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#26 Krnsaber

  • 3583 posts

Posted 05 July 2004 - 04:52 PM

HEY HEY! While Ali is sleeping I have to monitor. both of you CALM DOWN!

#27 Ender

  • 4323 posts

Posted 05 July 2004 - 04:57 PM

Yes, no fighting. So now krnsaber is RDD's sexy goddess of peace? :D

just kidding, thanks for filling in. I don't have enough patience to be a peace person.  :lol:

#28 Krnsaber

  • 3583 posts

Posted 05 July 2004 - 05:03 PM

LoL@Neo Wizkid. Well I have the patience online but not in real life. Ironic how that works huh :lol:

#29 SiLeNTScReAM

  • 1200 posts

Posted 05 July 2004 - 05:08 PM

gnome, I'm cool with you man. I'm just saying I did mention that I wouldnt play on the account it just angers me that you took your ti'me to post something against me but you didn't take your ti'me to read through and comprehend the whole thread.

#30 Krnsaber

  • 3583 posts

Posted 05 July 2004 - 05:14 PM

Thx a lot for working it out :lol:

#31 favredriver

  • 932 posts

Posted 11 July 2004 - 08:34 PM

would be a good idea, until the account has like 5mil neopoints and tons of items, then when all but one person is offline that person steals everything.

#32 Sh4deM4n

  • 200 posts

Posted 12 July 2004 - 02:40 AM

some people r back stabbers and wil screw you over in a heart beat so its best to just have 1 for each

#33 Bão

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Posted 12 July 2004 - 05:08 AM

I've done it before with all my cousins. I have a whole bunch. I think there was ten people in our group. Then they noticed that we had too many IP addresses and we got frozen, we all bought the secret labortory map before that too. Also, one of my cousins changed the password when we got to a million. That little piece of crap.

#34 Trane

  • 53 posts

Posted 12 July 2004 - 05:26 AM

Ok lets share accounts. Someone has to team us up. And we need some way to communicate together.

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