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Your restocking successes and failures

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#26 Hawk

  • hawk·ish·ly

  • 9688 posts

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Posted 18 February 2008 - 08:52 PM

I've had some pretty sick restocking successes. The logs are long gone for illegit shit but for the legit stuff my best was a Red Draik MP.

#27 Hi!

  • 75 posts

Posted 19 February 2008 - 03:26 AM

Secrets Of The Money Tree
Mote Magic
Starting Spells
Caring for Eyries
Life Behind the Bow tie
Dont Call Me Cute
Grarrls Are Great
Kickin Kikos
Curious Korbats
Lovely Lennys
Goodbye Mel
Caring For Your Neopet 1
Caring For Your Neopet 2
Caring For Your Neopet 4
All About Dark Faeries
All About Fire Faeries
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Nuts, A Love Story
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Wocky Magic
Creating a Lucky Zafara
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Kacheek Week
Mynci Book of World Record
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The Chomby Secret
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My Hobby Book
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Acara Algebra
The Spotted Flotsam
Kiko: Emperor of the Desert
Kiko Christmas Story
Harquins Day
Magic for Beginners
1002 Spells For You
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Lost Spells of Neopia
The Lost Grundo
The History Of Meridell
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Tis Be Harvesting Time
Laws of the Land
Baby Blumaroos
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Draik Tales
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The Draik
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Poogle Profile
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King Skarl the I
Malkus Vile Book
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Neopia In Under 18NP A Day
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Rare Stamps
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What Me Cheat
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To Beak or Not to Beak
Mr X
Spotting Seaweed
The Spectre Legacy
Walking Book
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Secret Bruce Journal
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Uni Cycles
Faerie Chombies
The Shoy
Patter Feet
Jeran the Lupe
A History Of Moehogs
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Better Than You
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Trectse fo Thade
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Chia Ghost Stories
101 Uni Treats
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Baby Gelert Pop-Up Book
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The Hot Scorchio Cook Book
Scorch E O
The Zombie Chomby
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The Chomby Champion
Every Shoyrus Handbook
The Fire Shoyru
Gruslen Grooming
300m Peanut Dash Guide Book
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Empower Your Tail
A Tail Of Two Krawks
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Unleashed - The Great Lupe Escape
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Moehog Decorating Tips
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The Missing Koi
Yurble Tales
Yurble Adventures
JubJub Day Ideas
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Making Kau Plushies
A Kau Summer
Faerie Kau Handbook
Ixi A-Z
Little Timmys Story
Tuskaninny Treasure
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A Squires Life
Court Jester Jokes
Dicearoo for Beginners
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Undiscovered Treasure
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Techo Master Tactics
Poogle Plushie Catalogue
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A book entitled The Founder
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Silver Horn
Slugawoo Art
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An Acara Named Whirr
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Brucey B Biography
Life Is Good
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Ogrin Survivor
Dark Eyes the Aisha
Plushie Adventures
Zap the Robot Aisha
Adventure Bound Xweetok
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Defenders of Neopia Fun Book
Illusens Book of Charm
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The Yooyu
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Hobans Map Book
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Maraqua Colouring Book
Faerieland Colouring Book
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Neopian Music
Guitarists Guide
Game Guide: Jubble Bubble
Game Guide: Pterattack
Game Guide: Tubular Kiko Racing
Xweetok Grooming
Xweetok Guide to Flying
Xweetok Ice Breakers
Xweetok Cut N Paste Book
All About Juggling
Kasuki Lu Biography
Sophies Cookbook
Planning Shenkuu Gardens
When you are Blue
Hissi Stories
How The Hissi Got Wings
Mysterious Book
Basic Mathematics
Caring For Your Neopet 3
Caring For Your Neopet 5
Bitten Book
Golden Shoyru Book
Book of Vision
Book of Sea Spells
Book of Bizarre Tales
Grundo Tales
Kougra Classics
Moehog Matching
Cybunny Care
Pteri Pop-Up Book
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History of the Ski Lodge v2
History of the Ski Lodge v1
Nimmo Battle Cry
A Chia Story
A History of Chias
A Chia Halloween
The Shadow Usul
Inside the Mind of Bob
Meercas In Love
Beating Sloth
Quest Spells
Raising Baby Grundo
The Magic Staff
Best Friends
Cures for Bad Breath
Buzz Acrobatic Stunts
Aerial Shots of Neopia
Defence in the Battledome
Bruces Guide to Combat Eating
Uni Myths
The Bad Skeith
The Voodoo Techo
The Happy Buzz
Calculus Basics
Extinct Neopian Languages
Trigonometry Hyperbolics
Experimental Physics
Princess Vyssas Diary
Shadow Usul Stories
Brain Trees Brainiac
Tree Magic
Hubrids Book of Death
Zafara Lore
Olde Zafara
Forbidden Zafara
Zafara Mystery Collection
Zafara War
Lenny Cookbook
My Life As A Lenny
Lenny Witchcraft
Chia Quotes
A Chias Choice
Chia Art History
12 Angry Myncis
Chomby Mysteries
Space and Magic
Conquer the Dark
Neopias Past
Faerie Secrets
Purple Chia Book
Super Lupe Comics
Modern Lupe Magazine
Lupe Digest
Flotsam Wok Recipes
Noil Colouring Book
Doglefox Colouring Book
Illusens Scroll
Hold Your Breath
Peophin Power!
The Royal Treasure Collection
Captain Meerca
My First Chia Book
Hunting The Meerca Way
The Way of the Draik
Cloud Usul Book
Cotton Tales
Full Moon Fever
Evil Plots For Beginners
Cheat By Capara
Little Book Of Big Volcanos
Spooky Usul Stories
Cenanit Ragamans
105 Castle Toilets
The Island Of Kacheeks
Gelert A to Z
A Faerie Beautiful Day
Finding Illusen
Illusions Illusion
Illusens Journey
Chomby Poems
Gruslens Galore
The Grizzly Gruslen
Lupe Legends
Purple Lupe Photo Album
Deciphering Your Dreams
Moehog Masterpieces
The Pea From Outer Space
Book Of Peas
A Seasonal Pea
Legend Of The Quiggle Runner
Jazzmosis Biography
Ruling The Universe
Unofficial Usukicon Y6 Guide Book
Poogle Day Ideas
Gallery Of Toast
The Eyrie Guard
An Eyrie Evening
Kitchen Quest Cookbook
Baking Chocolate Korbats
Koya Korbat Huntress
Book of Evil Schemes
How To Cheat At Bagatelle
Bagatelle Joke Book
Shell Hunters Guide Book
Curses From The Deep
Secrets of Maraqua
Rare Treasure Maps
Joy of Jelly Kaus
The Meerca Encyclopedia
Usukicon Y7 Guide Book
The Annals of Insanity
Secrets of Dirigible Construction
How to Play the Viola
Snarkie Answers to Stupid Questions
Anubis Toxicology Reports (Abridged)
A Snowbunny Tail
The Velveteen Draik
1052 Sakhmetian Tales
Tonu Battle Tips
Super Secret Guide to the Defenders of Neopia Headquarters
Iron Skeith
101 Leafy Uses
Growing a Vine Yard
Illusens Diary
A Magazine
Esophagor Pop-Up Book
Tale of Woe
Shadow Tome
The Underdog Story
1,001 Yooyuball Tips
Usukicon Y8 Colouring Book
Usukicon Y8 Guide Book
Monstrous Makeovers
History of the Strength Potion
Book of Bruno
Sophie, A Biography
Game Guide: Volcano Run
Soap Making
Origami Pets 101
How To Draw Flip Book
Defenders Stand for Justice
Neopian Heroes
Growing Chokato
Your Organic Garden
Shock Humour
Defeating the Master
Gallion Care
Gallant Gallions Comic
The Gorgeous Gallion
Avoiding Writers Block
Unabridged Dictionary
Grammar On The Go
Writers Tips
Hissi Mazes
The Hissi Stare
White Kougra Diary
Archeology - Discovering the World
Petpetpet Growth Patterns
Altador Cup Rule Book
Altador Cup Magazine
Maraqua Altador Cup Media Book
Mystery Island Altador Cup Media Book
Notable Nimmos
Nimmo Genealogy
Nimmo - Now and Zen
Neogarden Nimmo
Slushie Slinging for Novices
Sore Throat Remedies
Roo Island Altador Cup Media Book
Krawk Island Altador Cup Media Book
Kiko Lake Altador Cup Media Book
Darigan Citadel Altador Cup Media Book
Unique Style
Guide to Tuskaninny Plushies
Cliffhanger Puzzles
Tuskaninny Chef Recipes
Usukicon Y9 Comic Sampler
Usukicon Y9 Guide
Terror Mountain Altador Cup Media Book
Lost Desert Altador Cup Media Book
Haunted Woods Altador Cup Media Book
Altador Altador Cup Media Book
Tyrannia Altador Cup Media Book
Virtupets Altador Cup Media Book
Krawk Island Altador Cup Play Book
Shenkuu Altador Cup Media Book
Meridell Altador Cup Media Book
Brightvale Altador Cup Media Book
Faerieland Altador Cup Media Book
All About Plushie Acaras
Mortog Music
101 Beverage Recipes
Fun Games
Model Building
Riverboards and You
Extreme Shenkuu
Natural Wonders of Neopia: Shenkuu
Riding Rivers
Zombie Legends
Zombie Handbook
Zombie Grave Book
Webs of Death
Whirlpool Colouring Book
Book of Clams
Maraquan Pop Up Book
History of Whirlpools
How to Fold Paper to Make It Look Like Stuff
The Plushie Coffee Table Book
A Collectors Guide to Snowglobes
Super-Cool Toy Magazine
Do It Yourself Bobbleheads
Collectors Guide to Bobbleheads
Bobbleheads and Neopian Cultures
Bobblehead the Magazine
Book of Origami Paper
The History of the Origami Warf
Origami Pop Up Book
How to make Origami Creatures
Meepit Carols
Cosmopolitan Fashion Guide
Book of Cooperation
Counting Babaas
Nightmares and Dreams
How to Make Math Jewelery
Math Workbook
How to Draw a Raindorf
Holiday Connect the Dots
Holiday Colouring Book
Holiday Activity Book
Managing Anger
Budget Shopping Guide
Fireplace Tales
How to Make Stationery
A Gnorbu Novel
All About Ogrins
Chocolate Ogrin Cookbook
Ogrin Grooming
Ogrin Mountain Climber
Princess Amiras Journal
The Brown Uni
In The Clouds
The Golden Aisha
Golden Eye
Golden Wing
Tales of Soft Foot The Plushie JubJub
A Plush Life
The Tale of a Plushie Wocky
Scorchio Talk
Speckled Acara Diary
Seeing Stars
A Tale of Stripes
Mystery Island Dot to Dot
Sticker Collection Book
The Hot Dog Book
Ketchup Cookbook
Hot Dog Recipes
The Life of a Hot Dog
Mathmatical Cooking
Large Book of Geometry
Word Problems
Musical Math
Candy Making
Guide to House Cleaning
How to Knit
Organisation is Easy
Bubble Sculptures
101 Uses For Paper
Snow Architecture

Happy to say the Book Shop Lists are up!

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