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So i went snowboarding(scratch that).....skiing this weekend!

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#1 Hater_Boxden

  • 1156 posts

Posted 27 January 2007 - 10:42 AM

So i have been skiing for a couple of years now and i go with my dad every winter and i am pretty good at it. So this time i say to myself let me try snowboarding, i have tried skateboarding before and this cannot be alot different so what the heck! So my dad suggests i take the lessons and i say "Nah just wastes the time we have here i wanna have some fun so i will learn by myself" So 7 bruses, 2 sore butt cheeks, and 1 cut later i realise this is impossible. So i go and take the lessons which are boring as hell. Aparantley i learned that there are 2 ways to turn, with your heel, and with your toes. (Try to imagine it in your head) so first being the idiot i am i try with toes in which i almost flip over and fly into the woods. Now i try with my heel where it feels like i slip on a banana peel and now see my legs flying in the air and my body following. So finally i get the hang of it sorta since i can go more than 2 centimeters without falling. The problem is i can only manage this going about at a speed of 2 mph. So i gave up on it and did skiing the rest of the days on the trip. Snowboarding is impossible kthxbye.

School me on Snowboarding and tell me about your skiing/snowboarding trip stories.

#2 Neo

  • 2032 posts

Posted 27 January 2007 - 10:50 AM

I remember once I was away snowboarding having loads of fun going passed all the n00bs tongue.gif

Then a lady had a go at me for snowboarding too close to them. So I moved off.

When I came back down.. a n00bie smashed straight into me.

I got banned for the rest of the time there dry.gif

#3 Random

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Posted 27 January 2007 - 11:37 AM

I tried snowboarding, didnt like it. I ski, I got new skis for Christmas actually.
Last year me and my friend were skiing and there was like 1 other person in the whole place besides us. It was great. We could just fly down a hill and not worry about anything.

#4 thecraig00

  • 5 posts

Posted 27 January 2007 - 05:10 PM

How is snowboarding? I've never been. It never snows enough in England for anyone to go anyway.
and there is no snowboarding venue here, or anything to do with skiiing.

#5 hoju

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Posted 27 January 2007 - 05:12 PM

If you can balance well on a snowboard then you're good.

#6 cara

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Posted 27 January 2007 - 05:49 PM

Oh well, I cant and never plan on doing anything involving me, sports and snow. I cant go skating, skiing, snowboard, etc.
We have this snowday thing where we can go in and snowboard but Im just gonna skip school. Id rather that then be freezing my ass off and falling into the snow every minute. sad.gif
Ive had an opportunity to learn every year since like grade two-three, its like wensday or something, and Im gonna just skip again.


#7 foogie

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Posted 27 January 2007 - 09:27 PM

my family's a skiing family, though I never liked it much. anything which requires me to stand on my feet for hours at a time isn't worth it.

when I was younger I fell off a ski lift, and it buggered my right arm. every so often my elbo sort of snags, and I have to force-straighten it and it makes this huge disgusting *CRRACK*

#8 bjquick

  • 525 posts

Posted 27 January 2007 - 09:48 PM

i go skiing every year for a week and i have done skiing and snowboarding. i'm hella good at both but i suck at riding a skateboard . i picked up snowboarding so easy and i could show off / help all the hot chicks in my lesson .

with snow boarding to go down facing the front use ur heels to stop but when going down backwards use your toes. and when your turning u use your hips , remember its all in your hips . snowboarding is harder and your more likely to fall over thats y they made it easier to get up on a snowboard.

#9 Bão

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Posted 28 January 2007 - 05:24 AM

I use to skateboard for traveling but I stopped after a year or so. I believe snowboarding and skateboarding are different because you move with your back foot with the skateboard and you move with the front on a snowboard. thumbsup.gif

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