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Why do random events mess me over lol

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#26 Trane

  • 53 posts

Posted 12 July 2004 - 06:11 AM

thats much better hold on

EDIT: here it is    http://www.neopets.c...tcalendar.phtml

alright cool thxs

#27 Fox

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Posted 12 July 2004 - 07:29 AM

Was that fire lupe really advanced in skills and good in reading?

I can't remember really, I think it had fairly good skills but it probably wasn't very intelligent... meh, it was so long ago.

The one thing I remember was that I got that paintbrush from Jacko, or whatever he's called... the random rare paintbrush guy. Soooooooo should have transferred it to a different account...

#28 Trane

  • 53 posts

Posted 12 July 2004 - 07:47 AM

I was just wondering because on my old account cutedude4 I adopted a firelupe that was good and had like 100 intelligence. cuutedude4 got frozen though. what what his name? I cant remember lol

#29 SteWieH

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Posted 12 July 2004 - 07:55 AM

I once got a paintbrush while doing  scarab 21 that was it

#30 Trane

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Posted 12 July 2004 - 07:59 AM

I hate you. :o

#31 Charlie Hustle

Charlie Hustle
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Posted 12 July 2004 - 08:21 AM

you don't hate hi'm you are just jealous of hi'm

#32 Fox

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Posted 12 July 2004 - 08:30 AM

I was just wondering because on my old account cutedude4 I adopted a firelupe that was good and had like 100 intelligence. cuutedude4 got frozen though. what what his name? I cant remember lol

I think it was Vulpecera or something like that. Not sure, could be wrong...

But it certainly didn't have 100 intelligence! I'm positive of that.

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