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6 words I never thought I'd say.

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#1 Jewbert

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 06:29 PM

I was HOUNDED to join for a long time during high school but there was no way in HELL I was going... I'm too much of a lazy ass girly girl to run around and do shit like that. Hahaha.

But it's really just your decision. If it will make your life decisions better, go for it!

#2 Hawk

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 06:34 PM

If you get deployed you get a shitload of benefits. Vets get great stuff. Also, serve for 10 years and you get a pension (I think its 10, my bro is in the Guard so yeah.... He was deployed).

I say good for you. Now follow through with it.

#3 zachafer

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 06:35 PM

Good luck.

Good for you man.

#4 Redblade

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 06:42 PM

If you have the will you definitely can do that. Just hit the gym frequently. Get a trainer and you might get in shape even faster for few hundred bucks per month.

Besides after i complete my college i'll also have to join the military for 2 years. Its compulsory. Heard the training there might be tough, but its in there where you can find true friends. Friends that help you when you're in despair. Friends that'll never leave you alone. smile.gif

#5 dolphinbomb


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Posted 09 February 2007 - 06:56 PM

With all your drug use in the past and the physical issues, it's very unlikely to be a smooth ride getting in, but there's almost no chance of NOT being enlisted.

You can get waivers for pretty much everything if you're really set on getting in.

#6 Jeff

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 07:06 PM

Either now or most likely getting drafted.

#7 Hawk

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 07:07 PM

QUOTE(Jeff @ Feb 9 2007, 09:06 PM) View Post
Either now or most likely getting drafted.

The draft will not be reinstated unless a major crisis arises, so hush.

#8 Jeff

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 07:10 PM

QUOTE(Hawk @ Feb 9 2007, 10:07 PM) View Post
The draft will not be reinstated unless a major crisis arises, so hush.

I'm only getting that information from my Civics teacher, who prolly isn't very smart...but meh.

All I know is that this is pretty much the only full blown war without a draft so far.

But good luck Cody. I hope you get what you want.

#9 Jeff

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 07:14 PM

QUOTE(jocxo @ Feb 9 2007, 10:13 PM) View Post
lol, using information form a not so intelligent person is good D:

... lookaround.gif whats a draft? when they send you to war?

Yeah, oh well D:

But yeah, you pretty much are forced to go to war...or jail...

#10 Hawk

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 07:15 PM

QUOTE(Jeff @ Feb 9 2007, 09:14 PM) View Post
Yeah, oh well D:

But yeah, you pretty much are forced to go to war...or jail...

Or Canada.

#11 Jeff

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 07:16 PM

QUOTE(Hawk @ Feb 9 2007, 10:15 PM) View Post
Or Canada.


But I thought us and Canada had some kind of deal about that?

#12 ArchAngel.

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 07:16 PM

Good for you Cody. I hope it helps along towards the path toward a better life.
^ Lol. That was pretty hippy, but I really am happy for you.

Good thing you found something to aspire to. I wish you luck in trying out for the marines. Crossing my fingers for you. You think you'd post here after you joined still? blink.gif Hopefully you do, I wanna see how proper you become. tongue.gif Wishing you better.

Btw, Jeff, really really nice sig. blink.gif

#13 Ender

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 07:21 PM

Heh. I've thought about it, but I wouldn't want to join unless we had a war that I actually believed in.

Good luck man.

#14 Mr. Hobo

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 07:31 PM

QUOTE(ArchAngel. @ Feb 9 2007, 10:16 PM) View Post
Good for you Cody. I hope it helps along towards the path toward a better life.
^ Lol. That was pretty hippy, but I really am happy for you.

Good thing you found something to aspire to. I wish you luck in trying out for the marines. Crossing my fingers for you. You think you'd post here after you joined still? blink.gif Hopefully you do, I wanna see how proper you become. tongue.gif Wishing you better.
Btw, Jeff, really really nice sig. blink.gif

It's not hippy if it's encouraging someone to join the army tongue.gif

Well, don't know how to put this besides 'I think this is a very smart idea'. Personally I'm planning on joining the reserves (Canadian though so if I do end up being deployed the world must be in some serious shit). Can't really add much to your post. Best of luck if you do decide to join the army

#15 Ives

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 08:23 PM

QUOTE(Cody @ Feb 9 2007, 08:25 PM) View Post
I think I'm joining the military. (okay.. 7 technically.. but w/e.)

I'm seriously considering joining the military.. trust me.. it's not something I thought I'd end up doing.. but why not? I mean.. I'm obviously making bad descisions for myself.. it'd be good to have someone else take that responsibility for me. I would also have wonderful medical benefits and a beautiful retirement plan.. and an early one at that.. and access to a LOT of things civilians have to pay for.

A lot of people worry about getting deployed, but hell.. I'd LOVE to be deployed. I would really like to do some special ops shit..or at least do some ground combat with insurgents. I have no morality, therefore killing people isn't a problem for me.. and luckily, murder during wartime is justified apparently.
Unfortunately, I'm not in the best physical shape right now.. so I'm going to have to seriously work on that. I'm going to be hitting the gym 5 x a week from now on (I've actually been going to the gym lately.. first time I've went since like 7.. lol) I figure if I CAN'T get in proper shape, I'll join the AF... a great way to not have to do too much physical stuff.. but I really really really wanna join the marines. I'm just afraid between high blood pressure, bad knee's, and being physically out of shape, that I won't be able to make up enough points to actually get in.

I don't know.. just something I'm considering...

anyone else considering the military or have any experiences to add?

I guess I feel as if I'm at a crossroads in my life.. I'm either going to get my shit together and join the military.. or I'm going to be a drugged out bum who barely scrapes by off of society...

The military? Good idea. If you want to, fine. I don't like the military, but even if you don't join, you still should get the right nutrition and excersize just in case. I'll write up a post about this later with some diet tips anybody can have, but without specifics I can't say too much.

#16 Icey Defeat

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 09:17 PM

I scored a 95 on the marine aptitude test, but decided not to go.

#17 Coolio

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 09:23 PM

My dad was almost sent there during DEsert Storm. really scared back then

#18 Tetiel

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 09:33 PM

Good deal, you'll get some lovely benefits and I think you'd actually have fun there. It'll give you some break time before you start college and don't worry SO much about getting in shape as that is what basic training is for wink.gif My uncle was in the navy and retired from there and now has completely free medical care... in fact he got his quadruple bypass surgery paid for by the gov for his service. It's worth it if you have the right state of mind which you very well might. I, however couldn't be in the army as I'd screw up the whole basic training process for everyone as I don't respond to pointless orders well... But you know, if you're lucky you'll be sent to Afghanistan. It's nice there. I'll be looking for your name if you join up tongue.gif

#19 Tormentedsoul14

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 10:13 PM

I would never join the army or any branch of the military for that matter. Mostly because of the leader of the US. On the other hand tho I salute the people that do go into that type of stuff. It shows a lot of character to do something like that. Since in your case from what I understand anyway joining the marines wouldnt be that bad of an idea. Also as far as I know you can sign a waiver that says if you get hurt or whatever that they cant be held liable or something like that if you knees become a problem.

#20 Warlord

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 10:30 PM

The army would certainly straighten you out.

#21 foogie

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Posted 09 February 2007 - 11:14 PM

I really think that joining the military would be a good step for you.

I don't know you too well, but from what I do know, I really hope you decide to enlist. smile.gif

#22 dolphinbomb


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Posted 10 February 2007 - 01:18 AM

QUOTE(Cody @ Feb 10 2007, 03:40 AM) View Post

I just realized I may not be able to get in for the stint I had in rehab... fuuuucckkk...

tongue.gif I can almost guarantee you can get in. Like I said, you can get a waiver for pretty much ANYTHING if you want in.
My ex-girlfriend (currently on-duty in Okinawa, deploying to Iraq in September) told me about several girls she knew that had been in rehab as well, and either got waivers or lied... though the former is the best choice (obviously rolleyes.gif )

Seriously, don't sweat it. If you really want in, you'll get in.

#23 Warlord

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Posted 10 February 2007 - 02:11 AM

the way you talk you sound like you got alotta problems in life. the army would give you the tools to solve them problems.

Edited by Warlord, 10 February 2007 - 02:33 AM.

#24 nox

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Posted 10 February 2007 - 04:39 AM

well one of the lifetime perks of being in the airforce is that you can stay in them for the rest of your life for EXTREMELY cheap if you ever need a place to crash. my uncle was really high up in the air force so instead of going to hotels he usually goes to a airforce base. he ends up getting a great room which would have costed like 150+ a night for like 30 bucks.

#25 jillian

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Posted 10 February 2007 - 08:25 AM

Okay. >_< Now when I first entered this thread I almost went "nooooooo" out loud but, actually, I've seen the armed forces do a lot of good for people. Well actually, it depends on the service. I gotta say that the Marines and the Army have had negative effects on every person I've known who entered them - now I don't know that many people who have entered them, only a dozen or so, but still, negative effects on ALL of them.

So I'm going to be silly and tell you to go for a more lax branch like the air force or Navy. happy.gif Now a lot of people from the Army and Marines may make fun of you, but there are Navy boot camps next door to Marines ones down in Mississippi I believe, where my brother would be getting up at 6 in the morning, and finish up his coffee and cigarette while they watched the marines finish up a five mile run next door. tongue.gif okay but seriously

I get a feeling of people changing in strange ways in other services, but my brother, who is probably my favorite person ever, went into the Navy after nearly flunking college, being involved with the law a few times for some ridiculous misdemeanors on his part, and generally being an irresponsible type. Now this part isn't general thing - Mitch was lucky as hell - but due to his ASVAB and college experience, they let him choose between ships in Hawaii or Japan. Obviously picking Japan, he ended up being human resources on a small ship that travelled all around the east for four years. I gotta say that he partied a LOT in Japan... and Russia... and Hong Kong... and Thailand and Singapore and Australia... *blink, shrug* but he actually did gain a lot of responsibility, pride, and general character while working in his ship. However, his personality didn't change.. he wasn't like... brainwashed like I've seen other people get... >_> dry.gif So mitch left school with a 1.3ish GPA and these last two semesters since returning from Japan he's maintained a nice little apartment, of course gets not only free education but a monthly stipend just for going to school (this is only in Illinois and Texas), and has gotten all As save one B in school. It's nuts.

not as long of a story but I also know some very cool people who've entered the Air Force. They have some excellent jobs available in there. But I'll get back to you on the helpfulness/brainwashiness of that.


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