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Silver paint brush!

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#26 Trane

  • 53 posts

Posted 11 July 2004 - 03:51 PM

Alright I apologize. It was truly a joke, Sorry if you didnt understand it. I got a lotta sugar in my bloodstream. What I meant was that because my account is banned I cant give you the paintbrush even though I have it. THen I clai'med I hated neopets..I dont know if you get it but thats what I meant that if neopets hadnt of banned me for a lie reason then I could of gave it to you. get it?

#27 freakymama

  • 567 posts

Posted 11 July 2004 - 04:07 PM

Sh4de, and whoever else is helping me, yes I still need a silver pb. I think memikeos might help me out , but he's not on here yet. So I guess the answer is yes. As for you trane. I forgive you, but THINK next ti'me. And MS is correct! ~thanks~FREAKY~

#28 Trane

  • 53 posts

Posted 11 July 2004 - 04:08 PM

Sh4de, and whoever else is helping me, yes I still need a silver pb. I think memikeos might help me out , but he's not on here yet. So I guess the answer is yes. As for you trane. I forgive you, but THINK next ti'me. And MS is correct! ~thanks~FREAKY~

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