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What Bothers You Most?

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#26 Ives

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 05:02 AM

I don't like gay people, I think it's sick. I don't care what people think about it, because it's not going to change my opinion. I talked to gay people I treat them like normal people but at the same time I think been gay is wrong.

That's sorta like me. Haha. I find it disgusting but I dont mind them. Since people are people and its not my right (and im too lazy) to determine whats wrong and right for them.

#27 Cam

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 05:04 AM

Yeah then again there was a war in sydney, not guns and stuff..
Baseball bats, fists and crowbars and any other weird weapons.

Lebonese vs Australians but I live in melbourne and about 20km from where I live about 4 cars filled with 20 lebonese bashed about 40 australians :(

#28 cara

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 05:08 AM

I hate it when the stuck up cheerleader valley girls of my school would be making fun of the less-popular smart kids.I mean , I find it irratating , they're just yelling mean stuff about them when they're in the room.
Me and my friends would sometimes stick up for them , but then it never ends pretty.
We're about eleven people , and they're about .... twenty?
That's what bothers me most. <_<

#29 RandomNameIgnoreIt

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 05:16 AM

*stupid people
*not being the best at something i consider myself good at. If I'm doing something, but it's clear I'll not be the best or among the best, it's usually enough to make me wander off to do something else, lol. But when I'm among the best I'll usually go to absurd lengths to go higher :p
*customers when you work service/retail jobs (see above: stupid people) glad i'm not doing that anymore :D
*rap music
*the highschool mentality that somehow places morons above intelligent people in the social hierchy (it's screwing up darwinism, I tell you)
*people that lack the capacity of typing the full word 'you' and choose to type 'u' instead
*people that won't even try to do something before giving up and asking someone else to do it for them thinking they can't (see above: stupid people and customers)

more to come, surely :p

Edited by BrknPhoenix, 27 February 2006 - 05:16 AM.

#30 Ives

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 05:21 AM

*stupid people
*not being the best at something i consider myself good at. If I'm doing something, but it's clear I'll not be the best or among the best, it's usually enough to make me wander off to do something else, lol. But when I'm among the best I'll usually go to absurd lengths to go higher :p
*customers when you work service/retail jobs (see above: stupid people) glad i'm not doing that anymore :D
*rap music
*the highschool mentality that somehow places morons above intelligent people in the social hierchy (it's screwing up darwinism, I tell you)
*people that lack the capacity of typing the full word 'you' and choose to type 'u' instead
*people that won't even try to do something before giving up and asking someone else to do it for them thinking they can't (see above: stupid people and customers)

more to come, surely :p

Haha agreed. Especially at the high school one. Though I was low at my school, mainly because I was a dick to the morons on top. Though I don't mind my old school share of rap, new shit blows (besides a few groups / people).

#31 Niche

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 08:37 AM

People that think they are so 'bad' and pick on other just to show off to there friends...

Offtopic: a girl named chelsea today started throwing stuff at another girl name Kelly just to show off infront of us, but Kelly started cussing her and vice versa 4 chelsea anyways...Chelsea thinks she is so hard but when she threw something else at Kelly Chelsea got beaten up it was sooo funny.

#32 Silk

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 12:53 PM

Small spaces. I have a phobia of that...can't remember the name but i hate it >.<

Claustrophobia, and yes alot of people are, including me.

#33 Frizzle

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 01:00 PM

People who don't work. There is no reason not to get a job, unless you're physically unable to.

#34 Mr. Hobo

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 04:03 PM

People who talk really fast and don't pause for breath so they sound really weird. Calm down and take you time, there's no rush.

#35 foogie

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 05:35 PM


I can't stand germs... when they're around, I can't concentrate... I have to cleanse... :o

#36 Frizzle

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Posted 28 February 2006 - 09:46 AM

Psh, I ain't paying for you to sit at home all day. There is no need welfare, Germany showed us that during it'd 1920-1930 period where there was a shortage of labour, no-one on benefits and the like..it is possible.

I don't mind women behing housewives, AS LONG as they have a way of paying for it (like a husband who works).

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