats what I want.

When I open my browser and neocodex pops up, I see something that still makes me smile the amount of posts members and altogether activness its a great warmth inside. The admin team is wonderful some of the admins arnt here all the time but thats okay cos thee busy as well. But they always do there job and I thank them for that. The mods/smods get treated with respect which is great and everyone knows who they are, its not like some forums where admins arnt even known LOL. Im thankful for codex bringing everyone closer together.

Im also raelly happy about the members here at codex, there just wonderful, bans and warnings are down which is wonderful everyone seems to be getting along much more and its just amazing to watch. I seem to be getting busyer and busyer, as they say 'city life sucks' but I see codex as a haven from all that, and from it I have made some real great friends.

I also want to say thank you for the mods you admins have done and the programmers that are working on them. There just great the nDownloads is wonderful, the CodexCheck is wonderful and where would we be without it.

once again thank you admins for your great work and thank you mods for your great modding LOL.


#10 Stephen

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Posted 19 January 2006 - 11:46 AM

Oh man.. I've been waiting for this moment! You better not of taken NANA off. :p

:nana: :nana: :nana:

Congratulations everyone, you are the guys that keep the forum alive, thanks.

Special Congratulations administrators, you are the ones that spend hours on end, working on the forums, modding the forums, jeesh, even keeping me calm. :p (Remember ShadowLink?)

Congratulations to all staff members, thanks guys... you really help keep the forum clean.. and the way it should be... thanks again for giving us your time.

Congratulations to codex itself, codex rocks, I must admit... when I wake up, it's almost the first thing I check.. I'm always thinking to my self:
I wonder if anyone replied to my topic, I wonder if there's any new programming topics, what does it look like in the FTP?
Thanks codex for being so 'mysterious'


WOOOT :nana:

#11 Neo

  • 2032 posts

Posted 19 January 2006 - 11:50 AM

Oh I had to come back for the anniversary :D

I wouldn't feel right if I didn't without it :crybaby:

Happy Anniversary Neocodex!!!!!!!!!! :funone: :thumbsup:

#12 Warlord

  • 3988 posts

Posted 19 January 2006 - 11:54 AM

Congratulations and happy 2nd codex :D

I will now play this techno remix of the neverending story theme for you :D

#13 Archon

  • 2142 posts

Posted 19 January 2006 - 11:56 AM

I missed the first 1 and 3/4 of codex's life. :D

Happy 2nd Anniversary everybods!

#14 Dazz

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Posted 19 January 2006 - 12:02 PM

Oh I had to come back for the anniversary :D

I wouldn't feel right if I didn't without it :crybaby:

Happy Anniversary Neocodex!!!!!!!!!! :funone: :thumbsup:

Neo that pic of you on bebo is...disturbing :p

#15 pyke

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Posted 19 January 2006 - 12:05 PM

Oh I had to come back for the anniversary :D

I wouldn't feel right if I didn't without it :crybaby:

Happy Anniversary Neocodex!!!!!!!!!! :funone: :thumbsup:



#16 Eggy

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Posted 19 January 2006 - 12:07 PM

Hurah! If we can make it this long, I know we will be here forever :)

#17 Dazz

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Posted 19 January 2006 - 12:09 PM

But admins will get full time jobs and leave. So I'll be proabably the last active person here cause I'm the youngest active person last time I checked =D

#18 Zero DeLocke

Zero DeLocke
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Posted 19 January 2006 - 12:14 PM

Congrats Codex. You've made me feel at home here. Here is to another 2 years and many more to come. *clink* Cheers!

#19 Mumei

  • 3545 posts

Posted 19 January 2006 - 12:17 PM


It's everyone that makes this place what it is - I am proud to be a Codexian, and I am so happy that this place exists for me to come to every day - thanks.

Special Thanks to Hydro Noit and SL it is your vision, dedication and hard work that has allowed the place to grow, and of course the staff who are always helpful and professional - but more important because they are all passionate about codex and love to make it the best

Here's to many more years - and may Codex continue to grow and adapt to the needs of the comunity

Rock On!

#20 danupsher

  • 312 posts

Posted 19 January 2006 - 12:25 PM

Big congrats, its great to see a forum grow to a massive size in only two years. And hopefully will last for many more :D

#21 Guest_Rambo_*


Posted 19 January 2006 - 01:24 PM

Congratulations Codex. Lets hope we can do it for another two years :)

#22 Mr. Hobo

Mr. Hobo
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Posted 19 January 2006 - 01:32 PM

Congradulations fellow members! The short time that I've been here I've had a wonderful time. Here's to many more years together as a community *clink* Cheers!

#23 Warlord

  • 3988 posts

Posted 19 January 2006 - 02:09 PM

Congratulations Codex. Lets hope we can do it for another two years :)

Of course we can :D

#24 Guest_Xth Cannon_*

Guest_Xth Cannon_*

Posted 19 January 2006 - 02:11 PM

I always knew codex had it in 'em ^_^ Now, lets make this year the best one yet.

#25 Gargar

  • 4901 posts

Posted 19 January 2006 - 02:13 PM

Wow already XD
I can atleast say ive come along way since I first came to codex.

Just look at my very first post/topic you can tell just from that that I was as noobie as they come. Also my typing has improved alot since I have been here.XD well congradulations codex for making it 2 whole years. :D
Ive seen many sites fall with in less than 1 year codex is truly great and will probly stay stading for atleast many years to come. :D

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